SECTION 2 • PAGE 8 - PLAIN DEALER HERALD, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10,1984 Wonder Lake begins fundraising campaign The Wonder Lake Lake Committee has launced a minassive campaign for ad vance sales of it's 1985 fund raising calender, aided by volunteers obtaining door-to- door sales. The calender, the first of its kind in McHenry County, is used by various schools and organizations in otSbr areas. A $50 prize will be given every day for a year with an additional bonus of five $100 prizes at the last day of each month. The final day of the year will climax in $1000 prize. Another featured bonus will be three pages of redeemable coupons from McHenry County merchants. All proceeds after exspenses (all work is strictly volunteer) and prizes will be used for the ultimate preservation of Wonder Lake, with dredging being the primary goal. Further information may be obtained by calling 728-0338 or stopping in at Wonder Lake State Bank. Defenders announce recycling program The McHenry County Defenders have announced a new recycling program that will make trash worth cash. The program, which began Oct. 3, pays people for aluminum cans, glass bottles and newspapers. It is started approximately one month before a citizen's advisory com mittee makes its recommenda tions about solid waste, including recycling, to the county board. The Defenders program is being conducted by the Ski and Bike Shop, 5005 Route 14 (Northwest Highway), across from the Showcase Theatres in Crystal Lake. People may recycle Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. The Defenders will pay one cent per pound from newspaper and glass and 23 cents per pound for crushed aluminum cans. Uncrush- ed cans will be purchased for 21 cents per pound. • Anyone who recycles over 100 pounds of aluminum cans earns an extra cent per pound. In honor of the grand opening, the Defenders are giving anyone who recycles during the first two weeks of October a receipt worth an extra two cents per pound on their next sale of aluminum and *n extra half cent per pound on their next sale of newspaper. The befenders also will accept steel tuns, cardboard, and used motor oil at the site, the those materials will not be purchased. J The Defenders regular recycl ing drive in McHenry will con tinue. The conservation group Started the new program to make recycling more profitable and Convenient for residents of Crystal ^.ake and the surrounding area. • Except for aluminum cans, the purchase of recyclable materials •from people is a new approach to {recycling. Alice Howenstine, manager of the Defenders recycl ing programs said, "We hope we can attract new recyclers by be ing open more hours and by pay ing for materials. Of course, volunteers still will help with the program. We use the money we earn by recycling for other impor tant environmental projects such as recycling in schools and par ticipation on the McHenry County Waste Study Advisory Commit tee." Sherry Blass, volunteer coor dinator of the Crystal Lake recycl ing drive added, "We think this new program will complement our regular drives. We're so busy at them that it's clear people want more opportunities to recycle. Groups still can earn money by helping at the drives, now more people than ever before will be able to help reduce the need for landfills. Everyone will win." The Defenders began recycling in 1972, with help from the Crystal Lake Disposal Company, \p demonstrate that resources need not be wasted in landfills. The pro grams have been successfdul, and their number has grown. Mean while, public concern about land fills and contamination of ground water has increased. Following controversy last year over a proposal by Waste Manage ment, Inc. to build a new landfill in Seneca Township, the county board appointed a citizens ad visory committee to review a con sultant's solid waste plan. The draft plan, copies,of which may be reviewed at the courhouse, recom mends among other things, that recycling in the county be increas ed. The report states that the county shoujd encourage existing recycling programs and helpo set up drop off centers where people can bring materials. The Waste Study Advisory Committee, which will not make final recommenda tions until November, already has passed ar esolution encouraging the county to do everything it can to promote recycling. If all the newspapers, glass and sluminum and staeef cans in the county were For Your Information Dear friends, In the absence of prearrangement, the next