PAGE 16 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JULY 25.1»84 Automobiles 86 For Sale NOVA '74. Gd. cond.. new tires, springs, muffler & exhaust. SllOO/best. 115/337-0755. MERCURY BOBCAT. '77. very good cond. no rust, asking >1575.115/338-9464 after 6 pm. PONTIAC TRANS AM, '77, blk./blk., loaded, exc. cond. SJIOO, S15/3S536W after 5 p.m. BUICK CENTURY, '74. small V4, am/fm, ps/pb, p/w, good cond. $650.312/63t-33»4 PLYMOUTH Grand Fury 9 pass, wagon, '75. Mint cond. 115/365-4494, after 5 pm. BUICK RIVERA '81, 40.000 miles, loaded, exc. cond. brown, $9,000.815/671-4177. FIREBIRD FORMULA 70, 455. Turbo 400. 4641, headers, fast, & other parts, $l,375/or best. 815/455-4857. KARMANN GHIA '72, auto, stick, very good cond., first 11,500,312/428-2716. KARMANN GHIA convert., '68, 4-spd., exc. cond., first $2,700.312/428 2953. CAMARO. '71, ps/pb. air. am/fm cassette, looks & runs good, $1.0007312/658-8466. FORD MUSTANG'67 $600/best offer. 312/658 2379. after 6 pm. VW DUNE BUGGY, '65. 4 cyl.. 4 spd., runs great, new tires, $625,815/385-6929 after 6 pm. PONTIAC GRAND PRIX U. '80, ps/pb, air, astro roof, rear defogger, power seat, am/fm stereo, exc. cond. All service records, 312/741-1385 after 6 pm. STURDY OLD Faithful 1976 4- dr. Buick Limited being retired. 815/385-0388 CADILLAC. '71, runs good, $300/best offer 815/344 4566. CAMARO, '76, looks good, runs good, fully powered. Best Of fer. 312/639-4620 Ask for Todd COUGAR XR7, '79. V8, auto., air, cruise, tilt, 54,000 miles, $3950/best. After 6 p.m., 815/338-7674. MERCURY '72, ps, pb, am/fm, tape, very clean, exc. running cond . $500/best. 312/658-8938. PINTO, '76, 4 speed, reliable work car, new tires, $750/best. 815/459-3834. DODGE DART 74.6cyl. Good runner, $400/offer. 312/428-7465 after 5 pm. CELEBRITY, '82, commuters car, high mileage but super condition. Cruise, air, call to see. 815/459-4035 FORD T-BIRD, '79, full power, low miles, velour Interior, mag wheels, exc. cond., $3,900/best, 815/455 5368. TOYOTA SR5 Pick up, '83, red, 4WD, 12,000 miles, paint seal, am/fm stereo, Asking $9,000. Call after 6 pm. 815/338-7691 SUPER BEETLE '74. AM/FM stereo, sunroof, 1 owner, garage kept $1495. 312/658 5216. OLDS STARFIRE. V6, auto., ps, pb, rear refog, am/fm cassette, 70,000 miles, $1500 or best. Must sell immediately. 815/455-6254 CHEVY MONZA '79, brown 2 dr. coupe, am/fm cassette, ps, sport wheels, tan velour in terior, exc. cond., w/low low mileage. Has been well taken care of, must see to appreciate. $2900 or best offer, 815/385-9646. Automobiles For Sale PONTIAC LEMANS, 71, 2 dr, wheels, good runner. 815/385-3309 mag wtx $695/best. VOLVO 145 Station Wagon, '73, auto., fuel ln|ection, air, new engine, fop mechanical cond., exc. body, Mlchelin tires. $1750, 815/385-6681. CADILLAC Eldorado Biarritz, '78, 55,000 miles, exc, cond., $5,000 or best offer, 815/385 9224. PLYMOUTH FURY III, '72, original owner, exc. cond., $1,000 or best. 815/385 3892. RIVIERA, '77, 99,000 miles, runs fine, $2600/best. 312/426- 3766 after 3 pm. CUTLASS BROUGHAM Sedan, '81. 