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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Oct 1984, p. 15

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PAGE 15 - PLAINDEALEE HERALD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3,19M .Wrtf 4 Equlpmfrt IEY PUPPIES. FFN J horn** or farms. Urge ufad breed. «lS/9ZHt?7. FREE KITTENS. - all colors, -jm/PMlt? - CITTENS, free to good homes. ~ i, greys, black ft white. iy & shots. 115/455-11* >SPW>.^'T H5/3tS->434«fter 3 pm. FREE KITTENS To A Good Home >1V4J»-W97-Eves IpREE TbtiOOO HOME, 2 yr. I old tomito Gorman Shepherd/ Collie ml*. Excellent with I children, good watch dog. [ iM/iis-inst. GERMAN SNEPHERO/ Collie Mix Puppto^ • wks. old, $10 ! each.Ceilll5/675-a057. FREE KITTENS TO good home, two,Twki. old, 3H/85I-4071. FREEXITTENS • To Good Home 312/420-1M7 BLACK LABRADOR, male, 14 mo. old, obedience ft house trained, retrieves, A.K.C. registered, exc. disposition, $290. Call any evening after 6pm, 815/455-0143. WHITE SHEPHERD Puppy, » - 3_mos. _old, needs gooonome. <35.312/741- LABSFORLAB PEOPLE AKC Black, handsome male lif­ ter, bred tar temperament ft looks, champion blook lines, ex­ cellent with children or for hun- ttng.312/438-6087. GOLDEN RETREIVER puppy for sale; 14 weeks with pedigree; $150. 815/756-2449 before 11 am or after 6 pm. FIV^AUStRALIAN Blues, 2 months old. 312/683-6033 FREE KITTENS; 2 black, 1 grey striped, well behaved, 10 mo. old; flS/344-51ir PIT BULL puppies for sale, 5 weeks old, pure bred, parents on premises, $125. each; 81V728-00W. A K C LAB puppies, mother 0 F A, field champion blood lines. Father show dog. Dew claws removed. <250.; 3) 2/639 9225. COCKATIELS: 1 mated pair with cage & accessories, $150.; 815/385^667 c LHASA APSO, 5 yr. old AKC tomale. Must sacrifice family pet- $50 to good home only. Call after frpm, 312/639-8939. FREE PUPPIES to good home, Blk. Lab. mix, 2 males, 9 Wks.. 815/459-6749. FREE to good home 4 mth. old mixed Gordon setter male pup py. Outdoor dog. 312/42* 5278. FREE: < mo. old female Ger­ man Shepherd, TVt mo. old gray tiger male cat, 3 mo. old fcmaf kitten, 2 adult cats. Call Woodstock Veterlnasry Clinic, <15/338-0132. 10 X 12 X « DOG KENNEL $150. or best; <15/305-4213. GERMAN SHEPHERD Pups. 3 males, white, reasonably pric­ ed AKC/UKC. Born 7/23/04. <15/385-6406 FREE KITTENS: 6 cuddly kit- * * NEEDOOOD HDME/ Owners id away. Sheltie male, 1 old. Call 815/338-1824. gar FREE TO good home, kitten, 10 weeks old, female, white, litter trained. 815/459-0797 after 5 47 HotsmI. Equipment PAINT MARE & sorrel Gelding, good pleasure & trail, reasonable, 815/455-6973. A.Q.HA reg.. 16 months, bay colt, good diposition, ft con­ formation., 815/455-6973. REG, 15 yr. old Quarter horse needs a good home. All riders left home. Also Western Sad­ dle. Best offer. 815/385-3369. HAYRIDES, Barn Fire provid­ ed. Come to the country for that special party. T. J . Western Productions, 312/683-3099. TRAILER, 4 horse, fully enclosed, 6'8" high, <2500. 815/3384270 ask for Steve. BIG ARABIAN Fillv- flashy, exc. bone, presence, very Ira., beautiful action. Registered 7/8 815/338<u?8 ^ *° l00kl 47 llofBtiiiEquipment HAY FOR SALE, 1st cuffing. FARM Horse show. Oc- H Judge John DeBeir. For info, call HORSES-Registered Arabian stallion, 1 year ft 6 months old, sue. disposition I. breeding potential, MOO. or best offer; Registered Arabian mare. 23 years old, exc. starter horse or brood mare, may be with foal, <300. or best offer; Half thoroughbred I half ?, 2Vi years old, broon broke, lunges exc., has been started profes •tonally trained, beautiful ft tall. <360., Registered half Ara­ bian ft half Welsh pony, exc. on trail rides or as a hunter pony, 7 years old ft gorgeous, 815/338-9136 after* :30pm. 4t Farm 4 Dairy BLACK MUSCOVY ducks, 815/675-6029 DUCKLINGS (2), 4 months old. Good pets or tor eating. <15/568- <003. i .• PLOW & DISC, 2 bottom plow ft disc; <75. each; 815/338-1935. 