I Page 11 • PLAIN DEALER HERALD. FRIDAY .NOVEMBER 2.1*4 Estate zoning sought Band uniform donated to county museum Classes set in fencing A petition has been filed for a hearing before the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals by petitioners, William H. Tygrett and Carolyn A. Tygrett for an amendment to the McHenry Coun ty Zoning Ordinance from "A-l" agriculture district to "E-5" estate district. The property is located in Algonquin Township, approx- iamtely 515 feet east of Kawson Bridge Road on the south side of Hickory Nut Grove Lane and con sists of approximately five acres. The hearing on the petition will be held on Thursday, Nov. 8, at 2 p.m. in room 203 of the McHenry County Courthouse, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock. All those who are interested may ap pear and be heard. Workshop set for people in human, social services On Saturday Nov. 10, the social workers from the Fox River Valley District of the Ilinois Chapter, National Association of Social Workers will be offering an all-day workshop for >any in terested professionals working in the human or social services. The workshop will be held at Elgin Community College. The two morning sessions will include, Mark W. Teismann PhD., a private therapist and mental health consultant from DeKalb, who will be presenting the assumptions, goals and practices of "Strategic Family Therapy." The second morning session will include Stephen Christian Michaels, ACSW and Andrea Chrishan Micheals, ACSW of the DuPage Mental Health Depart ment, Wheaton. Their presenta tion will be, "Working With Resis tant Adolescents." The two afternoon sessions will include first, "The Use of Dreams in Everyday Life," by John Van Eenwyk, PhD. who is a Jungian Analyst and an Episcopal Priest, from Evanston. The second ses sion will be given by two area social workers, Sara Bonkoski, PhD., ACSW ,fen associate pro fessor from George Williams Col lege and Sara Boomhower, ACSW , CAC, of McHenry Family Ser vice and Community Health Center. The title of their presenta tion is, "Intervention For Work With Children From Divorcing Families." Registration will be at the door at 9 a.m. The fee is $25 for any of the two workshops. Anyone in terested in more information may call John Hackman, ACSW (815) 455*4900, or Myra H. Duffey, ACSW, (312) 469-9030. At a recent Harvard area history program held at the McHenry County Historical Museum in Union, the Greater Harvard Area Historical Society presented the county museum with a Harvard City Band uniform, dating from 1948. The uniform is now on exhibit along with other community band uniforms, one of which dates back to 1883, in the music room. The county society hopes to get band uniforms from around the county to document that area of local history. The county museum, is closed now for the season, but will reopen again next May. The office and research library, however are open daily from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Those wishing to use the research library are asked to make an ap pointment by calling the museum at (815) 923-2287. The Lake Region YMCA will again offer a fencing class for beginners starting Saturday, Nov. 3 at 1:30 p.m. The class will cover basic fencing skill development, proper fencing etiquette and pro per use of fencing safety equip ment. The class will run for eight weeks. Also, on Saturday, Nov. 3, at 2:30 p*m. a meeting will be held in regards to starting a fencing club. The participants in the club will require a prerequisite of taking a basic fencing class or with special Instructor's permission. Club members will be required to take out at least a Limited Membership to Lake Region YMCA. Persons interested should sign *up now for class and attend the first meeting. Seminar topic is on women in non-traditional careers McHenry County Historical Museum Curator Nancy Fike, left, accepts a 1948 Harvard City Band uniform from Edwin O'Brien, president of the Greater Harvard Area Historical Society. Women are under-represented in high paying occupations