36.000 miles, all ac- cesssories including leather, excellent condition. $7200/best. 815/455-1930 BUICK ELECTRA '77. 4-dr sedan. $2995/best. 312/695 9884 or 697-1765 PINTO, '76, 51,000 miles, ex ceptionally clean condition in side, outside & under the hood. Runs good, $1500, 815/344-2716, morning between 8 & 3. GREMLIN X '73, air, 3-sp, dependable. $300. 815/728-0572 MGB CONVERT, '77. 35.000 miles, am/fm tape, new top. $3.000/offer, 815/459-6653. FORD PINTO '10. 2 dr. stick. 41,000 miles, new tires & brakes, $1500/offer, 312/639 DODGE OMNI, '79, 2 dr hat chback, blue, 73,000 miles, good cond., $2,500/best, 815/728 1538 after 7 pm. MUSTANG Convertible, '66. Restored. 4 cyl. 8i auto., re built. New paint 8i top. No rust. $4200.815/344-5009. CHEVY BLAZER 4 X 4, '72, 307 with 3-sp, good cond. $1100. After 5,815/344-4253 MONARCH, '76, 4 door auto., 6 cyl., am/fm stereo, $1,550. Call 815/385 5907. OLDSM. '71, new brakes, runs good, $375. 815/459 7378 after 6 pm. MUSTANG Ghta. 74. exc. run ning cond. Body rusted. 8900 or bet*. 815/499-51M. MALIBU'76. V6. $550, 815/728-1640. BUICK REGAL, 83. sun roof, 9,000 miles, still under warran ty, power everything! 312/741- 6432 or 695-8721 DE SOTO. '54, 2-dr, 6 cyl, auto, clean, sharp, original, p.s., low $3250 312/6 miles, ings. 7658-7922 even FORD MAVERICK. '76, new tires & battery, 60,000 miles. Good cond. Must sell. $750/best. 815/459-3707 after 5 p.m. MAZDA RX7, 71, low mileage, air, p/b, am/fm cassette stereo, leather & velour int. exc. cond. Must sell. 815/459 9214 after 4 p.m. MUSTANG '72 Grande, high pert. 351, auto., with shift kit, ps. pb, headers, spoiler, hood scoop, body 8, interior super.Show car, must sell, $2400/best Offer, 312/639 6115 after 5 p.m. FIAT X19, '79, black, good cond., $2800.312/658 5698 PLYMOUTH WAGON, 68, 383 engine, runs good. $250. 815/678-4141 FOR SALE 1979 Chevrolet Malibu-good con dition. Air conditioned, AM radio- 58,000 miles. Book value $2,875- Will sell for $2,500. May be seen between hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday at the School Administration Center, 3926 W. Main St., McHenry. I OURJHti YEARI KING'S 1981 FORD MUSTANG 2+2 COUPE $5695 Red. 4 cyl.. auto trans, air, rear defog. 19.311 cert miles 1 owner rustorooled mi 1980 PONT. FORMULA $6995 Red cloth custom seats 4 9 turbo eng auto, trans P/S. P/B air, FM cassette tilt. P/W. 1 owner. 36 121 rust pioofed Sleepy Hollow dri yen miles • 1980 PONTIAC GRANDLEMANS $4995 4 door beige tilt cruise spokes rust proofed local car 1979 DODGE CARGO VAN Side & Back Glass $3995 Blue. 318 eng auto trans P/S. P/B Like new condition 1979 FORD MUSTANG 2+2 HATCHBACK $3395 Dark green. 