PAGE 17 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, AUGUST 17,1984 A car you can believe in. .» 3,200 1,900 1W4 VOLVO 760 GLE USED CARS YOU CAN DEPEND ON 1983 SAAB 900 ^ ' 1980 VW RABBIT Air, Stereo-12 months/12,000 miles 1980 RENAULT LE CAR American Warranty* (10^800 1 QfiO BMW 3201 1983 VOLVO STATION WAGON Air, Stereo-12 months/12,000 Miles, Like New-12 Months/12000 miles, American Warranty* 1 9,400 American Warranty' 1980 DATSUN B310 1983 VOLVO 4 DOOR 12 Months/12,000 Miles Automatic, Air, Stereo-12 Months/12000 Miles American Warranty* % 2,980 American Warranty* '12,800 iMAVOLVOGL 1983 HONDA ACCORD.... >8800 Air, Sun root-12 Months/12,000 Miles • haa 1982 VOLVO 4 DOOR American Warranty* 8,900 Air, Stereo, Auto. Trans.-12 Months/12,000 Miles 1980 TOYOTA COROLLA > , American Warranty* »10,500 12 Months/12,000 Miles 1981 VOLVO 2 DOOR r rt i, . Sun root, Very Clean-12 Months/12,000 Miles, BMW 4201 Nice Condition 7,900 American Warranty* 1 7.,900 1979 VOLVO 2 DOOR 1981 AUDI 5000 TURBO Excellent Condition 1 5,900 Fully Loa<ted-12 Months/12,000 Miles 1979 DATSUN B210 American Warranty* .» 9,800 12 Months/12,000 Miles 1981 HONDA ACCORD , American Warranty* '2,450 12 Months/12,000 Miles 19T8 DATSUN 810, Priced to Sell 1981 PEUGEOT 504 WAGON ' J®7"'*TSUPERBRAVA . i500 Air, Stereo ' 4,800 s *22 toftAVAivneir 1977 DATSUN 2802 1 2,200 FuMy Loaded! 12 Months/12,000 Mi les 1977 DATSUN 280Z '• 700 American Warranty* 1976 VW DASHER wagon 1 600 *Please consult Sales Personnel on American Warranty. 300 N. HOUGH {Route 59} BARRINGTON VOLVO INCORPORATED BARRINGTON, IL 512-381-9400 U Autos For Sale SUPER BEETLE '73. Vary clMn, little rust, new clutch, good runner. 81100/best offer. 312^31-7523, efter 4.30 pm. AMC GREMLIN, 75, runs good, 8200/best, 815/455-0979 after 5pm. DATSUN, 1971, 240Z, complete car, sell for parts, many ex tras, MOO/best offer. 915/385- 1852 after 6pm. HONDA ACCORD, 1977, blue, recant waterpump, radiator 8> , needs tuneup, i 81,300/best. exhaust, 815/338-0410. CHEVY CITATION '83. Low miles, 4 spd., ps, must sell. 85900/best offer. 312/658-4264. RIVERIA, 1983V*, loaded, less than l year old, must sell, ask ing 814,900. No dealers. 312/639 0705. CORVETTE, 1976, loaded, lots of extras, must sell, asking $1,000. No dealers. 312/639-0705. BUICK CENTURY, 1984, 88,800/best. 4 dr., exc. cond., p.s., p.b., air. Must sell! 715/459-2996. RENAULT LE CAR, '79, 4 spd., radio, after 6 pm., 81,700, 815/459-2870. CRYSLER CORDOBA, 1976, very clean, $2,000/best offer. 815/653-9413. VW RABBIT, 1981,2 dr., diesel. beige, am-fm/cassetta, 48 mpg., 83.995.312/639-0171. GRAND PRIX, U 1975, great runner, needs body work, 8900/best. 915/728-1' 815/728-1500. 1952 or GRAND PRIX U, 1978, full power, loaded, am-fm cass. stereo, 83,250/best offer, 815/385-9039. FORD GRANADA, '76, 4 door auto., V-8, vinyl top. Asking 91,095.815/385-4626. TRANS-AM '77, mint show room cond., black & gold special edition. 49,000 certified org. mi., summer driven, T- Tops, AC, P/S, P/B, FM stereo, gauges, mags, w/recent tires, brakes, exhaust system, bat tery & front end parts. Own total perfection for $5700. Call days. 312/658-8946. CHEVY MONZA 79, 4 spd., brown 2 door, vinyl interior, garage kept, exc. mileage, snow tires, $2,800/ best. 815/385 9646. MERCURY COUGAR XR7, '75, low miles, factory mags, $700/best or trade for small car. 312/428 5176. PONTIACGrand Prix.L- J,'80,all available options; exc. cond., all service records. Call 312/426 4732. PINTO WAGON '75. 80,000 mi. Asking $400,815/385-5054. PONTI AC, 1975,4 door, air, auto., $550. 815/728 1887 LTD 2 SQUIRE '72, ac, cruise, r.w. def., nice shape. $1800. 