SECTION 2 - PAGE 5 - PLAIN DEALER - FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1984 National news House may attack computer crime American Heart Association physicians By Sydney Shaw United Press International WASHINGTON - GTE Telenet introduced a device Tuesday that locks out computer "hackers," and a congressman said the House will consider legislation to stop the high-tech crime. Rep. William Hughes, D-N.J., and GTE officials told a news con ference that both industry and government must work to protect the privacy of computerized records. "Computer trespass isn't child's play," said J. David Hahn, presi dent of GTE Telenet Communica tions Corp. Hahn said it is wrong to think that "those who intrude into com puter data banks, 'hackers' as they are commonly known, are mischievous kids who just want to have fun." There are no figures showing how much companies lose as a result of computer fraud because many are reluctant to admit their computers are vulnerable, Hughes said. Also, many of the crimes are committed by com pany employees. But Hahn said the average loss from each computer crime that has been discovered ranges from (200,000 to $500,000. Another GTE official said industry experts estimated losses at more than $3 billion in 1982. Hughes' subcommittee on crime passed a measure last week man dating as much as 20 years in prison for some computer crimes and credit card fraud. Hughes said the Judiciary Committee would consider the bill next week and that the full House is expected to vote in mid-June. The Senate already has passed a credit card fraud measure and the computer crime provision could easily be added when the two legislative bodies confer before sending a bill to the president, Hughes said. Twenty-eight states have laws against unauthorized computer access. GTE Telenet said its new soft ware package, the Phasor Code Encryption system, will make it virtually impossible to intercept messages on its Telemail elec tronic mail service. The device, which will cost less than $600, is compatible with IBM equipment and will be on the market within 60 days, GTE said. The company also is working on a version of the Phasor for use on other computers. The technology used in the Phasor, although exclusively licensed to GTE, could eventually be applied to other computer net work functions, said Jim Finch, president of International Phasor Telecom LTD, which developed the scrambling system for GTE. launch new anti-cholesterol campaign State news Pot growers targeted by police By United Press International SPRINGFIELD - State and local law enforcement agencies, in an effort to smoke out mari juana growers, said Tuesday they are launching a stepped-up cam paign to destroy marijuana grown in Illinois. William Doster, Illinois Division of Criminal Investigation direc tor, said "Operation Cash Crop -- 1984V will involve state, local and federal officials in a continued ef fort to locate and destroy illegal crops and find and convict the growers. Doster said trained spotters from the state police will be using airplanes to identify the location of marijuana crops before foliage growth conceals them. The division also has set up a toll free hotline -- 1-800-BAD- STUF -- for citizens to report il legal crops. Doster said most of the crops seized by law enforce ment officials are burned. The campaign is patterned on a similar effort by state officials last year which resulted in the seizure of about WgiOftplants with a street value of about $20 million. An additional. 51,000 plants worth about $20 million were seiz ed by local and federal officials last year, he said. One plant could reap a mari juana dealer up to one pound of saleable pot, which is worth about $2,000 on the street, he said. Doster said the problem is especially critical in Southern Il linois' Shawnee National Forest and other rural areas of the state, where growers are less likely to be detected. This year, he said, the division most likely will find more of the il legal plants because it is starting its efforts when the marijuana growing season begins in the spr ing, while last year's campaign did not begin until around August. People involved in the illegal drug trade mainly are responsible for the crops grown in Illinois, though all kinds of people are in volved in growing marijuana, he said. The areas that are used to grow the plants are usually no larger than an acre and many of the growers plant seeds in many dif ferent places in order to reduce the risk of losing an entire crop, he said. The crime, possession of an il legal substance with intent to deliver, is usually a Class 2 felony and carries a penalty of three-to- seven years in jail, Doster said. It is more difficult, however, to catch the growers than it is to spot and destroy the crops, he said. Doster said he did not know how many of the people responsible for growing the marijuana seized last year eactually were identified. In previous crop raids, law en- IINI MNSEtfVAC the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rent< $1.00 per hour for thereafter. (Example-2 hours charge $1 plus tax.) Special Rental Rate Good Mon-Thurs RINSE N VAC daans the way professionals da at a fraction of the cost. Fit. SAT. 8 SUN. *n, hour JtfcJk"'. OVERNIGHT SKOAL I 1:00 pai-9:00 ai $10.00 mm 4400 W. RTE. 120-McHINRY.IL forcement officials have found booby traps set by the growers to protect their crops, not from police, Doster said, but from other marijuana hunters. Booby traps found in the past range from a shotgun in a tree in Sangamon County which could be triggered by