4 cyl. auto trans air P/S. P'B, FM audio, gages, rust proofed, no rust. 1978 FORD FAIRMONT $2695 4 dr brown 6 cyl auto trans. P/S. P/B, an rear defog.. no rust. 50 010 1 owner mi 1978 PONTIAC LEMANS WAGON $4295 Blue w/woodgrain auto trans P/S. P/B air. cruise P/locks. spt wheels super clean. AH of IM itm later modtl cars in told «ith our 4 000 «rtf 90 day imrintM 100% motor trinimitiioa. AN car* are fully serviced * warranty. SO Mara CatfWaca, CliavralaU, OWamaMaa. * ether fine care. ••• 1 OURfttt iYEARI KING'S MOTORS Rt. 31 and Rt. 62, Algonquin, IL 658*5533 Automobiles 86 For Sale DODGE OMNI '81, rear defoq.. am/fm, 4 spd., new trans, 2.2L, 33 MPG, $2800, call Bill, 312/231-0610 or 312/S30-1745 after 4 p.m. PINTO, 71, S400. Call after 5:30 pm. 312/741-50W CHEVY Impala, '74, SS00. Good running cond., •15/3S5-7913. CITATION, '81, exc. cond., 4- cyl, 4-dr, ps/pb, 4-sp, 45,000 miles. t4500. 312/428-7913 after Sp.m. FORD MAVERICK. 72, 4-dr.. auto., 75,000 miles, S475, 312/439-0754. MERCURY MONTERAY, 48. 390 V-8, many new engine parts, 4 good tires, broken steering & frame, must be tow ed. After 5 pm, 312/439-3216. OATSUN, '78, 510, 2 dr., air, am/fm, 4 speed, ne Michilen radialsexc. cond no rust asking S2650.815/455 2547 DODGE ASPEN, '76, 66,000 miles, 6 cyl, auto trans, ps/pb, air, int. very clean. Brakes, battery, rear tires 8i exhaust system recently replaced. Reliable. $850 . 815/455-3274 after 5:30 pm. BUICK CENTURY wagon, '73. exc. cond., ps/pb, air, good tires, SlOOO/best. 815/385-9601 ARIES, '81, SE wagon, loaded, wtit., w/red int., 2.6 litre mit- subishi. 312/639-0268. CORVETTE, '76. loaded. L-48, auto., new tires, 31,000 mi., Fiordia car, $7500,815/459-7905. 1971 DODGE POLARA 318 auto .-$500 After 5 pm-815/678-3121 PONTIAC PHOENIX '80. 4 dr. hatchback, ps/pb, auto., very gd. cond. Low miles. Asking $2400. 312/426 7460. GRANADA, '78, 62,000 miles. $2700. '75 Granada, 86,000 miles. $1500.815/459-0658 TRANS AM'80.31,000 miles 1 owner, CLEAN, $6,500 Firm. 815/385-7930. LINCOLN MARK, VI, '80.4 dr., leather int. Exc. cond. $8.200/best. 815/923-2385. BUICK REGAL. '77, auto., good cond. Cruise, air, ps/pb, power locks, new brakes, carb., & radiator. Dependable. $1500. Call days. 815/455-4705. REPROCESSED AUTOS- all makes & models. Always a good selection. Not all models at all times. Buy just like tak ing over payments. From $48. month & up. Mechanically tested cars. No major body damage. For full details, you must ask for Mr. Barry. 312/584-3900. CADILLAC Coupe De Ville, '76. all power, fully loaded, low miles, exc. cond., last of the classics, $3,800/best, 815/459- 1414. DOOGE DART '68. GT conver tible. Sharp car Must sell. Any reasonableoffer. 312/658-3472. AUDI FOX GTI '78, looks great, runs great, new tires & shocks, $2100.312/658-5245. BUICK LTD, '72. 4 door, 1 owner, 66,000 orlg. mi., no rust, exc. cond., asking $1,350. Call 815/455 2344. OLDS 98, '73, As Is, $400. 312/428-8397 after 5:30 to 10 pm, anytime weekends. IMPALA WAGON. 1978, 3 seats, very good cond., runs ex cellent, $2,900/best. 815/459- 6196. CHEVY IMPALA '80 4 dr., clean, high mi., must see. For only $2,800.312/658-3679. MERC CAPRI/76, great mech. cond., body fair, needs brake work, V6, 4 speed. Great MPG, air, pb, fm stereo w/200 watt eq. Best offer. 815/459-8409. LESS THAN 8S00I " Pacer X, 1976, auto., p/s., good tires, $495/0ffer. 815/344-2620. PONTIAC GRAND PRIX. 1972, 400/4 bbl., recent carb. &• starter, needs work, 815/385- 1110 before 2pm, ask for Don. DATSUN 280Z. '77. 