PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 7,1984 RMcHenry- . Hi C\) tit 0 ttfo amdealer^ ft# excite m isssified Advert,ser,. please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of on error or ommission fKr ?NLY ,he <irSt inCOrreCl inser,'°n The b-"ob"e at once Coima«i» H n ° .W ^ 'T ̂ C°Se °f °n error no,i,V ,he Classified Department ^ Ad* 8,5 365 °"° P"-- >°"y « Comm»rciol l,„. Ads 8,5 3-. SerCc«'.jGordoVe0Sau"""m ^ ^J?*** ̂ ,Bab*5i,,m9 'Business Opportunites -Business Services Garge Sales 'Moving Sales -Out of Show Free Press Circulation Area •Political -Rooms Appts. to Shore -Stations Wanted -Sublease Re-rent etc -Wanted to Buy -Wanted to Rent ' Office Hrs A/Hf 8:30a m • 5:00 p m 3 LINES, 5 DAYS *8.80 Shaw Free Pr»ss PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Newspaper Group •Woodstock Doily Sentinel -Saturday Extra "Crystal Lake Morning Herald *Cordunal Free Press Morning Herold 'Elgin Herald 'Richmond Gazette *Morengo Beacon/Republican News 'Huntley Beacon Republican News -Sycamore News •Cory-Grove Clarion *Barrington Bonner -McHenry Ploindealer •Genoo-Kings ton-Kirk land News -Hampshire Register •Harvard Herald 'Shopper Serv.ce *McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper » DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Announcements Cemeteries S Lots„ Cord of Thanks Notices Cor Pools," . Lost & Found ' Personols Instruction Auctions Help Wanted Child Core Nursery Schools. Situations Wanted Employment Agencies Household Help Wanted. Help Wanted Merchandise* Wanted to Buy Miscellaneous Merchandise Garage Sales Merchandise Under S50 Antiques * X 02 03 05 10 . 11 . 1 2 13 1 8 . 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 34 35 Bicycles & Sports Equipment. Lawn & Garden Equipment. . Boats. . .;....... . ...... Musical Instruments Cameras. ;; . . ; x Aviation. Pets & Equipment Horses & Equipment Farm & Dairy Livestock. . Machinery & Equipment. . . Business Opportunity. . . . . . . Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy Business Property Open House Real Estate Condominiums for Sale. . .* Townhomes for Sale Lots & Acreage. Mobile Homes Farms for Sole .36 .37 .38 39 40 41 44 47 48 49 53 66 69 70 71 72 . 73 . 74 . 75 . 76 77 Rooms, Board, House Automotive Apartments to Share. ....... . . 79 Autos for Sale. .. . . 8 6 Apartments to Rent ...80 Wanted to Buy. . 87 Homes to Rent. .. . . .81 Auto Parts & Accessories . 88 Condominiums & Townhomes Trucks, Tractors S Trailers.*.. . . . . 8 9 to Rent. .. ..- . 82 V a n s ; . r . i f . . . . « / . . . . . . . 9 0 Stores, Office & Motorcycles & Snowmobiles. . . . . 9 1 Industrial to Rent..'....,'... 83 Recreation Vehicles 92 Farms, Farmland to Rent Miscellaneous to Rent .84 85 815/344-4800 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent. PARTIAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPEARING IN THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED PAGES ' / 3)2 AREA CODE ^ 8)5 AREA CODE 381 -Barrington 382-Barrington 426 Dundee - 551 -Dundee 639-Cary 669-Huntley 683-Hampshire 695-Elgin 697-Eigin 740-Round Lake ?4I-Elgin 742 Elgin 888-Elgin 931-Elgin 337 -Woodstock 338-Woodstock 344-McHenry 385-McHenry 455 Crystal Lake 459-Crystal Lake 568-Marengo 02 Cemeteries & Lots WINDRIDGE, 2 grave sites. Catholic section, pre-arrang. plan. $1,300.815/653-6576. Pre Arrangement Plan in cluding 2 spaces at beautiful Windndoe Memorial Gardens. Moving from area. 312/673 0657 03 Cerd of Thanks THANK YOU St. Jude for favors granted. BJM 05 Notices "PRTE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934 9233 PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T. Kopsell •15/338-1668 12 Personals PREGNANT? •NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9 llam. And from 7 9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. . 