PAGE 17 - PLAINDE ALER - WEDNESDAY, JULY 25,1984 Automobiles 86 ForSale TRAILER 4X1 removable stake sides. tilt bod, supy for motorcycles or wowfl̂ oWljs« Lik* Now. 8550/best. 312/428- 0TO CHEVY '72. IV* ton, 2»16 cyl., economical engine, hydraulic lift tailgate, $2,100, forms, ( for? 312/4*4-5515, leave CAR OR UTILITY trailer, I ft. x W ft., double axle, brakes, lamps, t 2 ft. sides. 815/784- 5W6. FORD PICKUP 3/4 ton. '74.3«0 engine. 4 spd., with or without slide In camper. 81800/best of for. 81S/TO-H83 or *59-1459. FLATBED TRAILER 6x8, after 5 p.m., 312/439-1636 FORD RANGER. '84, FWD. V 6. auto. 2.00C miles. Still under warranty. $9,500. Must sell. 815/338-5541 after 7 pm. FORD PICK-UP. 71 Runs good. $210 81VBM4S8 90 Vans CHEVY De Luxe Window Van. '79 , excellent condition. A/C ps/pb. 44.000 miles. Best offer. 312/395-2173. VW CAMPER 77, Pop top. auto, air, stove, sink, no rust, like now. $4995.115/499-1435. Sportsman B200 Win dow Van, 75, auto., pi DOOGE . , ps/pb, A/C, tinted windows, am/fm, aux. tank. $990/best. Call 815/728- 0777. Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles KAWASAK112.440LTD, 24.000 miles, ixc. cond. + 2 Helmets, 81,300/oWor. 312/421-4145. KAWASAKI KZ 450, 1971,4 into l header, new tires & paint. 81,000/bOSt. >15/331-4096. MUST SELL 11 74* Yamaha YZI0, $350/best; '79 YAMAHA YZ125, 1490. Both exc. cond. 312/883-3879. HONDA CB350. '72. adult driven, exc. cond., low miles, gar. kept. Wlxocn fairing, bags. Asking $550.312/439 9304 HONDA CX500 Deluxe, '79. Like new, extras. $1200. 815/385-4494, after 5 pm. HONDA CM 400 T, '80, 1200 miles, exc. cond., used 1 sum mer, $1,000 815/338-0331 before 9 a.m. YAMAHA 450, '77, exc. cond. only 3,000 orig miles. $750. 815/337^0389 after 4 pm. KAWASAKI KZ498. '82. like new, purchased new in April '83. 1,500 miles, back rest & rack, 81,850/best, 815/455 5348. HONDA 71CL340, uncrated in 77, adult driven, 7,000 mi., exc. cond.. $500.312/458-5214. SUZUKI. '78. JR50, very good cond.. $250, 815/455-4235. call after 4 p.m. SUZUKI GS598L, 12 4JM miles. $1,195 815/455-1138 KAWASAKI KE 175. 78. on-off. used 2 seasons, showroom cond., 2000 street miles, must sea. $780.815/385-6481. YAMAHA 79,XS7SD. Ptexifalr- ing & rack. Exc. cond. $800. 811/499-4834 after 4 pm. HONOA HAWK, 400. '80. V* Fairing, like new, 1480 miles. $1,000,312/439-4117 after 5 p.m. HONOA 900 Custom. 11. mint cond. Cover, cruise and hwy bar. 24100 miles. $2700. After 5 815/344-4253 Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles YAMAHA MAXIM, '82. 300 miles, $1700 or trade for com pact car. 312/439-9583 after 5 HONDA 73t 750 w/falring & backrest. Very gd. cond. $750/best. 815/338-4054 eft. 5 pm. HONOA 340T. 75. Excellent condition. $375. 815/338-5308. KAWASAKI. 75. 5700 original miles, good cond., $400. call after 4 p.m., 815/344-0834. KAWASAKI 12S, '77, dirt bike, runs great w/extra wheel & big ocket. $300. Honda LI350, runs great, $395, 312/458- 7213. HONDA 790 Shadow. '83. Mint cond.. 1800 mi., $2000 FIRM. Call 815/4594990. YAMAHA XS850. '80, 2,000 miles, tarring & extras, $1,500. After 5 pm, 815/478-3121. Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles HONOA CT78 Trail Bike, auto, clutch, exc. cond., $275,/best, 815/499-8794 SUZUKI. 74. 250 OS, engine in exc. cond., asking $500/best of fer. 815/495-3932. YAMAHA 450 special, 79,2800 miles, fairing, exc. cond. $1100, 815/344-1557. HONOA 14, Aspencade, load ed, low miles, warranty. Must sell. $7200.312/458-3559 betore 2 p.m. and week-ends. KAWASAKI LTD750, '81. 2.500 mi., black, exc. cond., adult driven, $1,850.815/499-9912. YAMAHA, '82, YZ80, Dirt bike, never raced, recent r/tlre, piston & rings; very fast, ex cellent cond., $425/best. 815/385-4424. KAWASAKI KZ798, '77, new windjammer & paint, mint cond., $1,200/ best. 312/449- 3398. KAWASAKI, 77, 1000 cc, exc. cond. new tires. $1500/best. Call between 8 am & 2 pm or leave message. 