2+2, 5 spd, air, fm, no rust, no dents, limited edition paint. Asking $3,300/best. Call Pat at 312/697- 2260 ext. 305 or 426-8194 CLASSIC CADILLAC '65. $750, Tandem Horse Trailer, $700, Call after 7 p.m. 815/338-6491. CADILLAC COUPE '76. Needs new body or mechanical work. A real beauty. Regular gas. Loaded, even trunk opener. $2800.815/895-4898. PLYMOUTH Horizon TC3, '79. 4 sp„ 30+ mpg, am/fm, $2,950. After 6 pm, 312/639-6328. MGB Convertible '76. Burgun dy, en-'frn tape. SlOOO/best. 312/639-5*:: PINTO WAGON, '74, some rust, $295 or offer; '81 Courier, auto. $100 or offer, Five Ford, 6 lug wheels, 2 with snows, $45 each, 3 with radials $35,each. 815/728-1004. MG MIDGET. '78, exc. cond., cassette, $3,500 815/459-7607, call anytime. AMC EAGLE, '80, 4-wheel drive, 6 cyl., auto., air, am/fm stereo, 74,000 miles, State Bank Of Woodstock, 815/338-2223 BUICK OPEL '78. 4 9 815/344-3462 great, economical ', *W5 Automobiles For Sale FORDRANCHERO '74, runs strong, $950. 815/728- 0686 evenings OATSUN MZ '78, Midnight Blue air, cruise control AM/FM cassette, new battery, ood tires, sunroof, must sell, 4,750.312/658-5170. PONTIAC Grand Prix, LJ, '80, p.s., p.b., air, astro roof, rear defogger, power seat, am/fm stereo, cruise, tilt. Exc. cond.- all service records. 312/741-1385 or 742-7682. CUTLASS SALON, '77, buckets. 64,000 miles, cruise, tilt, am/fm, air, rear defogger, new water pump & brakes, nas some rust. Must Sell. $1850. Call 312/697-7483 AUDI 4000 S, 1982, silver, 4 dr., sunroof, air, all power, front wheel dr., 815/344-4275. DATSUN M0Z. 1974, 4 sp., silver, asking $2,600. More info Cyndi, 815/385-1190. engine, am/fm cassette, clean, $925. 312/428-6747. VW RABBIT, "n. 4 door, 4 speed, exc. cond., new exhaust & struts. $3,100,815/455-4672. PLYMOUTH Grand Fury '77, V-8, 4 dr. runs good. $800/best Offer. 312/658-5879. PONTIAC Grand Prix SJ, V-8, auto., air, ps/pb, t-top, new tires, exc. cond., call Mon. thru Fri. 9 am to 5 pm, 815/455-2611. COROLLA, 1977, 5 sp., a/fm, completely reliable, $1,800/ best!! 815/385-5111. FORD LTD Wagon 1976, runs reat, good work car, $300, call MONTE CARLO'77. Gd. cond. $950/best offer. 815/728-0201. PONTIAC LEMANS, 350, '74.4 dr, auto, ps/pb, am/fm, air. Best Offer . 815/385-7148 87 Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY junk & repairable autos, 7 day pickup, 312/639-8159. CASH PAID For Junk Cars • 7 Day Pickup 312/639 2628 CASH PAID for |unk cars, run ning or not. Immediate removal. 312/526-3116. Auto Pafts & 88 Accessories VW ENGINE Runs, Make Offer Call 312/639 2776 BENCH SEAT for Chevy van, brown, like new, $250 312/658- 4383. WARDS 11-15LT mudders on white spoke rims. Very good I. Fits Je< " " ' • 9® eep. Ford and IH.5- lug. $200.815/943-5200 cond. $0900 New front fenders, '73 thru '79- GMC, Chevrolet, Ford, Pickups, Blazers 8i Suburbans. Rocker panels, hoods & cab corners In stock. 1050 Larkln Avenue, Elgin. 