HAlifc 16 . PLAIN DEALER HEK ALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1<»B4 Autos For Sale > 86 LINCOLN MARK IV, '73, load 4d, good cond, *1.500 tw>st, #15/AS? 1186'*Dif/T".' no *'W RABBIT, '8c 4 ip1 1 »r very gor tenJ . ' "300/I*".!. 81S/45V "/j/ n . 5 tfcfV OiM OAEOA. >* . p.j ! , oi1 aut* V" 3?,c 1 Tit;.;, mini com 1 " oe , 315. '<• 6557 TRIUMPH SOi:c l.r*7i convert classic, aiea? mileage, 1st S«®5 Mkes 815/385 5766 1977 CHRYSLER LE BARON; •bts of extras! Good runner! MOO., 312/639 8050 or 312/639 6345. Autos For Sale | «6 Autos For Sal* 86 Autos For Sala 1980 JEEP CJ 7, Must sacrifice this week! 13.200/ best 8)5/648 4378 (Hebron) after 6 pm _ •71 MAVERICK, 6 cyl, 4 door, l auto, ps/pt*, very economical, , good runner. no rust, $1300. or I best. 815/385 698o, after S r weekdays, or any time Wiikends CADILLAC COUPE DeVllle, ; '76. leather int., all power op- I tions Mechanically perfect, cold weather dependable, SI,400,815/338-077) BUICK ELECTRA, '66, 55,000 orlg. miles, good shape, S600. 815/459-0962 after 5 pm. VW SCIROCCO:'77, 4 speed. am/fm„ Mlchelein tires, $800., call after 3; 815/385-0069. CADILLAC EL DORADO/79, 60000 rriles. blue, all options, leather interior, $7800 or best; 312/639 5542 after 6 pm '78 FAIRMONT, good condi tion, very clean, 70000 hwy. miles, am/fm„ new tires. 4 cyl., asking $2000., call after 12 pm, 312/658 7935. ask for Mike. VW RABBIT, '77, new clutch, am/fm stereo, sun roof, 46 M.P.G. hwy., front wheel drive, good cond., Asking $1245. 8)5/455 1454 1937 PLYMOUTH Pick-up, 302 4 bl, 4 speed, new radiator, king pins, shocks, primered. Too much to list. Drive home for $1900. or offer, S15/455 1920. AMC AMBASSADOR, '74, under 75,000 miles. Needs work, $300, 815/338 7737 after 6 pm. MG MIDGET, 1975, converti ble, 4 sp.. body very good, engine needs work, $600.; 3)2/639 2579. BUICK SKYLARK, 1971, good transportation, $300. 312/639 2579 FORD MUSTANG, '75, auto., V 8, air, am/fm cassette, 87,000 Miles, very good cond., $1,500, 815/338 5068. PONTIAC GRAN SAFARI, s/w 81, ps/pb., air, am/fm stereo cassette, exc. cond., diesel, $4850., Days. 815/568-5278, evenings; 815/568-5278 Autos For Sala NOVA, '71, 2 dr.. By Original Owner. 7,000 cert, miles, mint cond. 815/459-0706 1980 DATSON HATCHBACK, auto, air, low mileage, exc. cond., $4000.; 115/455- IMS i Ings before 10 pm. I even- MERCEDES 220 Diesel, '73. Finally a /Mercedes everyone can afford. 4 dr., air, cle $5,000,312/551-1726. ean, CHEVELLE, '70, bucket seats, tinted windows, $1,000, 312/658 8825. FORD MAVERICK, '73, runs great, >150 FIRM, 815/385-4496. '81 DODGE COLT: auto, load ed! exc. condition, must see; 312/639-2736. "\ Live Art Demonst rat ion WATCH LOCAL ARTIST PAINT. LEARN HOW FUN AND EX CITING ART CAN BE, CREATE BEAUTIFUL, ECONOMICAL ART WITH YOUR ART SUPPLIES FROM HORNSBY. REGISTER TO WIN A FREE PAINTING AT HORNSBY. WHERE: McHenry Hornsby 4310 Rte. 120 McHenry, IL DATE: Sat., Oct. 27 TIME: 1:00-5:00 pm tt* 8.97 COMPARE AT 11.27 Duro Student Oil Color Set. Contains 12 x 4" selected oil colors, turpentine, linseed oil, brushes and "Here's How" painting pamphlet.' No. 06-05. 8.97 COMPARE AT 11.47 Duro Folding Floor Easel. Made of sturdy hardwood. Lightweight. Folds compactly; sets up in minutes. Satin brown finish. No. 20-16. 