*18,898 *13,840 *7,118 '7,598 •v SUPER USED CARS! Reichert announces the start of the 1984 MODEL SELLOUT SALES CAMPAIGN! Please don't buy a 1984 Car or Truck until you sot the Roichert price! FORGET LIST WE WON'T BE UNDERSOLD! 1004 CHEVY CUSTOM CRAFT VAN Black, 5.0 Liter VI, 3spd., Auto., Tilt Wheel, Air Cond., Cruise, Tinted Glass, too much to List! Stock No. P1814 List $23,100 1984 CHEVY S40 BLAZER Desert Sand, 4 Spd., Auto., Power Steering, Pulse Wipers, Cruise, Tinted Glass and more! Stock No. 1666 List $15,320 1984 CHEVY S-10 PICKUP Doeskin Tan, Fleetsfde Body, 2.8 Liter V6,4spd., Man. trans., Gauges, Power Steering and more! Stock No. 1624 List $7,791 1984 CHEVY C-10 PICKUP Blue, Fleetside Body, 4.1 Liter, 3 spd., Man. Trans., Power Steering, Power Brakes, much more! Stock No. 1581 Koe« n* 6reel 6M foeta* nm vvnvffv w rifii List $8,537 Man - . yygors Insurance 141N. MAIN CRYSTAL LAKE 815/459-4000 AN prktt plus Tax A Uctnte M Autos For Sale CLASSIFIED will work for you PAGE 18 - PLA1NDE ALER - FRIDAY, AUGUST 3,1884 Wanted To Buy 99 B5^SJ:,,ck" c"'" Auto Parts & Accessories ENGINES, All Makes, $200 and up. Transmissions, all Makes, $12$ and up. 312/42*4443. In- stallattoo Available. SET OF FOUR Firestone GR 71-15 radlals. en wira wheel rims. 8175/flrm. »15/33»-*9*>. ENGINES all makes. $200 & up; transmissions all types. $125 & up. Guaranteed. In stallation & delivery available. >15/344-5114. Trucks, Tractors at & Trailers MIDAS VOLUNTEER 74. 22 ft., full self-contained, sleeps 6, AM/FM stereo, air, awning, stabilizer jacks, excel, cond. 312/4*2047. IN STEF VAN, '69 w/bins. needs repair, V-*. 4-spd., $500. Call Allan, 115/459-9142. CHEVY, IVj ton, '72, 292, 6 cyi. economical engine, hydraulic lift tailgate, $2,100, terms, trade for? 312/4*4-5515, leave massage. CHEVY FICK UP * ton, '69. Gd. running cond., gd. tires, body work done, new paint, looks good. •15/453-9696. after 4:30 pm. CHEVY 3/4 ton pick-up, 4x4, 380, auto, w/camper top. AM/FM Cassette Stereo, dual tanks, tow pkg, & much more. Ex. cond. No rust, $3975. 312/65M899 after 5 pm. FORD '77, F150 Ranger XLT. Super cab. Air, pb/ps, auto., rebuilt engine, am/fm, 1 Gd. cond. $2600. *15/455-1540. CHEVY BLAZER, 1976, 4x4, 77,000 miles, auto., $1,*00. •15/344-3769. FORD pick up, XLT, '74, runs good, high mileage, call after 6 p.m., *15/3*5-3041. DATSUN KING Cab, 77, red w/top, $1,200 or best. 312/658- 6533. RANGER 'S3, XL, am/fm, 2.3 L.. 4 speed mags, etc., $6000 or best offer, «15/33S-5332. INTERNATIONAL Travel all, 1975, 4 wheel dr., w/lockouts, low mileage, runs--exc $750. •15/344-5114. FLAT UTILITY TRAILER, w/ steel ramp & 2 spares, electric hookup, 6X 12 ft. Ideal for haul-asm. tractor/ snowmobiles, . Call 815/338-9512. Trucks. Tractors ft Trailers WANTED TO BUY |unk & repairable autos, 7 day pickup, 312/639-8159. CASH FA1D For Junk Cars - 7 Day Pickup 312/639-262$ CASH PAID for |unk cars, run ning or not. Immediate removal, 312/526 3116. WANTED TO BUY Mini or l. Will DOOGE Pick up, '74, 6 cyi, 3- sp, needs trans work. Best Of fer. 312/639-0630 CHEVY PICK-UP. '66, flood c o n d . , S 4 0 0 / b e s t o f f e r , •15/331-9145. TOYOTA '79 custom built 4x4 SR5. long bed. p/u. 11.000 orig. miles, show winner. Too many extras to list. Must see. $5,000 or best. *15/653-9451. PLYMOUTH ARROW. '*1, Mit subishi built, sun roof, am/fm cassette. Sharp! Asking $4,000, 815/568-5304 or 312/M8-3220. CHEVY PICK UP '41, runs good, mud tires, white spoke rims. $450. 312/658-5257 after 6 pm- - JOHN DEERE Model A, has loader with down pressure. Great for snowplowing. Also, disc and 2 bottom plow. Best Offer. I15/33S-1935 CHEVY '71 pick-up. 4 wheel drive, 4 speed, ps, pb, new clutch, $4200, or best offer, 312/426-3982. FORD 1947 Flatbed Truck, not running, needs restoration. Best offer. *15/3(5-0«25, 815/385-8161. Vans VW VAN, '75, exc. cond., no rust, 7 pass., air, am/fm, aux heat, new muffler. Blue & white. 