» , "H #Wl jril .WW*? (*»•&\WI*<£ Page 48--Shaw/Free Press Media Group. Inc. 1984 Fair Guide Contests & competitors An event designed to get your goat An officially sanctioned event by the American Dairy Goat Associa tion, the goat milking contest will once again be part of the 1984 McHenry County Fair. A popu la r even t fo r ru ra l youngsters, the various goat competi tions have been increasing in appeal in recent years. According to the official goat milk ing contest rules, all entry certificates must be completed and signed by 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 3. There are three successive milk- GULGREN TV & APPLIANCES, INC yf»» REFRIGERATORS • BLACK A WHITE TV COLOR TV • MICROWAVES RANGES S A L E S MAYTAG ItC/l SERVICE Whirlpool KitchenAid 424 W TERRA COTTA AVE. RT. 176 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. 60014 Phone (815) 459-4380 JUL Jrams jManzo k Company. Jnc. invest moil securities A FULL and COMPLETE INVESTMENT SERVICE MANZO INVESTOR CENTER 111S. VIRGINIA AVE • CRYSTAL LAKE ALSO IN: KOCKTOni 1305 N Horsman u-- •*« .. .u-No. rnvtrsMK 750) W. Cermak Road. F27 Utte 3033 W.Ogden Avenue. Suite 112 IMMNpi •Tax •M •Lit las. AW A Treats Manzo's is the smart aHemative to full service brokers who charje full com mission rates...and to discount brokers who place your phone orders at lower rates but jive no advice. The registered Manzo's Representatives give you the best of both worlds sound, thoroughly researched recommendations plus re duced commissions on trades. Other selected investments provide tax relief tor investors. Stop in or write lor further information and be certain to ask toe our current list of recommended stocks which include many securities currently valued under SM JO. There's no obligation. MEMBER OF NASDJSIPC 815/455-5683 ings and the does receive points for the quantity of milk, for the period of time since the last kidding and for the amount of butterfat-produced. Any goat that receives 18 points or more will be awarded a "Star Milker" certificate. The premiums in the goat milking competition range from $10 for first prize in each of four classes to $3 as the fifth prize. The classes judged are yearling milker, two years and under three, three years and under five, and five years and over. All does must be registered with ADGA and the owners must certify that the doe has not, within 10 days of the test, received milk, thyroprotein, or any tonic or condition powder which states that it will increase milk production. For interested persons, the milk- ings are tentatively scheduled for 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 3; 7 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 4; and 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4. DIVING EQUIPMENT DACOR, US DIVER SCUBAPRO P.A.D.I. Training Facility Scuba Lessons CAMPING EQUIPMENT Eureka Tents. Wilderness Experience. Slumber jack Sleeping Bags. Bill Rodgers Running Wear Adidas. New Balance. Reebok. Timberland Boat Shoes Vasque Hiking Boots TUBES INFLATABLE BOATS AIR MATTRESSES ARENA SWIMWEAR FISHING TACKLE FUJI BICYCLES Bicycle Repair Bicycle Accessories Touring Equipment Fontana OUTDOOR SPORTS HI Hwy. 67 Fontana Wis. • 414 275 2220 HOURS Mon Sat « e> Sun. 9 5 I We have the Charming Country Look in Fresh and Silk Flowers Unique and Special For You! tton Huap House We also give weddings that very special touch! Call us! " Mary Ellen Morunde, Proprietor 15019 South Street. Woodstock - 815/338-45761 \ \