312/695-8250. ENGINES, All Makes, $200 and up. Transmissions, all Makes, $125 and up. 312/428-8443. In stallation Available. Goodyear radial. P195/75 $20 each. 312/683 4087 eves jal qu< for 409 Chevy. $75. Call after 7 p.m. 815/344-4408 89 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers MIDAS VOLUNTEER 74. 22 ft., full self-contained, sleeps 6, AM/FM stereo, air, awning, stabilizer lacks, excel, cond. 312/426-2047. IH STEP VAN, '69 w/blns. needs repair, V-8, 4-spd., $500. Call Allan, 815/459-9142. TOYOTA TRUCK 'Mk lux uriousMojave Special Ltd. Edi tion, IS.QpO miles, mint cond. loaded, all options, includ. sunroof. Cost $9400, sacrificing at $7500. Call: 312/426-2363 or 312/428-5661, Dorothy. CHEVY BLAZER 4 X 4, '76. auto., ps/pb, 77,000 ml., new brakes, exhaust, shocks, tires, some rust, $1,800/ firm. 815/344-3769. CHEVROLET 1 ton step '78, runs good, very good $1100 . 312/639-9442, van, very good tires, after 9:30 am. DODGE, </> ton pick-up. 1939, body good, restorable cond., or parts. No title, $400 or offer, 815/459-9174 after 6 p.m. OWENS CAR Trailer, '84, with tire rack and tool box. $1900/best. 312/639-5250 Ask for Dan. CHEVY PICKUP, 3/4 Ton, '78, ps/pb, good cond., $2,700, 815/459-0190 after 5:30 pm. CHEVY STEP VAN '75. Runs gd. $795. 815/653-9644, before PLYMOUTH FURY, 1975, 318 V-8, auto., p.s., p.b., good tires, brakes & exhaust, 67,000 miles, $600,815/385-9461. , 4 so., runs ireat, economical, $995. Call BUICK OPEL '78, 4 sp., runs Sr 815/344-3462. Call AUTO * VAN Upholstery Fabric for sale; 30 yd rolls. Nylons, velvets, her- culons, foam rubber & zippers. Crystal Lake Upholstery Shop 815/459-0653 CHEVY K--4 Blazer, '77, 4 X 4 auto, 400 eng., am/fm, 48,000 orig. miles, tow package, brown metallic with black top, exc cond. $3950.815/675-6055 CHEVY MALIBU wagon, '76, $350, '69 Dodge Monaco wagon, $350. Call 815/455 2497. OLDS DELTA 88, '77, air, climate control, am/fm, 54,000 miles, gar. kept, exc cond. $3950.815/675-6055 FIAT X19, '74. Tan, exc. cond., am/fm stereo, low miles. $2000/best. 312/658-8592 ASTON MARTIN Tickford Coupe, '59, DOHC6. All aluminum body, racing specs. Totally restored, mint cond., ready for show, race or every day driving. Call Mon. thru Frb 9 am to 5 pm, 815/455-2611. FORD ELITE. '76, tilt wheel, air, am-fm tape, cruise, 72,000 miles exc. cond., $1,300. Call Al weekdays, 312/683-3100, 608/362 5648 eves. DATSUN PICKUP, '75, w/top per. Good cond., $l,000/best, 815/338-2411. UTILITY TRAILER, 5 x 8, heavy duty w/15" fires. N«w OOfld. 8475. 815/459-4836 aft. 6 Pm. FORD F1J0, '79, 300-6 cyl., 4 sp., ps/pb, heavy duty cap, am/fm 8 track, 10 X 15 spoked wheels & tires, $2,250 or best of- fer. Call 815/455-2297. GMC PICK UP '79. New diesel engine. Many extras. $4,000/of- fer. 312/658-8002. NISSAN, '84, air, am/fm stereo cassette, aft. fiberglass cap, running boards w/lights, dark brown metallic, 5-year unlimited mileage warranty. Lifetime guarantee on rustproofing, $10,300. 312/658- 7213 RANGER '84. P.s/p.b., air, am/fm CB radio, 4 wheel dr., w/fiberglass cap. $10,200. 312/658-9456. *™*£iJS3iputts V yes BRONCO RANGER XLT '81. 