PAGE 14 - PLAINDE ALER - FRIDAY, AUGUST 10,1*84 Stores. Offices 4 •3 Industrial To Rent 16 GARAGE BUILDING. 50 x 60' with small office. 3,14 ft. doors. Near Rt 31 & 176, $700 per month. 815/459-6270. WOOOSTOCK. new building, 3,000 sq. ft.; 1 office, bathroom, 2 overhead doors. By appoint ment only. Call <15/338 0106. ALGONQUIN Industrial Park, 4200 sq. ft. or 8400 sq.ft. Manufacturing/Warehouse/Of flees. 312/372 8692. •5 Misc. To Rent m CAR GARAGE, in city of McHenry. $65/mo. 4 one 12'x12' storage building, »35/mo. 815/385 3192 SMALL HALL, all occasions Liberty Hall, 1304 Park St., McHenry. 815/385 2281 after 5pm. tv*t CAR garage for rent, Lake ave. near square, zoned commercial, ideal for small business or strorage, 815/338 1542 after 5:30 p.m. i •6 Autos For Sale DODGE RAMCHARGER, 79. w/snow plow. Low miles, exc. shape, $5,000,815/459 7566. REPROCESSED AUTOS all makes & models Always a good selection. Not all models at all times. Buy just like tak ing over payments. From $48 month & up. Mechanically tested cars. No major body damage. For full details, you must ask for Mr. Barry 312/584 3900 NEED A good used car? Call Ray at Reichert Chevy/Buick, 815/459 4000! PONTIAC Grand Prix, LJ. '80, p.s., p.b., air, astro roof, rear defogger, power seat, am/fm stereo, cruise, tilt. Exc. cond all service records. 312/741 1385 or 742 7682 NEW AT Ziebart: Radiator, heater, power flush, radiator repair, air conditioning repair & service, 312/639 5333. HONDA CIVIC CVCC. 1977, Hatchback, front wheel drive, 4 speed, am fm radio, fair cond , Best offer. 815/653 9848 after 6pm. CORVETTE '84. Fully equip ped, 2 tone silver, Bose stereo system & all avail, options. 600 certified ml. Never outside. $26,700. 312/4286614 Ask for Herman, or 815/338 0883, ask for Al. BMW 2 dr. coupe. 2001. Gd. cond., new paint job $1400/best offer. 815/338-0883, ask for Al. PACER '76. Auto.; new brakes, carb. & starter. Gd cond $800 firm. 312/426 7572 VW RABBIT '81 2 dr. diesel. L.S. Factory air, rust proofed, am/fm, low miles Perfect cond. 312/695 3375 or 695 0775 COUGAR GS Wagon, 1982, tilt, cruise, stereo, loaded. Sharp! $6,195??? 815/455 1907. PONTIAC VENTURA, '76, ps/pb, auto, V8, 34,000 original miles. $1500. 815/385 0296 CHEVETTE '76, auto., snow tires, runs great, $850, 312/639 8892. CHEVY MALIBU '76, 305 V8, auto., ps, good cond., $1300 call 815/455 1468 after5p.m. MERCURY, '73, 2 dr hardtop, fully equipped, air, $395 815/459 9494 JEEP a 5, 1977, 304 V 8, exc. cond., low mileage, $5,400 After 5pm. 815/459-8903. T BIRD LANDAU. 1979, a/c., p.s., p.b., am fm stereo, exc. in terior, very minor rust, 70,000 mi. Best offer over $3,400. Call after 6pm, 815/344 3794. TOYOTA CORONA '70, 2nd owner, good car, 49,000 miles, am/fm stereo, $400 or best of fer.815/459 7737. Autos For Sale u CHEVY MALIBU'75, Sports Coupe 815/459-5029. HONDA ACCORD '83. Special Edition, loaded, $13,000. 815/344-0480 after 5 pm. PONTIAC Le Mans, '77, air, ps, pb, am/fm radio, exc. cond., $1500 or best, 815/385 2165 CORVETTE, '79, auto, air, am/fm cassette, white with red interior, Am. racing mags, 38,000 miles, transferrable war ranty. $10,000/offer. Ask for Rick, 312/428-6462 after 3 pm. JEEP CJ7, '79. Vinyl top, auto., ps, 25,000 miles, $4,900/best. 815/648 2357. MATADOR. '75. $500, call Wally, 312/428-7302. DODGE 74, 4 dr V-8, auto, P/S, P/B, 1 owner, 70,000 miles. Good running cond. Some rust. $900/offer. 