PAGE 12 - PLAINDEALER HERALD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3,1984 PLAINDEALER HERALD 5 00p m 8 30 o.m Officc Hrs assified 3 LINES, 5 DAYS $8.80 I'KIN AI I. 1» \R | -S MM \l)> Shaw Free Press Newspaper Group Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date In the event ot on error or ommission the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion The newspaper sholl be liable •or only the portion of the ad which is in error. In cose of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Caff Classified Display Ads 815-385-0170 Private Party & Commercial Line Ads 815 344 4800 Richmond 673-2581 Poyment in advonce most be mode for these ads •Babysitting "Business Opportumtes 'Business Services 'Gorge Sales "Moving Soles "Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area "Political *R< oms Appts to Share "Situations Wanted "Sublease. Re-rent etc. "Wanted to Buy "Wanted to Rent •Sentinel-Herald (Woodstock) -Tho Hoar d (Crystal Lake/Cary- Orove) "The Horald (Cardunal Free Praaa) -Elgin HoraM •Rich mond Gazette "Sycamore Nowa *Tho HoraldJ»lalr Qanoa-Klngaton-Klrkland Nowa •Hampahlro Roglal available: "Herald-Citizen, Saturday Extra and Shopper Our helpful, courtooua ataff la at your aorvlco avalla ndealer • iter. Also or Servlco. allable DIRECTORY Announcements DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. PLAINDEALER MON. j P.M. MON. 12 NOON ERI. PLAINDEALER WFD. > P.M. WED. 12 NOON Cemeteries & Lots. Card of Thanks. Notices. Car Pools. .. >.; Lost & Found Personols .. *.".. . Instruction Auctions. ... ' r Bicycles & Sports Equipment. .. .36 Lawn & Garden Equipment. . . .37 02 Boots i 38 03 Musical Instruments. . 39 . . - 05 Cameras. . 4 0 10 Aviation. . 41 . 1 1 Pets & Equipment . . .44 . . .47 : . . . 1 2 Horses & Equipment. . . .44 . . .47 .13 Form & Doiry. . . 48 18 Livestock . . .49 Machinery & Equipment ...53 Business Opportunity . ..66 Rooms, Board, House ^ Aportments to Share Apartments to Rent. ........ Homes to Rent Condominiums & Townhomes to Rent.-....... ' Stores. Office & t " Industrial to Rent. ......... Farms, Farmland to Rent Miscellaneous to Rent....... .79 .80 .81 .82 .83 . .84 ..85 Automotive Autos for Sole" Wanted to Buy. Auto Parts & Accessories... : Trucks, Tractors & Trailers .. Vans Motorcycles & Snowmobiles. Recreation Vehicles.. , 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT .86 87 .88 .89 .90 .91 .92 Help Wanted Child Core. .......... i ... . Nursery Schools Situations Wanted Employment Agencies Household Help Wanted Help Wanted Merchandise Wanted to Buy. Miscellaneous Merchandise Garage Sales . Merchandise Under $50 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 3 1 32 33 34 Antiques 35 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy. Business Property Open House Real Estate Condominiums for Sale Townhomes for Sale Lots & Acreage Mobile Homes Forms for Sale. Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 69 .70 . 71 .72 .73 .74 .75 .76 .77 78 PA :i IAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPEARING IN THE PLAINDEALER HERALD CLASSIFIED PAGES 312 AREA CODE 815 AREA CODE 381 -Barrington 382-Barrington 426-Dundee 551 -Dundee 639-Cary 669-Huntley 695-Elgin 697-Elgin 740-Round Lake 741-Elgin 742-Elgin 888-Elgin 683-Hampshire ' 931 -Elgin 337-Woodstock 338-Woodstock 344-McHenry 385-McHenry 455-Crystal Lake 459-Crystal Lake 568-Marengo 648-Hebron 653-Wonder Lake 678-Richmond 728-Wonder Lake 895-Sycamore 923-Union 943-Harvard Household Help Wanted LIVE-IN, reliable, trustwor thy, non-smoking woman to itch 2 small children, In ax- for living on small ref. req., after 5; 312/695-3575. RELIABLE BABYSITTER NEEDED after school for mv 10 yr. old son from 3:15 to 5:30 school days and full-days that there is no school or snow days. Your home. Cary-Oak Knoll School area. Call after 6 p.m. 312-639-4791. 