351 CID, 4x4. Auto., limited slip rear, air, am/fm stereo w/cassette, tinted glass, fold rear seat, swing-away tire car rier, heavy duty springs I shocks. Extra engine cooling. Trans, oil cooler, 32 gal. tank, chrome wheels. Extended full warranty 50,000 miles, or until 1986.20.000 mi., garaged. S8400. 312/658-7074. FORD BRONCO Ranger XLT, '79, 27,000 original miles, exc. cond., loadea, asking S9,000, 815/728-1443. GMC Truck 3/4 ton, good shape call 815/330-5215 meverbe WORTH MORE! j V •4 Ford, LTD, V6, AT, air ti!f, cruise *10,837 84 Ford, Mustang 6 T turbo, loaded *11,064 84 Mercury, Marquis Brgh, 4 cyl, 4dr, AT,air * 9,475 84 Mercury, Lynx, 5 spd, 2 dr » $,275 84 Ford, Tempo, AT, air » 9,037 84Ford,Thunderbird,loaded . . . * 1 1 , 8 2 5 84 Ford, Mustang, V8, GT . . . . . . . . '10,425 83 Mercury, Colony Park, 12 pass, wgn, loaded '11,750 83 Mercury, CoufirXR7, AT, air, 12,000mi '11,150 83 Ford, Escort, 2 dr, 4 spd » 6,770 83 Ford, Mustang 6T, V8,5 spd, air 1 9,325 83 Ford, Escort, AT, air, PS, 4 dr » 6,200 83 Ford, Escort, AT, air, PS, 2 dr » 6,500 83 Mercury, Cougar, V8, loaded '11,985 83 Ford, Mustang 6T, 5 spd, air, T-Tops *10,161 83 Ford, Escort, 6L, 2 dr, AT * 6,300 83 Ford, Mustang 6T,4spd,T-Tops ,TRX pkg 1 9,290 83Ford,Escort,wgn,AT.... * 6,678 83 Ford, T-Bird, V8, AT, air *10,575 83 Ford, Mustang GT, T Tops, 4 spd . . . . . . * 9,892 83 Ford, Escort, 4spd,air 1 6,975 83 Ford, T-Bird, Heritage, loaded '11,593 83 Ford, LTD, AT, tilt, cruise ' 8,053 82 Buick, Regal, V6,2 dr, AT, air ' 8,494 82 Chevy, Cavalier, 4 cyl, AT, air, 3dr » 6,665 82 Mercury, Zephyr, V6, AT, air, 4 dr » 6,015 82 Ford, EXP, 4 spd, flip roof * 5,669 82 Pontiac, TransAM, V8, loaded '11,487 82 Mercury, Marquis, V8, AT, 4 dr, air ' 8,550 82 Mercury, Lynx, wgn, AT, air » 5,845 82 Mercury, Cougar Village,wgn, V6,AT,air » 7,636 82 Dodge, Aries, wgp, 4cyl, air, AT * 6,600 82 Dodge, Convertible, AT, air, PS, PB *11,425 82 Dodge, Omni 024, AT, air,PS,Sunroof * 5,956 82 Ford, T-Bird, loaded, carriage roof * 8,969 82 Pontiac, Phoenix, AT, air,4dr,htchbck * 6,239 82 Ford, Escort, AT, air, wagon * 5,150 82 Mercury, Marquis, V8,4 dr, Brghm * 8,925 82 Ford, Escort, 4 spd, 2 dr * 4,638 82 Ford, Escort, wgn,4spd, AM/FM cass * 4,748 82 Olds, Custom Cruiser, loaded * 9,275 82 Ford, Escort, 4 cyl., AT, AM/FM * 4,724 82Ford, Escort, AT, cruise, AM/FM * 4,867 82Ford, Escort, 4 cyl. 2dr., GL * 4,825 82 Dodge,Cott, 4cyl., 2 dr., * 4,725 82 Ford, Escort Wagon, AT, air, cruise ' 5,567 82 Ford, EXP, coupe * 4,925 82 Mercury, Capri Y6, Hatch * 5,925 81 Ford, T-Bird, AT, AC, Tilt, cruise, * 7,036 81 Ford, T-Bird, V8 AT, Air * 6,676 81 Chevy, Corvette, loaded, T-Tops *15,413 81 Plymouth, Horizon, 4cyl, 4spd,AM/FM * 4,865 81 Mercury, Marquis, loaded, 4 dr * 7,187 81 Pontiac GranPrix, V6, AT, air, 2dr, ps * 7,050 81 Buick, Riviera, loaded, AM/FM Cass ,... *10,733 81 Ford, LTD, loaded, Wagon * 5,925 81 Ford, Granada, 4 dr., AT, air * 5,275 81 Plymouth, Horizon, 4 dr., 4 spd * 4,050 81 Ford Fairmont, 2 dr, 4 spd, P.S * 4,642 81 Lincoln, Town Car, loaded * 9,725 81 Ford, Mustang, V6 AT, air,AM/FM cass * 6,094 81 Ford, Escort Wgn, 4 spd, defr, roof * 4,740 81 