PAGE 10 - PLAINDEALEE HERALD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3,19M Athletes have nutritional needs Gay Nineties quartet, from Montevideo, Minn, will be the •esttnred performers at a concert sponsored by the Sweet Adelines, 8 jtfin., Saturday, Oct. 6 at Mundelein High School. fylen's quartet to be featured It Sweet Adelines concert iThe Chain 0' Lakes Chapter of l#e Sweet Adelines (formerly itSe McHenry Chapter) will Resent "Barbershop and All ' Jiat Jazz" at 8 p.m., Saturday, (Xt. 6 at Mundelein High School, 1^50 W. Hawley St., Mundelein. iThe Gay Nineties quartet, flfrm Montevideo, Minn., will be ie featured performers. The y Nineties specializes in "deadpan comedy". They call themselves "four fugitives from a? mortuary." The group has entertained from New York to Pasadena, as well as in two USO trips to the Far East. They boast of never having won a contest, but never losing an audience. The Chain 0' Lakes chorus is made up of women from nor thern Lake and McHenry Counties, under the direction of Jim Arns. For ticket information,, contact Mrs. James Boelens after 6 p.m. at 497-3867. f ax exemptions explained for home improvements > Residents who have improved flieir residential property this jfear may be in luck for the next fjur years, reports Township Assessor Ttgodore Pitzen. Ij When an improvement Requiring a permit is made to a residential property, he ex plained, the assessor (Automatically files a Home Improvement Exemption. This jfoeans the increased real estate valuation created by the im provement will not affect one's rfeal estate tax bill for the next <9ur years. The increased rtriue of the improvement has a Jynit of $30,000, however. At the end of the four-year pieriod, the exemption automatically expires and a resident's total equalized i*>sessment will be adjusted to &flect the value the im- ' . <y ND*(81 • "J TRY OUR 5 PM-9 PM SPECTACULAR SUNDAY S[ liVtD f ROM 10 AM to 2 PM IROASI l)U( K«QUK HE»rRESH CARVtO BAKrD MAM >HA( ON*SAl ISACif •SMOKED SALMON*rRtSM (Hill I •I'lllS MANY MORE BREAKfAST DISHES __ _ For homeowners insurance coverage that helps keep up with the rising cost of rebuilding your home, check with state Farm. Ask me about our Homeowners Policy with automatic Inflation Coverage DENNIS CONWAY 3319 W. Elm St. McHenry 385-7111 S T A T E F A R M I Like a good neighbor State Farm is there Slate farm F .re and Casualty Comp*. Home Qt'icea Btoominqton Illinois I N S U R A N C I A t t e n t i o n A t h l e t e s : You Are What You Eat! Whether you participate in athletics for fun or for serious competition, you know that athletes have special nutritional needs. But some of the nutrition 'facts' you've heard may not really be facts, according to McHenry County Extension Youth adviser, Kathy Halstead. Below are some myths - and the real facts - about nutrition and the athlete. How many of them have you heard? Myth: Sports drinks are best for preventing dehydration. Fact : Plain water is usually best for replenishing the body fluids lost through sweat. Coffee, tea and colas can ac tually cause dehydration, and sweet drinks can upset the stomach. Store-bought sport drinks may contain too much sugar and salt. If you do choose to drink them, they should be diluted by one-half with pure water before use. A diluted sport mixture may be a good way to supply water as well as salt to the athlete who has been sweating heavily. Coffee, tea and colas are not a good choice to prevent dehydration because the caf feine in them can act as a diuretic, causing higher urinary output. Myth: Dehydration is a quick and easy way for wrestlers to lose a few pounds. Fact : Dehydration may be quick, but it is absolutely, positively DANGEROUS! The weight that is lost is water. A 2 percent loss of body water can cause a loss of performance. Dehydration saps muscle strength and can cause a buildup of metabolic waste products in the blood. An 8 to 10 percent loss of body water can cause death because the body t e m p e r a t u r e c o n t r o l mechanisms don't work as ef ficiently and your body can heat up enough to cause heat stroke. Myth: It's bad to drink liquids while you're exercising. Fact : This is one myth that could kill you. Loss oftoomuch water in the form of sweat can cause serious dehydration, heat exhaustion or heat stroke - even if you're a healthy teen who's used to exercising. Drinking 4 to 6 ounces of water at a time - every 15 to 20 minutes before, during and after exercise- is better for the body than drinking a lot of water all at once. Even if you don't feel thirsty, it's a good idea to take in extra water if you're going to be working hard or exercising for more than 15 minutes. Myth: Athletes need to take vitamin supplements. Fact : Increasing physical activityincreasescalorie needs and the body needs more of some vitamins - like the B vitamins thiamin and riboflavin - to use those extra calories. However, the athlete does not need to take these vitamins as a supplement. If he gets those extra calories from nutritious foods, the extra vitamins are already in the food. - t Some athletes take extra- large doses of some vitamins, believing that the extra vitamins will give their per formance a boost. Not true. It's expensive and can even be dangerous. When it comes to vitamins, more isn't always better! Myth: Salt tablets are a good idea if you lose a lot of sodium through perspiration. Fact When you're overheated from exercise, you need to perspire to cool yourself. Perspiration contains water and a little salt. Your body needs water and salt to replace these losses, but salt tablets are not the way to go. When salt tablets get into the digestive tract, the