24 Help Wanted NEEDED NOW - Secretaries, word processors, typists, general office, experienced phone collectors. Working World, Crystal Lake. 815/45* 4490. NEEDED NOW Maintenance & General Factory, Working World, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 4490. REAL ESTATE S^LES Post tions available ?or career- minded self startetY Top notch training program. Commission advances paid for 'qualified listings & sales. Earn what you're worth with ERA Household Realty. Call Dolores (Chick) Groh for confidential interview. 312/639-2000 NEEDED: Cook/Meat Cutter, 40 hrs. a week, salary based on experience. Contact Sizzler Steak House, 6000 Nothwest Hwy., Crystal Lake, 815/459-Hwy., 3350. RESUMES Professionally prepared. VIsa/MC Welcome. Norton & Associates. 312/428- 9255. 02 Cemeteries & Lots 05 Notices CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK I UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as $275, including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 815/459-0547 PRE ARRANGEMENT plan, with 2 lots, at beautiful Win- dreldge Memorial Gardens, Catholic section, will sacrifice. 312/741-5827. 03 Card of Thanks THANKS to St. Jude forfavorsjranted. - PRAYER 10 THE HOLY SPIRIT Holy spun, you who make nv sec evmylhing and you whr hows me the wsy io reach m\ deal Ymi who give me the Divine ti l l ! in 'ortjivn and forgfti thr vrong ilial is done to nrw, qnd Vnu a/Iio are wi h tic I in thr> dialogue want to thank ymt loi evetythiti; ind In confirm once moo that I levei want to be separated Iron >'0U No matter how gieat materia' ,>sirts may he, I wBnt to be with yen and my loved t;nes in you' neipet ml glnry Amen. hank ynu lor your love towaif me and my loved ones Pet son nust pray this prayer three con jecitlive days without asking your wish Altei the third day you wisl wtR be granted no matter how d;l liciill it may be Promise to publisl this dialogue as soon as your favoi ibs been gramed MH "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 • POPCORN MACHINES Sales-Rentals-Supplies 815/385-9100, Mon.-Frl., 8 5pm; Sat, till noon. 10 Car Pools RIDE NEEDED, round trip Woodstock to Crystal Lake, week days, 9 am-5 pm. Call: 815/338 3148 eves. 11 Lost & Found LOST, female Cocker Spaniel, 6 months old, lost, Sept. 6, In Crockett Estates, 312/3 6-2111. FOUND, small part Spaniel dog wearing flea collar, vaclni- ty Highland 8. Tanalewood, Algonquin; Call 3127658-4432 days HUNTING DOG, br. blk & wht. female hound, lost in Morning Side, collar 8> ID with Southern III. telephone, reward, 312/790- 3658, Bill Kennedy. 12 Notices WANTED AUCTION GOERS GALORE TO ATTEND First United Methodist Church Woodstock ANNUAL AUCTION Sat., Oct. 6th, 1984 Church Parking Lot Throop& South St. DAN POWERS, AUCTIONEER Viewing 11:00 a.m. Bidding 1:00 p.m. LOADS OF GOOD ITEMS REFRESHMENTS DARLINGTON COURT APTS. is now accepting bids for Snow Plowing If Interested, call 815/&5-0540. MCHENRY Co. Coin Show, Oct. 21, 10-5, Crystal Lake American Legion, Woodstock & Oak St. ~ ATTENTION: BRIDES Save money on bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses, silk flowers, Invitations Si ac cessories. Silk Flower 8i Bridal Creations, 815/338-1682. RUSSIAN BLUE CAT FOUND, morning of Sept. 27, Sleepy Hollow area. Owner may call & Identify. 312/426-5155. FOUND: HOUSEKEYw/whlte tag in Northshore area, Crystal Lake. Call 815/459-2888. LOST CAT; calico, female, weekend of Sept. 22, Jackson Street, Hampshire; 312/683- 2549 after 5:30 12 Personals FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free 8i confidential stress line, day or night, 815/338-8080. ATTENTION! Looking for 50 people to par ticipate In weight loss pro gram. Fun-Easy and simple. 100% guaranteed. Herbal Bas ed. 312/658-8429. ONLY SUB-STANDARD Auto Insureds need call. DUI, acci dent, moving violation*. Best possible rates, low monthly payments. 