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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1984, p. 11

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PAGE 11 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JULY 11,1984 24~Help Wanted KXFtK «WC«p Spotter and 311/741-1111. TAOO MILL full * part time days I nights. Apply in person, 420 Virginia Ave., Crystal Lafca.t15/43MtW. Wanted & To Buv M RMA Wurittxar Jufca lus any or Nairn, casn ralaM parte iu/«HSI WANTED TO BUY - Aluminum Cant, Coppar, Brae*. Batterlee. Aluminum, Automobile Radiators. Gold 4 SlWar. T A C Metal Co., J4 _ ll« Crystal _ . IL Men thru Frl-1 to 5, Sat-• to4.115/43M44S. GOLD It SILVER Calm. Dlpmondk data Rings Uiador brokan Jewelry. Starl­ ing Flatware, Collector Plato*. FAMILY COINS & INVESTMENTS 3M Virginia St (Rt. 14) Crystal Laka. Illinois •1V4SM1W liC. COM* STAMP CO. WE BUY ft SELL 10 Crystal Laka Plaia HS/m4H0 Of HUMIDIFIER, good cond., rtisonably prlctd. Jog «1V48»-3S54. WANTED: Lional, Amor lean Plyar Trains ft old toys ft baseball cards. H5/*7ii3W Misc. 32 Merchandise PEAVEV spaclal, 1» ampHllar, 2 cttannals, Soorplan spaakar and fender, stratacastar copy w/casa ft 91 It. stralfht cord. Both Ilka brand now. asking MM or boot oftor, 31 vm*m or W1-4011 Scott. • REPLACE your old furneee with a now High Efficiency natural aas r * * I Johnson Harold •IV' Hoattng ft JiSHm. Air CLOWNS CLOWM Crackers the Clown for Partto Crackers and Helium Balloon MMU i HEAR el I15>S- FIREPLACE wW> delivered. $40 per Call 3I2/9M4043 face cord. • aftor 5:30pm. WANTED TO BUY apartmant sliaW" gas store. »ism4-34a4. WANTED TO BUY apartmant sttaW" gas stova. 115^44-3434. WANTED TO BUY Mini or will ga ̂cash and pick 19 .1415/177- Misc. 32 Merchandise USED ft NEW dooks. choirs, fllas, bookcasas, storaga CIDVTWVlr UHH|W! TWIVIf WW* bonchos and conference tablea. Largo soloctlon at budgat price*. Brand Equipment ft Supply Co., 137 lT Mam St., Crystal Laka, 115/455-4550 Phono tor now hours. HUB CAPS by ft soil thousands In stock. Country Collactor. Wllmot, WISC. 414/M3-2V14. DICONTINUED KITCHEN cabinet*, cpuntar tops, vanities, ft marble tops. Free aotlmatas, 312/517-1330. TRUNDLE BED, mattress, box arlngs, good condition. 3H/*3»-14W WANTED: Glassware • Doprosslon, Holsoy, Cam bridge, Fostorla, Candlewick, ate. Pottory-Flasta, Hall, Wollor. Rooevllle, ate. »15/m- MB. TRADE-IN SALE -your sofa tNO, your rodlnor-UOw your kitchen table ft cholrs-*50, your mattross sat-S25. Waller** Furn. Factory Outtot, 4012 W. Rt. 17ft Crystal Laka. «!5/49»- 3313. STORE FIXTURES. Shalt units, gondolas display cases. rTrj.WTi Castuma/Magk Contor, 432 Virginia St., Crystal Laka, '115/455^10. HAPPY DRAMS Singing Telegram*. Mala ft Famala Botly Dancer*. Call 312/100- 3040. RAILROAD TIES S3.N/oach. Landscapa timber*, bulk grass ft pasture saads. Tha area's largast salactton of landscaping suppllsi. Woodstock Farm ft Lawn, 115/3)̂ 4300. WASHER ft DRYER Heavy du­ t y , a l l c y c l e s . REFRIGERATOR, doubla door. Llka now. Raaa 312/405-3375 or #54775. COMFORTERS, handmade, all sizes, unlqua, raasonabla. Lure's Store, 211 Main St., TANNINO BEDS ft Saunas, spas ft hat