SECTION 1 -PAGE 1 • PLAINDEALER • FRIDAY. AUGUST M. MM Schools Area school districts set lunch policy McHenry High School District 156 and Johnsburg District 12 recently announced their policy for free or reduced price meals under the National School Lunch or Breakfast program. Children from families whose income is at or below the following levels are eligible for free meals or free milk: -|6,474 for a family of one. -$8,736 for a family of two. -$10,998 for a family of three. --$13,260 for a family of four. -$15,522 for a family of five. -$17,784 for a family of six. -$20,046 for a family of seven. -$22,308 for a family of eight. -$2,262 for each additional member. Reduced prices for school meals are available to those children whose family income is at or below the following: -$9,213 for a family of one. -$12,432 for a family of two. -$15,651 for a family of three. -$18,870 for a family of four. , -$22,089 for a family of five. -$25,308 for a family of six. -$28,527 for a family of seven. -$31,746 for a family of eight. -$3,219 for each additional member. State seeks candidate for school superintendent's job Application forms are being sent to all homes in a letter to parents. To apply for the program, households should fill out the application and return it to the school. Additional copies are available at the principal's office in each school. Ap plications may be submitted any time during the year. To discourage the possibility of misrepresentation, applicants are required to state that all information presented is true and correct. School officials may verify the information in the application and deliberate misrepresentation may fesult in prosecution. If a family member becomes unemployed, or if the family size changes, the family should submit a new application. The family is also required to notify the school when the income increases by more than $50 per month or the size of the family decreases. , In certain instances, foster children are also eligible for the program. The information supplied by the family is confidential and will be u used only to determine eligibility and verify data. Orientation slated at East Campus The Illinois State Board of Education is seeking candidates to become the next State Superintendent of Schools. The board's goal is to have an in dividual selected by Jan. 1,1985. Supt. Donald G. Gill an nounced recently that he would not be renewing his contract. He has held the position since 1980. - The next session of the General Assembly is expected to be a crucial one for education, according to Walter W. Naumer Jr., chairman of the board. A new superintendent will be Eight graduate from U of I Eight area students were among more than 5,700 who graduated in May with degrees from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Graduating with bachelor of science degrees were Denise Ann Freund, John Henry Moehling, Thomas Joseph Mohapp, Denice L. Primeau and Dwight D. Schmitt, all of McHenry. Two other McHenry residents, Caroline Jean Freund and Gary A. Wendland, were awarded a bachelor of landscape ar chitecture degree and a bachelor of arts degree, respectively. George C. Bell, of Wonder Lake, graduated with a bachelor of science degree. ILLINOIS EXPANSION The Governor said recently that Anchor Hocking Cor poration, a diversified world wide manufacturer of household, hardware and packaging products, with production facilities in Rock- ford, Winnebago and Danville, is seriously considering acquiring an abandoned plastics plant in Kankakee County. Anchor Hocking could employ about 300 workers PRIME RETAIL LOCATION JOIN JEWEL/OSCO & WAGS McHENRY SHOPPINO CENTER (RTE. 120 « INDUSTRIAL DRIVE) 3 CHOKE SPACES 1EFTI CALL (312)420-8512 f u l l c o m m i s s i o n p a i d RENT RINSEtfVAC the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental FREE Hour total $1.00 per hour for every thereafter. (Example-2 hours charge $1 plus tax.) NO MINIM Ml Special Rental Rate Good Mon-Thurs RINSE 'N VAC cleans the way professionals do ot a fraction of the cost. • SUN Nvu\ OVERNIGHT SPECIAL I ^ 8:00 pm-9:00 am $10.00 mm 4400 W. RTE. 120 - McHENRY, " involved with implementing the laws designed to improve schools and should be on the board in time to work with the legislature and the governor during the entire session, Naumer said. The board has set Oct. 8 as the deadline for the receipt of applications for the position of State Superintendent of Schools. Applications or nominations should be submitted to Dr. Luvern Cunningham, Illinois State Board of Education, P.O. Box 20821, Chicago, IL, 60620- 0821. A freshman orientation is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 16, at East Campus High School in the teaching theater. In coming freshman students and their parents or guardians are invited to attend. Students will receive a copy of their schedule at this time and information will be shared with students and their parents regarding programs of the school. At this orientation, a new program will be explained. This is the Individualized Career Plan, which the student, parents and guidance counselor will develop during his or her high school years. This plan will coordinate life experiences with career development and will result in a yearly career plan. In addition to the career plan, students will be able to review their schedules and take a tour of the building. Families unable to attend the orientation must call their student's counselor and make arrangements for the orientation so the student is prepared to register for and attend school on Aug. 27. For more information, call East Campus at 385-1145 bet ween 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. A RETURN TO THE RENAISSANCE Take ti stop Kick in time ... Rewl in the tluutrkals, music & * diincc, thi'-ttHKls & drink, »ind the tine arts & croft* ot tlu* Kith century RICHARDS KING RICHARD'S REALM IUST A STONE S THROW AWAY FROM THY DWELLING FAIRE DATES & HOURS Every Weekend Now through August 19 10:30 AM to 7:00 PM TICKETS AIXJI.TS-S8 50 C I III DREN 5-12 - S3.50 C HII DKEX t'NI>l R 5 - I KM MILWAVKEt 45 MINUTES FROM CHICAGO! AND MILWAUKEE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 312/699-2800 or 414/396-4385 Group Sales 312/951-7683 FREE PARKING TO THE FAIRE SITE 45 minutes trom Chu.igo l.oiatetl .it l-°4 anil Riissvll Ro.kI. lust north ot Anient a. SEIKT CDs FROM CITICORP SMMIGS.THEY OFFER YOU HIGH YIELDS HJB SOME VERY IMPORTANT EXTRAS. High rates. Higher yields. That's what you want from your CDs. And that's what you get from Citicorp Savings. But you also get our extras. They make the real difference! To give you extra yield, we compound your interest daily. That means higher income for you. An extra not everyone offers. 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