Church SECTION 2-PAGE 1 - I'LAINUEALEK 1IM< AU>. H< lim . < M l OIU K 2U, Holdrens meet Pope John Paul The Rev. John C. Holdren, Pastor of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Johnsburg, introduced his mother, Savera K. Holdren, to his holiness, Pope John Paul II,. at his summer residence, Castel Gandolfo, in Italy. i „ Father Holdren led a small pilgrimage there a couple of weeks ago throughout Italy, and had the privilege of con- celebrating Mass with the Holy Father in his chapel. Af terwards, the Holy Father presented each of the pilgrims with a rosary. Father Holdren presented the Pope with an oil painting from the Academy of Arts in Florence, Italy, painted by Ossie Rometo, art instructor at McHenry County College. Father also presented the Holy Father with a copy of the Winner's Circle brochure, a unique plan to erase the $1,000,000 debt of St. John the Baptist Church by a game of chance. The Reverend Holdren and his mother are pictured greeting the pope. rr Free Church shows "Evidence for Faith" films The McHenry Evangelical Free Church is sponsoring a new film series entitled, "Evidence for Faith." It features Josh McDowell, a dynamic speaker and writer, and is designed to help people discover the reliability of the Bible as a guide for life and living. McDowell set out on an in tellectual adventure^ deter mined to prove Christianity was a hoax. After two years of in tensive study, he emerged a man deeply committed to Christ, a man able to give solid evidence for his faith, and a man ready to share those answers with others. He has spent many years sharing his insight with students on campuses across America. Titles of the six films in the series are as follows: 1) A Skeptic's Quest - It's okay to have doubts, to have questions regarding one's faith. Josh shares how questioning actually strengthened his faith and brought him to a deeper knowledge and understanding of the scriptures. 2) Misconceptions of Christianity, Part I - Christians need bold answers for con fronting common miscon ceptions, such as "Christianity is a system of beliefs," "Christianity is a blind faith;"" and "It doesn't matter what you believe as long as you really believe it." 3) Misconceptions of Christianity, Part II "Christianity is a philosophy or theology; it has no historical base;" and "If you can't prove something scientifically, it's not true." V Vt/tu HALLOWEEN Get Super Savings On Goodyear Tires NawThrough Halloween Night! FREE PUMPKINS! We are giving away a truckload of pumpkins for the kids. Look for our mini tractor-frailer rig filled with pumpkins CRYSTAL LAKE TIRE & BATTERY 5505 E. N.W. HWY.JRt. 14), CRYSTAL LAKE GOOD&YEAR 815-459-5114 or 815-459-1460 'McHenry County's Largest Tire Outlet' Hrs.Mon.-Frl.8-5, Sat. 8-2 Bible Church missionary conference Oct. 28 The Wonder Lake Bible Church will be conducting its annual Missionary Conference Sunday, Oct. 28, all day long, and invites the general public to come for all or part of the conference. The congregation is pleased to have another family preparing itself for the mission field and they will be the featured speakers at the 10:50 a.m. worship service. Ed and Jeni Leman and their sons, Nathaneal and Matthew, are missionary candidates with JAARS-the Jungle Aviation and Radio Service-the technical arm of Wycliffe Bible Tran slators. Ed received his training at the Moody Aviation School in Elizabethton, Tenn., but he is a local boy, having gone to Harrison School in Wonder Lake, and Woodstock High School. He is the son of Anthony and Barbara Leman of Wonder Lake, and the grandson of Mel Sellek of Wonder Lake and the late Grace Sellek. Jeni is from Juneau, Wis., and also attended Moody Bible Institute. Annual UNICEF party set 4) The Uniqueness of the Bible - Investigations of the last 2,000 years of history, strengthened by recent archeological discoveries, - reaffirm the con tinuity and accuracy of the Bible. 