disturbing fishing line hooked to it, to a board with nails through it, spike-side up, Doster said. "The principal hazard to the public is not that they will be mistaken for police but that growers will assume they intend to steal marijuana," he said. Doster said the program cost $118,000 last year, but that funding probably will be doubled this year. By Patricia McCormack UPI Health Editor NEW YORK - Doctors of the American Heart Association laun ched an extensive new campaign Tuesday against high blood fat linked to coronary heart disease. The first part of the battle plan, described in a new report, urges everyone to keep their guard up against high blood fat by keeping weight within normal limits and eating more "heart healthy food" such as fish, chicken, fresh fruits and vegetables -- a recommenda tion the AHA has been making since 1961. The second phase recommends that physicians speed up the hunt for the 5 percent of the population with the highest blood fat levels and treat them aggressively -- starting with phased-in dietary changes and adding drugs only if that strategy fails. Those with the highest cholesterol or high blood fat levels have hyperlipidemia, a condition associated with heart disease, said Dr. Antonio M. Gotto Jr., president of the AHA and pro fessor of medicine at Baylor Col lege of Medicine, Houston, and the Methodist Hospital. "For more than 25 years, the AHA has been urging Americans to reduce their blood cholesterol levels," Gotto said. "And the recently concluded federal study, called the Coronary Primary Prevention Trial, has provided conclusive evidence that Americans can lower their risk of coronary artery disease if they will only reduce their cholesterol to a safe level. "The new dietary aproach we are announcing today, which has been subjected to a critical peer review process, should make it easier for physicians, dieticians and nurses across the U.S. to be of service to patients with high blood fat levels. Gotto and other AHA doctors also recommended that adults get a readout on their blood cholesterol level by submitting to a simple blood test that costs from $20 to $35. He said a general rule of thumb is that a cholesterol level of 265 mg. and above indicates very high blood fat. Experimental operation used to try and save young girl By United Press International GAINESVILLE, Fla. - Univer sity of Florida researchers are testing a procedure that uses magnets to draw cancer cells from bone marrow in an attempt to save a critically ill 3-year-old girl, officials said Tuesday. In the experimental procedure, believed to have been used only once before in the United States, bone marrow is extracted from the patient through syringes and purified by adding tiny magnetic beads coated withv laboratory- produced antibodies. The antibodies attach to cancer cells in the marrow and are removed with the magnetic beads in a series of magnetic chambers. The purified marrow is reinjected into the patient after "super- lethal" radiation and chemicals are used to kill all the diseased marrow remaining in the body. The 3-year-old patient is suffer ing from neuroblastoma, an often fatal form of childhood cancer. A sample of the girl's marrow was sent to London where it was purified by British biochemist John Kemshead of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund in London. K e m s h e a d d e v e l o p e d t h e magnetic filtering process. Pediatricians at the university's Shands Hospital reinjected the marrow sample into the girl's body last week, but said it's too early to tell whether she will recover. Dr. John Graham-Pole of t h e u n i v e r s i t y ' s p e d i a t r i c t hematology-oncology department noted that transplantation alone is a risky procedure. "Bone marrow transplantation is a last-resort measure for ex tremely ill patients who would otherwise die," Graham-Pole said. "Using magnets to clean up bone marrow is far too new for us to speculate what a patient's chances for recovery are." SOUK Sf. • S We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices effective while quantities laat SAL® PRICES EFFE EFFECTIVE MAY 18 thru 22, 1984 PATIO BLOCKS 2/1.00 Rag. 86* Patio Blocks ideal for gsrdsns or walka. Juat In tlmo for eprlng apruce up. PINE BARK MULCH 1.97 Rag. 2.04 For uao around treea, planta, buahoa and also good for founda tion uss. UlE.1 I fl VOLCANIC ROCK Red or Black 2.87 Rag. 3.84 Ssvs 23 S on Volcsnlc Rock. 1 cu. ft of rod or Mock volcsnlc stons. Nos. 0006, 0008. BEDDING PLANTS FOR 3 1.00 Reg. 2 for 1.00 Choose from a huge assortment of vegetable and flower plants. 00 a HENRY STUDIOS < Bird Baths & Statues 20 % OFF Bird Bsths snd Ststusa In msny shspsa and slzss. 'ft*-?"- Wl sr 39.97 JsST 7.00 lZm 32.97 32.97 4.17 ^wW SCOTTS LAWN SPREADER. Flow oontrol. sprosda mstsrlsls svonly for bsst results. No. 7814/714t. JOBES SPIKES 20% OFF plants, trsas, ross bushss. YOUR CHOICE FOR 20 H OFF. Our Evsrydsy Low 5.67 OLORITE® 3 TUBE SPRINKLER HOSE nklos svonly st sll stsr prossursa, slao sosksr. 3 boss x 80*. No. 903. •:7iL /r~ J* j LI " B li "E w* r.Mir i WEED-B-BON WEED KILLER or KLEEN-UP WEED ft QRASS KILLER 2.37 Your Choice Stop wssds tbst pop upl Kill tbsm, roots snd sll. 24 oz. pump. No. 03876,04867. Our Sale 13.43 2.00 11.43 Ltlt Mti Rebate Your Net CMt 11 43 I la ~ Your final coal after rabata 5,000 sq.ft. 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TREES 25% OFF Chooss from s Isrgs aeiectlon of begged or potted fruit snd shsds Dally 9 to 9 Sunday 10 to 5 Rt. 47 & Country Club Rd.-Woodstock 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, IL