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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1984, p. 13

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PAGE 13 - PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JULY U. 1 To Rent an Automobiles Automobiles Crystal Lake. NnM br 4/1. WW ioaoe tar 4 mnl yr.Eac.rA. 41S/4M- am mi r*+m. SSS?Kn»¥«IMMliSS Rooms, Board Apartments 19M <Hf Mml ra. 1 ar frrHnli c--jyjjtjto- To Share MWity rtftlrwi. RISPONSIBLE Christian am. Crwtfoi Late Call Days. WVlg 4MI. HUNTLEY, Lewafy .*Caflls55 i TO *ara wtfh same . opt. 4171 v» utNs. He Mon-Fri. for 415/455-1157. la parson. 415/345-17! 17V or 47V 3754. R O O M F O R R E N T rmfmawM adults. M iiiii>pi.iW3P4m. [V. srsa Apartments 80 ToRent WEEKLY RATES PERFECTFOR WIDOW bedroom kidahad apart- BMMcHoary. 415/3454566. DEPOT HOTEL from Its/weak. Cabta hookup, kfldiav laundry Call 815/38^4738 after 2pm. LARGE UPPER 1 bdrm. apt. twmMee West of Ganoa, carpal. Mva iHikLdrapai furnished. No. pets. rot, 4 sac. d^oolt. 815/7444134. GARDEN QUARTER APTS. 2 Bedroom Special sumviSi i InMcHanry PalWBoKaiy unite aiallabfi « Rafu « Dtwwmi ;-tnClooatof J DMiwoaher A Disposal Air Cond. Available Fraa Watar 4Trash Ptck-vp Laundry Faculties In Bldg. CRYSTAL LAKE 1st floor. 2 « , - J. nj • 4^ J norm, wwiy rcoccwfliiQf - *-- larllHIss •*- ^ w/iaunory Taciimev wkk to 'train. Mealier marriedcottla Mo oath rat- $475 mo/heat inc. >13/454-5152. STUOIO APARTMENT conve- alont in taam Mcllanry loca­ tion, all utilities Included. SDVma 415/305-1111 HARVARD, New 2) , utility ro4m. • larga yard 4 patto. 8350/mo. Immod. occup. 815.5444411. EFFICIENCY APARTMENT, In McHsnry. $225/piue untitles. 415044440. WOODSTOCK 1 bdrm. 8295/ma ail uHlHiot lad. Alsa 2 ream apt. 4245/mo. all utllltlae Ind. 815/3M-77W. Real Estate 72 For Sale LAKELAND REALTORS + -| a 1. pftaacos, waU^o^waTi controlled haat. laundry •acuities & play araa. Cat jwmnn. frMga A/C, nice hack yard. mwiTy OTposTT ft nmoi required $388 «a OV ma. 312/577-ICS. bdrm. bHaaal apt. carpeted, appis. yard carport. 44»'1ncla water. 41VTO4141 3 bdrm. c/a Ml bamt. 2 car gar. appM. aa pets. 815/3344007. RENGO- Enfoy country Mr- la Ms 4 rm. modem apt. •sen Harvard A Marengo Carpeting, stove, fridge, Ben *» » »*- « » T\l * - - - A r rmIV) TTMOtw * V MMI ft rotor so v̂ner ̂BSN l̂ Rant- $354/mo. + utlls. References A securtty. Call 415/943-7443. CARY. 1 bdrm. Avail 1 bdrm. apt. w/ger. Aug. 1. Idaal far - 312/639- flcancy apt. Gas aMva A refrig. 2 Modes from Square A train. •ITS + sac All util phane. 815/334-3441 CRYSTAL LAKE. 2 bdrm. daptsx w/fWshed bsmt. A gar. air. applt, no pala S W occupancy 415/459-4434. mo. 415/5644746. LARGE UPPER. 1 bedroom ipvtwiifiti two miles west of Genoa. Carpet, sIm rvfrfe* wl̂ i IW ̂ P#> NRi. 415/744-5444. LARGE 1 badrm, heated quiet, war Sprtag HUL No M, ALGONQUIN. 2 Bedrms star­ ting at 43*4. 2 badrm Townhouoe at 44*5. 