49 . Llv--tock 6 FEEDER PIGS, 4 bred sows, 1 boar; call 815/923-2496 after 5 Pf": Machinery 4 53 Equipment '<0 MILLER Dlalarc 250 HF Tig welding machine. New w/all accessories; <1<50. 312/6t3-3t32. BRIDGE PORT mill drill press. Moving sale, alt equip, fixtures from small machine shop. 815/338-0527, ask for VM CORN PLANTER, John Deere. 6 row. model 694AN, asking <500.; 312/603-3528. Business Opportunity ROUTE FOR SALE Large National Snack and Ven­ ding Co. has route for sale In Crystal Lake and surrounding area. Easy to operate with high earning potential. Minimum in­ vestment <9.995. Call 317/927- 5300 for appt. INTERESTED IN Fashion, fun ft money? "Dutchmald" has the answer! Free wardrobe! Free training & party plan. Exc. advancement op­ portunities. Call Jean; 414/179- FAST FOOD RESTAURANT by owner, good location, eat-in, take-out, 815/385-0371. SHARPENING SHOP, Good >-7101 after 6 p.m. WANTED gating home business, <7X100. •nej inol t be responsible. One that can handle making money. Buslneet O^ortunl*^. Journeyman experience* heating & air conditioning field. REAL ESTATE, flexible hours. Non-competltlve, small Invest­ ment. Returns 0000/mo. Work out of your home. Hus­ band/wife teams ideal. 312/170- 1700. RESTAURANT/LOUNGE Harvard, II. For sale by owner, 3.100 sq. ft. Seats 100. Ample perking. Good U.S. 14 location 5730. RESTAURANT tor sale by owner. In McHenry, II., on 1 n acres. Come see, make offer. 015/305-9725 or 015/344-1435. BEAUTY SALON In Woodstock 015/330-3593 BEAUTY SALON In Mc Henry 015/720-0511 Wanted to Buy WE ARE A young couple who like to buy ft fix up homes. If you have one for sale, call 015/344-3057. I BUY HOUSES Regardless of Condition Brian • 312/039-6039 WE BUY SE LLE R-HE LD Mortgages 312/639-6674 WANTED TO BUY 10 to 20 acres, tillable 312/620-0677. 78 Buslnets Property DOWNTOWN ELGIN Building. TP Buslnsss Proprty 72 Real Estate 72 Owner, 2-3 bedroom house + 1.792 sq. ft. building, 3 phase wiring, 2 paneled offices, gas heat, located on Main St ' Richmond. <49,500. In 015/671- OFFICE BLDG.. Algonquin Zero Interest Financing Two story walk-up building wttn view of Fox River end woods. Wood decks. 22 parking stalls, v* acre, rollong slopes. Qlallfy tenants. Good return. Tenants pay all utlls., <150,000. 312/640-8404. McHENRY, 2 bedrm Condo in lovely Whispering Oaks com­ munity- E« cond. Many ex­ tras incl. energy saving add! tlons. <51,500.312/929-1403. UNION - PRICED TO SELL by owner. Well established Tavern a Restaurant in good location. Newly remodeled & decorated, fully equipped w/lg. 3 bdrm. apt. above + 2 car garage. Call 01 1015/923-4340. 71 Open Houss OPEN HOUSE CRYSTAL LAKE. Oct. 7; 1- 4:30. 349 Hickory Dr., 3 bdrm. ranch. Financing Avail. <51,700.015/459-1232. Real Estate CRYSTAL LAKE. 3 bedrm. brick bHevel, din. rm., fam. rm.. 2 baths, central air, 2 car gar., desirable neighborhood, close to lake ft shopping. 597 Lee Dr., <06,000.815/449-8515 or 312/543-4100. *- HAMPSHIRE, Brick, 2 bdrm with possible 3, central air, 2 car gar. nice yard, economic heat, good location, by owner, 312/683-2729 WOODSTOCK- brick A cedar newer duplex; 3 bdrms. & 2 bdrms. <01,500. Owner financ­ ing available. Call 015/459-8906 days. • CRYSTAL LAKE/4 Colonies, By owner, Colonial. 2200 sq. ft., 4 Mrm. 2Va bath, fin. bsrrtnt, frplc., c/a, 2 car gar. Great neighborhood! <114,900. 015/455-4032 CRYSTAL LAKE • A Must! Custom built 3 bdrm. ranch, 2 bath, country kitchen, main floor laundry. Bsmt., c/a, red­ wood deck. Crystal Lake schools. <109,000,015/459-4436. CARY, passive solar, 0 rm. ex­ ecutive home. 3 bdrms., Th baths, double garage, C/A., full bsmt., wet bar, fam. rm., for­ mal din. rm., frplce., trees, patio A much more. <110,000. Call 312/639-6200. JOHNSBURG Schools, 4 bdrms., IVj baths, full bsmt. on approx. 