tuba. Raaldontlal ft commorclal. Call Tom or Tina, 312/301-5425, Mon. thru Frl. HOT TUBS ft Spas, eadi m puwi. roniDie & cusvofn design. Call Tom or Una, 312/311-5425, Mon. thru Frl. MATTRESSES from W.»S/pc.l Tha Llnan Outlat, 10004 Main St. In Hebron. Open Thurs. Noon-5 pm ft Sat.» am-5 pm.015/«4Ma0. EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Itams Mads From Root Eggs) Gifts for all occasions. Docoupagod Eggs, Music Opan weekdays. Call first for avas. ft weekends, 015/455-4054, 144 North Main, Crystal Laka. • BALLOON BOUQUETS tor all accaslens. Havo "Tha Chlckon" dallvar today I Coatumod deliveries avail. 7 days a waak. Bloomln' days a Balloons, 015/49V-RAVE. 2 GARAGE DOORS, ovorhoad, 0 x 10, all hardware Incl., ISO/each. lnskjaBI-tolddoors.4 Premium matchad tires, sz. P215-75R-15, S2S/aa., 015/455- PIT GROUP 10 pc. navan still boxed, 100* antron nylon, oak construction. Coot Soil <«0. Can Dol. 312/741-5220. SWIMMING POOLS Must doar Immadiatalyl Fac- tvv ramittiomd rtdimulAr MyiK swimming poon. Giruc* available Unbelievable prices Wm«m last! Kayak Mta. toll [l-lod-THEPOCX. Ext. 3f9 free. Misc. 32 Merchandise BUY YOUR Mattress factory direct, savo 050 to $ioo. Waodslack Mattress, 2720 Rat M Rd~ 10 AM to 2 PM, or by gjjrf. 015/330-4474 or 0W/3» LITTLE CHRISTOPHER RESALE SHOP 201 KJnaSt.,Crystal Laka 1/2PRICE SALE FOR 2 WEEKS! All CWhing From 2nd Floor Tuos. July 3 Thru Sat. July 14 At 1/2 Prlea. Shop Opan Dally Two*. Thru Sot„ to am to 3 pm COUCH, CHAIRS. OO; mons wadding band, 030; bodspreads; curtains; lamps; baot, 312/4504903. CREDENZA, 44". Double bod ser. ftrwyfiT iron onici ic seT. 312/301-asfc attar 4 pm. MAGIC CHEF stare w/hood. Ilka now, avocado, asking 0240. ilng $45. take offer* on both. Call after 5 0 X 10 tant, Askli 5. Will Misc. Misc. Misc. MISC. 32 Merchandise iSS Merchandise ̂32 Merchandise 31 Merchandise TAPPAN Eiectrk Stare, saN claaning ovan; Tapoan ranga with microwave. salt claaning; Whirlpool sldo by sloe WMripoon rofrlgoratar. I a - - ,I • 1 >• ! 1 . "Ulrhai oryer, evecmcr nircnen aio dishwasher. Navar used, must sail, rery reasonobla. 015/455- 2270. S J.BX.-100 Snookers, walnut 030#mrmT Ca Call bat wson 4 ft 7 p.m. only. 015/490- 3007 FREEZER liv* cu. ft. Gondral Elactrlc upright. 0300 or boat Qftor, 312/44f-MB5aftar 4p.m. AMERICAN SAROUK rug, red background wtth navy Mua - -- - » • J ÎM, primary ooroer-Tiorai oesian. 11 ft. 4*" * 0 ft. 7", $500; Humldor, $200,015/4554339. • . 015/3374014 WOOOEN SWING/ gym sots. Built to last gsnorations at bargain prlcas. 312/450*414. SOFA nautral color, auollty; Schwlnn axarclsa bicycle. 0lS/49M403laWor 3:30 p.m. VILLAGE RESALE SHOP Noads Your Donations - •» ÎrJtilmi •rw mvw ••tKnninj •Any Ra-Soloablo Itams All Donations Tax Doductlbla 45 East Woodstock St. Downtown Crystal Laka NAMtaSPM-Mon-Sat 015/490-3401 All ProcaodsGoToTho Shorman Hospital Auxiliary (Crystal Laka Branch) TENT, 2 rooms, sloops 0-10, econd. $90/bast; 20 In girls banana saat and baskat, $15; His ft Hars tandom bike, $10/bast; Beautician's hydraulic chair and hair dryer, $M/bas!. Call after 5 pm., 015/4504244 AMANA CHEST Freezer, f cu. ft- gold, $175.; white child's furniture, 2 dressers, l chest of drawers, youth bod w/removable sides; 2 rod tax pelts. Call am's. 015/490-7213. TENT. 2 rms., sleeps 0-10, good cond., $90 or bwf after; 20" girls bika, banana saat ft baskat $19; his ft hers tandem bika; $10 or best offer; baauti- awsrd dons hydraulic chair ft hair r, $00 or best offer, call 5 p-m-015/4904244. SHORE STATION, Good condi­ tion, $400/best offer.