312/639-6477. CAMAkv, '73, V-8, auto., ps/pb, $600/offfer, call John or Bill, 815/459 5084 BUICK SKYLARK, '81, air, cruise, low miles, exc. cond., $5000.312/639 9024 after 5pm. PLYMOUTH Fury III'68 V-8, auto, $250. 312/428 5156 after 6 p.m. NEEDS TO BE Adopted. Clean late model sporty car looking for a loving owner. 1982 Pontiac Firebird, charcoal gray, 4 cyl, air, ps/pb, tilt, 4 spd, factory am/fm cassette stereo, full sound accoustics, full in strumentation, deluxe interior, rear window defogger & wiper, and Rusty Jones rustproofing. 27,000 miles. $7200. 312/658-6844 OLDS DELTA 88, '72, 4 door, runs good, $395, 312/884 2684 days, or 815/459 0228 after 6 :30 p.m. HONDA CIVIC'77 Fair cond. $1200. 814/338-6543 815/338 9556 CHEVY BLAZER, 4 x 4, '72,307 w/3-spd., good cond., After 5, 815/3414-4253. RABBIT (S) 'II, 4 spd, AM/FM, new tires, low miles, in very gd. cond. $4250/offer. Must sell, leaving for College. 815/338-0313. VW RABBIT LS, '81. 2dr., diesel, exc. cond., $4,000, after 6 pm„ 312/639-0171. FORD MAVERICK '74,6 cyl., 4 door,, 41,000 miles, $875, 312/884 2684 days or 815/459 0228 after6:30p.m. CHEVY MALIBU wagon '76. $300 firm, '69 Dodge Monaco wagon, $275 firm. 815/455-2497. TOYOTA COROLLA delux sta tion wagon, '78, like brand new. I 43,000 miles. New paint, brakes, fully serviced, auto., air, am/fm, stereo, more. $2995/offer consider trade in. 815/344-2620. Autos For Sale 16 GRAND PRIX, '73, 455 eng., exc. cond., 66,000 miles, fully loaded. 815/455 3004. PONTIAC GRAND LeMans Wagon. '79, exc. cond., air, ps/pb, $4,400/best, 815/459-1591. DOOGE SHELBY Charger, '84. $9200 815/455-1627 after 6 pm. DATSUN 200Z '78, air, cruise control AM/FM cassette, new battery, good tires, sunroof, must sell, $4,000/best. 312/658- 5965 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE. '78, 4 dr, white, ps/pb/pw, $3500. 815/455 3510 MALIBU Classic, '74, 4 door auto., new trans. & exhaust, $700/ best. 815/459-4045. TOYOTA CELICA '77, GT Hat chback. 5 sp., am/fm stereo, good cond., $1,300 815/648-4090. SAAB 99EMS, '74, high per formance, loaded. Going to col lege, make offer, 815/455-4391 ask for Pete, Jr. PINTO HATCHBACK. '73, auto., good cond., $375, 815/459- 0738. PONTIAC Sunbird, '80, exc. cond., low mileage, auto. trans., p.s., $3,200,815/385-7950. FORD '75 Granada, 2 dr., vinuy; top, ps, auto., am/fm stereo, runs good, $1500, 815/459 5308 after 5 p.m. FORD GRANADA, '77. V8, air, auto, good cond., 58,000 miles. $2000.815/338-2796 VW RABBIT 77. good cond., $1100 or best, 312/658 9096. FORD LTD, 1979, 2 door, Lan dau, full power, clean car, exc. cond., no rust, $2,900. 815/459- 0044 or 815/344-0891, Mike. AMC EAGLE station wagon, '80, 4 wheel drive, loaded with extras, 50,000 miles, very clean, $5400,815/344-1713. OLDSMOBILE Starfire, '78. 4 cyl., 4 speed, good running cond., $800, 312/426-8999. SUBURU 'II, 4 WD Sta. wgn, exce. cond. $4250. 815/455 3817 HONDA CIVIC, '77,4 spd., a/c, am/fm, exc. cond., no rust, 50,000, 312/742-1991. CHEVY MONZA '79, 4 spd., brown 2 door, vinyl interior garage kept, exc. mileage, $2900 or best offer, 815/385 9646. OLDS CUTLASS Supreme, '79, silver & black two tone, ps/pb, air, rear defog, am/fm stereo cassette. Good Condition. $5000/best. Call 815/344 5806 after 5:30 prri. > KINGSWOOD ESTATE wagon, '72, good engine, tires, & new exhaust. $400,815/385 7626. PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1974, 6 cyl., auto., runs good, $600/best offer. 