3 badrm Townhouse at $535. Carpeted ah- cand. appTs. laundry fadl.. Ind. gas. haat A watar. Ar­ rowhead Apartments. 312/450- READY NOW 1 badrm apt. m i. Appfs. carpeted. Sac. . 415^45-5727 alter 4 pm. Automobiles For Sale ToRent ^434434? Ifsa/na + sac. dap. Cw4BdS7J44llV7»4aL CHEVROLET MONTE CARLa 1*71. *«• Co* 312/43649121 CHEVY CAMAMD 71 Parcha FORD FNAWTLjjad rmmr red aew NPwIai. senraaLa/c t !r . mm. nvautit W awaap • -.71 4 cyj. aula. 43L4M mRaa rva A A i'MS gead great on gn 815» "3374631. CHEVY MALIBU Classic RENAULT La Car. 14.4 oaf. steroa 344- aaL per gal. good cand. 5MM mmm. tUM. Call 312/4544354. CAR TRAILER w/s«rg« |Coodos.,| ownhomes •ToRent MERCURY MONTEGa 72. Msxc. trans. FlntN! 4iV4S$-̂ HH e / f l r a p l a c a . a l e e E X E C U T I V E / F A M I L Y caaalry hMaafarnmT 33M sa. ft. 5-hdi m. Indudai huaa NmE fy ream and fcttchowTTtrplcn . Very private. qwlet. 5 mln fram C.L. I--i'wu. Am! Sept. is*. CaR LaaMat41V494-3V4S CARY OAKWOOO HILLS. Large 4 boWaom BHeveL 2 DOWNTOWN CRYSTAL LAKE, charming 3 bdrm. Daplax w/bsmt. A gar. S4«kmaL«iV4SMara. •went, new brick baMdhg. modarn kMchaa slaua A redrtg. Napats.>M4/ma^41S/454-174d CRYSTAL LAKE 2 bdrm. 2 hadkdalune Trevor Ct„14Msq a qeiet sac ent. c/a. Mac. y. bright no pefcfc vta. Sac dap. Can N am ar alt. 4 pea. 312/434-3411 dl m i aanar. laernd. 4qd 254eng. 4 Spd. aewtlrefc_AM/FN ceeatte 4tym-T7* aft. S pm or waak- _ LT ENCORE S. "44. Mas Man 3M mflas. 44 MPG. Mac. sRcfe.4spaad« grtaht arhastnVMS-' 7352- H41. b»pA- 415/455-2134. Stores, Offices Industrial as ToRent CRYSTAL LAKE. &4M sq. ft' Md bMR. w/494s«. N-4fHca 4« a/c 3 phase aMc. air Unas. WMdNMatlS/45MM4. AMar 4:3»m call. 41V455-5442. PLYMOUTH VOLARE. 77 Sr̂ nidl'Tow SmU t̂xSi FORD FALCON. '43. eKellont cand 4NM. 415/454-7372 DOOGE CHARGER. 1474. I after. I1V72MW. HUNTLEY/TOLLWAY i A yard In praaant condl VENTURA. 312/444-5255. ERLAKE.2bodrm.kH chert Mr. rm ̂dbw. rm. 1V» car gar. double let. fenced In. 44M me. + sac dap A credW check. 4I5/7W-UM after 4 pm. CRYSTAL LAKE, on the laka. Sept. 4 thru June 15. tovefy 3 bdrm, compla4sly furnished, no pets. $544.415/454-5444. ERLAKE.3bdrm.S49l -f utilities. No Inside pals. Alter 5 Jlpm. 415^H474. f. CLEAN. Small 3 Dcoroom rincn v/imcniQ gar, c/a, carpeting thryaut. appliances, country kitchen. Currently being ramodalad 4475/mo. -I- sec. dap. A ret. 115/344-344*. CRYSTAL LAKE, 2 bdrm. heat furn. waahar A dryer In buHMng. S345/ma I1V334-7340 after 4 pm. CARY MOUSTRIAL Center ham um M l A4M so. ft. for lease b> now buHdMgTSultaMe tor light Industry, warehouse ALSO IM-1M 0-5 sites tar si tram 3UM sq. ft. to 5 acres. Easy terms. Tadsc Carp. CARY OFFICES. Idaal far Mij. or Sales Rap. Ansewrm ̂ seoararlal A copy wee. even. 312/434-2351 orQ4-3137. WOODSTOCK. 14W sq ft light Industrial space. 12 X 12 door. 3 ph electricity. AvaH. Aug 1st. t150N-2r AVAILARLE July 15Ni. Ex­ ecutive office suite with 3 ty deunalad. CaN Fred at 415/494-NM ' OFFICES, w/prof. atmasphere. 