1-800/942-2709 SCULPTURED NAILS Three yrs. experience. Strong & natural looting. Nail biters welcome. Call Joyce for app't, 312/658-2019. DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance Costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can af ford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency, 815/338 3328. HAVING TROUBLE Obtaining Health Insurance? High blood pressure, Diabetes, Etc. We can help. Contact John Holby at 1-800-942 2709 OVERWEIGHT? Lose up to 29 pounds the first month 8t (eel great. It's easy, It's fun 8i It's ln>% guaranteed All natural, herbal based, 815/459-2232 anytime. WANTED: WOOD For Johnsburg High School Bonfire If you have wood, please call: 815-385-9233 Ask for Mr. Randy Oberembt &1 Monday through Friday, up to October 12,1984, the day the blda will be opened. Personals PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9 llam. and from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 815/385-2999 MRS. NANCY Character Reader and Advisor Help for all problems. Please call for appointment. 312/426-8695 13 Instruction PIANO LESSONS B.A. Degree In Music Call Deborah, 815/344-1786 SCULPTURED NAILS TRAINING CLASSES 5 hr. workshop. All practice materials furnished. Call Joyce Huber for more Info. 312/658- 2019. GUITAR INSTRUCTION, Pro ven movements, many styles. Call evenings. 815/337-0641, Gene. • ^ u - PRE NATAL breast feeding classes 8i new baby classes now being taught by professioanl maternlal-child specialist, 815/568-5737, Kathleen Lud wlkowskl R.N., M.S.N. 19 Child Care WILL DO babysitting In our home, days or evenings Do good w/xids, call Debbie, 312/428-8640. EXPERIENCED, RELIABLE Mom, TLC for babies 8, tod dlers, meals; 312/639-1055. 19 Child Care QUALITY, LOVING child care in my licensed E. Dundee home. Full & part-time, 312/428-7611. WILL DO baby sitting In my Wonder Lake home. Exp., rel., 815/728-1841. BABYSITTING InmyCaryhome 312/639-5415 LOVING CARE for your little Gremlins in my Lake In The Hills home. Call 312/658-5832. WILL BABYSIT for your child in my Crystal Lake home; 815/455 1868. 21 Situations Wanted ECONOMY LANDSCAPING Weed Chopping, Finish Grading, Sodding or Seeding, Call: 815/459-8945. PAINTING & PAPERING Fully Insured-Free Estimates Don Johnson-815/338-4850 CARPENTER & HANDYMAN :N#Hab'tdo small. Reasonable rates. Bob Holden. 312/742-9063. QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. JOURNALIST & typist, retired, but still very active, seeks employment In related work. Experienced in word pro cessing, full or part time. 815/459-1957. EXPERT HOUSE CLEANING to your complete satisfaction. Can work Saf'. Ref., 815/459- 7731 after 5 pm. 18 Auctions REAL ESTATE AUCTION Date: Sat.OCTOBER 13th. Time: 11 A.M. Location: 1017 Duncan Ave., Elgin, IL Viewing: Sat. 0CT0BE R 6th, 12 Noon to 3 P.M. Reason: To Settle Estate * This large 2 story frame home with I rooms, city wa ter, sewer, hot water heat, and a fine location. Adjoin ing lot 50x132. Real Estate will be sold in 1 parcels than together. < Terms: 10% Down Day of Sale. Balance upon closing and possession. Sold subject to executrix confirmation. For information, 312/695 0388. Executrix: Charlotte Henke Attorney for Real Estate: Thomas C. Rydell Auctioneer: DUKE RATH 312/695-0388 AUCTION Sunday, October 7; 10:30 am 20519 Strelt Rd., Harvard, IL Located 2 miles south of Harvard on Rte. 23, then one mile east. Household, 1972 van, boat, organ, juke box, office furn., power tools, washer (H P.) and much more!!! TarmsCash! Rain or Shine Lunch WALTER HUNTER, OWNER Richard "Col." Nelson, Auctioneer BelvidereJL 815/547-8686 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Th« Sheriff of McHenry County will rocolvo SEALED BIDS until October 12, 1984 at 9:00 A.M. on tho sale of: (1) 1978 Dodgo Monoco 4 door station wagon 1978 Pontlac Phoanlx 2 door minimum bid for these two vehicles la $1,000.00 