815/385 2999 ATTENTION I Looking for 50 people to par ticipate in weight loss pro gram. Fun Easy and simple 100% guaranteed. Herbal Bas ed.*312/658 8429. DISCOURAGED OVER Health elp you develop a plan you can at ford. Permanent or temp ADULT DAY CARE Program for Seniors. Call Family Alliance, 815/338 35%) E.S.P. PSYCHIC READINGS, BY MRS. LAURA She has helped many people with pro blems such as love, business, marriage and all other pro blems of life. Call for an appointment. 1108 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL. 60120 312/931-1193 PERM WAVES $10 Off, Coach j House Hairdressers. 115 W. Washington, Algonquin. ! 312/658-5770. Good thru September. Choose the type of person you want to date1 CALL IVIcHENRY COUNTY COMPUTER DATING SERVICE 815/338-2290 IT WORKS' Insurance Costs? Let us hel u can a< •nporary, Sunderlage Insurance Agency 815/338 3328. - ASK FOR Michelle Nichols at Hair Design in Dundee. Fri. 3-7, $5 cuts. Expires 9/15/84. 312/426 5002. INTRODUCING Sebastian Cellophane Non Peroxide Colors! Introductory Price Just $20 (includes blow isiqn byKathy * Sandy Cat! 312/426 NEED A GOOD/fund raising project? I ̂ might have the answerrTdeal for Algonquin area organization. 815/455-3296, after 5. Ask for Pete. MAY THE SACRED heart of Jesus be praised, glorified, worshiped & loved throughout the world now & forever. K 13 Instruction COLLEGE EXAM PREP ACT/PSAT/SAT Begins Septembers EFFECTIVE READING/ STUDY SKILLS unior/Senior High egins September 10 •Individual Tutoring •Adult Courses Learner Support Programs, Inc. 815/459-0931 312/381-8418 n Lost & Found LOST minature white poodle, 1 vr. old white female, vicinity Lakeshore/ Woodland Dr. Area, Crystal Lake, 8/28 Heartbroken kids large reward. Call 815/459 9228 FOUND, N. McLean & tollway, blk. curly bengie type dog, call 312/695 0040. LOST HEAVY orange hunting Ct. & igt - 815/338-2741. coat, between Terry Washington St., Fri. FOUND, VALUABLE ITEM, Aug. 16th at approx 3 pm, parking lot of Peterson Park Beach, Call to identify. 815/385 3295 LOST Brown & wht. male Col He, vicinity of Lundstrom Manor & Rt 31, Reward. 312/426 9536. LOST DOG, male, blk. 8, wht looks like Collie. Around Coven ty area. Answers to Domino 815/459 8905 FOUND ADULT female cat, blk & gray stripe, yellow eyes, very affectionate, Lincoln & Center ave., Floin, - 3i2'74l 1102. FOUND, set of keys at Crystal Lake Health Food store, about 8/21, 815/459 7942 05 Notices PIANO INSTRUCTOR, experienced teacher, 312/428 8912. TUTORING available, my McHenry home, teacher w/11 years experience, certified in learning disabilities. 815/385- 8127. SCULPTUREDNAIL CLASSES STARTING SEPTEMBER 24 Offered Through McHenry County College Classes will be held at the lun dahl Jr. High in Crystal Lake Monday evenings, for 5 ses sions, from 7 pm to 9 pm. The class includes a starter kit. For additional information, call: * JOYCE HUBER 312/658-2019 PIANO LESSONS F^ll enroll ment beginning now\ Shirley Beers, 815/459 8033 19 Child Care Truly Coring Services, INc. offers; HOME CARE FOR ELDERLY or HANDICAPPED 4 hrs. to 24 hrs. • 7 days a wook Meal Preparation Shopping MRht Housekeeping Laundry Personal Care Also available: Nursing Care Registered Nurses Lie. Practical Nurses Home Care Assistants 24 Hr. Answering Services I15-SM-S4M Private duty >n hospitals or nursing hom*t <m J07 100 W Washington it . Martnfo. IL UccflMtf A B>n<»4 Employment Agency It Child Care CHIl,D CARE in my Algonquin home, full-time jor part time, exc. ref., 312/658- TENDER LOVING Child Care in my Wonder Lake home 815/728-0198, CHILD CARE, By experienced teacher in my Fox Ridge home. $40 per wk„ 815/344-1774. NURTURING MOM, will watch your children in my Crystal Lake. home. Near Coventry scnool. Reasonable rates, 815/459 8616. WILL BABYSIT weekly or after school. Northwood area, Woodstock. 