312/683 4488 CRYSLER, 1975. 4 door, air, automatic, no rust, $900. 815/728-1887. OLDS WAGON, 1977, auto., air, no rust, $2,000.815/728-1887. 88 Auto* For Sale VOLARE WAGON, '80, slant 6. auto, ps/pb, air, 58,000 miles. Exc. cond!, $3900.312/683-2929 CORVETTE, '72. Orange, 4 speed, side pipes. Call after 3 pm. 815/455-4398 CAMARO. '76, 2-dr., good cond., many options, must sell, 312/658-8442. CADILLAC COUPE Oe Ville, '76, 2-dr., all power, fully load ed, low miles, exc. cond., "classic", $3.800/best, 815/459 1414. MERCEDES 2400 '81, Navy w/pii AM/FM tape deck, auto. blue w/pin stripe, exce. cond cruise, rear window defroster 8i sunroof, $17,500.815/455-0159. MUSTANG '79, am/fm cassette, good cond., 59,000 miles, $2800 or best, 312/426 6280. 1 CORVETTE, '76, new paint & brakes, low miles exc. cond., $8,800.312/639-7886. •. CADILLAC FLEETWOOD, '72, 1 owner, exc. cond. in 8i out, $1,250. Call Jake 312/669 5101 till 3:30 pm 8i 815/337-0461 after. VW SUPER BEETLE, '74, semi- automatic, no rust, new paint, exc. cond., $1,500/ best. Call after 6 pm, 815/455 2568. FORD ESCORT '01, 4 spd 38,000 mi, in gd. cond. $3,400. 815/344-4315. TOYOTA COROLLA, deluxe wagon, 1976,4 speed, totally reliable, recent radiais, brakes, muffler, $850 . 815/337 0862, mornings. __ CHRYSLER NEWPORT, '74, 2 door, ps/pb, air. 80,000 miles. $500. 815/: Autos For Sal* B6 Autos For Sal4 CITATION Hatchback. '80, 4 sp.. 4 cyl., ps, air, am/fm cassette, 75,000 mi., SZ400. Call 312/426-4408 after 5:30 pm. OLDS CUTLASS '80, 6 cyl. low good 815/338-8707. mi, i I cond. 15700/besf offer PLYMOUTH FURY V8, one owner. $250. 815/455-4673 '72. SUBARU'II, 4 WD. Station wagon, exc. cond. $4250.815/455 3817 BMW 5301, automatic, silver, all options, excellent. $6,000. Call 815/455 3817. JEEP CJS '74. Soft top, V-8, low mileage. $1950. Call 815/344 5854, eves. CHEVY IMPALA, 1974, 2 door, 350 cu. in., exc. running cond., many recent parts, $800. 815/338 1170. BUICK La SABRE '76, V 6, air, P/S, P/B, 2 dr. low mi. $1675/offer. 312/639 3777 after 6 pm. MUSTANG COBRA '76, black, 62,000 mi, 302 V-8, auto, air, FM $l,300/offer Call Pat: 312/697-2260 ext. 1643or 312/426 8194. PONTIAC CATALINA. '70, runs well, needs some work, $250/best, 815/455-4793. GAS MISER Plymouth Horizon TC 3, 1901, exc. cond., 31000 ml., w/warranty, 312/658-6375. weekends. 15/338-2369 days, OPEL '74, good tires, runs good, needs muffler 8, tail pipe. fiOQ/best offer. 815/385-8028 DOOGE OMNI, 1983, 4 speed, rust proofed; Dodge, 1983 Charger, 4 speed, sunroof, am- fm. 815/385-4075. PACER WAGON, '77, 6 cyl.. $250. After 6 pm, 815/728-1136. CAMARO, '79, V8, Auto, ps/pb, am/fm cassette stereo, velour/sportdoth int., clean, iffer. I Best 01 11:00 am 815/385-1647 after CHEVETTE, 1978, 2 door, 1 owner. Recent engine, trans, muffler, battery, goood condi tlon, 91,900.815/459 5223. CHEVELLE MALIBU '69 350 cc, gd. cond. $2,000. 815/459-6144 BUICK'72 Small V8, runs good, $375. 815/653-9967 OMNI, '78, auto., 4-dr., new brakes, very clean, $2,185, 312/639-07286-9 pm. MERCURY MONTEGO '73. New tires, exhaust & alter nator. $600.815/459-6045. T BIRD, 1977, runs good, body exc. cond., $1,800 firm, 815/385 1798 eves, or weekends. TOYOTA COROLLA deluxe station wagon, '78, like brand new. 43,000 miles. Recent paint, brakes. Fully serviced, auto., air, am/fm, stereo, more. $2995/offer consider trade in. 815/344-2620. MUSTANG, '74, 302 eng, new coil springs, new leaf springs, new water pump. Good transportation. $400/best. Call between 11am & 3pm. Ask for Brian. 