454-444 ma. w/heaf. light, air cand.. 415/345414>. CRYSTAL LAKE, furnished of fks secretarial service A utilities provided *325/mo ̂ 415/454 4N> Office and Comntericai space .41S/49F4i5A4amte5 CUTLASS SUPREME Cower tWa *7d 354 aute. new top ̂ dkarp daan car. S3jm/ firm. CMI Jahn at HSnM-2343 after 4 OJROEIIt 77 p .̂ p_b- p.w. air. cruise, leather. am/Urn caaaatta leaded very gdcand.SMM.l15/7M4M4. TRAMS AM. 77. Mack/ Mack. A4 angina, aula. air-, good cand. turn beet. USftSF 4227. N47 MONTE CARLO tt 145 Or Best Offer Call 415/7344311 VW RARRIT Medal L 11. gas a'c am/fm. axe urn cat! Randy. 312/45A5144. 115/455-5743. The Coach homes of Waters Edge Mchcnry's Newest Concept in attached Single-family living, Priced from just $54,900! Standard Features Include: •TWO FULL BATHS "SECURITY SYSTEM •ONE-CAR AH. GARAGE -CENTRAL AIR COND •DISHWASHER -CARPETING FULLY •EASY CARE VINYL FLOOR •GARBAGE DISPOSAL •CONTINUOUS CLEAN GAS OVEN AND RANGE from tiowi Foi Who lako f* , s e«. m * N s 1 s | Dartmoor s V I I} frwn Cryttil Lak< NOVA 73 tar parts, campleta raat free Meat metal and 1 w/4 Spd AH or parts. S1V3B5-7141 CHEVY 4 Pass. Wgn 7d mechanically great, needs body work. 312/49MM4 aft. 4 RUICK SKYHAWK. 74. 4 apaed Vc S2JM or bast offer. 415/344-1157. after 4p.m. SUGARU GL mi exc cand. 4MM ar best offer, all seriaus onors evwoww. nvwn our el sMto muet ssR. 312/447315» aMarSpjn. VW KARMAN GHIA Converti­ ble. 1471 one cand. low miles. 11 J25/b04t. I15/3M4W4. HONDA CIVIC CVCC 1477. Hatchback. 4 speed am-fm radM fair cand. Sl.3M/best of far. 41V4SMIM afler 4pm. C A D I L L A C C O U P E OEVILLE. 71. Runs very gsad gaad firas A much more, body rusted SSM^est. Call Jim after 4 pm, 41V4JA4M4. CHRYSLER CORDOVA 77, P/S. P/B. VI aula new tires, new paint. 40.881 mi. 42745/af- ter I1V3K-5S4& ask tar Dan after 4:38 pjn. CADILLAC ELDORADO 72, goad shape, ru 312/458-2134. IMPALA. 1471 4 door win cand. USB/best offer. Iff. FORD LTD COUPE, *81. V-8. auto, ps/pb. tinted glass, crutse. steroa Wit wheel A seat, air. rear defrost, vinyl roof, custom Int. 2 tone paint, rustproofod. 27.444 miles. 14144< possible trade. 41V454- 3895. Can be seen at 51 S. CAMARO. 74. 354.4 spd. looks A runs beautiful. Sl.475/bast. 312/434-4478L 44 pm only. CUTLASS BROUGHAM! *41. 34.884 miles, ell ac- 415/455-1438 Tandem Horse Tr 815/3344481 after 7 pjn. VW BUG 71 gaad body, rune great. 8475. 815^84-7477 days «"ly PONTIAC BONNEVILLE Brougham. 714 Mr. white, all baauty. MBS. 815/734- ms CUTLASS SUPREME CON VERT1BLE. 71 47,484 orig. miles. 3M auto, ps/ph. Mr, 81V MUSTANG. 1411. T top. 4 qjasd low milev exc cond. 45^584.81V344-1711. VW RABBIT, 7*. one owner car. gar. kept, rebuilt eng. vary good body. S248A'offer. Must be sold! 312/438-4442 PONTIAC ASTRE. 7fc 5-spd., new brakes, runs well, 8454/best. 815/455-4855. CHEVY VEGA Wagon. 71 runs good new brekes. 