PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER II, 1M4 Opinion/Politics Public puis* - Residents r^ Many help make WX. celebration promise new \ petition drive Editor: In regard- to the Johnsburg Library and our recent petition, one sees that Judge Cowlin ruled in favor of the Johnsburg Library, their showing a higher figure of registered voters than us, but higher doesn't mean that it's right, as our figure comes from the same County Clerk's office. Now more than ever the citizens of Johnsburg, Sunnyside and Pistakee Highlands are more aware of what is going on in and around them. I have talked to Veterans of World War n, Korea and Viet Nam, all agree that the libraries in Illinois are wielding power that the Republicans and Democrats wobld not dare do by splitting any the U.S.A., and in this case, Johnsburg, to meet their wants and gains. Seventy-five percent of your tax dollars go to Johnsburg School District 12, so why not put the library in the high school? After all, it's your school and not that of the school board. They work for you. This is being done in Chicago and nearby suburbs. The library people know this but they want a building of then- own, and for all of us to pay for it. As some people want politics, there are others who want law and order and justice. As I and my cohorts have new petitions, we seek your help, and as for this writer, I don't have to tell you how I am going to vote this November. Earnest E. Schulz Pistakee Highlands Editor: The recently successful 55th anniversary celebration held at Wonder Lake would not have been possible without the assistance of the loeal newspapers, the McHenry Plaindealer and the Woodstock Daily Sentinel. Both were ex tremely cooperative in disseminating the information Letters One of the responsibilities of a community newspaper is to provide a forum for public comments. We invite our readers to share their views and opinions. The shorter the letter, the less we will have to edit to fit our space. The McHenry Plaindealer reserves the right to edit objectionable or libelous statements. All letters must be signed with the author's address and phone number (addresses and phone numbers will not be printed). Readers are limited to one letter per month on the same topic. Send letters to The McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111., 60050. on both aides of the lake. There is no other way to get the in formation to the entire com munity. There were a total of nine articles offered, and printed, by these two fine local papers. Thousands of people watched the parade of about 70 units, saw the outstanding rid show, rede the pontoon ' boats, and patronized (he booths set up by the community organizations. Lorraine Murphy, the Wonder Lake postmaster and chairman of the steering committee in charge of the event, gave un- stintingly of her time, spent hours in meetings, and more hours on the phone putting the celebration together. And there were all those volunteers from the fire department and its auxiliary, from the clubs, from the businesses, and from others, including the Rev. Richard Wright who unfortunately had a heart attack just prior to the completion of the planning. And local artist Lynne Raske created the posters, the booklet, and the logos for the T-shirts. All of those mentioned and others assisted in making the 55th a fun time for all. Van Sells, Wonder Lake. GOP signs draw fire from resident Editor: I would like to comment on the tillboards placed throughout the county by the McHenry County Republican Central Committee. They state, "Are you registered to vote? Chicago is." I, personally, find these signs childish and racist. But, to add to that, I have also had people from outside McHenry County Your Legislators StatP Senator Jack Schaffer (R), 32nd. 56 N.Williams St. Crystal Lake, 111., 60014 Phone: 455-0309 Springfield Phone: 217-782-6525 U.S. Senators Alan J. Dixon (D) 230 S. Dearborn Room 3960 Chicago, 111., 60604 Phone:312-353-5420 600 E. Monroe Room 108 Springfield, III., 62706 Phone:217-492-4126 United Statco Senate Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C., 20510 Charles H. Percy (R) 230 S. Dearborn Room 3892 Chicago, III., 60604 Phone:312-353-4952 600 E. Monroe R o o m 1 1 7 Springfield, 111., 62706 Phone: 217-492-4442 United Sates Senate Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C., 20510 State Representatives Dick Klemm (R), 63rd. 3 W. Crystal Lake Ave. Crystal Lake, 111., 600)4 Phone: 455-6330 0--I Stratton Bldg. Sp4ngfield, 111., 62706 Phone 2tT-782-8000 Ronald Wait (R), 64th. 110 E. Second St. Belvidere, 111.. 61008 U.S. Representative Philip M. Crane (R), 12th 1450 New Wilke Rd. Mount Prospect, 111., 60005 Phone:312-394-0790 i House of Representatives House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515 McHenry County Office 56 N. William Street Crystal Lake, III., $0014 Phone: 459-3399 comment on the signs, saying they felt they were narrow- minded and very negative. Hie message given at the Republican National Con vention, I felt, was one with a positive outlook, not the same message being given by the McHenry County Republican Central Committee. Maureen Quantz, McHenry Crane to hold town meeting at McHenry city hall Congressman Philip Crane, R- 12, will be holding two to*n meetings on Saturday, Sept. 22, and all residents of the 12th district are invited to attend. ' A morning meeting will be held at c city