each. Said bids shall be mailed by REGISTERED MAIL, or delivered in person In sealed envelopes to H.A. Nulle, McHenry County Sheriff, 2200 N Seminary Ave., Woodstock, IL 90098. Bids must be clesrly marked "BIDS FOR USED CARS". Anyone Interested in Inspecting these vehicles prior to bidding, may do so bet ween 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. AUCTION located 4 miles NE of Woodstock or 4 miles west of McHenry, on HE comer of Route 120, Charles ft Greenwood Rds. (Charles Comers). SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 at 11:00 am. FARM EQUIPMENT: IH Ito. 504 tractor w/3 pi i 2 row cult; Farmall M tractor, Nl 1 row corn picker Moods Bros, pull type 6' combine w/Ford engine; IH No. 56 4 row planter HI 40* elevator; Nl Roilabar hay rake; 6' 3 pi rear blade; 6* 3 pt rotary mower, 3 sac cultipecker; 4 sec. harrow; McC com binder, 216 plow on steel; David Bradley corn shelter, wagon ft hay rack; hay rack w/o wagon; 800 bu. wire com crib w/roof; stationary feed grinder, Nl 12a spreader, needs repairs; 2 chain saws; platform scale; air comp.; steel I wood fence posts; hog crate; drive belt; hog waterers; 10 rolls snow fence; 4 bun dles cedar shingles; Skihaw; wheelbarrow; saws I scythes; space heater; pile scrap iron and usual rack loads small items. ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES & HOUSEHOLD: Note The Charles family resided here since 1908. This is the 1st auction since then. A part of history going on the auction btock. Come ft took! There are items you may never see again. The farmstead has been sold. PARTIAL LISTING INCLUDES: Oak secretary; high back full ft % size beds, some w/inlay; chandelier, Vktrol*, eic. cond.; music cabinet oien yoke; several old oak dressers; wooden high chair; shaving cabinet commode; glass front bookcase; butter churns; bowl ft pitcher, oak picture frames; 3 legged cast iron pot crocks ft jugs, assorted sites; fruit iars; drop leaf table; old clock* woodbummg stoves, usable; dinner beU; 410 rifle; shotgun; milk cans; old hat pins; cedar lined wardrobe; child's crib; studio couch; tables ft chairs; Western saddle, blanket ft bridle; outdoor grill w/rotisoorie; dining table w/6 chairs ft buHet 2 12il2 rugs w/pads; large mirror, 2 oil stoves; misc. lamps and more. SALE ORDER: 11:00 hay rack items; 12:00 household, 2:00 machinery. Viewing day of sale only. ESTATE OF STANLEY CHARLES AUCTIONEER: Gordon Stole, McHenry, IL 815-3S5-7032 CLERK I CASHIER: Gordon Stade Auction Service RESPECTED AUCTIONS SINCE 1952 21 Situations Wanted RESUME SERVICE & all typ ing needs. Diane's Business Service, 815/4554665. WILL CLEAN home or office, McHenry area, experience, 815/385-4448 PAINTING • CARPENTRY Estimates 815/385-3533 RELIABLE MOM will babysit In Holiday Hills home. Ex cellent care. For Information, call 815/344-3190 SCULPTURED NAILS; Manicures; 8i Pedicures; $2.00 off! Call 815/455-1048 EXPERIENCED PAINTER for hire, 15 yrs. experience, reasonable. Bill, 815/385-7636. D.J. 4000 waff, $12,000 sound system with lights & records for all. 312/584-0882. CARPENTER, 10 yrs. ex perience in remodeling, 8i repairs from inside & out, to furn. sitting about. Call Dave, 815/784-6673 after 6 p.m. TOP NOTCH cleaning lady has 815/459-days avail, exc. ref. 6585. CLEANING LADY Homes & small businesses. Ex perienced, excellent references. Call Cathy, 815/338-4846*815/344-3714 SECRETARIAL Business Ser vice. Quality typing, letters, reports, dictations, work pro cessing, bookkeeping and special projects. 24 Hours. 815/784 5053. NURSING, housecleaning, shopping, errand service, 815/459-9030. 