1/2 acre. <45,000, by owner- no Down Pmt.! Call 115/305-6795. CRYSTAL LAKE, Coventry, ltOO sq. ft. tri-level, 4 bdrm., 2 baths, basement, air, large yard, <71500., 015/499-1900. CRYSTAL LAKE area. 5 acres w/home. Adj. country club, large oaks, 3-4 bdrm., IVJ baths, low taxes, natural gas, 10% financing avail., <175,000, 015/459-1609. CRYSTAL LAKE, VA Assumable. By Owner, Up Land Acres, 4 bdrm.. 2Vj bath, fireplace, fenced yd., 2V> car gar., $94,000,815/49-9136. * • 17,500 ASSUME • 12* VA, 3 bdrm.. 2 bath Trl- level on beautiful V* acre. Located bet­ ween Crystal Lake & Cary. <92,000. Call 312/639-7009 for ap­ pointment • COVERED BRIDGE Trails, by owner, beautiful 2 story col­ onial, 2,700 sq. ft., plus custom finished bsmt., cent, air, wet bar in family rm., sunken liv­ ing rm. Set up high among oaks. <166.900.015/459-7036. Real Estate ti Wanted To Rent 00 McHENRY-WhisperingOeks, 2 bdrm. ranch home, very clean, corner lot, 1 block from shopp­ ing, utilities incl., eves; 015/305-4002 PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS waterfront, 16 ft. window wall overlooking 00 ft. water fron­ tage, on chain of lakes, from 15 by 20, sunken family room, with catherdral beamed ceil­ ings, paddle fan, A custom woven woods, 3 ig. bdrms.. l'/a baths, 13 by 20 Kit. opens to family room & water view. Many extras!!. <69,900,312/497 4009. WOODSTOCK. 5 bdrm. ranch In country. 1.0 acres, <59,900. 015/943-7941 or 943-6401 WOODSTOCK, Beautifully redecorated giant 4 bdrm. home, close to all schools. Must see to appreciate. Double lot, <75,000,815/330-3471. LOVELY COUNTRY HOME, Algonquin area, well cared for, 3 bdrm. ranch, 2 baths, living rm., kit., dining rm., 1 car gar., finished basement with kit­ chenette. All appliances stay, beautiful lot, must be seen. Call weekdays after 4 p.m., 312/650- 7285. Apartments To Rent ft Home* To Rent *3 TRADE Why go through the doldrums of trying to sell your home? We can show you how to purchase a brand new Trl-level or similiar model with 12% fixed rate financing for 30 years thats also assumable! Call Today for more details. CALL EQUITY NOW 312/428-9431 by owner, aluminum sided, 3 bedrm raised ranch, spacious kitchen w/sliding dr. to porch. <53,900.312/426-8094. WOODSTOCK 2 flat. 1 bdrm. each. Aluminum sided, new roof, exc cond. Investors or live in one, rent other till you need 3 or 4 bdrm. family home. Easily converted. Mid 50's. Owner. 815/459-2743 <5600 down assumes $548. PITI. 3 bdrm. ranch, new carpet, remodled kitchen 8i bath, must see, 312/428-3109. FOR RENT OR Sale, 3 bdrm. Tri-level, 1 car gar., bar, deck, basement. Prefer professional adults. No pets. References A sec. dep. required. Nov. 1 oc­ cupancy, $550/mo., 1 yrs. lease. 815/455-4398. McHEN RY/Whispering Oks, 2 bdrm. Home, c/a, w/lg. fenced yd„ 2 car att. gar., 1010 Oakwood Dr., 815/305-4979. NORTH WOODSTOCK, 3 bdrm farm home, 5 acres, silo, workshop, garage. $82,500. 815/338-0496. McHENRY AREA, 3 bdrm, central heat, 2 car gar., zoned business, $48,000. Willing to talk. 312/526-2656. COVERED BRIDGE TRAILS, By Owner. 3 yr. old Colonial, % acre wooded lot on quiet cul-de- sac. 4 bedrooms, & sitting area, 2V> baths, kitchen, w/bay win­ dow, family room, w/catnedral ceiling, fireplace, & french doors to large screened porch & deck. Cent, air, all appliances, A more. $180,000, Call 015/459- 1752. CRYSTAL LAKE by owner. 6 room, 1300 sq ft. ranch. 2 car gar., $61,900.815/459-7429 ' CRYSTAL LAKE, New 2 bedrm (expandable), full base- nant, 2 car garage. 5% dn. lm Interest. $59,000.815/720-0981. WONDER LAKE AREA 2 bdrms., I'/i car garage on 3 lots. Dead end street. Available immediately, $39,000. Call 015/728-0128. "2MODEL HOMES TOWN HOUSES andCONDOS ••McHENRY" Special price for quick sale. L. B. Andersen Co. Inc. 815/344-1671 312/537-4300 McHENRY, BY OWNER. Cape Cod, 4 bdrms., 2 baths, llv. rm., din. rm., den, full bsmt. 2 car att. garage. Completely remodeled, including all new kitchen & baths, new water softener & roof. 1 block from schools, walking distance to trains, shopping district A public swimming pool. Must see to appreciate, owner transferred. All offers con­ sidered. Asking $58,000. 