4345/ best. Call 312/4384310 PORDLTDk 71 air. gasd tires Ci OrlMS. Hfw t*n#W & 0®T tery. S344/best. 312/438-2844 MERCURY, 77. mechanically perfect bdarior A exterior In period cand. 71.488 miles. M owner, «klng UNTbesl. Call Pat 312/4344144. FORO FAIRMONT Wagon. 71 4-qrf . aulo. a/c very law mlhn. rtce cand. tt.7Sl%eat. PINTO WAGON. 71 4<yl. auto, great runner. 4425/best. 815/3444414. D O D G E C H A R G E R 1974. M84/best 815/738-4142 Chevy Nova. 74 SS 351 484 trans.. Posi rear end SUM ar best, 815/454-2344. VOLVO STATION Wagon. 7L blue. air. pa/pin am/fm redhx runs waW. 81581815^44-3414. BUICK CENTURY wegoa 71 exc. cond. ps/pd air, good tires. 41388/bost. 81V345-9441 CORVETTE. 74. low miles, fully equipped dual alarms, gerage kept* never driven In winter, brown metallic $11,080. Days. 815/443-7444 or 943-3172 after 5 pm CURVE IH Td L-41 autu new tires. 31JOO mi. Florida car, 47J81 815/458-7905. CHRYSLER IMPERIAL '44 S388.M 114/338-1595 Id MM CC aula some rust. S488/offor. 7» Pinto Enalne 2388 cc 8125/of for; *81 courier ecto trans. 4125/offor. 415/738-1444. SUN BIRD 79, auto. 4 cvl., KIWI NOVA mi. black. 3 speed 4 cyl. runs good Sl,400/best of I ler. 815/728-0737. CHEVY MALIBU Classic 77. all power, good air cond. $1,450/ offer. Call 312/443-3436. CHEVETTE 84. 4 spd 3500 miles. 3 months old Asking $4758.312/424-3421 MUSTANG COBRA Td 4 on fir. AM/FM cassette. Needs some body work. $450. 312/43t 4874. FORD 71 4 dr. LTD Landau. VI am/fm cassette, eir. p.s., p b. good tires, new muffler A brakes. Extra daan. 1 owner. 815/459-1437. FORD GRANADA 75 4cyl.$400 815/455-5703 , DOOGE RAMCHARGER. 79. w/snow plow. Low miles, exc shape. 85.000.81V459-7544. TRANS AM. 77. blk/blk, aulo. 51000 miles, new exhaust. 1.815/455-1231 PONTIAC Grand Prix 79, U VI auta ak, P/S. P/B. T-tapw new firm anc cand. 45448/Of- «ar. 815/455-3411. OLDS M ROYAL 80. exc. cond. 44400. Pont. 74. needs worfc.41M.312/43t4945 pe/pd air. maintained orig miles, $1580. Call 312/4344717. CHEVELLE 1947, Vd aula. 2 door, exc. moch. $l,004/best offer. 81V4S9-7445 eves. CHEVY VEGA 1971 body good cond. runs good asking $748. 815/345-4382. RETIRED must sell. '77. Dodge Charger Deytona. Sun roof, ps/pb. power wind, am/fm steroa exc. cond. SMM. 312/497-3954 CHEVY MONZA '71 blue coupe. V8 4 speed no rust, runs A looks good $1900. 815/344- 4545 CHEVELLE '49, new engine, no rust, like new, 421M; Firebird 71 good runner. 4491 815/338-0170 offer 5 p.m. FORD FAIRMONT FUTURA '814 dr. 4 cyl. Oklahoma car. good cond. $3500 or best. Call after 5:38.312/454-57M. OLDS TORONADO. -41 exc. cond. garage kept, Ziebarted mint cond MjMO miles. 5.7 litre dlesei. full power, loaded. 88J80. Qualified buyers only, will consider offer. 115/758-1477 MUSTANG 71 convertabie. low miles, rebuilt engine, autq. trans, new paint, exc. cond., $1000/best. 815/338 2380 after 5 pjn. MERCURY COMET. 74. B-cyf. good cond $1100/best. 115/344 4229 TOYOTA CELKA 74. runs good, some rust, $350. 815/385-5345 C U T L A S S S U P R E M E Brougham. 77. 4 dr. Neat. 42700,312/424-5201. VW RACE CAR. '44. would make a great street ride. 4550. 