* Days 312/024-4545; evanings ft weekends, 015/305-3007. TRUST Interstate Communica­ tions tar your telephone equip­ ment needs; 2 lines, 4 lines or loss. Call tar details, Vlrglnio Wood, Interstate Communica- tlons. 312/000-7150. EARLY AMERICAN hutch, maple, like new, $400 or best of­ fer, 015/455-1142, after 3p.m. RIDING Mower, 7 hp- recoil start, 34" cut, 3 speed Irons., $400.; Tore Hand Mower, 21" cut. power drive, with rear bagger, $175. Call 015/3054203. LTOS4OOBRA,40ch. CBft K- 40 mag. mount entente, 1 mo. old, OOO/bost, 015/3304054. ARTSALE Discontinued framed and mat­ ted prints. My cost. 14 X 2Cs $02 J* 10 X 24's $02*1. Only a taw left. Sao Frl- July 13, 04 only. 314 Wiltshire Lane (Gate 14) Lakawood, C.L. LE GRAND FLEA MARKET LAKESIDE CENTER-C.L. Thurs- July 12; 0-5 DRESSER w/mlrror ft chest of drawers, cherry wood, $190. Odd dress w/mlrror ft chest of drawers, $90. Attar 5 pm, 015/3054370. AIR CONDITIONERS 5,000 BTU, llOv. Westlnghouse a/c, 15,000 BTU, 220v. 015/4504430 W CU. FT. Upright Freezer, like new, $200; 10 cu. ft. Deluxe Comb. Slde-by-Side Freezer/Rofrjy gd. cond. $200. 015/45347301 r4pm. 7 PC BEDROOM Sat, over 30 years old, solid wood, awcefts*1* cond., $450/best. 015/455-5047 Oftar4p.m. MAYTAG WASHER ft DRYER, axe. cond- $315, con deliver. Call 312/430-4590. TRIPLE DRESSER w/hutch, chest of drewers In bark pine, $300; Cancby bed, $75. Or best Offers. 312/4244012. ABOVE GROUND POOL, 4'xl5*, new liner, accessories, $130,015/344-3111 LIVING ROOM tables. Ave. $200. Rocker choir, $75. Dog house, best offer. AsMor Jon or Dob, 312/420-5024 MOVING SALE Plana office choir, desk, filing cabinet, rectlner ft more. 015/490-2400. ELECTRIC ORYER, Kenmore heavy duty, good cond- $40, 312/4904412. SEARS FREEZER, frostless, 15 cu. ft. 3 yrs. old, exc. copd. $375. Lawn mower, $25- needs work. 312/430-5270. » BIKES, 3-spd, $35; 10 spd. $45; Big Tenf, $145; Elctrlc tvper, 005; Exercise bike, $55; Rower, $00; pool table, $250; 312/7414401. COUCH, krveseat ft chair. Ear­ ly American, Herculan, nat- good cond.. $350,312/424/5406. SEARS JOINTER 4 Inch, $300. 015/4704431 HARVEST GOLD Gas Stove, self claaning with range hood, good cond., clean, $100.; Harvest gold Frigidoire refrig-, overhead freezer, good cond., $150. Doys call Michelle 312/4074333, evenings 015/455- 4704. USED FURNITURE for sale. Large variety, reasonable prices. Waller's Furn. Factory Outlat. 4412 W. Rt. 174 (on Rt. 174 Vt block W. of 31). Crystal Lake. 015/490-3343. MATTRESS SALE. Twin sot. 000.00; Full Sat, 000.00; Queen Sot. $130.00. Del ivery available- Welter's Furniture Outlet 4412 W. Rt. 174 (on Rt. 1714 % Block W. of 31), Crystal Laka, 015/450-3343. NURST HATCHTOPS for Cutlass. $19040.312/4904510. ZENITH TV, '19 la B ft W, ex. cond. $35. Smith Corono 10 key adder, electric w/tape. Like new. $40.015/7204532 AIR CONDITIONER 1X000 BTU'S, $17540. 