815/385 4578. OLDS STATION Wagon, 74, good family car, new brakes, trans, tires & paint job. Call after 5:00 pm. 815/459-1980 TOYOTA CELICA '77, good cond., $2500/best. 312/639-1859 OPEL, '74, good tires, runs good, needs muffler & tail pipe. $600/ best. 815/385-8028. PONTIAC BONNEVILLE, '78. 2 dr., loaded, Must sell $3850. 815/459 2604. BUICK REGAL '83. Sun roof, loaded, 10,000 mi., under war ranty. $10,000/best offer. 312/741 6433 or 695-8721. MERCURY COUGAR, '77. 302 Eng , 2 dr., mint, int., exc. run- ning cond., $1,150,312/697-7483. CHEVY CAPRICE Classic, '81, diesel, 4 door, air, gray/ black, 8 cyl., low miles, power seats, must be seen. Call 312/438 3573 or 438 5791. JEEP CJ5 '67. With metal cab. Gd. cond 312/888-0439, after 4:30 pm. DODGE MAXI-VAN, 1975, 318 eng., plushiy carpeted interior, $1,800/best. 312/658-6602. CHEVY IMPALA 1970, air, runs good, $550.815/385-9118. BUICK SKYLARK 72, $350, runs, 815/385-7412 ElECTRA 225, '76. 4 dr, load ed, good cond. $1295. after 6 p.m. 815/385-7534 FAIRMONT, '78, 4 cyl, 44,000 miles, good MPG, reliable transportation. Body clean, engine exc. cond. $2900. 815/344 5279 TRANS AM, '78, good condi tion. $3,800/ Offer. Call after 3:30 pm, 815/338-2569. Autos For Sale 8* Autos For Sale 84 CAMARO, '78. 6 cyl., auto., ps/pb. $2,400. Call after 6 pm. 815/385-7534. FORD LTD II 77, 4-dr„ V*. auto., ps/pb, air, $1,475. 815/459-6654. MERCURY MONARCH 75, ps. pb, auto., am/fm, very clean, very little rust, $750 or best of- fer, 815/385-1263. VOLVO '70. 4 spd., fair cond., ebody. Extra parts. Best of-• 312/426-3793. CAMARO Z», '82. fully loaded, Mops, blue, $10,500, Days 815/455-0060. After 6 pm. 815/439-0677. O L D S T o r o n a d o ' 7 8 , Brougham, fully loaded, 91,000 ml. $2800.312/^69-3234 aft. 5. PORSCHE 914, '72, 5 spd, exc. cond. $2200 Call after 6 pm. 815/385-6929 PLYMOUTH HORIZON. 79, manual trans., air, good shape, runs well, $2,900.815/385-7951. FORD TORINO'78. Runs gd.$500. 312/639 4539, after 6 pm. PLYMOUTH DUSTER. 1972, mechanically exc., some rust, $900/best. 815/459 7255. MGB CONVERTIBLE. '79. stereo, tape deck, exc. cond., $4,295. Call 815/^55-0182. r tooo, PONTIAC T 1000, 1981, low mileage, good cond., recent brakes 8i tune-up, asking $4,000/best Offer, 312/639-2607 evenings. . CUTLASS BROUGHAM sedan, '81,36,000 miles, all accessories including, leather. Excellent condition, $6800/best. 815/455- 1930. OLDS CUTLASS 'M, 6 cyl. low mi, mint cond. $5700/best offer. 815/338-8707. TRANS AM '77, black on black, t top, 4 spd, 455 eng., new tires, P/S, P/B, P/W, air, $4750. 815/459-1586. DATSUN 75. B210, auto, only 43,500 mi., exc. mech, cond. lit tle rust, $1150. 815/455-6625 aft. 6 pm. OLDS CUTLASS 73. Priced to sell at $550. Phone 815/338-5635. MUSTANG, '74, exc. running cond., $500 or best offer. 815/459-5186. OPEL '71 GT, runs good, needs work, $300 or best offer. 815/338 3698. CADILLAC Seville '77, 4 dr. loaded includ. moonroof, leather seats, burglar alarm, wire wheels, dark metallic brown, exc. cond. $5800. 312/658-5012. FORD PICK-UP 73 $500/best offer. 815/385-8028 NOVA 1972 $400 312/658-9194 DOOGE DART, '72, $400/best. IH Travelall, '73, $450/best, more info. 815/455 1015. OLDS M, '65, good work car, needs some trans, work, $400, 815/338-4047 after 5:30 pm. M U S T A N G I I . 1 9 7 5. black/whit*, int.. Craeger wheels, 2300cc, 4 cyl. engine, 4 speed manual transmission, 80,000 miles. Engine, drive train, body & int. in very good cond.. Asking $850. 