21 Situation* Wantad EXPERIENCED HOUSE KEEPER, has openings, around McHenry, Woodstock 8< Crystal Lake, ref. alpll., 815/385-7922 after 5 p.m. Help Wa YARD WORK, trim brush, rake leaves. Clean eaves. Some mowing. About 4 hours per week, $4/hr. Crystal Lake. Ideal for high school student, 815/459-8332 after 6 pm. WANTED: Housekeeper. Must be reliable, honest and healthy. To clean and iron 3 mornings per week. Own car and recom mendations required. West Dundee area. 312/428-3520 after 7p.m. CHILD CARE NEEDED In our Wonder Lake home. 1-2 davs/wk. for 4Vi yr. old. Reliable, mature woman with own transportation. 815/728- 0995. WANTED: Mary Popplns. Working mother looking for older woman to come Info my home to care for 2 boys (3 & $). Can come 8i go, need fo be there for bus. Will negotiate salary. 815/344-5796, eves. only. PROFESSIONAL MOVING at a Do- It- Yourself Price. Call for a free Estimate. J.B. Pack ing & Loading Service. 815/338- 3641. BABYSITTER NEEDED in my home, days, 3 children, 815/459-1744. MATURE, LOVING Woman to care for toddler in my home. Part time. Some overniohts. References. Own trans. Must be flexible. 815/459-1969 SURROGATE Grandma need ed to care for our boys, 4Vi & IVj, 6 to 8 days per months in our Cary home. Must be healthly & able to stay over night. Perfect opportunity for retired mom or senior, ref. re quired, salary negotiable. Start Nov. 15, non smoker, must drive 8i speak English. Serious inquiries only. Please reply: Box AMQ, Shaw Free Press, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake III., 60014. JANITORS NEEDED, part time. Evenings, some days 8i weekends. McHenry area, must have valid driver's license. $3.50/ hr. to start. Call 815/385-1877. INSIDE SALES Algonquin distributor of word processing supplies needs ex perienced Inside sales representatives. Telephone sales experience required. Salary plus bonus. Call Jim Grossman at 312/658-8584. TELEMARKETING Salary plus commission. Mon day thru Thursday evenings from 6:00 to 9:00. Call Mrs. Jones at 312/426-1650 after 5:OOpm. Help Wantad EXPERIENCED, Fulltime, Receptionist needed. 815/385-1360 TYPISTS, openings at several nearby companies. Manpower of Elgin, 312/742-1-7464. DENTAL OFFICE Rapidly growing dental office is seeking a hard-working In dividual interested in a challenging part time position including 1 evening 8i Satur days. Qualifications: Outgoing, friendly, people-oriented, In quisitive, dependable, willing to learn a variety of skills. It this sounds like you, please write to Box A M L, Shaw Free Press, P. O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. NURSING ASSISTANTS All Shifts Part Time Apply In Person: SUNSET MANOR 920 N. Seminary Ave. Woodstock, IL RN's 4 LPN's, part time. App ly In person Sunset Manor, 920 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock. METALWORKERS Looking for people experienced In layout, welding, fabricating or Installing of sheet metal pro ducts. Contact Bildon In dustries, 5002 Rickert, Crystal Lake, 11.815/455-6912. HOMEMAKERS, Moms 8. Dads. Part time job for full time pay. Fun & easy selling oil paintings. Call Maureen, •15/455-4085 or Carol, 815/459 2308. PARTTIME COOK Nights. Apply In Person Village Squire McHenry 815/385-0900 AFTER SCHOOL Jobs avail, now for product promotlona and sales. Mon.-Thurs. plus Sat. Earn $40-$80 per wk- or more. Call Ms. Robin 312/428- 6122. 18 Auctions PUBLIC LAND AUCTION Saturday, October 6,1984 at 1:00 P.M. 70 Acres M.O.L. UNIMPROVED FARMLAND AUCTION TO BE HELD ON THE PROPERTY Northeast of Woodstock on Illinois Rt. 20 - 4V2 Miles to Greenwood Road - 2Vj Miles North to Wonder Lake Road, go East V* Mile. CW**U| Mo WONOift tAKC no SECRETARY/ RECEPTIONIST WANTED Musi be exper ienced and have strong shorthand, typing and recep tiomst skills. Apply in per,son to: V • HcHENRY SAVINGS & LOAN 1209 N. Green Street McHenry, IL Part Time Sales DOOR TO DOOR SALES Postltlons available to promote & sell newspaper subscriptions. We will porvide sales leads, assigned territory plus ex cellent product training. Premlnum commissions, guarantees during training and bonus opportunity. You must have a car and be available to work 3 nights 8i Saturday. For an Interview call 312/351-4082 between noon 8i 4:30pm, Mon day thru Friday. McHenry Cnty.