815/338 1659, CHILD CARE in my McHenry home, full time. Meals inc., ref. Lots of T.L.C., 815/344-4523. WILL DO babysitting in my Woodstock home, Northwood area. 815/338-8476. CHILD CARE in my McHenry Country Club Estates home. Call 815/344-0165. 21 Situations Wanted ECONOMY LANDSCAPING Weed Chopping, Finish Grading, Soading or Seeding, Call: 815/459-8945. PAINTING!. PAPERING Fully Insured-Free Estimates Don Johnson-815/338-4850 PAINTING Interior 8i exterior. 15 yrs. ex perience, guaranteed work, free estimates. Call after 6 pm, 815/385-7144. RESUME SERVICE & all typ ing needs. Diane's Business Service, 815/455 6665. WILL DOTyping in my home. 55 60wpm. 815/4592747 CLEANING TEAM will do houses, apts., office buildings & new constructed houses. Also house sit. Call 312/658-3229 or 6584434. ; QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford 815/459 7194 after 5 pm. 18 Auctions 21 Situations Wanted WANT a private secretary but didn't think you could afford one? CaLL J.E.T. Services for all your typing & bookkeeping needs,. Reasonable rates. Call 815/455-4892, DUSTBUSTERS Dependable duo to clean your home. 815/459-6721 or 459-5030 RELIABLE CLEANING lady will clean your home for reasonable fee. Call Barb, 815/455-5618. CUSTOM COMBINING corn 8i beans 815/385 4595. ESTABLISHED LIFE A & H Insurance Agent looking for same to share office space, secretary, etc. with possibility of building agency. Algonquin area. Contact Terry Maryniw, 312/658 9251. ESTABLISHED LIFE A & H Insurance Agent looking for same to share office space, secretary, etc. with possibility fact Terry Maryniw, LOSE WEIGHT 8i gain health, 815/385 6933. WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, $20. Additional rooms, $10 ea, 5 yrs. ex- perience. 815/943-4793. HELPER NEEDED "art time flexible hrs. Sales interest a plus. $4.50/hr. Wasberg Carpets, 312/658 6650. D.J. 4000 watt, $12,000 sound system with lights & records for all. 312/584-0882. HANDYMAN FOR HIRE Insured Painter 815/455 6516 after 2 p.m. CLEANING LADY Homes 8i sm. businesses. Ex perienced, exc. references Call Cathy 8)5/338 4846 815/344 3714 PAINTING Si CARPENTRY Estimates. 815/385 3533 AUCTION SUNDAY, SEPT. 9th, 11:00 A.M. 12904 ROUTE U.S. 173 1 MILE WEST OF HEBRON, IL RAIN OR SHINE + LUNCH 1970 Ford crew cab pickup, 1973 Sycamore 26 foot 5th wheel Travel Trailer, other Trailers, Bret Go Kart, Plus much more!! Terms Cash! Clarence Hilton & Arland Reich, Owners Richard "Col." Nelson, Auctioneer 815/547-8686 OPENING for 1 part time child. Afternoons only. Refs. 4 TLC. For info call 815/459 3663 WILL BABYSIT In my Holiday Hills home. Ref., flexible hours. Call 815/344 4161. INFANTCARE inmyCary home, ref 312/639 6330 AUCTION: LOCATED 5 MILES NE OF McHENRY, OR 2 MILES NORTH OF JOHNSBURG, BEING ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF RINGWOOD AND SPRING GROVE ROADS, ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 11:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE, FARM EQUIPMENT AND COLLECTABLES 35.32 ACRE FARM PARCEL NO. 1: 5 acres w/7 room house and com plete set of farm buildings. Nicely situated on cor ner of 2 well traveled blacktop*, only % mile west of Johnsburg High School, 5 miles to Milwaukee RR" at i:o* Lake. An attractive farmyard. Suitable for raising kids, livestock or an exceptional location for a retail vegetable or landscape nursery operation. Large barn and several outbuildings, garage and silos. Natural gas available. New well and septic system. Neat and well kept. PARCEL NO. 2: 30 acres cropland, some of McHenry county's best, all tilloble. level and productive. PARCEL NO. 3: Combination of Parcels No. 1 and No. 2, 35.32 acres with 2400' road frontage. OPEN HOUSE: Friday, September 14, 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. or appointment. TERMS: $5000 earnest money on each parcel in cash or cashiers checks on day of sale, to be Sn* creased to 10% of purchase price In 5 days. A 10% interest contract available with 30% down pdyment. Call auctioneer for details. Complete list of equipment in next weeks paper. Auctioneer: Gordon Stode, McHenry, IL 815-385-7032 , INSPECTED AUCTIONS SINCE 1952 23 Household Help Wanted BABYSITTER. Responsible person to care for 4'/j yr. old boy, 2-3 days per week, West Wonder Lake area. 815/653 9848 after S:30pm. HOUSEKEEPER, cook, live In, to care for elderly woman 5 or 6 days per week. References required. Call after 6 pm 81S/459 2517 FLEXIBLE BABYSITTER needed in my Crystal Lake home. 3-4 full days r>er week. Lots of TLC required for 6 mo. old girl. Interested moms or grandmas, call 815/455-6210 between 9 am 8i 5 pm of building agency. Algonquin area. Contact " 312/658 9251. SITTER for 16 mo boy, 2'/J days a week. Refs., 815/455 1588 after 6 pm / CHILD CARE NEEDED In our Wonder Lake home. 1-2 davs/wk. for -4</>v yr. old. Reliable, mature woman with own transportation. 815/728 0995,4-6:30 pm. LOVING MOM to babysit 7 & 9 yr. old back to school in Sunrise Ridge area. References re quired, your home or mine. Call after 6 pm, 815/728 0166. 24 Help Wanted 23 648-Hebron 653 Wonder Lake 678-Richmond 720 Wonder Lake 895-Sycamore 923-Union 943-Horvard Household Help Wanted RELIABLE Babysitter for oc casional week nights & Satur days, McHenry /Shores area. 815/344-5656. CHILD CARE In our home. Loving Nanny to care for our 1 month Infant, beginning in late October In barrington. Newborn experience preferred, references req. 312/382 5820 after 6 pm. 24 Help Wanted RESUMES Professionally prepared. Visa/MC Welcome. Norton 6i Associates. 312/428- 9255. NEEDED NOW Secretaries, word processors, typists, general office, experienced phone collectors. Working World, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 4490. NEEDED NOW Maintenance 8i General Factory. Working World, Crystal Lake, 815/45? 4490. • MAJOR APPLIANCE & Refrigeration Technician. Minimum 5 years experience. Apply In person, Thompson Ap pliance, 318 Clay Street, Woodstock. HELP WANTED Electric Motor Rewihder Must be qudlified to learn hand rewinding skills for repair of large electric motors and related equip ment. Successful applicant will have a high school diploma, basic electrical knowledge, strong math aptitude, manual dexterity, work references, and tools; plant maintenance knowlege a plus. This position is for a quality-oriented craftsman, not a .machine operator. Inside Salesperson Experienced counter salesperson to handle sales of electrical and power transmission products. Must be reliable, flexible and willing to leorn. Electrical knowledge or experience requested Salary will equal ability. * • GOOD SALARY • PAID HOLIDAYS • UNIFORMS • 50/50 GROUP INSUR. W/DENTAL • PAID VACATION McHenry Electric Co., Inc. 4012 W. Main St.-McHenry, IL 60050 815-385-5530 a. Who in the restaurant industry otters exclusive benefits like these? Nobody but WAG'S RESTAURANTS! Major Benefits: * 2 Weeks Paid Vacation Major Medical - 6 Paid Holidays Profit Sharing/Retirement Plan Employee Discounts Walgrecfi's & Wags Stock Purchase Plan Opportunities for Advancement We are seeking motivated individuals for the following positions: COOKS Prep Cooks Line Cooks All Shifts Open Full & Part Time WAITRESSES 2nd & 3rd Shift - Full & Part Time HOSTESSES 1st & 2nd Shift Apply in Person: WAG'S RESTAURANTS 6606 N.W. Highway 4228 W. Elm St. Crystal Lake McHenry Equal Opportunity Employer 24 Help want*** FULL ft PART Time counter work at pizza snack bar •15/455 17M or 312/63HM13. ask for Laura or Bob MARKET RESEARCH Wanted, person to conduct interviews. Able to communicate Neat in Appearance. Will train. Call: 312/428-0887 ASSISTANT to Crystal