body works to dilute the salt by drawing water back into the G.I. tract. This takes water away from body cells, where it is needed for top performance. If you're working hard for hours at a time in hot weather and you don't usually eat a lot of salty foods, a shake or two at the dinner table should be all you need to keep your body's built-in air conditioner in top running condition! Myth: A high-sugar meal right before athletic competition will help performance. Fact: Such a meal may result in low blood sugar rather than high blood sugar. A balanced meal that is high in starch and low in sugar and fat, taken at least three hours before the game, is the athlete's best bet. Some athletes believe that a thick, juicy steak is a good food for the training table. But three- quarters of the calories in a sirloin steak - 594 out of 778-- come from fat. Fats slow down the digestive process and can make the athlete feel sluggish. An occasional steak as part of a balanced meal is fine for most athletes, but not just before working out! Myth: High-protein diets and drinks build muscle. Fact: Most active persons eat much more protein than they actually need. While exercise may increase protein needs slightly, most young people eat much more protein than they actually need to match this small increase. Exercise and conditioning ; " strengthen muscles - not high i protein diets. A balanced diet based on the Basic Four food groups will provide the young athlete with more than enough protein to ild and maintain muscles and other body tissues. If you'd like to know more about nutrition and the athlete - and other food and nutrition topics including overall health and fitness - 4-H is a great way / to learn. More than 140,000 Illinois young people just like you are involved in the 4-H youth program coordinated by the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service and the McHenry County Ex tension Service. Any boy or girl between 8 and 19 years of age is welcome to join the 900 active 4-H'ers in McHenry County. For more information' phone the Ex tension office at 338-3737 or 338- 4747 or stop by and see us at 789 McHenry Ave., Woodstock. uUl Service news provement has added to the property. It should be understood, said Pitzen, that the exemption applies only to improvements made to owner-occupied residential property. It covers the addition of central air conditioning, room and-or fireplace additions, a new garage, basement finishing, etc. - anything that requires a construction permit. Meanwhile, notices of assessment changes for 1984 are being sent out by the county's supervisor of assessment. McHenry Township residents who have any questions about it, should call the township assessor at (815 ) 385-0175, or stop by. Residents will receive a notice only if there is a change from the previous assessment. DARRELL SUTHERLAND Pvt. Darrell J. Sutherland, son of Roberta G. Sutherland of 3808 N. Spring Grove, McHenry, has graduated as a recon naissance scout at the U.S. Army Armor School, Fort Knox, Ky. The training was conducted under the one station unit training (OSUT) program, which combines basic combat training and advanced in dividual training into one 13- week period. Known as the ears" of the unit, the scout's job is to make a com plete evaluation of a tactical situation and report what he has observed or learned to his commander. WILLIAM JARAMSKI Air National Guard Airman William A. Jaramski, son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jaramski of 1502 W. Hickory St., McHenry, has graduated from the U. S. Air Force telephone switching equipment repair course at Sheppard Air Force Base, Tex. During the course, students were taught to test, maintain and repair telephone switching equipment to various telephone systems. They also earned credits toward an associate degree through the Community College of the Air Force. west elm laundfra INVITES YOU TO OUR FIRST ANNIVERSARY CELERRATION WEDNESDAY, OCTORER 3, 1984 THANK YOU TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS! WEST ELM LAUNDRY - 4506 W. ELM. McHENRY GET READY FOR WINTER CAR CARE SPECIAL COUPON PARTS NEEDED ADDITIONAL iV COMPLETE j COOLING SYSTEM FLUSH & FILL I ..BSSSSU™ &3» ! "INSPECT ALL HOSES & BELTS 10/12/84 J ' PRESSURE TEST SYSTEM I "FORWARDS REVERSE FLUSH SYSTEM 1 COUPON CALL 385-0783 FOR COMPLETE DRIVE-IN SAME DAY SERVICE OF HEATERS--RADIATORS--A/C--GAS TANKS ADAM'S BROS. RADIATOR 3006 W. RT. 120, McHENRY, ILLINOIS "YOUR COOLING SYSTEM SPECIALISTS" "A Casino for fine food & spirits" - PRESENTS ON BIG SCREEN T.V. 1984 NATIONAL LEAGUE EAST CHAMPS CHICAGO CUBS vs. SAN DIE00 PADRES FREE DRINK Your Choice For Every Cub Homerun During All Playoff Games STARTING PLAYOFF WEEK GAMBLERS INSTANT LUNCH $ 175 HOT SOUP & MUFFIN BUFFET DAILY FROM IIAM-2PM Look for our daily 10 minute IXPNUS LUNCH SPECIAL HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Mon thru Fri 4pm to 6pm •Complementary hor d'oeuvres •Special Drink Prices Restaurant open dail\. 11 • 11. Sal. 1 PM & Sun. 11 AM. Lounge 11 -? 1232 N. Green St-McHenry 385-7273 AU (21 YEARS OR OLDER) MEISTER BRAU 6 Pack*12 Oi. Cans REVCO'SLOW, ^ LOW PRICE V 1.49 SMIRNOFF VODKA Proof • Liter Distilled from 100% Grain Get it for less *6.99 CHRISTIAN BROTHERS BRA 80 Proof • Liter Fine California Brandy Get it for less LONDON SQUARE GIN 80 Proof • 1.75 Liter Distilled London Dry Get it for less $6.39 HANNAH & HOGG WHISKEY. 80 Proof •1.75 Liter Fine Blended Whiskey Get it for less $7.99 GALLO SPANADA 9% Alcohol • 1.5 Liter Natural Grape Flavor Get it for less $2.99 Prices in effect October 3-9. Items available while quantities last. COPYRIGHT © 1984 BY REVCO D.S., INC. B