815/344-3424. CAMARO RALLY Sport, 71 Arizona car, no rust, t-tops. loaded all power, 84.000 well maintained miles. Asking $3150.815/448-2795 0ATSUN SENTRA Wagon. '82, exc. cond. am/fm. 5sp. silver. $4,100.312/458-4412. MG MIDGET, 71. Stereo, new tires, top A battery. Exc. cond. $1,950.815/338-4277. CHRYSLER New Yorker 5th Ave. *43. Fully eauipped plus extras. Low mileage, mint cond. $11900 SIS/648-4222. MALIBU, 74. $700 or best. Wonder Lake. 81S/728-1440. CAMARO, '77. 2-tone paint, 75,000 miles, fully loaded, very clean, needs some work, $700/offer. 312/426-4428. PLY. TC-3 Hatchback, *M. 4- cyl. auta air, am/fm, ps/pb. $4125/best. Call 815/455-4454 after 5 pm. OLDSMOBILE, 73. very good mechanical cond. A very little rust, $900, 815/338-7789. NOVA '73, in good condition. 8450/best offer. 815/338 7955 anytime. CHEVY MALIBU. 75. 2-dr. 350. auto, good engine, trans A tir*s. For parts or stock car. $2M. 815/459-9225 CAMARO '71 V-8. auta ps/pb. $450 Ask for John or Bill, 811/459-5044 PLYMOUTH FURY, 1970. body good new paint, runs good. 4580.312/428-8421. MUSTANG II, Hatchback. 1974. buckets. 4 sp. console, ps/pb. rear defogger, am-fm cassette, clean. $T,2S0/best of­ fer. Call 312/424-6169. CHEVY MONZA. 1976. 4 cyl. auto. 51000 miles, good cond. 81,300/best offer. 115/338182*. CHEVY MONZA 1979, brown. 2 door coupe, exc. cond. w/low low mileage. You must to see to appreciate. $2.900.815/385-9644. 1974 BUICK REGAL LTD. loaded, great cond. low miles. 81500/offer, 1971 Volvo 141 4 speed overdrive, fuel injec­ tion. very good cond. 41.004/of- ler. 815/3854343. CADILLAC 1976- 2 door, beige color, has been well taken care of. $1800/best offer. 815/895- OLDS STARFIRE '74. Ps/pb, am/fm cassette. 70008 mi. Many new parts. $1584/besf of­ fer. 115/455-4254. OLDS DELTA81714 dr., runs good. 4430/best. 312/884-2484 days A 815/459-0224 aft. 4:M p.m. PONTIAC BONNEVILLE Brougham. 71 loaded. 44.000. 815/459-2404. CAMARO LT. '77. 70,000 miles, extremely daan In A out. Ask­ ing $2950.815/644-2453 anytime. OATSUN *0.210. 5 spd 19,080 miles, sunroof, beige. $3M0/of- fer. 312/4284407 anytime. T-BIRD 71 white w/biue vinyl top. New exhaust. Same lower rust areas otherwise clean. Make offer. 312/457-7572 after 4 p.m. . PLYMOUTH FURY III. 1974.4 door sedan. 4M dd„ air. auta. am-fm stereo radia p.s. p.b.. recent brakes A watar pump, runs good. Interior vary good, body fair. $5D0 815/385-M7I I A battery, garage ! $18M. I1VK49 CHEVY IMPALA 7d gaad wark car. SM^afNr. 815/455- 5419. ARKS SE WAGON. 11, lead­ ed addte w/rad hdeilar. 14 •Sal MHwbl̂ l. 312/439-4388 FORO ELITE, 7d tm wheel air. am/fm tape. Sea AL Bargedan Dam Ford Hemp shlrebetween 4:34-4:34. 312/843-3148. VW KARMANN GHIA. iwds Mint. Asking 1291/ bast/trade. Ca« 8 lvS4484 CHEVY STEP VMl '41 naaM repak. +spd. Vd $« CaM 4Maa8iV45Mi4a CHEVROLET picked. 74. 