Lake eye doctor. Full time position, avail. Sept 17. Must have general office skills. Call Now! •15/455-0212, weekdays I am 4 pm. 0 E N T A L A S S I S T A N T Minimum 5 yrs exoerience, 35 hours per week Also, Dental Hygienist needed 1 or 2 days per week 115/315 13(0 WAITRESSES, experienced* All shifts open. Apply in person, Tareydale Restaurant, Rt 31 & 176. Crystal Lake. W A N T E O : L i c e n s e d cosmetologist for facial & make up artistry. Apply in per son. Mane Tamers & Co.. 2906 W. Route 120, McHenry D E N T A L A s s i s t a n t Receptionist. Applicant must have chair side & front desk ex perience. 4 days. 312/658 3400 HOMEMAKERS, Moms & Dads. Part time job for full time pay. Fun 4 easy selling oil paintings. •15/455 40M or Carol, 815/459 2308. Call Maureen, BAR MAID Wanted part time, noon to 5. Inquire at Phylly's, 2914 Main St., McHenry. SECRETARY, full time. Typ ing & word processing skills re quired. Please apply in person, Suburban Bank of tary Grove, 122 West Main St., Cary, IL. TELLER, part time. No ex perience necessary Will train Please apply in person, Subur ban Bank of Cary Grove, 122 West Main St., G«r> IL COLLECTOR for local finance company. Mature, responsible individual with good com municatkms skills. Full time evening hours. Dependable car a necessity. C$11 Mrs. Berry, 9 am-4pm/815/338 3987. HAIRDRESSERS wanted. Guaranteed salary and com mission. Many benefits Call Pat at 312/428-9100 ext 255 COOK, full time position after noon shift. Must enjoy working with the elderly. Good starting salary i complete benefit package. Apply at Woodstock Residence, 3o9 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, IL E X P E R I E N C E D CARPENTER, knowledge of concrete work helpful. Call 815/459 5440. 24 i Mip Wtftiiod JANITORIAL SERVICE needs experienced people for floor work in retail stores. Full time, Crystal Lake area Call 4l2/tt» 0400 between 7 pm I. llpm CREDIT & "COLLECTION, part time Experienced collec •or to work 1 or 2 days per week making phone calls Send resume to Box A L W, Shaw Free Press Newspapers, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake. IL. 60014. 24 Itvip Wanted DRAFTSMAN DRAFTSMAN TRAINEE. Land surveying. Must have good hand, line work and hand lettering Preferably Ink Call for app't. 312/526 2823. INSIDE SALES Algonquin distributor of word processing supplies needs ex perienced inside sale represen tatives Telemarketing ex perience required Salary plus bonus Call Jim Grossman at 312/658 8584 COUNTER SALES, part time, Carousel Snack Bar, Crystal Point Mall,"*15/459 1829 COOK NEEDED, Full time, 7am-3:30pm, AAon Fri to cook for 75 children Tom Thumb D a y C a r e C e n t e r , Carpentersville. 312/426 9505 PRE--SCHOOL Teacher need ed to work in new 2 yr oldclass, 8am5pm. Tom Thumb Day Care Center, Carpentersville. 312/426 9505 PHONE WORK, no sales, for i n s u r a n c e a g e n c y i n Woodstock 5 7pm »4,50/hr. 815/338 7067 MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST, light typing, 36 half days a week, flexible schedule re quired. Ideal for Crystal Lake resident. Professional Arts Building/N IMC, 815/455 0290 LABORER WANTED for bricklayer. Must be experienc ed and dependable After 5 30. call 312/742 6271 CERTIFIED NURSE aides All shifts. Inquire in person how to obtain certification. Crystal Pines Nursing Home, 335 N II linois St., Crystal Lake DENTAL HYGIENIST, 32 hrs per week, some evenings In Woodstock. Send resume to: Box ZEA Dental, c/oDaily Sen tinel, P.O. Box 709, Woodstock, IL 60098 CNA a. HOUSEKEEPERS needed, ffull time), for expan Jing home health agency. Nor thern Illinois Nursing Service, 115/728 1040 3RDFR DBSK/Warehouse 'arts Expedltor McHenry :ounty warehouse distributor leeks individual with 2 year •ssociate degree and 0 3 years vork experience. Knowledge of lutomoteive