312/639-9851 after 6pm. AMC '74 Amabassador wagon, looks & runs very good. $650 or best offer, 312/428-0069. MUSTANG HATCHBACK, '75, 4 sp., 4 cyl., good cond., no rust, $1,200.312/639-3678. JEEP, '52, w/plow, runs good. $1,500. Double axle trailer with brakes and lights, like new con dition, $1,500.815/338-1440 HARD TO FIND '84 Dodge Caravan (Mini Van). 5 speed, low miles. Save on Sales tax. Days, 815/344-2720. eve. 815/459-8887. PONTIAC Grand Prix, '63. 389 Auto., ps. pb, am/fm, blk. like new interior, new wht. paint, 815/455-0419, $3,000. BUICK RIVIERA t type turbo, 1984, 200 hp, leather int. con cert sound, A/C, pwr windows,., locks, cruise. $18,500 invested, sacrifice $16,000. 615/675-6362 after 6 pm or weekends. LE MANS Sports coupe, '73. 61.000 ml. $795. See Saturday, 3005 Castle Road, Woodstock. CHEVELLE convertible, '67, good cond., $2,500/best, 825/338-8220 after 6 pm. LADDER RACK for long bed pick-up. $100, 815/338-8220 after 6pm. FORD Pinto, 76. Good cond., $1,500. 815/455-2573 or 815/338 0566, after 5 p.m. BUICK OPEL. '77. must sell, moving to Texas, 68,000 miles, 4-spd., good eng., runs well, some rust, $795/best, 815/455- 4693 after 6 pm. CHEVY IMPALA '77, 2-dr., Arizona driven, one owner, 2- tone blue, tilt, am/fm stereo, air, 75,000 miles, $2,500 FIRM, 312/658 5987. VW RABBIT. '78, diesel, mov ing must sell. 62,000 miles, good runner-50 MPG. $2195/best. 815/728-0197 "CHEVY MONZA '79. V6. 4 spd., ps, pb, air, exc. cond., low miles. $3000/best. 815/337-0596. MONARCH, '77, V8. auto, air, heavy suspension, very low miles, new engine 8i tires, very good cond. 815/338-5438 or 312/381-9050 PONTIAC, GTO, Convertible, 1968, needs finishing touches, 81,800/best offer. 815/344-3554. PONTIAC CATALINA 71, $250 815/728-0121. M U S T A N G ' 7 9 , a m / f m cassette, good cond., 59,000 miles, $2800 or best, 312/426 6280. CHEVY Impala, '78, 9 pass, wagon, exc. cond, $2500 or best offer, 815/459-6196. CAMARO 79, exc. cond., air, ps, pb, 815/338-2861. OLDS 00 Broughm, '82, full power acc., stereo, tilt, rear defogger, high mileage, peach cond., $7,900,815/459 3466. DATSVH-280ZJ+2, '77, 5 spd, alpr Jest Offe>. 312/639-7390 yrter6pm. CADILLAC El Dorado, '79. Ex ceptionally clean. White w/red l e a t h e r i n t . 3 4 , 0 0 0 m i . $9500/best offer. 312/741-1476 or 669-3295. CHEVY Malibu, '73, exc. run ner, $500 or best offer, 815/385-3790 MUSTANG GL, '83, air, auto , 4 cyl. ps, pb, 5 yr. 50,000 mi. war ranty. 815/385-9185, $7,195 or best. TOYOTA Corolla, lift-back, SR 5,1980, S speed, moonroof. am- fm stereo, very good cond., $3,950.815/568-7948. PONTIAC Firebird, '76, runs good, dependable, $l,500/best. Call after 4pm, 815/385 5653. REPROCESSED AUTOS- all makes & models. Always a good selection. Not all models at all times. Buy just like tak ing over payments. From $48. month & up. Mechanically tested cars. No major body damage. For full details, you must ask for Mr. Barry 312/584 3900. OA Autos For Sal* 90 Vans MERCURY LN7, '12, loaded, $5,000 or tost offer. Call •15/3*5 2917 after Spm. VW VAN, '78, exc. cond., 46,000 miles. Must See. $4250.815/385- 1191 or 385 1919 B7 Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY junk & repairable autos, 7 day pickup, 312/639-8159. CHEVY VAN, '73 auto., 1 ton, 350 rebuilt motor. $900.312/639- 4807 leave message. B7 Wanted To Buy WANTED TO BUY junk & repairable autos, 7 day pickup, 312/639-8159. Motorcycles 4 9T Snowmobiles CASH PAID For Junk Cars - 7 Day Pickup 312/639-2628 Motorcycles 4 9T Snowmobiles CASH PAID For Junk Cars - 7 Day Pickup 312/639-2628 SUZUKI GS850, '79. exc. cond., many extras. $1600. 