815/385-4544. NEW LISTING IN ELGIN 3 bdrm. bungalow on Elgin's east side. 2 full baths, 1 v» car garage, dining rm. has ceiling fan, oak floors, piaster walls. Possible rental. Call for details. Buyer Protection Plan. Price $55,600. ERA Caravan Real Estate. 312/428-2610. WOODSTOCK, 433 Pleasant St., unusual amenities galore! Only one! 5 or 10% down buys. Call 815/338-1523. GOOD STARTER Well maintained ranch In Carpentersville has 3 bdrms., 1 bath, 2 car garage, new roof, all appliances, fenced yard. Quiet neighborhood, safe for children. Buyer Protection Plan. Price $49,700. ERA Caravan Real Estate. 312/420 2610. Condominiums 73 For Sale CRYSTAL LAKE, new 2 bdrms., 2 baths, dining rm. patio, huge bsmt., oak cabinets, no wax flooring, upgraded carpeting, overlooks farm land, 5 min. from shopp- Ing. $59,900. Call 015/455-2006. CRYSTAL LAKE? Colony Square, by owner. 2 bdrms., 1 bath, laundry rm., kit. applies, incl., C/A, $45,000. Call 015/455- 6361. CRYSTAL LAKE, Preferred unit, 2 bdrm., walk-in closet, 1 bath, living rm., kitchen w/ell appl. & serving counter to din­ ing rm., util. rm., entry closet, c/a, $45,900. 015/455-3404 or 815/459-0135. CRYSTAL LAKE / Colony Square, 1 bdlrm., 1 bath w/un- finished bsmt. Special financ­ ing & interior color choices avail. $42,900, 015/455-6560, 10 AM TO 5 PM. CRYSTAL LAKE /Colony Square, 2 bdrm., 1 bath, special financing A interior color choices avail., $47,900. 815/455- 6560,10 am to 5 pm. 74 Townhomes For Sale 2 T O W N H O M E S I N CARPENTERSVILLE. Both are priced to sell. Each has 2 bdrms., 1 bath, storage shed, carpeting, nicely decorated and in move-in con­ dition. Buyer Protection Plan on both. Price $33,800 and $34,900. E RA Caravan Real Estate. 312/428-2610. 75 Lots 4 TEN ACRES Rolling farm land with creek. Excellent site for solar home, near Rte. 47 and Silver Glenn Road. $54,900. Call 312/232-6223. REDUCED for quick sale- 1 acre lot, w/ mature trees in Martin Woods, McHenry, IL. Call 414/862-6542 after 6 pm. FOR SALE: Sawyer County in Wisconsin, 130 by 500 wooded lot in Northern Wisconsin. Blk. top road frontage, rear all fishing & snowmobile trails, fully recreational lot. $3,000 firm. Terms avail, at 10%, 312/428-0249. CRYSTAL LAKE, wooded lot 1 A 3/4 acres on Cul-de-sac, $22,000.815/459-4710 CRYSTAL LAKE, 2 acres, wooded, scenic view. Contract possible. Call 414/248-0867. MARENGO COUNTRYSIDE. 5 Beautiful wooded acres. Con­ tains its own barn siding and beams; with the Kishwaukee river running through proper ty. Low interest rate contract available. Century 21 New Heritage, Call Lee Collls at 815/568-0093 BONNIE LAKE EST. Adj. to Turnberry. % acre lots w/all util. 10% dwn. or bldg. financial help. 312/296-4114. CARY (Oakwood Hills), 90 X 120 wooded lot, buiidable, close toiake. asking$15000.; 312/639 5095. WONDER LAKE AREA 2 Buiidable Lots 015/305-4979 FIVE ACRES, Johnsburg area, buiidable, sorted agricultural, commercial zoning possible. Asking $40,000.015/305-4544. 76 Mobile Homes MOBILE HOME in Kirkland, 12' x 65'. Must See! Cheap! Chaep! Cheap! 312/382-2187. MOBILE HOME for sale. Leav Ing due to Illness, 12x62, 1971 Model, washer, dryer, 2 air conditioners, 815/784-2073, lot 55, Forest View Manor. Wantod To Rent GARAGE OR BARN Woodstock area 815/337-0704 RELIABLE FAMILY of 4. needs 3 bdrm. home, In Johnsburg school district, exc. ret., call 815/344-1785 after 6 p.m. Rooms. Board, Mousos. Apartments 7? TO Shars 26 RIVER DR., Algonquin. Weekly, monthly rentals. Kit­ chen facilities avail. 312/658- 7094,3tl-t226. WOODSTOCK, sleeping room for rent. Ideal for gentleman After 2:30 pm, 015/330-6674. ROOM TO RENT, female only, no children, $175 month A V> utilities, call 015/455-2849 after 5 p.m. McHENRY, Female Room­ mate wanted to share 2 bedrm apt. with same. $195/mo. + Va the utilities. 815/344-4381 after 6 pm. OLD .CARPENTERSVILLE: House to share, kitchen privileges, ideal for non­ smoking professional person, quiet residential neighborhood, washer & dryer, $160. per mo.; plus V2 utilities & deposit. 