-Mr. Frank Lake County area-Mr. Lane Palatine area-Mr. Paul AUCTION SALE ORDER PARCEL NO. 1: 20 ACRES M.O.L. (NORTHSIDE) PARCEL NO 2: 20 ACRESM.O.L. (NORTHSIDE) PARCEL NO 3. 30 ACRES M.O.L. (SOUTHSIDE) Parcel No. 1 and No. 2 will be offered together as a unit to determine highest total price. Then all 3 parcels will be offered to determine highest total price. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Available upon request. TERMS OF SALE: Ten percent (10%) of the successful bid will be required to be paid on the date of sal* with the balance due upon delivery of Executors Deed and possession or or before 30 days from date of contract and when the 1984 crops have been harvested Title Will be evidenced by a Commitment for Title Insurance as issued by the McHenry County Title Company, subject only to the usual conditions and exceptions contained said policies, and as specified below. At the time of settlement, an Owner's Policy Title Insurance subject to the usual formal exceptions, in the amount of the sale price, will be furnished to the successful bidder. A current Commitment for Title Insurance is available for inspection at the Law Office. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a Contract for Sale of Real Estate on the date ot sale, which said Contract shall embody the terms of sale The Contract for Sale of Real Estate as is to be executed is available for inspection at the Law Office of Jonathan Y. Moss, 124 S. Washington St., Naperville. Illinois and Brokers of the Midwest, Inc., Realtors Auctioneers, 100 West Market Street, Somonauk, Illinois (A) General taxes for the year 1983 to be paid by seller, 1984 taxes and all subsequent years thereafter to be paid by buyer; (B) Building lines, easements and restriction of re cord; (C) Matters ot Survey; (D) Rights of way for drainage ditches, drain tiles, feeders laterals, and underground pipes, if any, (E) Rights of the public, the State of Illinois, and the municipality in and to the part of the'above described premises, if any, being used for roads and highways, and (F) Easements of Records. The Seller reserves the right to re ject any and alt bids. For an appointment to inspect the property, telephone (815) 498 2373 or (312 ) 552 4289 ESTATE OF IRENE K. AAYSYK, DECEASED (A Part of tha "Sulka Farm") v Auction Conducted b Auction conducted Dy: BROKERS OF THE MIDWEST Realtors/Auctioneers 100 West Market Street. Somonauk. Illinois 605S2 (815) 498 2373or (312)552 4289 ATTORNEY: Jonathan Y Moss of Nadelhoffer, Nagle, Kuhn, Mitchell, Moss & Saloga 124 S Washington St.. Naperville. IL 60566 Telephone (3)2) 355 1700 AUCTION STAFF: Gene Darfler, Auctioneer, (815) 498 2666 Jim EElliot, Auctioneer, (815) 495-2171 TRUST OFFICER: J. F Fabos * State Bank Woodstock Woodstock, Illinois 60098 Telephone (815) 33S 3131 24 Help Wantod DISHWASHER WANTED, full time, Monday thru Friday.- <^JEppiy In Person only. Reese's Restaurant 205 S. Main St. Algonquin ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLY, full time, Custom Automated Machinery, Elgin, 312/697-6333. DENTAL ASSISTANT, full time, experience preferred. Must be able to work one even ing 8. alternate Saturdays. 312/381-5120. ASSISTANT COOK, 3 days a week; Dishwasher, approx. 20 hour per week. Excellent op portunity for student or retired person as well as others. Non Smokers apply at Sheltered V i l l age , 600 Bo rden , Woodstock. SECRETARY/CLERICAL, full time immediate opening. Mon.