hall, 1111N. Green St., McHenry, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Doors will open at 9:30 a'm. That afternoon, Crane will be in Gurnee for another meeting at the Warren Township office, 17801 W. Washington St. Hie congressman wiy open the meetings with a discussion of developments in Washington which he believes will be of interest to those attending. One of the topics will be the higher taxes proposed by Democratic Presidential candidate Walter Mondale. Crane is a member of the House Ways and Means Com mittee. Following opening remarks, constituents will have an opportunity to question him ENTAB ENTER! % Kindergarteners, 5th & 9th graders NEED to have check-ups for school. We will be happy to show you what preventive dental care can do for YOUR CHILDREN'S teeth For your check-up call one of our offices. McHenry 1324 N Riverside Dr (815)385-1360 Island Lake "115 E State St (312)526-1100 Harvard 103 W. Sumner (815)943-5939 V Dr. C. J. Ludford, Dr. John Galan ' Dr. Kevin Wegrzyn, Dr. Carol Wegrzyn Dr Paul Smulson, Board Certified Oral Surgeon laindealer McHenry Herald (USPS 335-200) Established 1S7S 3812 W»st Elm StrMt Phon* 815-385-0170 Circulation 385-0178' McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday S Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage PAIO ot McHenry, Illinois by SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP POSTMASTER Send address changes to McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 60050 Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice of change of address to the McHenry Ploindealer, 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, ll|. 60050. A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription will be made where a change of address is provided through the Post Office department. Thomas C. Miller-Publisher Donna Bertulis-Editor fltoard Winning ihtotpaper MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION V SUBSCRIPTION RATES In McHenry County By Carrier 50' Week 1 Year by Mail ;.. $19.00 Outside McHenry County 1 1 Year by Mail 127.00 AUTUMN LEAVES New laws to aid small businesses When you think of business, do you think of companies like Ford, IBM, ITT and General Motors? Maybe you should think again. Because, as important as these and other major firms are, it's the small companies that form the foundation of our economy .The vast majority of Illinois businesses, 90-95 per cent, are small businesses. These small firms are growth firms, accounting for virtually all new jobs and new product innovations Small businesses are the No. 1 employers, producers and in novators in the state. They hold the key to the state's future and any long term improvement in the Illinois business climate must consider the needs of the small business. Toward that end we approved, and Governor Thompson signed into law this month, several measures designed to encourage small business development and help reduce costs to small firms. Two of the most important bills create a "one step" aid office to help Illinois firms and establish a special council to encourage the development of minority - and female-owned businesses. Springfield Report The new Business Assistance Office will serve as a clearinghouse for Illinois firms to obtain information on ser vices available to businesses and answer questions regarding forms, applications and permits required of business by the state. The assistance offices will also provide information about state and federal contracts which Illinois firms can bid on, study the effect state rules have on small businesses, work with state agencies to develop flexible regulations for small firms and establish a statewide network of small business development centers to provide technical and managerial assistance to small firms. To encourage more minority - and female-owned business participation in state contracts a statutory goal of awarding at least 10 percent of all such contracts to firms owned by minorities or women has been established. A similar goal has been state policy since 1982, but it was never formally written into law. This bill also creates a Minority and Female Business Enterprise Council to monitor compliance with the law Cutting the losses small businesses suffer because of bad check artists is the goal of another new law. Persons who habitually pass bad checks will liable for triple the amount of the check. Each year bad check artists cost Illinois businesses an estimated $700 million. ^^^B«BCOUPON wrnwmwmmm EARLY bird special |M|ILSTRIA««S A VI s5 ON RADIATOR FLUSH! & ANTI FREEZE ! union REG. FROto *24.95 with $1095 COUPON FROM J J (OFFER VALID THRU 12/31/84*NOT VALID WITH OTHER OFFERS) \ PRICES GOOD SEPT. 19-SEPT. 25 JQUOR MART 2314W. rt 120, EAST OF McHENRY SATURDAY ft SUNDAY OPEN AT 8AM DOT! HISS YOUR CHANCE TO WIN '8 MILLION ForYourConvenience £f\ Early Times . . IgH i.7,urn $8.98 VISA «cMASTERCARD! l9 J». Fleuchmann , Vodka 39 CARTON CARTON PLUS PLUS TAX 1.7S LITER *6.98 750 ML Seagram's V.O. *6.98 WINES Ballatore Spumante - *2.99 Fleischmann's Gin "»$8.I9 Usher's Green Stripe, 1.75 < LITER * 8.99 Paul Mas son Brandy *6.19 LITER Carlo Rossi Wines 4 LITER *3.99 Mallquist Extra Large ' EggS MA A dox.n 89 £ Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Pepsi Free, or S.F. Pepsi Free 1-16 OZ. BOTTLES HAVING A PARTY? catered by Stroll's -24-12 oz. CANS 4.99 -1.00 mail robot* *5.99 Molson Golden, Beer or Ale