m Nostalgia fagc n ((fridge)) 8/10/84 6 : 0 0 P M 6 8 0 0MO m m _ XXW fttympiii il MocfMl/Uhror Howili m &$ _ 1990 • MfL-i Brunei • - If ffl ($0 Iwlufhiurt © MOVIE: Hantod a«d Mm Ntatti' Couf̂ M in a typhoon, a younQ peart 4w is rcicuod from danger only to dbcow kit res cuers an modern-day phidM Kkafik Mardiod, AbduSah Mo- soud, KkaMak Shdwm. 1971. €0 <2$ *•« Cont'd ®«Mt (My Uvt Song to Mm fkhbuifk Ml Now V«k 7:30 PM Q ftw<wi|« foafbcA Montreol of €B Y«w Cm't 0* 1«m» On TV @ ® Throo'i 6:30PM 0 ODmkm' USA O © (5* 0 (It) 0 (l0 W<dl Stroet MM Louh Rukeyser OBdym die '80s wMi a weekly iwhw of O Major Montreal el <3 ® Super bvh of H»e Wo HMH| Hmwii'IIW* I Kfi Winrni (j$ G«M|t A Mildred 8:00PM 0 O 0 0 93 WW) of fortune 5ontord and Stn 0i 7:00PM O O 0 Dukes of Haiiard (ou hires o pair of crooked fortune teMert in an attempt to land Daisy in |ad. (R) (AO mm.) ft bti Mailt Max and Ike Mailer confront o team of rene* gode police. (R) (AO mm.) 0 Ymi Cm So a Star about OraHb'i pQf9fvloQ9 and km difficulty accepting die fact Ad tenia has led Mm on. (R) (60 mi*.) 0 © MOV* for Lev* and a U.S. Anty Aitbonn balattun mf#t( lovoi (Midi koNvdi #KJt QO into paratrooper (raUnQ ot Aiy boctiirM cofwbflt-fcody soldier*. CKff Po»<. Skeiey Sntfk. Yapket Kotto. 1983. Q NrnlwWi Now Review Paul Duke is |oined by (11) @8 08 MoAet to IMd • r.i J, yi-L* ̂ --» nipy rngm vramg lyzmg Ike week's news. 0 MOW; 'RMry [Ooi#d Ca0tioctodl lough 0 (&) MOW: 'Where the Spies Am' A doctor jets from London to Beirut offer die dnap- pearance of a key foreign agent. Dowd Nhwn, Francoiso Dorfooc, tokn le Mesurier. 1966. 0 MOW -Torkys 0B **--*•* TTnuiri 0 0 Clmpirtto MOW tatasT When a 99 Jkmmy l»M|nl Two's 1 01 for • lonely boy, he i for lkê .fainM ̂ My Mumy, Bsa Lanherter. 1969. Rated G. // '3'HfTVI '*** n*W&,> otHo,puetauHnyaVo^of4î p:} *V* »! *t*J piOfrf otfm <uoq*H Itf :jamtuv (e)1004 Come uteo KeHy Preston (I.) plays the general's daughter, who falls In love with an Army para trooper, on "For Love and Honor," airing FRIDAY, AUG. 10 on NBC. CHECK USTtNOS TOR EXACT TIME 1 ©*004 Computet By Bevarly Smith Calm, gentle Andy Taylor kept the peace In Mayberry, N.C., both at therlff and Mend to the other town rttidtntt on "The Andy Griffith Show." rL til Ymmdnr m.00 • -- - ̂ *->- - -JIVTIIff I ijlOr WdU i WKMOWCw WwHM taw CO •flWI IMi JrOUfWg ton Opie and hit Aunt lM; who aerved at the faaafiy and i fotter flioffcer# Andy't deputy (and comin), Barney Me, waa per- hapt the moat nervout, hyper and Inept law enforce ment officer ever teen on televklon. Andy't imnmun-smst pmiuiupn/ tirirn pnnrciru i#»f nmmy- berry reMentt from Bamey't by the book approach tojuttke. Since there wat rarely any real crhne le the tmafi town, Barney often lveot overboard iwith enforcing minor onfinancet. Don Knottt, who played FHe, left the thow In 1HS to boat a variety thow. When Griffith quit the thow In 1H9, the HUe wat changed to "Mayberry K.F.D. "In the fint ephode of MMor aJLiiaw JhA •« LaAllgii Ln. ||M|. o^pVBn Crump and the couple moved away. The lead role then went to Ken Berry, who played Sam fonet -- ivfcfpivftr a y^fom^^ f0H, Question: What other character on "The Andy tiriffith Show" left for another televitktn tertetf ARMY LOVE STORY