312/428-6561. HOUSE TO SHARE in Crystal lake. 815/455-2175, after 6 p.m. • McHENRY-- Room For Rent, $50/ wk. Full house privileges. Call 015/305-4110. MCHENRY 4 bdrm house to share with straight male, first A last month sec. dep. re­ quired, $200 month + V2 utilities. Must be 21, & like Rock music, Avail, now, 815/459-9717, ask for Don Smith between 8 & 4. ROOMS FOR RENT. Share house. Responsible persons on- ly. $50/week. McHenry. 815/675 2262 eves. Apartments To Rent CLEAN, SAFE Furnished rooms. Call 815/338-3040 8 am to 9pm RURAL GENOA: Extra Ig. 1 bdrm. apt., appl., drapes, carpet furnisheo. Sec. dep., A ret., 815/784*644. BURNHAM MILL Apartments, Elgin, accepting applications for 1 bdrm. apts. Appl., carpeting, central air, sec bldgs., rents are subsidized for eligible applicants. For further Information, call or visit 1287 Fleetwood Dr., Elgin. 312/697- 5660, Equal Housing Opportunl fy- APT FOR RENT: Furn., singles apt. in Genoa, utilities furnisheo, $225/month, sec. req. Avail. Oct 15, 815/522-3374 or 784-5773. 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX, private basement, yard, off street parking, in Harvard. $350. 815/385-3490. IN McHENRY, 2 bdrm. apart­ ment, no kids, no pets, available Nov. 1st. References required. $375/mo. 815/385 1361. NEW, LARGE 2 bedroom apartments in city of Crystal Lak*. Featuring security, privacy, luxury, air. condition­ ed. No pets. Nov. 1984 occupan­ cy. Call for information & reservations, 81fi/385:31jU. t>. DELUXE, T ft 2 Bedroom Apartments, in city McHenry, security, privacy, luxury. No pets. Call for information, 9am- 5pm, 815/385-3192. HEBRON, 1 bdrm. apt. in quiet bldg., stove ft fridge, all utils. except eletrlc. $225/ mo. + security. 815/338-3935 CRYSTAL LAKE, lower 2 flat unit, with Crystal Lake rights, 2 bdrm., $350 plus sec. 8. utilities. No pets. Avail, now. 815/455- 5997. McHENRY, sleeping room for 1 person; also small 1 bdrm. furnished apt. 815/385-8905. MCHENRY. 1 bdrm apt., 2nd floor, $300/mo heat incl. Seniors preferred. 815/344-4231 HUNTLEY/ ALGONQUIN area, 1-2 bdrm. apt., $285/ mo. price range. Call Ron 312/438- 3011. PROFESSIONAL MALE, new to the area needs sleeping room or apartment to share. Works in Carpentersville. Please call Pji.I at 312/426-1653- WOODSTOCK: Attractive fur nished efficiency, 2 blks. from square, train, grocery store. $175/month + sec. dep., utilities included. No pets. After 3p.m., 815/338-3481. HEBRON, avail, now, 2 bdrm., appl. furnished, children & pets allowed. Use of Ig. yard. 1 yrs. tease & iec. required. 815/648 2007 after 6 p.m. LAKEWOOO APARTMENTS Spacious studio, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Free heat & cook­ ing gas, color co-ordinated ap- pilances, wall to wall carpeting, laundry facilities, cable TV, pool A playground. For more information, please call 815/330-2303. RICHMOND APARTMENTS 1 & J bedrooms available. Wall to wait carpeting, fully ap- pllanced kitchens, individually controlled heat, laundry facilities & play area. Caft 312/507 9277. GARDEN QUARTER Apart ments, residential aree in McHenry, spacious 2 bdrm. units, plenty of closet & storage space, laundry facilities In building. For further informa­ tion, please call 815/385-2181. McHENRY DEPOT HOTEL, Rooms start at $48/week. Cable-hookup, kitchen, laun dry. Call 815/385-0085 after 2pm. MARENGO,! bdrm.. ap­ pliances. air cond., avail, imm- ed., security deposit, lease, $265. per mo. 815/560-6706 WOODSTOCK, near square, 1st. floor, 6 room Victorian apartment, no pets, ref., & sec. deposit, available Nov. 1st, before 6 pm, 815/338 1900; after 6 pm 815/338 7546, ask for Charles. HUNTLEY; Irg., 2 bdrm apart., carpeted, no pets, sec dep.,; 312/428-3211. CARY- 1A2 bedroom, Heat & water.Call after 5 pm. 312/639-3737 CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 rooms, & bath upstairs. Suitable for 1 or 2 adults. Immediate occupancy. $285 per month, inc. util., 815/459-3052. McHENRY, 1 bdrm. for single adult, full kitchen, bath, & garage. $70/ wk. 815/385-4669. 