815/459 6927 BUICK RIVERIA, '73. all power, runs good, $l,000/best. After 6 pm, Dave, 815/455 1449. PONTIAC GRAND LeMans Wagon, '79, exc. cond., air, ps/pb, 94,300/best, 815/459-1591. DODGE ARIES K. 1981,2 door, 4 sp., am-fm cassette, exc. cond- $3,800.815/728-0603. RENAULT WAGON 18 I. 1983, am-fm, air, 5 sp., 4 dr., rwd/rww, like new, $6,850. 815/728-0603. CHEVY '80 classic 4 dr. station wagon, diesel, exc. mileage, clean, loaded, $3500, 815/385 9642. J BUICK SPECIAL, '66, sma» V8, auto, ps/pb, radio, heater, good runner. $450.815/455> very) 3098 CHEVY CAMARO, 75. auto, red w/sunroof. $1750 Call 815/459 5134 350, & TRANS AM, '77, blk/blk, 53,000 miles, new exhaust. Exc. cond. $4550/best. 815/455 1231 VEGA WAGON, '75, new tires 8i battery. Must sell by Aug. 24, $200, 815/459-7277. MG MIDGET, '78, mint cond., 7,700 mi., never driven in winter, rust- proofed body, must see. Call 815/455 3116 eves. CAMARO '76, white 8 cyl., not much rust. Runs wll. Asking $900.815/385-1857 after 5:30 SUPER BEETLE '71 $350/best offer. 312/658 8537 JEEP '79. V-6, CJ-7 auto., ps. $4900/best offer. 815/648 2357. PONTIAC FIREBIRD, 75, air, pow. windows, needs work. 815/338-2549. ask for Ingo. CHEVROLET MALIBU Wagon, '82, fully loaded with options, 6,800 original miles, mint condition, garage kept. $7,000/ firm. Call 815/338 4059. MERCURY COMET '77. jS.qoqr m i l e s , a m / f m r a d i o , a i r „ 815/344-4209 ' CHEVY MONZA Spider, 1979! V-6, 4 sp., air p.s., p.b., recent clutch, radiator i exhaust, very good cond.. $3,250.312/658: 6775. CHEVY MONZA '76, auto . p>. am/fm cassette, good cona , 48,000 mi., $1,800/ best Calt 815/459-9471 or 459-6304. BUICK SPEIAL '76, Sunroof, 6 rl. cream color, good trsp /Offer. 815/338-6957. CHEVY IMPALA 9 passenger station wagon, '79, auto , A/CA exc. cond.. $4,900.815/455 5868 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX. 79 63,000 miles, air, am/fm, VtL $2,500. 815/459 2983 : HONDA CIVIC 75 20.000 mi. on rebuilt engine New radiator & water pump. 815/459 3041. JEEP CHEROKEE, 78, ~4 wheel drive, ps/pb, am/fnr 82,500/best. 815/459 1706 OLDSCUTLASS 73 Priced to sell at $550 Phone 815/338-1993 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE Brougham, 1977, loaded, leather interior. NICE! $2,000 firm. 815/385 7930, 815/344 2230 CHEVY IMPALA, 77, 2 dr one owner, tilt, am/fm, great looking & exc. running cond., $2,250,312/658 5987 t- TRANS-AM, '77, gold on black, ps/pb, a/c, 4-spd., T tops, am/fm stereo, $2,700 FIRM, 815/385 5929 after 5 pm AUDI FOX '75, 4 dr. auto, stereo, 57,000 miles, clean car All VW mechanically, S895/of fer. 815/344 2620. PONTIAC PHOENIX 1977, 20 mpg., silver, 4 door, $2,400 or best. 815/385 4374 after 6pm. GRAND PRIX LJ, 1976. p.s., f».b., p.w., air, am fm stereo, eather int., black over silver . 65,000 mi., $995.815/344 5114 REGAL LTD, '81, loaded, lb* miles, factory warranty, exc cond., $6,000/ best. Call 312/639 7777 after 5 pm JEEP CJ 7 Renegade, 1983 Call after 5pm, 815/385 1157. , NOVA 70, 4 dr., gd. cond. $700/best offer 815/455 1578 CELICA 77. Gd. cond . depen dable, priced to sell. $1400 Must see. 815/653 7094 MONTE CARLO, '73, runs we)I. good cond., inside 8. out, 57,000 miles, ps/pb, air, $1,500 Call 815/459 9063 PONTIAC FIREBIRD, 1976 runs good, dependable. $l,500/biest otter Call after 4pm, 815/385 5653. K-CBR KLEflRBNCE SALE NOW THRU AUGUST 31,1984 Generous Trades! All remaining now 1984 Plymouth Rellants ft' Dodge Alios In stock - Drastically reduced to mako room for tho '85'si DON'T DELAY - BUY TODAY! Large selection of Equipment and Color... Bo sure to ask a salesman about tho Special August Bonusl OM-M DODGE ARIES 2 DR. Glacier blue, auto, power steering & brakes, rear