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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Oct 1984, p. 18

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I'AWK 1»-PLAINDhAl.hK HKH ALII. KKIIMY , OCTOBER 26. 19*4 Summer cottages burglarized in Wonder Lake Mae Stinespring of McHenry accepts the Community Service Award from Robert Martens, executive director of the Family Service and Community Mental Health Center. The award is presented annually by the Family Service to an individual who shows outstanding leadership and service in health care and tyiman services. Gladstone speaks at Rental health meeting FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Oct.25, 1934) Several summer cottages at Wonder Lake were burglarized while the owners were not there during the week. Among the items stolen were a RCA eight-tube mantel radio, an electric clock, a blanket, a hunting knife and a tar- pulin. Other losses included a grey enamel Jewel stove, a garbage burner, hip boots and a hunting coat. An Evinrude motor was also stolen: • - The October drought was broken early Saturday when a heavy rain began to fall and con­ tinued throughout the forenoon. This was by far the heaviest rain recorded in October, which has proved an exceptionally dry month. The Northland Packing Co. of West McHenry advertised, "Beef and Pork Sales" with pork loin roast at 17 cents per pound, rolled rib roast, a "best buy" at 19 cents a pound and sirloin steaks for 19 cents a pound. » FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Oct. 26, 1944) ... An accident at Riverside Drive and Elm Street caused 300 to 400 telephones to be put out of order Tuesday. About 4 p.m. Tuesday, Chuck Miller was driving his truck across the bridge and into town when a crane on the back of ttie truck caught several wires and a cable at the intersection. They were torn to the ground as was the warning light at that point. Residents living northeast of the city soon found that their telephones were useless. However, by about 4a.m. Wednes­ day morning, with the help of an extra shift, the cable and wires were restored and the lines put in Order. wice M.L. Schoenholtz, former prin­ cipal of the local public'school, received his commission as lieute­ nant (J.G.) the last of September. Liut. Schoenholtz enlisted his ser­ vices with the navy and left for service on Dec. 27,1943. Lieut. Joseph Gausden, who was recently transferred from Min­ neapolis, Minn, to Glenview, 111. spent a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. Adellaide Gausden. "Joe" is a marine pilot. William J. Bolger was transfer­ red from Camp Pendleton, Calif, to San Francisco. TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Oct. 23, 1959) The new Christ the King Church of Wonder Lake will be dedicated in special services on Sunday, Oct. 26. The date also marks the eleventh anniversary of the church and-« year almost to the day siqpe the ground breaking ceremonies were held. It is especially significant that the dedication will take place on the feast of Christ the King, with His Excellency, The Most Rev. Loras T. Lane, bishop of Rockford diocese, as celebrant - at the Solemn Pontifical Mass at 5 p.m. McHenry county sales tax on food cost $49,883.52 out of a total of $182,470.43 collected in August on July sales. The second largest amount was $27,471.94 for automotive sales. Brand opening at Tomasello's newly remodeled bowling alley at Johnsburg will be held Saturday, Nov.l. A special attraction on Saturday evening will be the ap­ pearance of the famous bowler. Bill Bunetta, who has won three ABC team championships and six national match team champion­ ships. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Oct. 25, 1974) t ijie need to intensify volunteer and^ocal sources of funding for ftie&tal health services was voiced (ecjenUy by Dr. Lee Gladstone during the 25th anniversary an- jiudl meeting of Family Service fnd Community Mental Health Renter for McHenry County. jPr. Gladstone conceived the Hea for the county-wide organiza­ tion to help the mentally ill in 1959, Called on friends to assist him establish the organization and bejg^n service on Jan. 11, 1960. ^ifong past board members pre- stjit were Bill Tammeus, John sterling and Mae Stinespring. • Gladstone praised the pre­ sent board and staff for its ability t{r broaden the scope of services ajvd increase the number of people befjng aided by the programs. He explained the urgency for increas­ ed local and volunteer funding by reviewing the continuing cutback ifl- state and federal grants and programs aimed at helping com- naunities provide vital mental health needs. •Richard Flood, board president, sfiid the board is committed in njeeting the feeds of families and individuals. "We believe the fami-f l£< remains the'basic element of ojir society, and its resources need latoe protected," he said. "Family Service exists to alleviate pain, stijjport family units and help in­ dividuals grow and build relation­ ships." 