312/526-6508 .< .CASH PAID for junk cars, run- ivjng or not. Immediate rebi^yal, 31^/526-3116. SUZUKI GS850, '79. exc. cond., many extras. $1600. 312/526-6508 .< .CASH PAID for junk cars, run- ivjng or not. Immediate rebi^yal, 31^/526-3116. HONDA V4S SABRE. '83. like new, 3,700 mi., asking $2,600. Call Mike, 815/459-3020. MOPED Vespa Ciao. like new condition, 1.500 miles. S290. 815/459 9582, ask for Stan. HONDA IX 650 Nighthawk, shaft drive, hydr., w/access., $2500.312/658-6142 aft. 6 pm. WANffetf TO BUY Mini or motor home. Reasonable. Will pay cash & pick up. Call 1- •15/877-8224. HONDA V4S SABRE. '83. like new, 3,700 mi., asking $2,600. Call Mike, 815/459-3020. MOPED Vespa Ciao. like new condition, 1.500 miles. S290. 815/459 9582, ask for Stan. HONDA IX 650 Nighthawk, shaft drive, hydr., w/access., $2500.312/658-6142 aft. 6 pm. Auto Parts 4 88 Accessories HONDA V4S SABRE. '83. like new, 3,700 mi., asking $2,600. Call Mike, 815/459-3020. MOPED Vespa Ciao. like new condition, 1.500 miles. S290. 815/459 9582, ask for Stan. HONDA IX 650 Nighthawk, shaft drive, hydr., w/access., $2500.312/658-6142 aft. 6 pm. ENGINES all makes $200 & up; transmissions all types, $125 & up. Guaranteed. In stallation A, delivery available. 815/344-5114. HONDA V4S SABRE. '83. like new, 3,700 mi., asking $2,600. Call Mike, 815/459-3020. MOPED Vespa Ciao. like new condition, 1.500 miles. S290. 815/459 9582, ask for Stan. HONDA IX 650 Nighthawk, shaft drive, hydr., w/access., $2500.312/658-6142 aft. 6 pm. ENGINES all makes $200 & up; transmissions all types, $125 & up. Guaranteed. In stallation A, delivery available. 815/344-5114. MOTOGUZZI, 750, 71, after 5 p.m. 815/455- 1261. ENGINES all makes $200 & up; transmissions all types, $125 & up. Guaranteed. In stallation A, delivery available. 815/344-5114. HONDA ATC 250 R, 1983, like new, never crashed, must see. Need money for school, $1800, 815/338-3217. DIESEL ENG:NE 1978, 5.6 liter, 53,000 on engine. Com plete $500, 815/728 1310. HONDA ATC 250 R, 1983, like new, never crashed, must see. Need money for school, $1800, 815/338-3217. CHEVY MONZA '75, 5 sp., for parts, rebuilt transmission. Best offer. 815/455-0365. HARLEY DAVIDSON '68 Sporster XLCH stock,exc. cond. Call, 815/385-5675 after 6 pm. CMC 74 9500 series w/'67 Hile 22' dump trailer. Ex. cond. $14,000.815/459 7425. HARLEY DAVIDSON '68 Sporster XLCH stock,exc. cond. Call, 815/385-5675 after 6 pm. CMC 74 9500 series w/'67 Hile 22' dump trailer. Ex. cond. $14,000.815/459 7425. HONDA 900 Custom, '81. mint cond. Cover, cruise & hwy. bar., 2,000 miles. $2,700. After 5, 815/344-4253. CHROME WIRE Wheels. 15 in, fits Ford products. $75 for com plete set. 312/639-4493 Trucks, Tractors 89 & Trailers HONDA 900 Custom, '81. mint cond. Cover, cruise & hwy. bar., 2,000 miles. $2,700. After 5, 815/344-4253. CHROME WIRE Wheels. 15 in, fits Ford products. $75 for com plete set. 312/639-4493 Trucks, Tractors 89 & Trailers KAWASAKI '82, KZ750 LTD, low miles, adult driven, best of fer, 815/344-0796, after 4 p.m. HONDA '79, CX500. with fair ing. exc. cond., $1,300, 815/459-5843. MIDAS VOLUNTEER 74. 