Automobiles 86 ForSale TOYOTA CELICA GT, 71 high miles, torn* body rust, SIM or hoot offer, 915/330-0149. CHEVETTE 71.4 dr* sHck, 34 mpg. Gd. cond. >1250.312/4544797 CHfVY, 71, pa/pb, o/c, many sa vwm-xm PONT IAC Grand Am, 73, MOO; 71 Otds Detta N, S3I0; '75 Seoul 4X4 w/Mow, $400; '7t El Camlno, >30>. US/3312155. LINCOLN MARK 5 77. Block, loaded, low miles. $4200. 312/3014527, offer. HONDA PRELUDE, '02, air, auto., ps/pb, raar dofroot, em/fm cassette, moon roof, axe. cond., 1,400 mllat. Qwollfled buyers only. LINCOLN Town Coupe, 77, |_AJaMa .fit. nntlnrn m KNNJWI Willi wiiviw iiivwiTuuTf . 42400 ml. I15/S22-3S54. MUSTANG 79, p.s* p.b., 4 spd. man., 4 cyl. Exc. cond. Musi sail Immad. 115/337-0715 CHEVY'55,1 dr., good r VH 4 *d„ 91500/best >15/453-9391 eftor 4. DOOGE CHALLENGER. 1903, a.c„ 5 «p.. Ilka now, 9900 ml., >0,300.015/305-7137 ask tor Bill. SL Wanted To lUI WANTED TO BUY |unk «• rope Irable autos, 7 day pickup, 312/4394159. CASH PAID for Junk Cars • Running or Noll Immediate Removal! Call 312/534-3114. • WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE Cars, Trucks, Vans. 015/730-1007 WANTED-1990, '01, '02 Cadillac 4 Dr. or Seville. Exc. cond. Reasonable. From Private Party. 312/495-3375. WANTED CORVETTES, 1943 to '02. Will pay Immediate cash. Buy, Sell, Consign t Trade Corvettes, Old Vote Sports Car Store A Museum, RtTlSO, 1/4 mile west of Rt. 12, Crag. 015/305-3644. WANTED '57-72 Chevy pick-up truck w/4 cyl. engine. Roasonobly priced. 015/330- 1395. Auto Parts & 88 Accessories ENGINES, all makes, >250; , all types. $125; Installa tion A delivery avail. Guaranteed. 015/344-5114. PARTING OUT Pontlac CataHna, 70, 4 dr., 400 eng. A auto, trans* after 12 Noon, 015/459-0994, ask for Jim. ITS HERE NOW! Mlchelln XA4. Performs on wet roads and dry summer pavement I Keeps on performing thru winter like e snow the! Spr ing...Summer... Winter...Falll Algonquin Tire Co., " " R<r; Lake In the Hills. 7979. Trucks, Tractors 89 & Trailers FORD PICKUP '79, gd. con&, $1050 312/439-9437 CHEVY, 4x4, 79, stop side, 52400 miles, pa, pb. lock out hubs, auto., must sacfrlca, $4,000 or best, 015/720- 0209.after 7 p.m. DOOGE, '00, 1 ton truck, 4- wheel drive, dump flat bad, relic wynch 19400 miles, y oood cor* S740onorSpm. CHEVY PICKUP,* Ton, '99, I cond., 91400/best, hydro Very cond., call 312/594- oe/oh, oood < FORD, 1977, F250,4x4, Western plow A plow ports. Aluminum naming boards, 110 gal. fuel tank A tool box combination. 12x144 wheels, pointed t pin strlpes-1 veer ago, 99400 miles, $4400 or best offer. 312/439-2515 after STORAGE TRAILERS 1915/499-4344. oflorSpm. TOYOTA BUSHWACKER, '90, excollent condition, low mllaoga, 312/439-9244. '51 CHEVY 3/4 TON PICKUP Good Condltlon-S400/Best Call 312/439-9222 1949 CHEVY 1/2 TON Pickup. '49. exc. cond- 39499 actual mllee! >2,900 or trade for boot or vow. Call 312/439-9222. GMC PICKUP 77, heavy V%. Loaded, low miles, excellent tow vehicle. $3,300. Call for details, 015/453-9454. JEEP PICK-UP, '49, auto* ps/pb, w/7W' Hydrotum Plow. $1490,915/479-3741. GMC, SS to ton pick up, 73, auto., ider, 9475, after 4 pm, 915/ 1579. FORD, '72, * ton, pickup still runs, body not so good, $450, 3T2/4J9-4259. after 5p.m. TOYOTA pick-up, 79, long bed with cap, 5 spaed, low miles, " r, 915/339-7123. FORD Pick-up 72 RHKMbliVNP • 915/344-0934 CHEVY, 74, pick-up, luv rod. Body A running o good, >l500/bost offer. Espanol. .SEHuba SSL Vans CHEVY VAN 79, pe/pb. 350, customized, cruise, am/fm stereo cassette, many extras. >7599.915/459-5499. FORD, '49, window von, extra long, now flwlor A trans* troBy hitch, $599,915/729-0439. FORD VAN, 74,4 cyl., stick. 1 owner, Florida Van, dean, $2499,915/499-3444. DODGE SPORTSMAN, 79, pe/pb, A/C, radio, seats A exc. cond* $3499.915/499-5444. DOOGE MAX I-VAN, 1977, p.s., air cond., auxllary air A heat, $2499.915/455-4525. DOOGE WINDOW P, Van, 1974. rebuilt oftorS goad shape $1499. :39pm, 915/344-1472. Call 80 Vw? CONVERSION VAN, Chevy 30, window, 77. elr, 9 track. Ice box, sink, table converts to bod, 4 captains chairs, good shope A 312/459-5054. Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles KAWASAK11990 LTD 77. Exc. cond* adult driven, gorege kept. 12709 ml. Back root, lug- Mt rack, engine guards, fife. 915/499-3291 HONDA CB 499, 19731 10499 ml* drlvoable but noodi work, $350.312/439-7973. KAWASAKI 359cc 1977, dirt scrambler. $125./best offer. >15/499-9932. HONDA 75CC, 79, good cond* runs exc* good $*9,312/45t4M9 HONDA 75CC 79 model. Gd. cond. Runs exc. Greet tor beginner. $490.312/459-4349. YAMAHA 599 Maxlum, '92,490 miles, excellent condition, $1400,915/4994335. SUZUKI GS1000, 79, 7400 miles. $1599. 312/434-3594 SUZUKI, 1979, RM 121 exc. cond* $499.; Yamaha 299 MX, >299.915/330-0740. - KAWASAKI. 1971 KZ 1001 complete Vettor fairing A bags, exc. cond* 5490 miles, stored 2 years, >1400. QfS/7304770. SUZUKI, *91, shaft drive, wind jammer, em/fm cassette trunk, phone, 915/995*795. KAWASAKI, '92, GPZ550, bought new '>3,1300 miles, very clean, $2000 call Dan at 015/455- 2134. YAMAHA MAXIM 550, '91, low miles, excellent condition. >1400. Call 312/449-5001. YAMAHA 401 '79, low miles, 9109. Price negotiable. 915/395- 9570. HONDA 350XL, 74,7490 mllee. rod A Week, good tires, $400/of- for, 312/495-1045. KAWASAKI, 450 71 5400 miles, 4 cylinder, 4 stroke, sissy bor, king queen seat $1200, 915/729-1047. YAMAHA, 12, Vlrego920,4701 miles, ad|ustable beck rest A rack, exc. cond* cell 915/455- 5915 eftor 5:39. YAMAHA 450 Maxim, '91 low miles, like new. 91490/beet. Call Al at 915/3394993. YAMAHA DT100 Dirt Blka. 9199. Alec G.E. opt. she woshor A dryer. $150. 015/330- 9179. HONDA 10th Anniversary Special, 79, 750 cc, 2490 ml* >1,700. Call 015/395-1705. HONDA, 1901, 750 Custom, 7400 ml* $2400. 015/344-3591 after 4:30pm. HONDA 99, greet for begin ners. exc. cond* >395, 015/455- 0453. KAWASAKI 799, 77. under 2499 miles. Groat Condition, 9990/bost. 312/449-3039 HONDA MT290 Eislnore. 75. Exc. cond. Low mileage. >900. Cat! Scott312/434-2233, doys. YWOMWSBCAJ* 1 drees, 2100 miles, like new. >2900.015/330-1331. • YAMAHA YZ-12S, '91 very good cond* >725. Call after 5 pm, 312/497-3003. SUZUKI GT 590, 1971 9100/ boot offer. 915/395-4759. YAMAHA 799 Special, 1979, fairing, luggage rack, king/- at, sheft drive, 915/344- sr KAWASKI 79, KZ730, Kino A Queen seat, back rest, wind shield, 7100 miles, excel, cond. 91400.915ft45-4S59. KAWASAKI KZ401 1971 low mlleege, extras. $499. Call after 5pnt£lS/479-3121. HONDA '74. Exc. cond. M90/best. Call 312/459-5945, after 4 pm. 1909 STUGIS HARLEY DendoMe-94,900 Cell 915/453-9391 Eves KAWASAKI KZ750 77. Exc Cond. 7990 mi. Adult driven. Tool kit A shop manual. >990. 312/4594251, efter 5 pm. SUZUKI 1971 low miles, excellent condi tion, 915/3954323. YAMAHA DT191 '00. Good cond* $499. 915/339-4434 after 5 Recreational 92 Vehicles CHAMPION CLASS A. Motor Home, 1971 2T, roof elr, generator. cruise, sleeps 1 31499 ml* exc cond* $11999. 915/455-3571. TRAILER. 29 ft. County Aire, roar bdrm* canter bath, REF- freexor, TV antenna, roof air, carpeted, 2-39 gal gas tanks. 22 ft awning, tandem axles, spare tire exc. cond. $5990/oHor. 015/305-9150. , NOMAD travel trailer, 74, ilssps4 015/704-9914. OLDER POPUP Camper, stove, sink, ice-box. slesps 4, needs work. Best offer. 915/339- 5129. TRAVEL TRAILER, 71 sett contained, 17V* ft* sleeps six, reosonaMe, 915/794-5040. MOTOR HOME, 71 Champion. PmlM Chassis, rtfrlg., water system, air, sleeps 9, 97400/best, 915/459-3323 after 5 MCHENRY, maintenance free conda wtth a beautiful view out vwry wmoowi 4 wr • wiih cent, elr, A much mora. $49,990, 015/344-1104. STARCRAFT TRAILER, 72, 11 electric 9i 915/339-3355. slespe 1 electric A gas refrlg., $1290,9' PROWLER Trailer. 74. Exc. ' Slesps 4. $3900/best offer. *-ms. 312/4917 COACHMAN LEPRECHAUN 77. MM. 39990 cart* full both, beautiful cond. 913990. 915/339- 29191. HONDA, 999, 71 4 CVlindsr, $991 good cond* 915/729-1345 eftor 4 p.m. JAYCO TINT sleeps 7. stove, eloc*fcrnoc exc cond* $1,901 oflorSpm. TRAILER, 22 ft* I equip* elr, sloops 1 exc cond* $3M9,915/499-0139. McHENRY PLAINDEALER. WEDNESDAY, APRIL Id, 19B4-PAGE 19 ...of position and career is advertised in classified. When you're ready to make a move, get the classified habit. McHenry Plaindealer 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT people read classified