81 Homes To Rent McCULLOM LAKE 3 bdrm., 2 baths, attached garage, 2 lots, large deck. Immediate oc cupany, 1 yr. lease, $500/mo. & sec. dep After 6 p.m. 815/385 2639. McHENRY, furnished or un­ furnished, 2 bdrm., frplc., Irg. family room, formal dining room, Irg. enclosed porch, quiet area near everything; $500. per mo. 815/344-4295 NEW HOMES for rent or sale. 3 bdrm. $575 8. up. Call 815/459 0658,8am 5pm. WONDER LAKE, lakefront home, 4 bdrms, appliances in­ cluded, with or without fur nishings, month to month lease, $550. per mo.; Call 312/622-1367 from 10-6 CRYSTAL LAKE, 3 bdrm. 2 baths, fam. rm., 2 car gar. Avail. Oct. 15th, $675 per month, 815/459-3884. Owner agent. . HEBRON, Ig. 4 or 5 bdrm. home, evell. Oct. 15. $450/ mo. -I- security A lease. 815/338 2715. Stores, Offices 4 Industrlel To Rent ALGONQUIN. 1 bedrm cot tege. stove A refrig. some util. no pets. 312/650-7003 or 650-7711. BARRINGTON, Retail store or office. 2400 sq. ft.. Hlllvlew Dr. I NW Hwy.. (US 14). 312/301- 7995 LAKEWOOO, 3 bdrm. furnish ed ranch, ecross from Country Club, evell. Nov. 1, thru April 30th, $600 month 4- sec. No Pets. Ask for Petti, Essex Coetoifo. 015/459-3066. HARVARD; 3 bedrooms, i<* baths, appliances, carpeted, dreped, garage, wooded, available Nov. 1st, sec. dep.. $400. per month, eves. 015/459- 5164. McHENRY; smell 2 bdrm. house, yerd, no garage, gas fur­ nace. $375.; Cell015/)05-3490. MCHENRY, near town, ig. 3 bdrm., 1V» baths, fam. rm., fenced yd., 2 car gar., all appl., beautifully decorated. Avail. Immediately, <600 plus sec. No pets. 815/344 2642. FOR RENT: Two bedroom farm house. 7 mile northwest of Sycamore, no pfts, small feml- ly, call eves.. 015/095-9240. Condos4 12 Townhomes To Rent CARY/Bright Oaks, 3 bdrms.. 2 baths, air. all kitchen ep- pliances. available Oct. 15, $475., plus sec. deposit; 312/639- 2705 aftor 5 pm. McHENRY/North Fox,modern condo, 2 bedroom, iv* bath, dishwasher, $425. per mo. sec. dep., 312/763-0935. Stores, Offices 4 13 Industrial To Rent CRYSTAL LAKE, 5,000 sq. ft. ind. bldg. w/450 sq. ft. office, all a/c, 3-phase elec., air lines. Will divide. 015/459-9060. C H E A P E R S T O R A G E 7W Wide, 40' Long, 0r High Truck Bodies. Located near Rt. 31 & 176, S60/montti or on your property $75/month. Discounts for multiple units and/or year­ ly rates in advance. 015/459- 6270. McHENRY, office space for rent 2nd floor on Rt. 120, 015/305-0007. CARY- Professional office bldg. ready for you to design a space to your needs Only 1,220 Sq. Ft. left! Call 312/302-1520. OFFICE SPACE For Rent: 1,646 sq. ft., prime location In Elgin on Davis Road. Call 312/312/302-1520. MCHENRY, 2000 sq. ft. building, winter boat storage or other uses. 815/385-3603. SMALL STORE Front/Office, air conditioned, utilities incl., $175/mo. 815/385-7071. OFFICE A COMMERCIAL space available. Reasonable. 815/459-0658,8am 5pm FREE RENT, Busy building, heart of small town. 815/728- 0404,815/385-8856. NEED OFFICE Only a few days a week? Share mine. 815/728-0404,815/385-0056. FOX RIVER GROVE, 2-3 bdrm home, Avail. Oct. 15, $550 mo. Must have Ref. 312/658-3029. NEW 2 bdrm. ranch, full bsmt., 1 car attached, all appliances. P i s t a k e e H i g h l a n d s , $500/month, 1 month sec., 815/344-1248 Of <15/344 5796. CARY/SILVER LAKE 8 room raised ranch, 4 bdrms., 1 1/2 baths, 2 car garage, $550/mo. Call 815/459-9187 JOHNSBURG " 4 bedroom, $525 mo. 815/385-0414 MARENGO, 3 room house in country, (1 bdrm.), gas hot water neat, $250 per month. No pets, security 8> ref. req. 815/568-7163 after 5 pm. CRYSTAL LAKE, Lakefront, spacious 3 bdrm., 2 bath, semi- furnished. Oct. -June occup. $540 plus sec. 8> util. Collect: 312/763-6315. FARMHOUSE/Marengo, 3 bdrm, on 10 acres, small barn available, ref. & sec. deposit, $450.; 815/459-4317. - McHENRY/ Brittany "Park, 3 bdrm ., IV2 baths, 2 car gar., ap pis., fenced yard, storage shed, $575, avail. 