22 ft., full self-contained, sleeps 6, AM/FM stereo, air, awning, stabilizer jacks, excel, cond. 312/426 2047. KAWASAKI '82, KZ750 LTD, low miles, adult driven, best of fer, 815/344-0796, after 4 p.m. HONDA '79, CX500. with fair ing. exc. cond., $1,300, 815/459-5843. MIDAS VOLUNTEER 74. 22 ft., full self-contained, sleeps 6, AM/FM stereo, air, awning, stabilizer jacks, excel, cond. 312/426 2047. HARLEY DAVIDSON, '77 Sportster XLH, 7,000 ml, etc. cond. 82500.312/741-4005. IH STEP VAN, '69 w/bins, needs repair, V-8, 4-spd., $500. Call Allan, 815/459-9142. FORD 1947 Flatbed Truck, not running, needs restoration. Best offer. 815/385-0825, 815/385 8161. HARLEY DAVIDSON, '77 Sportster XLH, 7,000 ml, etc. cond. 82500.312/741-4005. IH STEP VAN, '69 w/bins, needs repair, V-8, 4-spd., $500. Call Allan, 815/459-9142. FORD 1947 Flatbed Truck, not running, needs restoration. Best offer. 815/385-0825, 815/385 8161. YAMAHA'81, YZ465G Exc. cond. $1400/ofter. 312/649-5627 IH STEP VAN, '69 w/bins, needs repair, V-8, 4-spd., $500. Call Allan, 815/459-9142. FORD 1947 Flatbed Truck, not running, needs restoration. Best offer. 815/385-0825, 815/385 8161. HONDA 76 250 Enduro, $300 or offer, '75 Kawasaki 500, not running, make offer, 312/658- 5938 Mike. TOYOTA PICKUP, '82, exc. cond. w/stereo & aluminum cap. $4,500, 312/658-8922. CHEVY, Step side, 1979, p.s., p.b., air. A real black beauty! $4,200/best offer. 815/459-7813. FORD F250 Pick-up, '72, 3/4 ton, exc. running cond., $375. 815/455 2268 after 7 pm. Plus, five HR78-14 tires on rims. CHEVY, '78 pick-up, step side, cap, 6 cyl., 4 spd., 50,000 miles, $2900,312/367-6511. HONDA 76 250 Enduro, $300 or offer, '75 Kawasaki 500, not running, make offer, 312/658- 5938 Mike. TOYOTA PICKUP, '82, exc. cond. w/stereo & aluminum cap. $4,500, 312/658-8922. CHEVY, Step side, 1979, p.s., p.b., air. A real black beauty! $4,200/best offer. 815/459-7813. FORD F250 Pick-up, '72, 3/4 ton, exc. running cond., $375. 815/455 2268 after 7 pm. Plus, five HR78-14 tires on rims. CHEVY, '78 pick-up, step side, cap, 6 cyl., 4 spd., 50,000 miles, $2900,312/367-6511. HARLEY DAVIDSON Sport ster, '76. exc, cond.. Call 815/648-2798 after 5 pm. HONDA CX 500 deluxe. 1979. like new, low miles, gar. kept, $350 worth of extras w/bike, $1,000.815/385-4494 after 5pm. TRIUMPH motorcycle, '74, 750 Newton motor, $800(may separate for parts). Call 312/639-4807 leave message. FORD, % ton, '76, 4 spd., 360 engine, pb, radio, runs good, needs minor body work. $1500 or best. 312/428-7438. YAMAHA '78, 650 special, 11,000 miles, good cond., $700, 312/658 3828 Or 658-7430. YAMAHA '81, ATC. $500, 815/385-7848. FORD F-150 '84.6 cyl., ps/pb, 4 spd., over drive, 8900 mi. $7500. 815/459-7294. YAMAHA '78, 650 special, 11,000 miles, good cond., $700, 312/658 3828 Or 658-7430. YAMAHA '81, ATC. $500, 815/385-7848. ELCAMIN073 Best offer or trade. 815/459-8733 KAWASAKI '82, KZ10000J, many extras. Must sell. Less than 6000 mi. First $2800 takes it. 312/658-6914 after 7 p.m. KAWASAKI CSR750, '82 Exc. cond. Back rest. $1600. 2800 m i l e s , 8 1 5 / 4 5 5 - 2 6 0 9 CHEVY pick-up'72, 350 engine, runs good, $600 815/385 9172. KAWASAKI '82, KZ10000J, many extras. Must sell. Less than 6000 mi. First $2800 takes it. 312/658-6914 after 7 p.m. KAWASAKI CSR750, '82 Exc. cond. Back rest. $1600. 2800 m i l e s , 8 1 5 / 4 5 5 - 2 6 0 9 FORD 75 F250 With top, $1350. 815/459-5831 KAWASAKI '82, KZ10000J, many extras. Must sell. Less than 6000 mi. First $2800 takes it. 312/658-6914 after 7 p.m. KAWASAKI CSR750, '82 Exc. cond. Back rest. $1600. 