312/430-2042 BUNK BEDS, complete; Bleached oak desk w/plata glass tap ft choir; Walnut stereo; lore seat; Student desk w/glass top; over stuffed choir. Cad 015/305-7000 OFFICE FURNITURE. Stain­ ed oak desk w/plata glass top. >ing swivel ft 3 arm choirs; 4 drawer filing cabinet (legal size). 015/305-? Ing c 7000 SOFA eerth tone colors with dark pine trim, $200; B ft W Magnavox 12 in TV. $35; wniripooi winoow air cona. 4000 BTU/hour, $150. Coll 015/490-2320 POUND IN WAREHOUSE. 3 Douglas Camlstar Vacuums, WITH POWER NOZZLE. $100 In mejor dept. stares, brand now in cortoa only $00.05. Voss Vacuum ft Sewing, Marengo, 015/540-7477. THERMAX INSULATION, 4 X 0 sheets, 204" (R34), 27-2% (R21). Call Jeremiah 015/344- 2100 ATTENTION LADIESI Woman's clothes, sizes 3-10, skirts, blouses, dresses, slocks, ievis, T-shirts. Shoes (0-10), purses, iewelry ft knitted hats. Hundreds of articles to choose from! All in one. cond.- Priced at SOt to $21! Also suits, sweatari, ft coots! Call for directions otter 4:15 pm. Annette- 015/4904013. LIVING ROOM SET, couch ft choir; dining room set, table, 4 chairs, 2 laaves-wood; desk. Ail very good cond. 015/3054524 botare2:00pm. WESTINGHOUSE tumbler, outa. washer ft electric dryer, $400, best offer; MGA console, 25" color TV, $250, best offer, 015/490-7347. LAMP OUTLET HEBRON MINI-MALL Saturdays Only, 10 am-2 pm FREEZER, 21 cu ft upright, am. cond. Six solid maple bar stools, swivel seats, captain chair backs. Plnball machine, tali Size, $200. 312/440-3531, after 5 pm. AVOCADO Side by Refrtgyfraocor. Avocado ft OKhatist hood. Gd. sldo 015/720401$. SPEED QUEEN WASHER. Motorola 25 "TV, $75 aa. 312/420-7007 eves. • NAME TABS For your business or orgonlzo- tton. Logos end special shapes available. Desk ft door nomepletas avail, also. For details, call: CL. ENGRAVING 015/450-7077 OLYMPIC WATER polo tickets, (2), in Los Angelas. Cal-Aug. 3.015/455-4450 WURLITZER ORGAN, double aboerd. reverb ft sustain. ; Sears DehumWifier like new $150; Tradlttanal sofa good cond. $150. 015/3054705 after 5 pm. ADMIRAL REFRIGERATOR Never Used! 10 cu. ft. Self defrost- almond. Asking $700. 312/424-7205, after 4 pm. ANTIQUE bedroom sot, Incl. full size bod ft headboard, tall st of drawers, vanity, mlr- _ and bench. $190. Antique Queen Anne war drobe w/mir- rored front, walnut. $205. 015/3304045 GJE. REFRIGERATOR, 30" wide, 42" high, axe. cond- $150, 015/490-3037. KING WATERBED on pedestal w/12 drawers ft bookcase hoodboord w/mlrror. Less then 1 yr- $490; Roaslgnoi Strotlx II wis w/Tyrolia bin­ dings, 52" Barrecroftars poles. Hanson boots sz. 4 (mens10-11) $200; gravity machine w/boots. vary new, $250.1" ,015/490-2244. NORGE AIR cond- 11,000 BTU, $10. Westlnghouse 5,000 BTU air cond- $90. Exercise bika $30.312/407-3050 GJ. REFRIGERATOR good cond- $175, 015/3304170 after 5 p.m. THREE MAGNAVOX TVs 0" B/W, AC/DC, $75, 19", color, port- etac7remota $275; 25" color console, eiec ./remote, $425,312/430-5155 after 5 p.m. OAK S x 4*a rough cut, approx­ imately 250, 10 to 12 ft. long, S150/all, 015/453-0444. COLORED TVI 21" Zenith, 25" Sears, $100 ea. Double ovan stave, $100; Kitchen Sat. $45; 5 Dining Rm. chrs- $90. 