11/15, good rets, req., option to buy avail., 815/344-2588 after 6 pm.. IN TOWN McHENRY, 2 bedroom home, across from river, no pets, l year lease + sec. dep., $425/mo. Call 815/344- 3354. (Rt. 31) Mgonqi Ad 10(1 ns Post Office. A/C, Parking, 770 sq. ft. Highway Sign, $375. 312/372 8692 or 312/650-5760. ELGIN-ALGONQUIN Lease 4200-0400 sq. ft., A/C of­ fices, sprinklered, warehouse, levelor docks, 1200 amps, serv- dlce. 312/372-0692. SHOP SPACE 3,300 sq. ft. for rent, separate spray boot. 12 X 815/305-0000. LARGE, EXECUTIVE Office Suite, ideal for accounting or law offices. Prestigious loca­ tion. Over 1500 sq. ft. available. Smaller suites available also. Call Fred at 015/459-7608. 101 CORPORATE CORNER WOODSTOCK Offices for rent on the Square. Ideal location, 815/338-4533. WOODSTOCK, Industrial 25 by 54,200 amp 3 phase, insulated, office, 12 by 12 door, 815/338 2595. CRYSTAL LAKE, retail space, prime location, downtown, 1,000-4,000 sq. ft. New construe tion. Available Fall 1904. Days, 815/455-4540. After 6 pm, 815/459-0726. CRYSTAL Lake, office space, exc. location, $100 81 8.200 a month, Frank J. Smith & associates, 815/455-1440 or 815/459-0606. DUNDEE On Main St. Space ' a v a i i e b l e . 8 5 0 s q . f t . Reasonable rate. Utilities incl.. lots of free perking. Ideal for small business. Call 312/650 KrKtonsen. CRYSTAL LAKE, office space, downtown, heat 1 water fur­ nished. <135 a month. Days, <15/455-4540. After 6 pm 015/459-0726. CARY OFFICES, new bldg. Ideal for Mfg. or Sales Rep. Answering, secretarial t copy service available. 314/639-2351. RETAIL RENTAL Ideal location on busy hwy. for small retail shop or office. Plenty of parking avail. Ap­ proximately 700 sq. ft. Call for aoot. to view. ERA Caravan Real Estate. 312/420-2610. Farms 4 Farmland To Rent 00+ ACRES prime fermland tor rant near Huntley. Inquires at 312/669-3107 before Oct. 15. Misc. To Rent S T O R A G E A V A I L A B L E , Islend leke, inside or out for autos. RVs, etc. <20 A up. 312/526 7359. OUTSIDE STORAGE SPACE Available for boats A trailers. <100 for ell winter. CelM15/455-2262 STORAGE SPACE evellable in Crystel Lake, ideal for boats, etc. Cell Jenet at 815/459-3145 M/W/F and weekends, 9-5. Autos For Sale DOOGE RAMCHARGER. '79. w/snow plow, Low miles, exc. shape. $5.000. <15/459-7566. CADILLAC El Dorado '71. Beautiful white w/red int., all options including factory moon roof. <5,900. 312/426-9176 after 4 p.m. REPROCESSED AUTOS all makes A models. Always a good selection. Not all models at all times. Buy just like tek- Ing over payments. From $48. month A up. Mechenically tested cars. No major body damage. For full detells. you must ask for Mr. Barry. 312/584-3900. 04 OLDS 90 REGENCY, mauve with beeutlful brown velour Interior. Just broke In with 9,tOO ml., <14,900. 312/742- 6130 days. 312/426-6374 after 5:30 pm. JEEP CJ 7, 1977. V-0. 36.000 mi., hardtop, rollbars, lock-out hubs; all terrain tires A extras. No rust, exc. cond., must see to appreciate, $4,500/best offer. After 4pm, 015/305-1097. FORD PICKUP/01, Explorer F 150, 6 cyl.. new tires, w/cep, TOYOTA 76, exc. runner, poor body, FORD VAN.70, win dows. MUSTANG '67, as Is, MONTE CARLO '76, no rust. SUZUKI '02., 015/675-6029 CORVETTE,'79, auto, p/s, p/b, air, p/w, am/fm cassette, white with red interior, 39000 miles, exc. condition, <9700. or best offer; 015/455-3356 EL C AMINO, 1900, a/c.. crulie, am-fm, low mileage, exc. cond.. $4,000. 015/385-4554 after 6pm. PONTIAC BONNEVILLE,'76, 2dr hardfoo, runs good, <500.; 312/639-0159. CHEVY NOVA hatchback,'77, V-0, <1000., Call after 5 pm weekdays.; 815/459-6142. JAVELIN, '74, hard top, p.s., p.b., auto., will be classic, $500, 015/455-6973. FORD LTD,'73, 8. HONDA C I V I C , ' 7 7 ; R e a s o n a b l e ! 312/639-4532. PONTIAC CATALINA'72 Runs good. $300. 