82995/best. 815/459-8969 DODGE Sportsman Van '77, 44,000 ml. $2,000 best offer. 815/338 5338 DOOGE VAN 74, fair cond., runs good, $550, 815/344-3065 after3:30p.m. GMCVAN'74 good work vehicle, 312/428-6096. VW CAMPER. 77 Pop Top. auto., air, stove, sink, no rust, like new, $4.595.815/459-1435. CHEVY BEAUVILLE, '77, stick shift, needs work. Must sell. $850/ best. Call 815/459- 7515. DOOGE Sportsman B100 Win dow Van. 74,6 cyi. auto, ps/pb, tinted windows, sunroof, custom interior, needs body work. $500/best 815/338-4590 after 5 p.m. DOOGE VAN '77. 28000 mi., 40 channel CB, am/fm stereo, custom Inter., mint. cond. $3300.312/639-2788. Motorcycles ft Snowmobiles KAWASAKI '*2. 440LTD, 26,000 miles, exc. cond. + 2 Helmets. $l,300/offer. 312/428-6145. 19*2 SUZUKI GS550L 6,200 miles, $1,195 815/455-1130 HARLEY DAVIDSON XLH 1000, 76, low miles, exc. cond., $2,300.815/455-3187 or 459-2577. KAWASAKI KZm '79, exc. cond., low miles, extras, $600/best, 815/385-7860. Motorcycles It Snowmobl lee SUZUKI street or dirt bike, 90 Enduro CC, good cond., $200, •15/337-0125. HONDA CBJ40T, 74, red, engine guard l> sissy ban, low miles. $550, 815/459-9142, Ask for Allan. HONDA '77. 750, super wort, new paint I tires, klrker header, SiOOO or best, *15/3*5- 6*1*. YAMAHA 4», XS-1 chopper, * in. ever front leg, 16 in. back wheel, custom frame, bars, tank, seat, sissy bar, $450/ best. 312/45M01*. HONDA, 76 MR 250, Elslnore, exc. cond., $475, 312/45M*99 after 5 p.m. KAWASAKI LTD, '79, very, very clean, low miles. (Showroom cond i t ion) SlOOO/best. 312/428 9558 or after 9:30 pm, *15/337-0736. Must Sell. FOR SALE OR TRADE 19*1 Yamaha Seca 750 w/falr- ing. $1,800 & 1979 Yamaha XS 650 Special w/fairing & back rest, $950. Will trade for Yamaha or Arc t ic Cat Snowmobile. 312/639-9507 after 5 pm. SUZUKI GS*50, '79, exc. cond., many extras. $1600. 312/526-650* HONDA 750K, 75, new tires, chain, sprocket & clutch, high bars. 4-ln-l header, tune up, 12,600 miles, very good cond., adult driven, $*00,312/639-1570. SUZUKI, '82. RM 80, exc. cond., $550, never been raced, 815/72M612. SUZUKI $350/best 312/658-6464 '•1 HARLEY DAVIDSON, 1982 Sportster, 25th Silver Anniver sary Edition, mint, extras, 3,400 miles, $3,650.815/459-9164. HONDA, '79 XL 75. $200. exc. cond., 312/426-9235. YAMAHA MAXIM 1100, '82. Must see to appreciate, $2,200, 815/338-50M. HONDA CR125. '*1, bought In 'S3, only used l summer, Honda XRIO, '79, bought In '79, 'JO Yamaha special 400, low miles, with extras. Must sell, make of fers. •15/455-1322. YAMAHA, '77,360XS, 1,500 orlg miles, exc. cond, must see to appreciate. »15/455-443> KAWASAKI GPZ1100. '82, adult driven, mint, 1,600 mi. Must sell- $2,000. Call 815/459- 7515. YAMAHA '75, 175 CC, fust tun ed, new battery & horn, exc. cond., $400,312/426-4304. NORTON 850 Commando Cy cle, 1974, all stock, recent paint, low miles, exc. cond., $1,500. 815/653-7793 after 5pm or weekends. HONDA, '75, runs good, needs tires. $400/best offer, 815/459- 2123 Recreational Vehicles VISTA QUEEN, 71, 21 ft. sett contained motor home. 57.00* miles, runs great. S4,000/best *15/3*5-4354, after 4 p.m. CAMPER/ MOTOR HOME Pace Arrow, '78, 29,0*0 actual mites. Call between 3 I 4 pm, 414/723-5732. CAMPER TRAILER 14 ft., air, seml-setf contained, $700, *1S/33*-7744. STAR CRAFT pop-up camper, sleeps *, new upholstery, sink, sieve, a ice BOX. $450/best, 815/3*5-6757. COLEMAN pop-up camper, sloops five. Reasonable, *15/499-3451. DUNE BUGGY, '56. Best Offer Ask for Joe, 312/544-7722, or *15/453-7776 after 6 pm. U'ieps Pony, sleeps box, awning, very little, 312/35*-9500; •15/455-4321. POP-UP CAMPER. 76 Hilltop, Ice box, stove, convertor, very good cond., Sl,l50/best, 815/385-8939. WANTED: Factory Tent for Circa 1973 VW, Campmobile. 815/455-3469 after 5 p.m. Ubg tha McHenry Pialndeeler Classified Ads for Results! Phono 815-344-4800