20% OFF Duro Canvas Panels. Double-primed, mounted on heavy board. Turned edges provide a rigid painting surface. Colors won't soak in. 8.27 COMPARE AT 10.34 Duro Beginner's Oil Color Set. Contains 9 'j " x 4 selected oil colors, turpentine, lin seed oil, brushes and "Here's How" painting pamphlet. No. 06-10. Prices effective now thru Sun., Oct. 28 McHenry Store Only 4310 Rte. 120 McHenry, IL rim* Um Mr FREE Uylwly PUn A tnul tfepsnt w* h«M ytui fwi chile ' Sorry, due 1* (pact tmiUten. our Uyaariy plan it not avwtiMi HI Stftalor. Daily 9 to 9 Sunday 10 to 5 Autos For Sale MGB/73, runs good, new top & tires, low mileage, 12500.; 312/639-4129. '73 PLYMOUTH SCAMP, 6 cyl., 2 door hardtop, auto, ps/pb., new battery, gets 20 m.p.g., no rust, exc. runner, 1630.; <15/497-3466. 1975 PONTIAC VENTURA with a 1979 350 Buick engine, $850.; 115/459-9331. VOLKSWAGEN, '74, runs, priced reasonable at $325, 312/428-1148after Spin. 1910 BUICK Park Avenue, diesel, loaded! $5500., 312/426 - tfM. JEEP CJ5, 76, 50,000 miles, yellow, all chrome, 4 whl. drive, homemade hardtop, 6 cyl., good cond., $3,000 best, 815/338-8707. 'SI DODGE COLT Good condition! 74000 miles $2200.; 312/428-7126- FORD LTD Waoon, '74, great s dCIvs" par smaller car. 312/658-4434 after 3:30p.m. runner, always dflvable, many new parts, $500 or trade for t PONTIAC '75, 2 door hardtop. Good running, body, am/fm ps, pb, $700.815/653-6474. PORSCHE. '77 model 924, silver & blk., low mileage, sun roof, exc. cond., $8500, 815/459- 1657, after 5 p.m. • PONTIAC VENTURA, '75, 350 engine, new tires, battery, runs great, $1,100.815/385-313*. OLDS Omega,'8.1,4 door, 6 cyl., 4 speed, air, am/fm tape, cruise. Great condition! $4500./best; 815/338-4088. BUICK REGAL, '76, full power, velour interior, snow tires, $1.450,815/455-0972. OLDS CUTLASS 442,'77, T- tops, tilt wheel, many more op tions, $2500.; 312/658-2411 or 815/653-9729. TRANS AM,'75, rear body d a m a g e , 5 0 0 0 0 m i l e s , engine/drive train, good condi- tlon, best offer; 815/459-4486. CHEVELLE, '68, rebuilt 350 engine, exc. cond., good run ner, $1500, Dave, after 6 p.m., 312/658-2367. OLDS DEiiTA 88,'75, good cond., $1000., Vega,'75, $450.; Harley-Davison,'70, $1000, or STUDEBAKER, '64, Com mander, 57,000 miles, no rust, many extra parts, $2,750, 815/459-4776. CHEV MONZA. '76 hatchback, V8, 4 spd., $500. Call after 6 p.m., 312/683-3187. FORD GALAX IE 500, 1968, $400.; 1973 Gremlin X, runs good, 1975 Gremlin X, needs work, $500/both; 1973 Cutlass, 350, auto., stereo & equalizer, needs work or for parts, $400., or $200 without stereo. 312/497- 3469. CHRYSLER, '82, LeBaron, 4 dr., air, stereo, $5900, 815/459-8937. Autos For Sal* VW '72 bug, recently rebuilt engine, runs good, $500, 815/338-0152. CHEVET '78, 4 speed, good cond. inside & out. $1200/best. 815/385 5963 after 5 p.m. DODGE CHARGER, '75, looks and runs good, some rust, high miles, $8». 