815/653-4798 HONOA GOLD WING 1978. loaded to the max, 19.000 miles, black & gold. $2,200. Must sell. 819/499-7197 after 4pm. 72 Real Estate ForSale NEW BIKE CLEARANCE SALE YZ125$1299 Heritage 400 $995 Virago 920 $2399 Maxim 750 $2399 Seca 750 $2299 Venture $4999 USED BIKE SALE '82 Yamaha MX80 $395 '83 Suzuki RM80$495 '78 Suzuki DS125 $450 '81 Yamaha DT125 $399 '83 Yamaha YZ125 $895 75 Suzuki TS185 $395 '79 Yamaha MX100 $350 '82 Yamaha YZ2508895 '77 Yamaha RD400 $995 '80 Yamaha 400... Special $795 11 Suzuki GS550 $995 '77 Yamaha XS450 $850 '80 Yamaha 450... Special $995 11 Yamaha 450... Maxim $1995 '82 Yamaha Virago... 79081495 '78 Suzuki... GS100081495 '80 Yamaha XS1100... Dresser $1895 ^Yamaha- Maxim 1100 $2495 CYCLE CRAFT 815/338-4454 '72. 4 cyl., disc, brakes, clean, 8890/best. 819/344-5441. Recreational 92 Vehicles MIDAS TRAVEL TRAILER. '78. 14 ft., self contained w/ roese hitch. $2900/ best. Call 312/439-4744. CUMA POP-UP CAMPER '44. gas stow* lot box, sleeps 8. Make offer. 312/742*499. WILDERNESS TRAILER/73. 20 ft, dual tandem, self contain ed. sleeps 4, exc. cond. $2400. 312/458-5204 between 4 ft 4 pnff TRAVEL TRAILER, 30' 5th wheel w/hitch, electric brakes, fully self-contained, ir awning, very good cond., asking $4,900, 815/5687915 after 4 pm. FLEETW1NG Travel Trailer, '77. 24 ft., cater bath. 2 tables, awning, lots of light 8i air, exc. cond., $3,750.312/395-2873. MUST SELL Del Rey Imperial slide In camper, $900, or best of fer. 815/338-4828. CAMPING COMBO 1978 finish ed Ford van, E190-V8, refrig., closet, sink, water tank, Reese hitch with level or and ant! dolphin attach. 1980 24 ft. ' - ilf contain ,lr very clean. Van painted match trailer. Will sell together or seperately. Call 819/455-2908 after 4 pm. STEURY Pop-Up, 78, tandem axle, easy to tow, sleeps 8, all options, Ilka new. $2850. 815/455-1451 VISTA QUEEN, '71, 21 ft. self contained motor home. 57,000 miles, runs great. $4,000/best. 815/385-4354. after 4 p.m. SUNLINE 19 ft. tandem travel trailer, '82, self- contained. Purchased new- used once. To settle Estate- $5,500 Call 815/385-2030 or 475-2254. TRAVEL TRAILER. 28 ft., new tires, air, extra 9 cu. ft. freezer, 84,900,312/439-3524. MOTOR HOME, 74, Explorer, 224, self contained, very good cond., exc. MPG's, compact, easy to handle. Ideal for 3 peo- ple. $8.250,312/458-7597. AIRSTREAM 29', air cond., fully self contained, complete awnings all around, mcl. screen room, mint cond. inside & out, $8,475. 815/385-2001 ask for George. POP UP CAMPER. '72, refrig., oven, furnace, 3 burner, sleeps 4 adults, $900/best, 815/499- 9447. YAMAHA MX80G. 72 cc. Exc. cond. Owner has outgrown. Asking $400.815/338-3347 SUZUKI GS1100, '80, 15,000 miles. $1,795 or trade for good car or truck. 815/338-5541 after 7 pm. Classified salespeople know how to say it right-y-call us today for Ht assistance * in prepar ing your ad j The Coach homes of Waters Edge * Mchenry's Newest Concept in attached Single-family Jiving, Priced from just *54,900! Standard Features Include: •TWO FULL BATHS •SECURITY SYSTEM •ONE-CAR An. GARAGE -CENTRAL AIR C0N0 •DISHWASHER •CARPETING FULLY •EASY CARE VINYL FLOOR -GARBAGE DISPOSAL •CONTINUOUS CLEAN GAS OVEN AND RANGE lium tram Fam Who tat a ft c et lie WAT ITS 8008 rt "ft B I m i Pwlmaor c • i trwn Crystal lafc* PLEASE CALL 3S5-9M0 FOR AN APPOINTMENT am n Hestoenuai LW/wopr̂ rz Group, k* Maybe they're looking specifically for an item -- your item -- and maybe they're just browsing. 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