SECTION 1 • Page • - PLAINDEALER HERALD, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 24,1994 Lift Today _ Births IP LUND Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Lund QI, 1711 North Ave., McHenry, announce the birth of their first daughter on Oct. 6. Jennifer Elizabeth was born in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock, and weighed 8 lbs. 8 or. She has a six-year-old brother Martin. Mrs. Mona' Huber is the maternal grand mother; paternal grandparents are Martin and Patricia Lund; and great-grandmother is Mrs. Alberta Williamson, all of St. Charles, Mo. Iv , VAN 00YEN Robert and Judith Van Ooyen, 7}(H Hiawatha Drive, Wonder Lake, became parents of their first son Oct. 8, and named him Brad William. The 7 lbs. 1 oz. baby was born in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock. He has a sister Abigail Lynn, age 28 months. Mrs. William H. Dykstra of Randolph, Wis. is the maternal grandmother. Paternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert V«jjn Ooyen, Sr. of Kimberly, Wis. Mrs. Howard Van Ooyen of Appleton, Wis. is the great- grandmother. x i • -A?. SHEARS • " » • John and Lisa Spears, 5113 (Jrchard Drive, McHenry, became parents of their first daughter Oct. 10 and named her (farrie Marie. The 6 lbs. 15% oz. baby was born in Northern Illinois Medical Center, BjtcHenry. She has two brothers, 4ohn, age six, and Scott, three 3nd a half. Maternal grand parents are Nancy Froid of Hanover Park, 111. and Larry and Darlene Froid of Bartlett, IU. Jean Spears of Schaumburg, 111. and John Spears of Lake Jackson, Tex. are the paternal ( r a n d p a r e n t s . G r e a t - its are Sven and Lisa a oid, and Ernie and Mary Ljeptien, Chicago; and Harold Shears, Indiana EMBRY • Mr. and Mrs. Mark Embry became parents of their second dhild and fiTst daughter Oct. 3. Amber Mary was born in Northern Illinois Medical Center, McHenry weighing 6 lbs. %\k. and measured 18% inches She has a three-year-old ther Matthew. Maternal its are Carol and Bob sr, and paternal grand- ts are Mr. and Mrs. Duke f, all of McHenry. PERDT boys were born Sept. 15 ALVERSON Brandie Cristen is the name chosen by Thpmas-and Cynthia Alverson, 1113 N. Fourth Street, McHenry, for their second daughter. The 7 lbs. 10 oz. baby girl was born Sept. 18 in Nor thern Illinois Medical Center, McHenry. She was greeted at home by her two-year-old sister Courtney. Maternal grand parents are Reginald aiid Mary Jane McDonald of Rockford, 111. Edward and Marilyn Alverson of Beloit, Wis. are the paternal g r a n d p a r e n t s . G r e a t - grandparents are Charles and Ivy Zimmerman. SAN DOCK James and Lorraine Sandock of Island Lake announce the birth of their first child on Oct. 2. Sara Rose arrived ,in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington weighing 7 lbs. 11 oz. Rose Tomasetti of , Chicago is the m a t e r n a l g r a n d m o t h e r . Paternal grandparents, are James and Fran Sandock 'of Wheeling, 111. Great- grandparents are Carmela DiPaolo, Genevieve Jennings and George Tymchuk, all of Chicago. . CUDA Frank and Ann Cuda, 3404 Fairway, McHenry, announce the birth of their first child on Oct. 2. Andrew Charles was born in Northern Illinois Medical Center, McHenry, and weighed 10 lbs. 4 oz. Maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Larkin of McHenry. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cuda, also of McHenry. Mrs. Elvera Durland of McHenry is the baby's great- grandmother. i ' • : ! ' NEISS Shane Randolph is the name chosen by Randy and Cathy Neiss of McHenry for their third son. The 8 lbs. 4 oz. infant was born Oct. 4 in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington. He has two brothers, Ryan, age three and Kyle, two. Maternal grandparents are Mrs. Jody Barber of McHenry and Dr. Dennis Barber of Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Neiss of McHenry are the paternal grandparents" Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Barber, Mrs. Nora Collins, Tuscola, and Mrs. Martha Freund, McHenry. Good Shepherd Hospital, ' gton, to uan and Thereae , - of McHenry. Christopher weighed 5 lbs. 6 oz., and Thomas 5 lbs. 4 oz. Maternal are Mr. and Mrs. > Rubino of McHenry. Mr. #nd Mrs. Del Goerdt of Dyer- fville, la., are the paternal STANGER \ Michael and Cheryl Stanger of " Lake announce the birth their first child on Sept. 18. [ichael Bradley arrived in food Shepherd Hospital, weighing 7 lbs. 6%~ Materaal grandparents are and Irene Palmer of ifauconda. Rich and Sharon of Wauconda are the iternal grandparents. Great- ;nts include George charlotte DeYoung of i, Fla.; Naomi Palmer of foukegan: and George and ~rs Johnson of Wauconda. - Happy 45th Tom V Our Favorite Fireman »•••* Lore Your Family £ • £ • 8 O "O -- « 1 o r * t i-5* wSs aai a H Sii il= «i ? .• sJi • s O j f O 8 Si QC U) o J!® t a l S f H C O ( A I