5) The Reliability of Scripture - Proven methods to test the reliability of scriptures 'will substantiate that what one knows to be Jtrue is true. 6) Messianic Prophecy - How one can be sure that Christ is who He says He is; someone one can count on. The films will be shown at 6 p.m. each Sunday evening beginning this week. The McHenry Evangelical Free Church is located at the corner of Charles anil Lincoln roads. The public is invited to attend this series. * Faith Presbyterian Church, 2107 W. Lincoln Road, McHenry, announces its {urnual UNICEF party will be held Sunday, Oct. 28, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. All children interested in trick-or- treating for UNICEF are invited to attend. Children should arrive at the church in costume promptly at two, and they will be escorted by adult volunteers into neigh boring areas. All will return to the church at four for juice, cookies and Halloween fun until 4:30. Other area churches par ticipating in the UNICEF fund raising are also invited for fellowship and treats from 4 to 4:30 p.m. Although UNICEF was originally created in 1946 as an emergency relief organization for children victimized by World War n, since the early 1950's it has concentrated the bulk of its resources on developing long- term international programs that cover a wide area, enhancing the lives of the poorest of the world's women and children. When UNICEF volunteers come to people's door Oct. 28-31, everyone is urged to "please give a child a chance." For more information, call Faith church, 385-5388. AIjo on the program for the day will be Bill and Brenda Bennett, missionary appointees to a five-county area of south west Missouri, with American Missionary Fellowship. The schedule for the day will be as follows: 9:30 a.m., Sunday School for all ages; 10:50 a.m., morning worship service, with Ed and Jeni Leman speaking; 12:30 p.m. potluck; 1:45 p.m. missionary films from Wycliffe; 3 p.m., Bill and Brenda Bennett sharing about their work in Missouri. The conference will end at about 4 p.m., and there will be no evening worship service. Anyone desiring to attend the potluck should call the church office for details and to find out what type of dish to bring. , Everyone is welcome. Further information may be obtained by calling 728-0422 or 728-1687. V Oo THE BAKEREE 314 W. Liberty St. Wauconda, IL (312)526-2020' STOP BY & VIEW OUR HALLOWEEN DISPLAY! •COOKIES •CUPCAKES •PUMPKIN PIES Delightfully Decorated Holiday Treats Made From The finest Ingredients •REAL BUTTER •THE BEST FLOUR * •NO PRESERVATIVES TUES.SAT. 6 AM4 PM • SUN. & M0N. 6 AM4 PM & (12) P235/75R15 Viva Glass Radial Blackwail 1st Come, 1st Served While Supply Lasts Pumpkins given away on Saturday, 27th only. 1st Come, 1st Served. WHILE SUPPLY LASTS! No More Snow Tires JUST SAY "TIEMP0" and get $5.00 off Reg. Price any size Tiempo all Radial *3499 P195/75R15 Blackwail New Car Changover Radials SAVE All Season Radials ton U.S. CARS 14100 ISI.10 suss PlSV#qflt3 P'W/Wil piesjoeii PWS/WB13 Wis 560 S [ FOR tMPQAll. iSoriMU ««u PU5/SSB1' Arriva Radial l»'l It? .IS P17S/1&R14 me r>!5S/e0flU 119.00 kw.oe s8900 OWLD $134 HOTSORUS $70.95 SS0«S PI6VS0RI3 pT6b.'»«IS «6Sb tsi.»s 113*0 Pt 7VWBI3 P)6V pTfS/70H'3 pies/joys P1B5/J0m4 P20s/ismsl«|»| P?is/7»1S P145/80R13 blacKwall No U»«tt needed P?21/7SmS P23S/!5mS »5S»S No too* i«i n H •v w- AT LAKEVIEW FORD MERCURY IN FOX LAKE 1984 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE LX 3.8 Liter, V-8, V-6, P.S., P.B., Interval wipers, cruise control, tilt, air cond., AM/FM cassette stereo, wire wheel covers, powerlocks. List $14,530 SAVE NOW *12,688 $184200 1984 TOPAZ 4 DR LS 2300 MCS engine, P.B., P.S., console, auto transmission, tilt wheel, cruise control, bumper guards, rear defogger, AM/FM stereo, air cond. 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AM/FM. £5795 1993 HORIZON 4 DOOR HATCHBACK 4 |^on^ $4295 1990 BUICK LoSARRE 4 DOOR Air conditioning. full powor, au tomatic traminittioA. 1977 FORD MANADA 2DOOR , Automatic. fuN powar, fin* roof. $1795 1979 FORD LTD 4DOOR Ajr̂ cooditioaini, automatic $2295 1991 CHRYSLER LaRAROH 4 DOOR Air, fallpowor, radio, siajl roof. $5195 1991 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD RROUCHAM $7195 1992 MERCURY ZEPHYR 4DOOR, Automatic, tranuniuMO, fuH powor, air conditiooini AM/FN $4995 1990T-MIRD Automatic transmission, full powor and air conditioning $4995 1977 CHRYSLER HEWFORT 2 DOOR Air conditioning. automatic transmnsion. full powar, wnjrt roof. 1 ownor, low milos! $2195 1991 CHEVY CAMARO A/C, full powor. sport whooh, $400S Ml DODGE ISO PICI 1*54951 *4395 *2995 LAKEVIEW MERCURY Hours: Mon.Thurs: 9-9 Fri.-Sat.: 9-6 S u n d 9 y : 1 1 3 90S. Rt. 12, Fox Lake, IL (312)587-4200 IV tj