'fteviewing the past year's achievements, Scott Campbell, associate director, said that pro­ gram specialization has con­ tinued Family Service offers specialized services from four sitjes in McHenry County. The newest one is the Alcoholism- Substance Abuse program in con­ junction with Memorial Hospital all-Woodstock '"Through program centraliza­ tion we are able to offer a more c<jmprehensive array of clinical services to the clients we serve," sjid Campbell. "Despite funding, we are unable to increase at the present time;' we feel fortunate tlfjEit we 'lave been able to main­ tain our current service at close to previpus levels." »Rqbert Martens, executive d|reetor, presented a Community Service Award to Mae Stinespr­ ing. §he has been active in a varie­ ty of health care and human ser­ vices for over three decades. •"She has been a volunteer and aftive in numerous church, civic, health care and service organiza­ tions^ and has helped organize sQreral including Church Women Urilfed and the Clothing Closet," AIR CONDITIONED ROOMS ONLY $5.75 TANNING SESSION JTANNING SESSION, Purchase of 5 Sessions! | er good thru 10 31 84) | ' Not valid with OIIum alfi'is | IrWuSEWElPECIAL"{ qooH tl<i(i 10 31 84) ONLY ! |!N£| vniul with OIIHM OIIIMS C 495 it.MMIT ONI PER PERSON J I • Thursday 11:30a.m.-2:30p.m| ffi iOtAR CALCULATOR 'ith Purchase of 6 Sessions Not valid with othci. pHeis Good, tin ii 10 31 84 TAN FAST & Sf TVT/tV PARLOR- t'wS 3100 W UNCOlN'McHENRY • :T*10CH|AFT(XKANUMMAIIN<!L44 5004 he said. In accepting the award, Ms. Stinespring said, "The extension of love is made more thrilling by the return Of that love." She said she has advocated more ag­ gressive commtinity action in the areas of children, victims of domestic violence and working with the terminally ill. She is a leader in the county's Hospice pro­ gram.* Marleen Lorenz, a psychiatric nurse and therapist who directs the program for agoraphobia which she started in 1981, was chosen recipient of-the Staff Ser­ vice Award. Staff members choose the recipient of the honor: G. R. Waldo, coordinator for the Adult Day Treatment program, was presented a 10-year service award by Martens. « Sara Boomhower, director of the Family Center for Alcohol- Substance abuse program, said the program has undergone dramatic change during the past year. "We have developed from a traditional outpatient program to a highly structured, three-phase progr&m which has a strong group therapy component. Clients move through the phases through educa­ tion and treatment groups along with individual marital and-or family counseling.. IEPA denies May's request, but mum to how influenced By Robert Gordon PlftlodMlcr-Herald Newa Service Alan Keller of the Illinois En­ vironmental Protection Agency confirmed Monday that his agen­ cy denied Arnold May's permit re­ quest which would have allowed him to increase his sludge volume 3.5 million gallons and accept sludge from Griffith Laboratories. "The reason for denial is that the proposed storage for the sludge may create nuisance odors and cause a violation of section 9A of the EPA act (this section refers to emissions of air pollutants)" Keller read part of the letter of denial which May has not yet received, stressing the paragraph which read: "Please document what odor controlled recourse can be implemented for alleviating odors generated by the storage of the material. "Also document what effects there may be for increased biological activity from a mixture of the various sludge, which could result in the emission of additional odors." May was unavailable for com­ ment. Donald Stinespring, chair­ man of the area concerned citizens committee, expressed his delight with the IEPA decision. "I think it is truly an example that our system works efficiently, properly and expeditiously," Stinespring said. "There was quick governmental action at the county level, at the village level with Spring Grove, and there was an excellent response from the citizens committee." Stinespring said that he and the citizens committee are grateful to the McHenry County Board, Il­ linois state senator Jack Schafer, Representatives Ron Wait and Dick Klemm, Governor Thomp­ son, and IEPA Director Richard Carlson for considering the com­ mittee's concerns. He also said Wisconsin state representatives Cloyd Porter and Joseph Andrea helped to put pressure on the IEPA. Asked if the citizen's imput and the county's resolution influenced the IEPA's decision to deny the permit, Keller said he did not know. "It's hard to measure how much it influenced the decision," Keller said. "But we know the citizens are concerned and we felt we had to be responsive to their requests and to their comments." Keller said May can re-apply for the permit at any time, and the IEPA did not specify a period of time for the sludge farmer to com­ ply to the task force committee re­ quirements. EVERYTHING YOU'LL , NEED! FOR rw Diabetes information offered at luncheon Is diabetes a problem in your family? Do you wonder how to manage the dietary aspects of diabetes in a cafeteria in the ap­ proaching fall and holiday season? * To help those who would like more information and experience in understanding and living with diabetes, the nutrition department of Memorial Hospital, Woodstock, is sponsoring a luncheon, Oct. 30 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the hospital cafeteria. A cost of $15 per person will include the lun­ cheon and class which follows. Registration can be made by call­ ing the nutrition department, 338- 2500, ext. 320. Diabetes is a disease which re­ quires daily balance for many years, and new ideas can always add variety to the present schedule, Dee Budelier, dietitian, said. "Education through classes such as this can help each in­ dividual and family member understand the disease more ful­ ly. They can learn to maintain balance while adding variety to the meal plan and gain confidence in trying a new situation. - "Each week, the shopping trip to the supermarket reveals a new product, a new diet additive. Is it good for me? How do I use it in my meal plan? We hope to help you learn where caution is advised, how to read and understand labels, and how to include new foods in your plan." Concluded Mrs. Budelier: "November is Diabetes Month. Let's start by learning more about controlling the disease of diabetes through proper dietary habits." wofr October Hours Mon.