2800 m i l e s , 8 1 5 / 4 5 5 - 2 6 0 9 FORD 75 F250 With top, $1350. 815/459-5831 HONDA CB550K, '77. 4 cyl., fairing, luggage rack w/travel trunk, crash bar, custom seat, recently tuned. One owner, very good cond.. $900/best. 815/337-0039. JEEP J10 Pickup, 4x4, 1978, golden eagle, auto., p.s., p.b., am-fm cassette, sunroof, rear slide window, snow plow, $3,500 firm, 815/344-1472 or 815/344- 1637. HONDA CB550K, '77. 4 cyl., fairing, luggage rack w/travel trunk, crash bar, custom seat, recently tuned. One owner, very good cond.. $900/best. 815/337-0039. JEEP J10 Pickup, 4x4, 1978, golden eagle, auto., p.s., p.b., am-fm cassette, sunroof, rear slide window, snow plow, $3,500 firm, 815/344-1472 or 815/344- 1637. YAMAHA XS400, '81. Good cond., $1,000.815/338-8220. after 6 p.m. 815/338-8220. KAWASAKI KZ200. 78, 1.500 miles, mint condition. Call 815/459-7658 after 3:30 pm- KAWASAKI KZ400, '79, 6 spd., raw tires, battery, chain, exc. cond., moving, must sell, $500, 815/459-4948. JEEP PICKUP '65. 4 wheel drive with power angle Meyer s n o w p l o w . L o w m i l e s , reasonable. 312/888-0439, after 4:30 pm. YAMAHA XS400, '81. Good cond., $1,000.815/338-8220. after 6 p.m. 815/338-8220. KAWASAKI KZ200. 78, 1.500 miles, mint condition. Call 815/459-7658 after 3:30 pm- KAWASAKI KZ400, '79, 6 spd., raw tires, battery, chain, exc. cond., moving, must sell, $500, 815/459-4948. H E N D R I C K S O N ' 7 4 , ' 7 7 Oorsey dump, 26 ft., $17,900, 312/639-6811 after6p.m. 90 Vans YAMAHA XS400, '81. Good cond., $1,000.815/338-8220. after 6 p.m. 815/338-8220. KAWASAKI KZ200. 78, 1.500 miles, mint condition. Call 815/459-7658 after 3:30 pm- KAWASAKI KZ400, '79, 6 spd., raw tires, battery, chain, exc. cond., moving, must sell, $500, 815/459-4948. VW VAN, '75, exc. cond., no rust, 7 pass., air, am/fm, aux I b .3t, new muffler. Blue & wnite. $2995/best. 815/459-8969 YAMAHA '84,700CC, low rider, 1300 miles, $2695. 815/728-1303. Recreational Vehicles WANTED: Factory Tent for Circa 1973 VW, Campmobile. 815/455-3469 after 5 p.m. TRAVEL TRAILER, '70,19 ft., sleeps 6, self contained, exc. cond. $1400/best. 815/459 9267 POPUP CAMPER, light weight, sleeps 4, no built-ins, good cond., asking $995. 815/728-0643. RECREATIONAL VEHICLE for sale. '77 Midas Mini, 23'. very good cond., new tires, shocks. & muffler. Roof & cab air, cruise, 32,000 ml., $9,000, 312/639-4103 after 5 p.m. CAMPER Nimrod pop up, sleeps, 8, stove, sink, ice box, gas heater, good cond., $750/best. After 5 p.m. 815/459- 3875. . COBRA SLIDE-IN Camper, 10V» ft., sink, refrigerator, toilet & shower, sleeps 6. Re quires % ton pick-up truck, exc. cond. Must be seen to ap- preclate. $1,050.815/459 3295. DAN DEE TRAVEL Trailer, 15 ft., stove, icebox, sleeps 4, exc. cond., $775.815/459-3295. DOOGE MOTORHOME, '79. 23 ft., purchased new In '80.17,000 miles, exc. cond., cab air, cruise, stereo, sleeps 6. $13,500. Call after 6 p.m. 815/459-0237 SPORTSCRAFT, '81, 23' mini motor home, exc. cond., $17.500,312/888-4957. STINGRAY CAMPER, 17Vi ft. self contained, under 1,000 mi., exc. cond., $2,200. For more Info.- 312/426-8386 after 6 pm. POP-UP CAMPER w/add a room, good condition, $500. 815/385 2895. TRIUMPH Bonneville, '72. Runs. 16" hog back tire. $800. 