44akaanoffar CaW 815/933-2247 CHEVY PICK-UP *41 Mw Lithe deer cam •aria! $t3M ar beat. Can 312/49445N before ! CHEVY V4 Ten PUN* 70 1 $350 7873 Vd3spdl 815/M5-7I HONOA PRELUDE, 48. 5sp. rad anc cand Electric san raoL twAa sk low miteo. $5,888 Call 815/459- 37X2. TOYOTA CONOi LLA 12, 3dr art-Tc tram. 2UM aaseffa raMa rwst-preefed. exc. cand. 415/7444274 FORO RANCHERO 74. rana Nreng 8*38.81V738 4401 evaa. FLATBED TRUCK. 1941 needs restoration. Bast offer 815/345 8415, 81V3454141. SSL Vans VWfUPERBEETLE, 74. apod cand. SOW. Call 81V345^1N FORD MUSTANG 71 Vd 4 sp. sun raaf. 4450/ bast. 313/45M4M after 4 pm. OATSUN 3MGX Hatchback, OOOGE VAN. 1971 Sparfsman B-3M aula. p .̂ piL a-c. t i n t e d w i n d o w s , a m - f m , 8lJf4/bast offer. 81VT38-4777. CHEVY BEAUVILLE. 71 V4 Tan, V4 3Ml mint cond. $5,480 81V338-T944. VW VAN. 1971 exc cond. very 8U/345-1191. DOOGE MAXI VAN 71 311 44K, pluahly carpeted L 312/4544442. tansmission A Call 415/94- 9144. OLDS DELTA M Royata. 11. Full power, laaBM. Exc. cand. 44J84mi. $d3M. 815/3344397. FIREBIRD 74. Exc runner. $2M FIRM. 815/344-3775. RENAULT LE CAR. m 4g. am/fm. sun raaf. new brakes A exhaust. 55.888 mi. goad cond. must salL 41 JM. 815/459-5742. PONTIAC LEMAMS Spert Cerv verNMomd auta. a.c. atn- cond'T U,444/lSasrr'affar. 815/345-8425,815^454141. CHEVY BEAUVILLE Van. 79 Air. am/fm steraa cruise. CB. $4995.312/931-4438. Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles i XLT. 79. 7V» ft. Meyer plow, Part time 4WO. auta tlft, wiper delay, am/fm kill ... < » « » -- » -- CiUfifi of* w/no ifunor. Asking S5JM. MUST SELL! Call 815/345-4427 after 4 p.m. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Mark III, 19M. full power, tri­ ple white, needs help. 8880/basf after. 815/3454425.815/3454141 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Marfc III. 1941. full power, M.4M miles, good cand. 41484/best offer. 815/3454425. 415/3454141. PACKARD 19514 door, needs worfc. $450/best offer, 815/345- 8421815/3454141. JEEP U 1 1971 304 Vd with headers, roll-bar, custom w h e e l s w / 1 0 - 1 5 t i r e s . $1.304/besf offer. 815/345442& 815/3454141. MERCEDES 288 SEL '71 p.s., p.b. aula, am/fm, rear defog­ ger, runs goad looks good 815/455-2973 after 5 pm PONTIAC LEMANS. 7a 4- door, 3M Vd ps/pb. aula am/fm. a/c S700/boit, 815^45- 7148. MUSTANG 249, 45. auta. beauttful bady. runs fair. $3,080 or best. 312/4M-7739. KAWASAK KZ 451 1971 4 into 1 idsr. naw tires A point $lJN/bsst. 815/3344091 HARLEY DAVIS 71 Model SXE13M h#. good cand $3500 312/897-4294. YAMAHA XS400 Special, 11 mint cond. 8484/ best. taking. mM Ceil 312/439-1347 cand. crash bars. $354. cc 71 good 312/434 HONDA ATC 2841 '44. 81400 815/455-4552 KAWASAKI TSOtwia 77. gd cand. all primer, needs pain ting. $588.815/338-1704. HONDA MOTORCYCLE frames, with some parts. $30 for all. Will not 815/344-1157. efter 4 p.m. KAWASAKI KZ4M 74. good cand. $425. Call after 5 pm. 312/6SM3M MUST SELL 79 Suzuki, low miles. $13M. 312/426-35*4 HONOA 12. V41 magna low mites, exc. cand. $2300 or beet offer. Muet sell, 815. 