312/639 9203 CHEVROLET MONZA/8O, 2 dr ., 4 speed, p/s. p/b. Good con dition; $3000. or best offer, 815/344-3981. HONDA CIVIC CVCC, 1976, good running cond., fair body, $000/best. Call after 5pm. 815/330-1072. CHEVY MONZA,' 75, 262 V 8, auto, p/s, p/b, good condition. $1150 or best offer; 815/455 6509. T H U N D E R B I R D , ' 7 7 , a i r , power windows & seats, am/fm stereo, good body, good tires, runs good; 015/560-6665 after 4 BLACK DIRT PURE BLACK DIRT , t- SANDS GRAVEL Spreading & Grading Top Quality At Competitive Prices IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PO LO-815/459-8692 BLACKTOP ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 50C/Sq. Ft. For grading & blacktopp- ing only, on driveways over 1,000 sq. ft. •Parking Lots *New Drives •Long Lanes 'Patching •Resurfacing •Sealcoating •24 Hour Servic <- VAII Work Guaranteed Free Estimates 815/459-3960 Call Now & Save BUSINESS SERVICE ATTENTION Small Business Owners Experienced Secretary/Book­ keeper will do your cor­ respondence, bookkeeping, mailings, etc. in my home. Dqiendabie A Confidential Service I1S/S5-3W COMPUTER SOFTWARE Specializing In dtvoloplng your computer software packages to business FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK GUARANTEED 815/385-7712 CONSTRUCTION BOUGTFS CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL •Custom Homes 'Kitchens •Additions • Baths •Remodeling •Decks •Garages •Aluminum SldTngA Soffits EXPERT CARnENTRY CALL ANYTIME 015/330-0905 DRYWALL SOMMER DRYWALL •Installation A Finishing •Patchwork & Spray-on Ceilings 815/344-1956 GARAGE DOORS GET READY FOR WINTER BEFORE IT ARRIVES Garage Door Serviced & Lubricated for only $38.00. Electric Garage Door Opener & Radio Controls Serviced for only $19.00 extra. Total saving of $19.00. Parts & material needed extra. Cell SWANS0N GARAGE D00R 815/385-6830 GARAGE DOORS INTR0DUCT0RY0FFER Professional Line Lift- Master Garage Door Opener (Permanently lubricated) $145.95 & Professional installation available - $75 (Incls service. & lubrication of garage door) BAUERMAN CONTROLS 815/385-7219 HOME IMPROVEMENT REMODELING DECORATING PAINTING A CUSTOM BUILT DECKS Free Estimates Call AEROCONSTRUCTION 815/385-0092 IMPROVEMENT J&L Remodeling & Room Additions Garages & Aluminum Siding Soffit* Fascia*Gutters R oof ina» Decks Low Prices* rree Estimates Fully Bonded & Insured •815/455 4226* If No Answer, Call 815/459-3888, Ext.Z LANDSCAPING THINKGREEN LANDSCAPING & LAWN MAINTENANCE Prepare your lawn & trees for the winter season. •LEAF REMOVAL'FERTILIZING •DETHATCHING FIREWOOD Seasoned Wisconsin Red Oak FULLY INSURED 815/385-6103 LAWN CARE GRANDPRE CONTRACTING Yard Clean up Weekly Maintenance Complete Lawn Service & Design 815/455-5536 PAINTING GRAND PRE CONTRACTING Painting/Patching Wallpapering/Minor repairs Quality work & materials References 815/455-5536 PAINTING OECORATING Commercial t Residential Custom Service at Competitive Prices!. Interior Painting & Wall Papering Guaranteed Work Quickly ft Professionally Done Ask For Roger I1S/45S 0190 PETCARE McHENRY ANIMAL HOSPITAL Low cost •Spay, nueterft vacination •Dog spay ft nueter, $40.00 •Cat Spay SX •Cat nueter, S20 •Rabies Vacination M 00 •Cat ft Dog Vacination S6.00 •15/385-0031 ROOFING SUNSHINE ROOFING •'0 Yrs. Shingle Expertise •Qualify Materials •insured v •pree Es*ima*es "• • A" work guaranteed 815/385-0009 6 SEWING & VACUUM REPAIJR SEWING MACHINE & VACUUM CLEANER Sales Service ft Parts Household ft Industrial In Home Service _ Free Pickup ft Delivery KEENER&SON 815/728-067? WATER CONDITIONING! Introductory Offer RENTA QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For S3 00 Per Month For the First 3 Months Call Collect . 115/3383344 QUALITY WATER CONDITIONING WINDOW WASHING WINDOW WASHING IN ft OUT HIGH ft LOW Residential Commercial GRANDPRE • CONTRACTING 815/455-5536 WOOD RESTORATION JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION Accurate and careful restora tion of antiques, furniture and kitchen cabinets. Also chair regluemg 115/385-4024

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