312/639 4539, after 6 pm. PORTA CABIN pop-up trailer, $800. Sleeps 8. Stove, sink, ice box, etc. 815/459-5186. STARCRAFT pop-up camper, '74. Sleeps eight, good cond., 815/338-5972. MOTORHOME 20 ft., roof air, awning, sleeps 4-6, Ford casual $6500, 815/653-9437, 10,000 miles on engine, runs good. I OF CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS SAVE•SAVE•SAVE LAST OF THE 1984'S JOIN US NOW FOR OUR | SUMMER CLEARANCE { 1984 Luxury Conversion Van SAVE $5000 off original price f WE FEATURE THE FINEST USED CARS IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS. FULLY RECONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT & SAFETY PLUS 100% GUARANTEE! * 82 BUICK CENTURY LTD. Auto ait. power steering, brakes seats ^ windows, door locks, tilt & cruise, AM/FM stereo * * $7,995 81 FORD MUSTANG 4 speed; bucket seats & console, power steering & brakes; AM/FM stereo $3,995 82DATSUNP.U.4i4 5 spd. bucket seats & console, power steering, trailer hitch, enclosed bed $6,595 *82 TOYOTA TERCEL ... jL Front Wheel Drive. Auto . Power Steering. kHK A AM/FM Stereo. Rear Defroster. Radial Tires • * A. 81 DODGE PICKUP ^ 0 150; shortbed. auto . power steering & brakes, am/fm stereo, low miles * $5,295 81 CHEVY IMPALA WGN Auto; power steering & brakes, air; tilt wheel & cruise; AM/FM stereo; luggage rack. 80 OMNI 4 DR. Front wheel drive; auto; power steering & brakes; air; bucket seats & console 79 JEEP CJ-7& PLOW 6 cyl; 4 spd; tilt wheel; two tops; Meyer's Plow $3,995 $3,995 $3,495 79 HONDA CIVIC WGN. Front wheel drive; power steering; AM/FM radio; rear defroster; tinted windshield; radial tires 78 CHEVY IMPALA 4 dr.; auto; power steeringi brakes; air; AM-FM radio, wholesale special; runs good! $3,395 $1,595 » TTCHEVTMAUBUW6N. Auto.; power steering & brakes; air; radial tires; AM/FM stereo; low miles $1,995 3 75 FORD MAVERICK 4 Dr; 6 cyl; auto; power steering; AM radio; new tires; runs perfect. $995 1 ?F'lJPri] I N • ir V it TP ( , S / Wnijm) ri (815) 459-8000 CORNER OF RT. 14 AND RT. 176 HRS; M0N. THURS. 9-9. FR! 9-9 SAT. 9-6. CLOSED SUN. Use the McHenry Plalndealer Classified Ads for Results! Phone 815-344-4800 Autos For Sale o fD CO O fD O PD O FOR SALE For ice & snow driving, Front Wheel Drive Truck, with 4 wheel drive on demand, 1981 Subaru Brat, AAA-FM, CB Transceiver & An tenna, red w/white stripe, very economical & very dependable. $3,000 312/639-8086 Before Noon or Atter 7 p.m. PFAFF AUTO SALES "The Largest Avto Dealer in Beautiful Downtown Huntlrv ' it it IMS * * fONTlAC6RAHO * * IMS • * PLYMOUTH RELIANT WAGON, 1 amor, in mm.. $6700.! CHEVY MAUBU WAGON. 8 cjL, ! H700. I OLDS CUTLASS SIERRA BROUGHAM, 31,000 actual it it 1M1 it • I WICK CENTURY, 4 4r, sail* MM $$300. RUK* REGAL COUPE, ficyL,MrtaL. lW4tj $6400 * • 1MO * * MONARCH 4 47,008 acteal eAaa $4300. PONTIAC PHOENIX. 2*. 4cM*. $SMO. , CHEVY MONZA, safe, NUM. $3$00. m CNMUJC COUPE MFLLLE, leaded. 44,000 acted •Aaa $SIOO. * * If7$ it it DATSUN PICKUP, aate $3000. i ptB, ii, i PLYMOUTH HORIZON, 4 dr., air...... $3000. THUNDERBIRD, • * lf7t • * | GRANADA, I cyL, i air cond. $3300. i * • 197$ * it i MALIBU WAGON, I CTL, air and.... $3000. CAPRICE WAC0N, , loaded $3900. PONTIAC F1REBIR0 $3300. BUICK CENTURY, 4 *„ . • EFL, air $3300. PLYMOUTH HORIZON, 4 $3800. PINTO WGN, auto . $3000. MONARCH, 4 4., I cjL, air cond $3000. .TRANS AM T-Top, Indtd • * 1177 * * VW RABBIT, 4 cjl, 4t& $3300. CHEVY EL CAMIN0, ante $1400. CHEVY IMPALA C0UW, USOO. --+ *1174+ + OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME. $1300. POND % TON PICKUP, 3 1 2 / 6 6 9 3 3 8 1 3 1 2 / 6 6 9 - 3 3 8 2