of kin alone hat the right to choose the funeral director and to decide the funeral ar rangements. No one should attempt to Influence or usurp this right of choice. Advice should be given only when asked, as the selection of a funeral director is a very personal matter. Respectfully, PETER M.JUSTEN &. SON FUNERAL HOME McHtKIIT IlllNOI^ - IMflM recycled, the need for a landfill would be reduced by almost 22 percent. The new Defenders payback program thus fits right in with the recommendation by the advisory committee. And from the look of things, it may be only the beginn ing. People who want to learn more about the recycling program or about the solid waste plan can call the Defenders at 459-0450. IA>H Pregnant woman dies in Joanne Heinley, left, and Mae Gaddis were two of the many volunteers who sold calendars door-to-door in fundraising efforts for the preservation of Wonder Lake. A one-car accident Saturday night on U.S. 14 near Woodstock resulted in the deaths of a 34- year-old woman and her unborn ; < ch i ld . V - Doreen V. Tilstra of 132 *1 Meadow, Woodstock, died Sunday at Memorial Hospital >J* for McHenry County where she was taken by Harvard Rescue Squad after the accident. According to the McHenry \ County Sheriff's Department, the accident occurred about 8:30 p.m. southeast of Deepcut Road in Hartland Township. Sheriff's police said Tilstra's car went off the road and struck a tree. Her &-month-old fetus, An drew tlonald Tilstra, was pronounced dead just before midnight Saturday and she died early Sunday afternoon,-, ac cording to sheriff's police. 2? -5 ^RSERV?CENAL DIRECTORY JACK WALSH. AGENT EARLR. WALSH. BROKER INSURANCE fit BONDS Plr*. Auto. Farm, III* ••prMMitlnf M1IAMI COMPANIES Mil W. dm St.. McHenry MS-M00 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE DIRECTORY DENNIS CONWAY AUTO. 1IFI. FIM State Farm Ins. Co. Mlt W. dm IHMl. McHenry. HI. Ms-rm r DR. LEONARD BOTTARI I JOS Rlchmwid M.. McHenry lyei litnlnW • Contact Clattat HWed Man.. Tim..Tti»ri..W„ 4-4 p.m.. Twei.. fliurt.. M. 7-0p.m., Sat. »:M-S p.m. Phone MS-4ISI er MS-7I41 JAMES M. McINTEE, LAWYER AVAHABIC TO PRACTKf IN: Pertonel ln|wry /Trleli. Ivtlnetl Corporations Willi Probate. Divorce. Real Eitete. Workmen's Compensation. 3434 W. (Im Street. McHenry. III. For appointment phone - SOS-2440 f : McHENRY DENTAL CENTER DR. C.I. LUDFORD DR. KEVIN WEGRZYN OPIN 3 CVfNtNOS A IVttK UNTIl l:M P.M. ft SAT. MS 1340 N.O, (Laughing Cat)« Vallum (I.V. Sedation) Available Form Equipment GEORGE P. FREUND, INC. Care - Now Hollond 4103 W. Crystal lake M.. McHenry •wt. 3M-04M. Ret. MS-0M7 • I R E L L I RADIAL TIRES FOR ALL CARS EUROPA MOTORS. INC. niORte. IM. McHenry •IS-3M-0700 Welcome Carmel Corn Bake Sale Applefest '84 Apples Cider Taffy Apples State St. Market 701 N. State Street • Elgin • 695-3066 Register to win: 1-$50 Shopping spree 2-$25 Shopping spree 5-$10 Shopping spree Oct. 13th Sat.-Oct. 14 Sun. WVVIIII/// ® (LED [FORM 1040) fit of th* Treasury temel Revenue Service (J) (>) m ataem on Form " Capital Gains an on this Schedule'»r» ~ gains (but " ft*"*. o bo reported tmenU. end UMUNo « -^33 \°40). 11 Your social security number ss is more xt(d) 2 Short lines . 3 Short-U 4 Netshor. S Add lines 6 Combine a 7 Short-term t • Net short-tor, PART II.-- Lont (.GAIN Ncotam(d)bi than (e) subtract (e) ' trom(d) \o\* 3*° l\o *\0 %\0 \<S9 Long-term gain from ul« or t 11,16 or 18 . Long-term capital gain from insti Not long-term gain or (loss) from Add lines 9 through 12 in column f Combine columns f and g of line 13 Capi ta l ga in d is t r ibut ions . . . . Enter gain from Form 4797, line 6(aX. Combine lines 14 through 16 . . . ; Long- term cap i ta l loss car ryover f rom yet * Net long-term gain or (loss), combine Urn Note: Complete the bsck of this form. Ho S9 Lemon Scented 16-Oz. BATHROOM CLEANER Fo( C 'ramie Tile Reg QQC 1.95 now iusi J J 6-Pair Mens & Boys TUBE SOCKS BUG AND TAR REMOVER 130t Deluxe HACKSAW Cut in 6 riiMfient positions Aluminum Adjustable RAKE fully Retractable UTILITY KNIFE KITCHEN CLEANSER 21 0/. 8-Inch Aluminum SAUTE PAN w Silvct Stonp 32 0/ PINE CLEAN !>Pc. Ratcheting BOX WRENCH Deluxe PLAYING fARDS Oscillating 12 In DESK FAN 31 Inch TARP STRAP 4 Pc Adjustable WRENCH SET 6 8 10 12" AM/fM Westminister CLOCK RADIO 16Xount DINNER NAPKINS 3/8' Drive food Pound f. Metric TORQUE WRENCH JC QC 29 95 IUM J.Z/J 80;. Shower Up Moisturizing BEAUTY SOAP Master Mink 7 0/ SHAVING CREAM 16-0?. ALOE VERA CONDITIONER 32 0/. DRAIN0 LIQUID Drain Opener Mercedes QUARTZ CLOCK