defroster. P84-7B PLYMOUTH RELIANT 2 DR. Beige, auto, air conditioning, power steering & brakes, rear defroster D84-101 DODQE ARIES SE 2 DR. Charcoal gray, auto, air conditioning, power steering & brakes, rear defroster, bucket seats, stereo & much more. , D64-17 DODQE ARIES 4 DR. Garnet red, 4 speed, power brakes, AM radio P84-53 PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR. Char coal gray, auto, power steering & brakes, rear defroster D84-102 DODQE ARIES 4 DR. Crimson red, auto, power steering & brakes, rear defroster DB4-39 DODQE ARIES 4 DR. White, automatic, power steering & brakes, rear defroster D84-10 DODQE ARIES 4 DR. Glacier blue, automatic, power steering & brakes, rear defroster. 084-88 DODQE ARIES 4 DR. Mink brown, automatic, power steering & brakes, rear defroster. D84-123 DODQE ARIES 4 DR. Garnet red, automatic, power steering & brakes, rear defroster P84-32 PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR. Silver, automatic, power steering & brakes, rear defroster, stereo WAS IS $8373°° $76 0000 $9284°° $825000 $11252°° •97 0000 $7765°° *71 0000 $8364°° ̂ SOO00 $8364°° *7600°° $8372°° *7650°° $8557°° $775000 $8549°° $7750M $8586°° $780000 $9057°° s805000 P84-16 PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR Glacier blue, automatic, power brakes, air cond., rear defroster. P84-51 PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR. Beige, automatic, power steering & brakes, air condition ing, rear defroster D84-116 DODGE ARIES 4 DR. Silver, automatic, power steering & brakes, air condition ing, rear defroster P84-21 PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR. Dark blue, automatic, power steering & brakes, air condi tioning, rear defroster, stereo P84-22 PLYMOUTH RELIANT 4 DR. Mink brown, automatic, power steering & brakes, air con-' . ditioning, rear defroster, stereo D84-12 DODGE ARIES 4 DR. Mink brown, automatic, power steering & brakes, air condition ing, rear defroster, stereo 08446 DODGE ARIES 4 DR. Garnet red, automatic, power steering & brakes, air condition ing, rear defroster, stereo P84-34 PLYMOUTH RELIANT SE 4 DR. Garnet recL automatic, power steering & brakes, air conditioning, rear defroster, stereo, bucket seats & much more WAS IS $9185°° $820000 ) $9211°° •82 5000 $9448°° *8550°° $9839°° *87 0000 $9839°° *870000 $9738°° l875000 $9879°° WSO00 $11413°° l975000 These vehicles also available for lease WAGONS D84-79 DODGE ARIES WAGON Silver, 4 speed, power steering and brakes D84-97 DODGE ARIES WAGON Dark blue, automatic, power steering & brakes, rear defroster P84-49 PLYMOUTH RELIANT WAGON Crimson red, automatic, power steering & brakes, rear defroster D84-86 DODGE ARIES WAGON Beige, automatic, power steering & brakes, rear defroster D84-80 DODGE ARIES WAGON Dark blue, automatic, power steering & brakes, rear defroster P84-39 PLYMOUTH RELIANT WAGON Beige, automatic, power steering & brakes, rear defroster, stereo D84-107 DODGE ARIES WAGON Charcoal gray, automatic, power steering & brakes, rear defroster, stereo D84-118 DODGE ARIES WAGON Mink brown, automatic, power steering & brakes, air con ditioning, rear defroster, stereo D84-108 DODGE ARIES WAGON Charcoal gray, automatic, power steering & brakes, door locks, air conditioning, rear defroster, stereo & much more. WAS IS $8611°° *7700°° $9337°° $835000 $9375°" $825000 $9740°° ^GSO00 $9375°° $835000 $956100 ,835000 $996100 *880000 $10514°° *925000 $1 1989°° ,1050000| mm DCMflV Motor „ "noMin IkP ttm I™ U • Sales SiS EES 656 LAKE AVE. WOODSTOCK, ILL. 815-338-5100 Vfymnutfi m T T h . 8 a m - 9 p m W F r . 8 a m 6 p m S a t . 8 a m - 4 p m