815/338-5051 after 5 p.m. SAAB, '74, 99 EMS. fuel in fected, 4 spd., am/fm cassette, mag wheels, runs great, body J $1300 or best offer, oood 312/7 >12/741-8562. best offers; 815/338-1562, or 815/337-0029. OLDS, '79, 9 pass, wagon, 100,000 miles, tow pgk., $2500, 312/674-9652. TOYOTA CELICA GT/77, lift- back, 5 speed, air, pb., am/fm stereo, rear window de fogger, 61000 miles, good condition,. $2500. or best; 312/658-4573, after 6. TOYOTA CELICA liftback, 1978, am/fm stereo, runs great, am/fm stereo, runs great, some rust. $2,300.312/658-5142. NOVA, '74, $250 or best, 815/385-4323. CHRYSLER Newport, '74, 2- door, auto., wife's car, some rust. Starts it runs. Good snow tires, power brakes, steering, air, yO/best. 815/338-2369. THUNDERBIRD, '75, loaded, needs exhaust, $500 firm, 815/385-9479. FORD MUSTANG, '77, 4 cly., ps/pb, am/fm radio, low miles, 8, runs good. 815/337-0611. CHEVY LUV, '78, w/cap, good cond., asking $1400. After 5, 312/428-5406. MERCURY COMET, '73, runs good, must sell, $300 or best. 312/639-3266. DATSUN PICK UP, '75, runs well, topper, $600/ best. 815/338-2411. CUTLASS SUPREME, '79, auto, trans., ps/pb, air, am/fm, $3650.815/455-4561. OLDS DELTA ROYALE. '78, original owner, low miles, great cond., loaded, $4,000, 312/639-4286 after 6 p.m. FORD TORINO, '73, exc. runn ing cond., sharp interior, 6 cyl. $395.312/639-1666 FORD TORINO Wagon, 1973, runs good, $450/best offer. Call after 4pm., 31.2/639 2225. CHEVY MALIBU Wagon, '73, for parts or beater. Ru ns. Ford Country Sedan Wagon, '73, for parts only, make offer on any or all. Need room. 815/344-2815 after 1 pm. PONTIAC EXECUTIVE, '70, good work car, steady runner, $250,815/459-8390»after 4 p.m. GRANADA, '77 4 door sedan, am/fm cassette, mint cond., $1900 or best. 815/455-2504 after 5 p.m. " !L WANTED: Dead or Alive. Cars, trucks, vans. Junks tow ed also. 815/728-1887. CASH PAID- CARS OR TRUCKS Running/Near Running IMMEDIATE REMOVAL Call 312/526-3116 - -CASH PAID For Junk Cars • 7 Day Pickup 312/639-2628 WANTED TO Buy junk 8, repairable autos, 7 day pickup, 312/639-8159. WANTED Pontiac Engine 312/639-5480 Evenings. Wanted To Buy 88 Auto Parts & Accessories ENGINES, all makes, $200 & Up; Transmissions, all types, foreign 8i domestic, $100 & up. Free delivery. 312/551-1455 or 815/344-5114. SNOW TIRES, t LR 78-15, white wall, Firestone Town 8< Country, steel belted, includes one wneel, used very little, $75.; 815/653 9889. TIRES:(3) 9.50-16.5 LT, 8 ply >>uble MUSTANG GLX, 1982, 5.0 V-8, t-tops, full warranty, loaded, low mi., 4 spd. Over $14,000 list, asking $7,800.815/675-6075 after 5pm. TIAC FIERO SE, 1984, I, 4 spd., 3,000 mi., loaded, ',650. Call 815/338-7953 after Highway tires, Duralon Doub Duty; (2) 9.50-16.5 LT, 8 ply, Armstrong Mud & Snow tires; $200. for all! (2) 15" radial tires, $10. for pair; 8.00-15 mud A snow, $10.; 312/639-9824. SET OF 4 P235/75R15 Viva radial tires, low miles, $100. 815/455 1653 4 TRANS AM Snowflake Mags $300. or best offer 815/459-4433, ask for Ron FOUR 14" tires, mounted on GM rlms-P205-75-Rl4, lots of miles left. 4 wired hubcaps to fit 14" rims, and 4 Unlroyal tires In good condition P235-75- R15.815/459-2307. CHEVY or GMC, '79, step bumper, $50, 815/455-0138. 1976 DODGE Window Van, all or parts, 5 sets mag wheels; tires; Chevy parts. 815/385- 7981. Trucks, Tractors & Trailers 89 MIDAS VOLUNTEER '74, 22 ft., full self contained, steeps 6, AM/FM stereo, air, awning, stabilizer jacks, excel, cond. 312/426 2047 OFFICE Jeep, good low miles, $800/offer. 7981. >PEL, '76, auto., a/c, am/fm. Runs good. $200. 815/459-4863 aftfr5:30pm. ' •» CAMARO LT, '78, brown, 78,000 miles, side pipes, $2,400/best, 815/728-1742. 90 Vans DODGE, '74, 6 cyl., standard trans., radio, carpeted, has rod knock & some rust. Driveable, WOO/best. Call 815/459-0666. CHEVY CONVERSION V-8, '83, loaded, Ilka new, low -nlles, $12, SOO.