459 1437 YAMAHA Virago 750. 42. custom aaet. chrome kit., road pegs, headers. 1800 mi.. $2200 I1V338 3228 YAMAHA 458 Special. '79. exc. cond. low mi. $1,400/ best Before2:30 pm, Q1V338-0302 YAMAHA 4M Special. 1940. ex cellant condition. 8975/best of for. 815/344-5447 87 Wanted To Bm CASH PAID For Junk Cars 7 Day Pickup | 312/439-3638 WANTED TO BUY CADILLAC OR LINCOLN 1111 ar 12. In exc. cond. 312/4954375 or 495- 8775. WANTED TO BUY |unk A repairable autoa 7 day pickup. 311/6394159. YAMAHA XT 125 Endura '42. like new. extras. 4750/besf 815/4 HONOA NIGHTHAWK. 450, 1942. law mileage, exc. cond. it. $1.58. 81V344 QiTMl GOLD WING INTERSTATE New Od. '42, cruise, sferea gauges, rails, low miles. $4,000/ firm. Call 815/4555833 YAMAHA VERAG011, 750 cc, backrest, rack, highway pegs. 1104 ml. Like new. 81000/besf after. '815/345-7442 after 5:30 .'47, MfiNpit 815/338-7991. Auto Parts & 88 Accessories 241 WINDSOR Ford englna Berg Warner 311 4 spd. hurst linkage. Lakawaod scatter shield A flex plate, also haedsrs. $350 /bast offer. 312J54-7311 MG. idling for parts, doors, hood fenders* englna 312/454-4143. OLSMOBILE 455 4 bar rel, Ols. 350 cu. in. 4 banal, bath exc. cond. guaranteed 4150 each, call anytime. 815/455-3444. S T R I P P I N G ' 7 3 D a d g a C h a l l e n g e r f o r p a r t s . Weekdays after 4p.m. 815/728- 8017 or 115/345-3257 POUR KEYSTONE klasslc rims. 15" 4175/best. Call 415/3454251. after 4 p.m. TOP A WHEELS for Ford pick up. wheel covers for Butck Rivera, good cond., vary reasonable. 85/3454439. Trucks, Tractors 89 & Trailers MIDAS VOLUNTEER 74, 22 ft., full self-contained, sleeps 4. AM/FM steraa air. awning, stabiiiior lacks, excel, cand. 312/436-3447. IN STEP VAN, '49 w/Mna needs repair. Vd 4-apd. $500. <*ellAli»n. 815/499 9141 HONDA 751 '71 new paint and drag pipes. Low miles. Runs 4 looks excellent. $750/flrm. 815/7244384 ft Jawa 50 CC. runs greet, high MPG. $225. 815/459-3444. SUZUK112 RM12S nd Adult 815/455-5481 NIGHTHAWK 458. exc cond. 1,706 miles. Custom model has style A all the extras, asking 81 JM. Kevin. 815/455-4947. ZMTk XR75 '75; QA 50 74; ell Hondas. Good shape Best of­ fer. 815/34S-fOS7 HONOA CB 481 71 4.500 miles, new tires. $450. 312/458 HONOA Ml 71, custom paint A chrome, 41.3NI 815/4 A chrome, vary good cond 4554432 AJS. '54, 500 Twin, vary good condition. 41.301815/4554632. YAMAHA HERITAGE '42, 650 cc excellent cond. $1000/best. Must Sell. 815/344-2098 KAWASAKI. 77. K2 750 Twin, good cond. 8900/best. Call 815/385-4773. after 4 pm. HONDA CX5M. 79, shaft drive, beautiful, low miles, adult driven. $1,175.815/459-5035 HARLEY Davidson. 11. FLT, low miles, axe. cond. asking 84SM. 815/444-2941 after 6. HONOA INTERSTATE Gold Wing, 11. Full dress with mat- china cargo trailer, exc. cond. must 9011. Expecting father, 844M or best . 312/4284725 1971 2M XL Moto Kl loo many extras to list, 312/4M4421. U

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