015/305- 0047. GE REFRIGERATOR, Maytag washer, starea gas drw. Good cond. Reasonable. 312/430-7922 BOWLING MACHINE, 4 game, $300. Antique buffet. Old ft like now dolls. Large piano babies. Antique tamps. Antique I Ball collection. Collector plates. Old cookie jar collection ft many more Items. 312/430- 1544. ATARI, 000 computer W/40K, 1027 printer, game cart- ft game tapa 5" color monitor. Will asperate all Items, $15/455- 2242. STORE WIDE SALE On All Clothing Village Resale Shop 45 Woodstock Street Downtown Crystal Lake Mon thru Sat- 10-5 FOR SALE OR TRADE, 10 in Craftsman radial arm saw for table belt and disc sender. Call after 5 pm. 312/430-5100 BALED GRASS HAY, new cut ting, $2/bale; 4 man heavy rub- bar raft. $175; 1-26 Schweitzer sailplane ft frailer. $15/704- AIR CONDITIONER. 10.000 BTU'S. 220 outlat. 30"x 20". $50.00.015/3054092. DINING ROOM SET. dark pine, round tabla w/2 leaves. 4 captain chairs, dry sink hutch. $000/oftar, 015/330-7000. WESTINGHOUSE skta by side refrigerator, $190; National reel to reel tape recorder, axe. cond- $190; Mr. turtle sandbox, w/cover, $12,312/450-4420. LOVESEAT/hldo-e-bad, $00. Excellent cond- MUST SELL! Call Anytime! 015/3054920 EXTRA LARGE Shower, brand new, ready for installin In new construction, or In addi­ tion. Acrylic 3 ft X 4 ft shower stall. Cost $550, sell at 1/2 price. $15/095-2256 CHILDREN'S CLOTHES, size newborn to 4, also some household Items. 015/3054905. RUMMAGE SALE Benefit Cary Swingln' Squares Square Dance Club. Friday, July 13, 9 am-5 pm; Saturday, July 14, 9 am-3 pm. Variety of stll usable Items. Call 312/430 0124 for loacton information. DOUBLE BED, complete, $40, round glass coffee table, $25; Roto Tiller, $25.312/430-7323. MOVING SALE:9 ft. brown sofa, $150; king size bdrm. set w/mattress & box springs, $150; 2 wing chairs, $50/aa.; 27 In. coior console, $100. Call 015/330-3143 to see. SEA SHARK sailboat, 2 man, $50/best; Mason |ars, 4 boxes, $10,015/455-2044 WOOD CABINET, comer knick knock shelf, super 0 movie pro­ jector. Good Cond. Call 015^55- QUEEN SIZE Bed w/frame, $25; Antique table, $50, Hide-a- bed, $50; Antique cradla $50. 015/344-4254. DUMP BOX steel, 4 yd- $050/ best; 100 lbs. HTH tablets, $75. $15/330-0406 days or evenings. Garage parage 33 Sales 33 Sales HUGE GARAGE SALE CARY 140 East Main Street Carnor Rt. 14 ft East Main Juiy 12.11 ft 14.0 am-5 pm CRYSTAL LAKE ESTATES GARAGE SALE 4902 Sorrel JULY 12 ft 13,9-5 nWsC. HOUaEnuiO ITETTI5 LAKE IN THE HILLS 015 Jesee Road JULY a 13,14.94. ft small Hems. Eiec. , desk, clothing and lots JOHNSBURG Wllmot Rd. to May St. Turn LeftonRlverdaieDr. 