meet our newest winner MINNIE COPPAGE of sPnngfield Illinois Winner of a House full of Windows By sending in the official entry card you have taken the first step toward acquiring a product that will give your home & your pocket book a much deserved reward in the years to come. Stop and think how much money you're likely to spend on fuel and keeping your windows in shape throughout the next 10, 20 or 30 years? You'll agree it's going to be quite expensive. CHECK YOUR LUCKY NUMBER That is exactly why we have chosen this most sought after home improv ement product - Energy Saver Re placement Windows. This sweepstakes is our way of intro ducing the entire community to this wonderful product. So please don't delay... fill out, tear off and mail the postage-free reply card TODAY! There is absolutely no obligation to buy and today could be your LUCKY DAY! WE GUARANTEE A WINNER ... so why not you! SOME LUCKY HOMEOWNER IN YOUR AREA IS GOING TO WIN A HOUSE'FULL OF WINDOWS WELCOME TO THE HOUSE WINIIOWS SWEEPSTAKES