I1.AIMXXI.KK M.V/II 11. SMMI AIM l< N >. I'1*-" Welcome to the 1964 McHenry Plaindealer - Richmond Gazette Football Preview *84. • ' . ' McHenry County produced two state champion football teams last season, and who knows what 1984 and the future holds in store for the area gridders. Previous years have seen this section include variou£/fell sports, but this year's edition is strictly football-oriented. r It contains stories on the four most highly-covered high schools in our Plaindealer- Gaxette area - McHenry, Johnsburg, Marian Central and Richmond. In addition, the section has taken on the other Fox Valley Conference teams in the county - Woodstock, Crystal Lake South, Crystal Lake Central, Cary-Grove and Jacobs. This will provide readers with a special insight into the rest of the Fox Valley. Lick of space andjnanpower restricts us from delving deeper into the Northwest Suburban and Big Eight conferences. Special thanks go out to composing room foreman Laura O'Brien, who as always did an extraordinary job, pasting up, making 14) and otherwise putting up with the abaurd requests made of her. * PREVIEW '84 jew Also, Sam Zito aQdJWs advertising crew of Pam Arwine, Joh John Kranz and Joel Wakitsch. In addition, the ad paste-up team of Michele Smith, Deanna Graham, Sally Weller and Carole Lencioni. * Additional kudos to typesetters Peg Stevens and Lynn King. But, especially the people who wrote, took photographs, or excelled in both, making this section possible. They are: Barb Ansell, Dick Rabbitt, Bob Gordon, Joe Kusek, Greg Ives, Steve Metsch, Jerry Edler and Sam Natrop. We all hope you enjoy this Football Preview '84. : <• / , CHRIS JUZWIK SPORTS EDITOR < VALLEY/ HT/ Chris Juzwik Dick Rabbitt \ Schedules ^.McHenry Warriors Johnsburg Sky hawks Marian Cen. Hurricanes • • INDEX • • Page 3 Pages 4-5 Page 5 Pages 6-7 Pages 8-9 Richmond Rockets Woodstock Blue Steaks Cary-Grove Trojans Crystal Lake Central Tigers Jacobs Golden Eagles Pages 10-11 Crystal Lake South Gators Pages 11-12 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Good Luck This Year! BA&ELEYS lERVICENTER 4713 West Elm Street (Route 120) McHenry, IL (815)385-1114 GARYBASELEY BOB BASELEY 601 TEAMS 60! LEE & RAY ELECTRIC GOOD LUCK IN '84 FROM THE PEOPLE AT.. DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green, McHenry 385-4500 TRAVEL TO VICTORY LOCAL TEAMS! GOOD LUCK JN '84 LOCAL TEAMS! Rfea -Hut. Hours: Sun-Thurt 11 AM-11PM Fri 11AM-1AM McHenry 4301 W. Elm (815)344 1520 SKYHAWKS*WARRIORS»HURRICAMES •ROCKETS FLOOR 'EN! TILE A3STD SUPPLY HAVE A WINNING SEASON! AMERICAN FAMILY EL INSURANCE CO. CHUCK T̂ M\\ LEWANDOWSKH 1212 N. GRHN ST. j JM&t y* NcNBRY, IU. 385-2304 I0P COVERAGKO* COSr j INSURE US A VICTOR' ;to«el