•0 Page 58--Shaw/Free Press Media Group, Inc. 1984 Fair Guide Fair features Antiques are for all ages By Matt DeGalan Shaw/Free Press Media Mention antiques and many people picture old women looking around the attic for century-old odds and ends laced in cobwebs and coated with rust. What they don't picture is a packed house listening to an expert antique collector describe and judge more than 500 items, ranging from canning jars to candlesticks and nearly everything in between. This however, is the scene that awaits visitors to the antique show at the McHenry County Fair when judg ing of items begins at 9 a.m. on Aug. 1. Instead of simply displaying the en tries and announcing the winners, the show is designed to inform spectators and competitors about the antiques. The judge for the show, Richmond an tique dealer Connie Blanchette, will hold up the entries in each of the 60 classes and tell the crowd about its history, quality and value. The anti ques will remain on display for the duration of the fair. According to Jane Dahm, antique show superintendent, this system of open judging is one of the keys to the show's popularity. "A lot of people enter the show just to find out about - what they have," she said. "It's a learning experience." Another motive, of course, are the prizes. Ribbons and cash awards are presented to the top three entries in each of the 60 classes. First place is worth $5, second place $4 and third place $3. In addition, the judge also awards one grand prize ribbon to the best en try in each of the nine categories. The show's top award is the coveted Best in Show trophy, which last year went to a 100-year-old German doll with moving eyes and a bisque head. Dahm said the doll was a good ex ample of another factor that makes continued on page 59 The McHenry County Fair antique show usually draws about 500 old items and as many or more interested antique buffs of all ages. The even! is designed to inform spectators about the items, as judges hold up entries in the 60 classes and tell about their history, quality and value. Ribbons and cash awards are given to the winners of the competition and grand prize winners are awarded in nine categories. The antiques will be judged at 9 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 3. McHENRY OPTICIANS 1301 RIVERSIDE DR., McHENRY, ILLINOIS (Across from the Fox Holo) 385-9240 CLASSES MADE WHILE YOU WAIT! (Single Vision Only) Over 1,000 Firs* Quality Metal or Plastic *20 and up All Kids FRAMIS SI5 and up Metal °rPI°,,lc Senior Citizens fat We specialize In Prescription Sunglasses and Sport Glasses Visit Our Boutique Designer --Joction ̂ FREE FRAMES With Purchase Of Lenses The Golden Yean Retirement Village, Wlworth, W1 53184, Telephone: 414-275-6103 GOLDEN YEARS RETIREMENT VILLAGE: WERE A HOME You CAN AFFORD M any area older adults like the idea of living at the Golden Years Retirement Village. But they wonder if it is financially wise. Or if living in a retirement village will deplete the estate they'd hoped to leave to family members. Compared to the cost of living in your own home, the Golden Years Retirement Village is surprisingly reasonable. And your hard-earned savings won't just dwindle away. In fact, it's possible that income from the sale of your home, re-invested at today's higher returns, may actually net you more expend able income each month. The value of your estate may increase even more rapidly than it does today. Using a few simple calculations, our staff can help you determine the financial feasibility of living in the beauty, comfort, and security of the Golden Years Retirement Village. Con tact us today to discover how you can share in the priceless benefits of a worry-free, independent lifestyle. The Golden Years Retirement Village concept is designed to make your retirement years the best they can be. Affbrdably. RETIREMENT VILLAGE Yea, I'd like more information about The Golden Yean Retirement Village Name I : Address -- * City State Zip Telephone: - THE GOLDEN YEARS E M E R G E N C Y R E P A I R S & F R A M E R E P L A C E M E N T (815)385-9240 G3 D A i L Y 8 3 0 - 5 . 3 0 S A T 8 3 0 - 2 W E D 8 . 3 0 - 1 wumw.iM y. „• , _ ..... K