Ford, Fairmont, AT, air, PS, 4 dr * 3,775 81 Buick, Regal, V6, AT, air » 6,245 80 Buick, Regal Limited, V8, AT, air, 2dr * 7,444 80 Mercury, 6ranMarquis,V8,AT,air,tilt,cruise ' 6,769 80 Ford, Fairmont, 4 cyl., 4 spd, air ' 4,619 80 Chevy, Chevette, 4 cyl, AT, air * 4,020 80 Datsun, 200SX, 5 spd, AM/FM * 5,649 80 Olds, Delta Royale, V8, AT, air, 4dr * 6,425 80 Buick, LeSabre Lmtd.V8,AT,air,split seats * 5,425 80 Subaru, GL 1600,4x4,4 cyl, 4 spd, * 5,402 80 Mercury, Capri » 4,375 80 Chevy, Chevette, 4 spd, 4dr, AM/FM * 3,475 80 Flat, Bravo, 4 cyl, 4 spd, Air, Sunroof * 3,375 80 Bukk, Regal, V6, AT, air, 4 dr * 7,552 80 Chevy, Camaro Z28, V8, AT, AC, 2dr * 8,187 80 Chevy, Camaro, AT, PS, AM/FM cass * 5,344 80 Chevy, Citation, AT, PS, AM/FM 2dr * 4,445 80 VW, Rabbit, 4 spd, air * 4,441 80 Ford, Fairmont, 4 cyl, 2 door * 3,125 MPbovy, Citation, 4 spd..... .• 3,025 80 Ford, Granada, V8, AT, air, PS * 4,919' 80 Ford, Mustang, 4 cyl, 4 spd, Air 1 5,175 80 Ford, Mustang, V6 • 4,657 79 Chevy, Monte Carlo, AT, air, PS, w/w ...» 5,922 TRUCKS 84 Ford, Ranger, 4 cyl, 4 spd * 8,075 84 Ford, Bronco U, loaded 4x4 *12,995 84 Ford, F150,6 cyl, 4 spd, OD, AM * 8,125 84 Ford, F150,6 cyl, custom * 7,725 83 Chevy, CIO, V8 *10,125 83 Ford, Ranger, 4 cyl, 4 spd .* 6,425 83 Ford, Ranger * 6,488 83 Ford, F250,6 cyl, 4 spd * 8,027 82 Ford, Bronco, V8 *10,626 82 Datsun, King Cab, 4 cyl, 4x4 .* 8,676 81 Chevy, CIO, V8, AT, PS * 6,678 81 Chevy, SportVan, AT,air,AM°FM,T#C * 9,328 81 Ford, F100,6 cyl, custom * 6,593 81 Ford, Courier * 5,687 80 Chevy, Suburban, 4x4, AT, air, loaded * 8,887 79 Dodge, D150,4x4, AT * 7,049 79 Ford, F100, V8, AT, PS * 4,100 79 Ford, F1S0, V8 * 7,049 79 Chevy, Blazer, 8 cyl, 4x4 * 7,066 79 Ford, E150, Window Van * 3,811 79 Jeep, Cherokee, V8, AT, air * 4,525 79 GMC, Jimmy, V8,4x4, * 5,575 78Ford,Ranchero, V8, AT, PS .* 4,900 78 Ford, F100 * 5,462 78 GMC, Jimmy, V8, AT . . . * 6,514 77 GMC, Van, parcel delivery 12' body * 3,984 77 Toyota Pickup, 4 cyl * 1,025 77 Chevy, Pickup, V8 * 1,275 76 Ford, F250,V8, custom, . * 875 82J Ford, Club Wagon, 12 pass, V8, At, air *10,700 81J Ford, F150, V8 * 6,698 81J Ford, F150 Ranger, 8 cyl * 8,366 80J Ford, F100, V8, AT, air * 7,067 78J Chevy, C10,8 cyl, AT, 4x4 * 7,217 Your used car trade wW never be worth mora. MAKE YOUR BEST DEAL, THEN PRESENT THIS CHECK FOR ADDITIONAL SAVINGS • BONUS CHECK THRU AUGUST 31,1914 PAY TO THE ORDER OF CONLON-COLLINS FORD S15 459-R200 *300 00 THREE HUNDREDANDNO/lOODOLLARS THESUMOF_ Offer eipires August 31. 1984 at closing Only one coupon pet custom* may be applied lo purchase Coupon must be presented at time of sale This check may be used only as partial payment on A I used cars br trucks purchased on or before August 31 1984 C0NL0K OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 11-5 Rt. 14f 1 Mile West of Rt. 31v Crystal Lake 8151459-8200 HOURS: OPEN 9 9 Mon thru Fri RATHER LEASE THAN BUY! Sat 9-5, Sun 11-5 visit Our Lmm D«partfn«nt, Sh Rich Wolf S*rvk« Dapt: Open 6-5 Mon thru F ri CONLON-COLLINS FORD SaUJjoonjag£ts^nlj^^^_^ ALL MAKES AND MODELS