4410 Rivordote Dr. July It 13ft 14; 94 Antiques ft Collectibles, boy's clothing size 14, wqmen's designer clothes sizes 5-74, tots of misc. housshold, sporting good items, tools. Misc. 32 Merchandise • PRE-MOVING SALE *»-• « D Una nRCfrell^f" W* KlyE ISO Canterbury July 14; 0:30-5 ONLY All clothing ind. coats, suits, formats - Kids to adults, 25c or less. Lots of misc. typewriter, 14 MM projector. MOVING SALE 410 ( July 12. IX 14.1 Furniture; soma appliances, clothing: chlidrens Infant- toddler, maternity, adults; misc. CARY 309 Oak Crest Rd. July 12-14,9 am-5 pm Three Oeks Rd. to Newbolt, to 300 Oak Crest. Children's clothing, furniture, Avon, go cart, ft much misc. ACT NOW ABSOLUTELY THE END! This is your Jast chance to get a big new 31 x 19 tamily size swim­ ming pool complete with deck, tence, tilter & warranty for $929. Call 1/800/942-1798 RIGHT'NOW WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! CORNER DESK solid mapla w/chair. Very good cond., $40, 015/305-3206 or 344-4232. SOFA chair, vanity, ft chair, dinette table, ft 4 chairs, humidifier, crystal chandelelr. Very reasonable. 015/305-0030. GAS STOVE Apt. size; Suzuki RM40; 225 amp Lincoln gas arc welder w/gen. 015/344-3094. 1077 BULTACO DIRT bike, $40.; Hay barn pulley rigg, $40. 312/7424495 days. SINK ft VANITY Like new, $50 015/720-1202. > TABLE SAW, Sears Craft- sman, very good cond., $250. 01V440-40SO. RASPBERRIES FOR SALE $2 per pint, picked 015/330-2202 BICYCLE Built for two. 312/469-5002 SOUNDESIGN AM/FM. stereo, reciever, cassetta/O track recorder, w/turntable, speakers, cabinet . $150. 312/420 1023 days. CASE TRACTOR, '54, w/log splitter, $000. 1072 Travel trai ler , 2 axles, 20 f t . , $1.100/best offer. 015/720-0005 AIR CONDITIONER, 0,000 BTU window unit, like new, $375. Call 015/4504037 after 4 pm. 33 Garage Sales JOHNSBURG Plstakee Hills 016 Forence (Wllmot to Ringwood Rd. to West St. to Florence) , July 13.14 ft 15; 94 SMper sofa, lamps, hood hair dryer, several doors, windows, roofing materials, 1,000 other A MONTH OF SALES AT THE CERAMIC BUG 17220 Garden Valley Rd. Woodstock, IL. 815-568-7663 GREENWARE 40% Off July 11 thru July 17th ROBERT SIMMONS brushes and •Iwctrical supplies 20% Off July 18 thru July 24th MAYCO COLORS 20% Off July 25 thru August 1st Closwd Thursday & Sunday Opan Mon., Tuas., Wad. & Frl. 9:30 a.on. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon., Tuas. & Wad. avanings 7 to 9 DOG GROOMING MASONRY PAINTING REMODELING BLACKTOP JANITORIAL BATH KEFINISHING TUBRENEW Porcelain Refinishing Bathtubs Sinks -eramk Tile Fiberglass Units Chips Repaired 312/6394055 or Answering Service I15/459-3SM, Ext. 'H' BLACK DIRT PURE BLACK DIRT SANDIGRAVEL Spreading & Grading Top Quality At Competitive Prices IMMEDIATE DELIVERY POLO-815/459-8692 BLACKTOP ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLYBIRD SPECIAL 504/Sq. Ft. For grading & blacktopp- ing only, on driveways over 1,005 sq. ft. •Parking Lots *New Drives •Long Lanes'Patching •Resurfacing 'Saalcoating •24 Hour Servic All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 815/4S? 3960 CallNowBSd.c? WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Established in 1954. We are now tak­ ing orders. Deal d i r e c t w i t h owner & save! ! COMMERCIAL *R«$ID€NTIAL Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GRAYSLAKE: 312/223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE: 312/367-0676 BLACKTOP -MEYERS BLACKTOP ONE MONTH SPECIAL!! *% OFF ALL DRIVEWAYS! Ail Work Guaranteed Free Estimates ' CALL NOW 4 SAVE 11 ~*WiSh7W~ CONCRETE WE DO ALL CONCRETE WORK. Mow's the time. Have It dene. CBII I15/3M-39M CAE