-Fri. 9-9 COSTUME/MAGIC CENTRE 815/455 F2ST KRYSTAL KLEAR CLEANING "WHERE NO JOB IS 100 BIG OR 100 SNAIL' REDUCED HOUSEKEEPING RATES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Over IS Veort ol Sflllsl(l*d Customer* nmmnm OFFERING: QUALITY MOUSE CLEANING 'Floors Stripped •Windows Washed •Office Cleaning •Carpel Cleaning masamu •Homes Sanitized •Gill Certificates Available for laby Showers, Birthdays and Anniversaries FULLY INSURED ft BONDED 815-385-1877 Photo Album • Not »atM wtiii • lldat, moilii. raprtnli, ale. • Not valid with any othar apacial. GIANT DELUXE PJHOTO ALBUM • 10"x11" f 10 Magnetic Pages • 20 Sides o • Album is $4.00 Retail Value With each roll of color print film developed and printed, starting Oct. 29th ... while supply lasts. Not valid with any other special or coupon oiler. No slides, movies, reprints, etc. ftQflOOflflflftflOQQQOOQftOOOOCOUPONnnnnnnnnnnnnnrinnflonnnn OFFER AVAILABLE At B0L6ER DRUG list a. MIEM. tUHMIIY 315-4500 [/. FOOT PAIN? SIMPLE IN OFFICE TREATMENT OF: CORNS "BUNIONS *INGROWN NAILS *FOOT SURGERY CALLUSES 'WARTS *HEEL PAIN *SPORTS MEDICINE PRMARTIN MARKS is offering you •A FREE FOOT OWNER S MANUAL when you come in for ' •A FREE FOOT EVALUATION Pleose Coll For appt. DR. MARTIN MARKS Medical and Surgical Treatment of the Foot and Ankle 1311 N. Green. McHenry and 37 McHenry Ave. in Crystal Lake 385-5669 Photography by Hi-Style Studio. No Appointment Needed. CHILDREN'S PORTRAIT PACKAGE 14.95 includes $2 deposit This package includes one 8x10 por­ trait, two 5x7 gift portraits and twelve deluxe wallets. You select your favorite style for your package at time of srtting This package for group of two or less. Add $2 when two children are photo­ graphed together. Children 12 years or younger only. Limit one package per subject, two packages per family. Mon. and Tues., Oct. 29-30 10 a.m.>2 p.m., and 3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. SPRING HILL MALL G/ujhfiY; An ordinance authorizing an­ nexation of the Peterson Park pro­ perty located north of the city was approved at the City Council Mon­ day night. The land was purchas­ ed f •om Kenneth C. Peterson of McCpllom Lake Road, McHenry for $115,000. The Illinois Depart­ ment of Conservation reimbursed the city for 75 percent of the pur­ chase price (approximately $87,000) under the state's Open Land Acquisition program. Members of the McHenry Business and Professional W o m e n ' s c l u b w e l c o m e d Secretary of State Michael Howlett to the fifth anniversary meeting of the local organization. Alida Wirtz, legislative chairman for the club and president Vila Benrud greeted the visiting of­ ficial. Members of the Beta team of eighth graders at Parkland school undertook a project of drawing a scale floor plan of Parkland school. Students measured every room in the building without the use of aW measure, yard stick or ruler. Each student figured out the length of his step and this was how the entire building was measured. Individual drawings were combined to make a floor plan accurate to the scale of one inch equaling four feet. f ALL SPECIAL GAS FURNACES $28.50 •CLEANED •CHECKED •ADJUSTED i EXPIRES 11-31 84 CRAFTWAY PHEATING*PLUMBING*COOllNG HEATING 1 , COOLING (§IS)MS.»««1 Wlurliiool dealer Somemjn^ew!!? LIFETIME CONTINUATION COVERAGE ON VOW AiTO INSURANCE! Available from one of America's finest insurant e c ompaniesf Age 50 & up, enjoy the security of lifetime renewal regardless of age, accidents you have or claims you file. Coll BUI Jehnsea •« 305-3000 McHENRY COUNTY INSURANCE AOENCY 1209 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY. IL 60050 ojsubsidio^M>^JcH»nryJ>avin£^^loan COUNTY INSURANCE AG€NCV tamer/ & CO. IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE A NEW EDITION TO OUR STAFF Elsie Herron "I have been a hair stylist at the Vito'Anthony Hair Sa­ lon for the past 10 years, and I am happy to be joining Mane Tamers & Co." "When you come into the sa­ lon, I will listen to your ideas and contribute my ,own. After working together to find a style that is right for you, you can feel confi­ dent that your hair will look -great. Why? Becaue I'm a professional who takes pride' in my work." "I'm looking forward to see­ ing you in the salon soon." Q-lV /hi ilctc* BRING INTHTSCOUPON" AND ELSIE WILL GIVE YOU I 20% OFF | Evening and Saturday appts. available I COUPON GOOD THRU NOV 1 MANE TAMERS & CO. | "The Total Service Salon To Keep You Lookin'Good" 1 2906 W. Rt. 120 McHENRY 344-4040

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