- Frl. & some Sats. Insurance ex perience preferred but not re quired. For appointment, call 815/459-6300. CCI NEEDS one more general office employee. Must be an ac- ccurate typist. Ideal position for someone wanting summers off. Please call 815/3I5-81S0. X-RAY TECHNICIAN Part time position in McHenry Orthopedic office. Call between 9 am&2 pm, 815/344-3052. WE NEED early morning peo ple for part time delivery. Call 815/385-1060. FAMILY ALLIANCE Adult Day Care. R.N. position open, part-time days. Please call 815/338-3590 for Interview. DRAPERY SALES Expe r i enced pe rson t o measure and sell window treatments. Flexible hours for making house calls & in-store selling. 312/426-3522 TEMPORARY SERVICE Is in need of a dictaphone typist for long term assignment. Cary location. Please call Donahue & ASSOC., 312/639-8742 PART TIMI CASHIIR/DKLI Nights & Weekends CalJ For Appointment Ask for Gary Svnnyside Foods 815/385-8097 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING Outstanding opportunity tor a person Interested In tha field of public health as the Director of Public Health Nursing Division ot the McHenry County Dept. of Health. Requirements are: certification of graduation from a school of nursing approved by the III. Dept. Registration & Education, III. licensure as a Registered Nurse, a Master's Degree In administration, epidemiology, re search 8> clinical m ence in a family cantered nursing prt * telor's search & clinical nursing, plus 2 yrs. full-time expert ence In a family centered nursing program In a commun- a health agency, or a Bachelor's Degree In Nursing Ich Includes a practlcum in public health nursing, ad vanced preparation Io administration 8i supervision 8b 4 yrs. of experience In a generalized family- centered nursing program in a community health agency. We are an equal opportunity employer. Anyone Interested In applying should contact the department at 2200 North Se minary Ave., Woodstock, IL, or call 815/338-2040, ext. 120. We will be accepting applications for this position through Oct. 12, 1984. THE BEST PROFESSIONALS BELONG AT ROCKFORD We Invite you to join our progressive nursing staff of professionals at Rockford Memorial Hosp- sital. Perfect your clinical and assessment skills while working with the latest computerized moni toring system. Enjoy the teamwork between the RNs and staff physicians, gaining the satisfaction of personally assisting the patient and family through challenging situations. We encourage professional growth, continuing education and participation in program develop ment 3-month orientation of theory with clinical correlation Is provided. Critical care experience is preferred but not essential. Excellent benefits and competitive salary. Please contact: Sharon Pierce, RN Nurte Recruiter ROCKFORD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 2400 N. RocktonAve. Rockford, IL 61103 v .- (815 ) 968-6861. Ext. 5556 Equal Opportunity Employer STAFFACCOUNTANT Assist In preparation ot monthly financial reports, lournal entries, special analysis, review and update of accounting procedures, and some Internal auditing. BS degree In accounting, with good scholarship required. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Complete protect responsibilities In developing new and Improved manufacturing processes and business forms products, Interface with manufacturing and marketing personnel. Prefer 2 to 5 years experience In related field. PRODUCTION ENGINEER Project work Involving new equipment purchases, testing and installation. Bachelor's Degree In General or Mechanical Engineering preferred. SR. TAX ACCOUNTANT Assist In preparation of company's federal, state and local Income and franchise tax returns, calculations of the income tax provision and some tax research. BS Degree in accounting and several years tax compliance | experience preferred. FORMS LIBRARIAN Prepare portfolios of forms samples for use I sales representatives. Code incoming forms | business forms library from manufacturing plants. jUarco Incorporated Oft CtMHty liw Hi | Barrington s 312/381-7000 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F by field sent to