-Call 815/459-5664. 1976 CHEV. C20, 5 passenger, 400 cu. in, V-8, auto, pb/ps., 36 gal. fuel tank & rusty. Runs de cent. $400. Huntley; 312/669- 5747. DODGE MAX I Conversion Van, 1975, clean, $l,300/best. 815/385-7911 91 /Motorcycles & Snowmobiles SUPERGLIDE, '77, 1200 CC, "8300 miles, $3600, 815/338-8615 after8p.ui. YAMAHA 750 special, '79, exc cond., 10,000 miles, $900/best. 815/337-0345 or 815/338-0490. HONDA SHADOW 750, '13, 7,500 miles, $2,250.815/459-4198. GS 750-1, '80, are moving, must sell, $800.815/338-0832. SUZUKI, RM 125, 1983, water cooled, like new, never raced, $950/best offer. 312/695-0775. SKI DOO CITATION 300, 1977, black 8i silver, exc. cond., ask ing $750.815/385-3629 after 5pm. '81 YAMAHA, SS440, exc. cond.,£iow miles, $1600.; 312/6394286 after 6 pm. YAMAHA ATC, '82, 175 cc, oil injection header pipe, good cond., lots of fun in winter, $800. 815/338-7187 after6pm. POLARIS, '77, < TX340. good cond., $450/best 815/459-6245. HONDA XR 80, 1980, like new, $250. Call 815/315-4901 HONDA 750 A 1978, w/fairlng, many extras, 2,000 orlg. miles, like new, $1,500.815/344-4535. 91 Motorcycles & ARCTIC CAT,*8, Trail Cat. exc. cond. 1000 miles, cover, $1100. or Offer; 815/568-5216 after 6 pm. HONDA 500,72, 4 cy*., oood cond. Must sell! $200., 8157338- 82*9. MUST SELL, exc. cond., 1979 Yamaha YZ125 dlft bike, $400/ best. 1980 TS125, $550/ best. Call after 5 pm, 312/428-7963. SUZUKI, '67. Starts, needs car buretor work. Looks $200/best offer. 815/338-2 SKI DOO SNowmobile, 1978. 440 Everest, needs little work, $400.815/385-5882. POLARIS 250 Colt,'77, runs good, with cover, $250. or best offer; 815/728-0194. HONDA, 1982, 750, Nighthawk, w/falring, *xc. cond., low mileage, $2,&0.815/568-5434. SRV snowmobile, isking $1900, YAMAHA, '82. mint cond., asking 312/639-63U after 6 p.m. 92 Recreational Vehicles OVERLAND MOTORHOME 25', '72, air, Gen. 4000 watts, needs some work. $2,000/best. 815/923-4206 ONE 18Vi Nomad, one 20V* Lil- Hobo. A-1 condition, your choice. $3000. each, Call after 5 pm; 815/385-4634. W H E E L E R P O P - U P Camper.'TO, sleeps 8. stove, sink. Ice-box, furnace, good condition, $750.; 815/459-9576. POLARIS TX 440. '80. Runs great $1,100. Low miles. McHenry. 815/344-4841 POP-UP CAMPER, sleeps 5, good cond., includes some cam- equipment. $400. 815/385- LARGE Cami SLIDE-IN Pick-up tper, clean, good shape, $850/best offer. 815/385-7981. TWO TONE FORD F250, '78, heavy duty, auto, trans, radial new tires, $2700. Call after 6 p.m. 81S/943 4849 TOYOTA 4X4, 1978, some front end damage, $900. Call John 312/658-3825 after 6pm. 1977 GM %ton pickup truck, 350 motor, automatic shift. Call 815/338-5215. r DODGE POWER Wagon, 1974, 4x4, short bed, lock-outs, wide tires 8i spoke wheels, 7 1/2' Meyers plow, no reverse, $800 firm. After 5pm, 815/344-4253. 1974 FORD PICKUP $1,000 or Best offer Call 312/426-8839 FORD STEP VAN, '77, low miles, all alum, body, exc. cond., $7,500:Call 815/337-0255. FORD F100,'76, 3 speed, ps, good cond., 5/455-4836. WHETHER IT COMES FROM THE ATTIC OR THE BASEMENT, CLASSIFIEDS CAN SELL IT! $1500,815 t HEY, McHENRY! No need to wait! Call our new toll free number to place your private party ads, and make today your day to try a classified ad. 1-800-942-5916 Private Party Ads Only 1' ,