and related parts i plus. Position is a career op >ortunify Send resume in luding salary history to: Box- ^ U - 3 , c / o M c H e n r y 'lalndealer, 3812 W. Elm St., AcHenry. IL 60050 SECRETARY W« are a regional insurance of flee located "in Elgin, in need of an individual who can work in dependency and who has typ ing and word processing ex pertence' T-his position requires a typing speed of 60 wpm Math aptitude a plus Flexible hours and convenient location are on ly some of the benefits offered APPLY: • Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States 333 W. River Rd. Elgin, IL. 312/6^2300, Ext. 243 Equal Opportunity Employtr m/t EXPERIENCED Dairy Farm worker needed for part time work on dairy farm. 5 days/ wk„ 5 hrs./ way, M/ hr Call 815/338 3354 or 337 0236 before 9 p.m. son for apartment complex in Lake. Must be FULL TIME Maintenance per ion for Crystal perlenced'in refrioeration electricity, and plumbing perienceo ONLY need apply Call Brenda at 815/455-0540. HORSE FARM Needs ex perienced clean, honest hard worker Non drinker/smoker Hours: 6:30 10:30 am. Call 815/678 4571. ENJOY YOUR WORK SELL AVON. Flexible hrs. Call 815/459 5757 CASHIER POSITIONS Are now open for various shifts at our Mcttfenry Handy Pantry convenient gpre operation Part time ana full time work available Previous retail ex perience would be beneficial, but above all honesty and reliability are reouired Apply In person to Lorraine at McHenry Handy Pantry, 4502 W. Elm., McHenry. A S S I S T A N T M A N A G E R Honest and reliable person wanted for full time Assistant Manager for our convenient store operation. You will be taught the ink and outs of runn Ing a retail business with poten tial for further advancement Previous retail or orocery story experience helpful but we are willing to train the right person If you'd like a* challenge instead of just a job. contact U>rraine Behrens at McHenry Handy Pantry, 4502 W Elm, McHenry NO phone calls, please. ATTENTION: Fun Job, part time, FREE $300 kit showing toys, gifts. No In vestment, collecting or deliver Call: 312/742 3776, 312, ing 3409. 312/426 312/742 4560 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Johnsburg Family Restaurant Apply in person, johnsburg IL ARE YOU A MORNING PERSON? We need people to answer phones and deliver paper shortages to our carriers. The' hours are 5:30 am-8:30 am on Wednesday and Friday. Auto-- mobile a must. r-~ CALL 815-385-0178 McHENRY PLAINDEALER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Between 8:30 am and 5:30 pm iMwrnimsi r Niwsr*Pt*«R0UP MOTOR ROUTE DRIVERS Early morning Route Drivers wanted to deliver carrier bundles and single papers in the Subur ban McHenry areas. «, Papers can be picked up. after 9:00 pm on Tuesday and Thursday for delivery no later than 5:00 am Wednesday and Friday. A small economical car is reliable persons please call: a plus. Mature, SHAW FRIC PRESS NEWSPAPER CROUP 815/385-0178 McHenry Ploindealer Circulation 8:30 am to 5:30 pm EVENING MAILR00M CREW <5 We are expanding and automat ing our Wood 6 stock mai l room faci l i t ies and need energet ic indiv iduals to work 2nd and 3rd shi f ts. Posi t ions wi l l require operat ing insert ing machines, col lat ing and prepar ing papers for del ivery. Looking for mot ivated people who are wi l l ing to work hard to insure the success of our new expansion and provide themselves wi th advancement opportuni t ies. Apply in person. Ful l t im,e posi t ions of fer medical / l i fe insurance, paid vacat ions and hol idays and other f r inge benef i ts. Successful appl icants wi l l be contacted for fur ther inter v iew.. . Y SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP 250 Wil l iams Road • Carpentersvi l le IL 60110 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER SHAW mil MISS NCWtPAMR CROUP