CONCRETE Mc Henry BLACKTOP •; PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Residential-CommerciBllndostrial "Big savings on Residential work. Proven by thousands of satisfied customers.' SPRING DISCOUNT •Machine Laid *New Drivai ' •Resurfacing 'Parking Lots •teal Coating All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 312/546-5600 Gravslake. IL CONSTRUCTION BOUGH? CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL •Custom Homes •Kitchens •Additions • Baths •Remodeling 'Decks •Garages •Aluminum Siding* Soffits EXPERT CARKNTRY CALL ANYTIME •1S/3M4M5 CONSTRUCTION Bucci Construction, Ltd. Specializing in Concrete Installations & Replacements Foundations-Floors Patios-Driveways Exposed Aggregate Expert Craftsmen Fully Insured 815/455-6644 312/658-6023' PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING All Breeds By appointment Deris Theel 815/385-0697 HANDYMAN •CLEAN BASEMENTS ' •LAWN WORK •TREE REMOVAL •LIGHT HAULING 815/653-6896 or 815/728-1833 HANDYMAN ELECTRICAL PLUMBING DRYWALL TILE WALLPAPER PAINT KITCHENS BATHS APPLIANCE REPAIR CUSTOM FURNITURE Results Quick! Call Dick H3/49»-3Me Extension C 115/455-4353 After 3 p.m. HOME IMPROVEMENT T o I HOME J&LJ IMPROVEMENT Remodeling & Room Additions Garages & Aluminum Siding Sottit*Fascia*Gutters Rooting*Decks Low Prices4 Free Estimates Fully Bonded & Insured •815/455 4226* If No Answer, Call •15/459-3888. Ext. Z CHIMNEYSWEEP 9% L FABIAN cnNmrmin WINDOWWASHING COMMERCIAL* RESIDENTIAL CLEANING GRAND PRE CONTRACTING 815/455-5536 LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPING Will provide and plant Evergreens, Shrubs and rees at discount prices. 815/385-8829 LAWN CARE GRAND PRE CONTRACTING Yard Cleanup Weekly Maintenance Complete Lawn Service It Design 115/455-5536 LIMOUSINE SERVICE LA BELLE MASONRY •Residential 'Commercial •Brick *Block *Stonework •Sidewalks *Patios •Fireplaces 'Brick Veneers QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Fully Insured Free Estimates Call 815/338-6480 MOVERS LOCAL MOVING ANDHAULING Reasonable Rates 815/385-9386 PAINTING GRAND PRE CONTRACTING Painting/Patching Wallpapering/Minor repairs Quality work & materials References 815/455-5536 ADVENTURES UNLIMITED Luxury Van Airport Service Days 815/34+4 lie Evee. 815/453-5F74 PAINTING R.T.&R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential Interior & Exterior Low prices Insured Free estimates Ron 815/728-0174 RKK DECORATING Commercial & Residential Custom Service at Competitive Prices! Interior Painting & Wall Papering Guaranteed Work-Quickly & Professionally Done Ask For Roger-S15/455-0190 REMODELING COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICES 30 Years Mc Henry County Basement to Root <epa Pri Jrompt Service New Home Builders OEA CONSTRUCTION 815/344-1632 385-6546, 344 0748 LANDSCAPING Ingleside (312)587-1177 CHIMNEYS RELINED • Fireplaces • Stoves • Caps Installed Insured CertMiad Member Ol Nakonoi CDimney Sweeos GuiKt THINKGREEN LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE Stop, think, call 8> compare prices Complete weekly lawn care landscape services. 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