generally considered to becaaeers more suited to'men. If the idea of entering the com petition for such a Job appeals to you, the seminar "Women in Non- Traditional Careers," being of fered by McHenry County College for the first time, will help. Gail Howard, MCC director of financial aid, placement and veteran affairs, will present a overview of employment op portunities in the coirfpMer, elec tronics and apprentice^occupa- tions Wednesday, Nov. 7, from 8:30 to 8 p.m. in the college loungfe. The fee for participating in the seminar is $2. Register at MCC Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., or on Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. v Registrations will also be ac cepted on the day of the seminar if the session is not filled. Those who plan to register Just prior to the seminar, should arrive at least 15 minutes before the seminar's scheduled starting time. Sportsman's Club c/lnnuaf Qaffl<£tag BJ'S VIENNA Riverside I Pearl St. McHenry 815/385-0230 FREE TURKEY DRAWING •SignUp November 1 thru 17 •Drawing Held November 18th SUNDAY SPECIAL Hotdog, Fries, Small Drink 30 plus tax ELECT THE COUNTS BOARD TEAM for4 District 2 THOMAS HUEMANN 141 ® • mmM DEAN C. CUNAT 142 --® J: EDWARD BUSS 143 gj * WILLIAM J. "BILL" FITZGERALD 144 * gj Vote Republican for Good Government in McHenry County VOTE REPUBLICAN FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT NO V. 6ttl Sponsored by The McHenry Republican Central Committee AlJourdan, Chairman erving 5:30 tilt All You Can Eat! Roast Beef Dinner and Refreshment H Door Prizes Plate ŷy<Kc': LUMBER f BUILDING MATERIALS FEATURING COMPLETE LINES OF; •OLYMPIC STAIN •KEMPER-MILICREEK CABINETS •ANDERSEN WINDOWS . •PRE-HUNG DOORS •NORD SPINDLES •ARMSTRONG CEILING SYSTEMS •LINCOLN WINDOWS •GAF SHINGLES •BUILDERS HARDWARE •PRERNISHED PANELING •STANLEY GARAGE DOOR OPENERS PHONE OUR FRIENDLY ADVISORS FOR HELPFUL HINTS. WHEN YOU WANT TO BUILD REPAIR OR REMODEL YOUR HOME ALEXANDER LUMBER FREE Planning 8 Estimating Services. Phone 385-1424 909 N. Front St., McHenry ELECT .ICAN LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATES u PHILIP M.CRANE Representative in Congress 12th Congressional District / 100 gj yV; <;> _ 1 XI iJ tflCKKLEMM Representative in the General Assembly 63rd Representative District !06 ® RONALD A. WAIT Representative in the General Assembly 64th Representative District 106 (g) JILLZWICK Representative in the General Assembly 65th Representative District 106 0 Vote Republican for Good Government in McHenry County VOTE REPUBLICAN TOR GOOD GOVERNMENT NOV. 6th Spmortd by Tlx McHenry Rccublku Central Committee AlJoerdjn.Chslrmin To determtM which legislative district yon are In, please turn to the back of your voter registration card to check lor your district lumbers. For additional Information, you may call 131-2041 (County Clerk's Office) or (IM41K) Republican Headquarters ARE YOU NEW IN The McHenry Area? Do You Knqw Someone New? We Would Like To Extend A Royal Welcome To Every Newcomer To Our Area!!! CALL LORRAINE MONAHAN 385-5475 i um "i"." • iBSOlUttC fVtt MM www tummt» ROYAL WELCOME Know Your Aroa-Rbyal Wolcomo Does It Best PROFESSIONAL & SERVICE JACK WALSH, AGENT EARL R. WALSH. BROKER INSURANCE & BONDS ' Fire. A ufe, Farm, Me Rep resenting RELIABLE COMPANIES * imrr ttiiiii Miliumm nw DENNIS CONWAY AUTO. tin. ran > State Farm Ins. Co. Ill* W. ilm Street. McHenry. III. MS-7II1 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE DIRECTORY DR. LEONARD BOTTARI 1303 Richmond Rd.. McHenry I yet Eiamined • Contoct letwet Glotiet Fitted Men.. Twet.. Titers., PH.. *-» p.m.. Tue«.. Then.. M. 7-9 p.m., Set. t;Mlp.m. Phone 305 4111 er 3M1141 JAMES M.McINTEE, LAWYER A V All ARM TO PRACTICE IN: Personal ln|ury /Trlels Sutlnei• Corporations Wllle Probete. Divorce Real (state. Workman's Compensetfen. „ 34MW. tlm Street McHenry. Ill For appointment phone • 3SS7440 McHENRY DENTAL CENTER DR. C.J. LUDFORD DR. KEVIN WEGRZYN OP IN 3 (VCNINOS A Wtf K UNTIL 1:30 P.M. 4 SAT. ( 1 _ 3RS-I3M N,0, (laughing Cos) I Vallum (I.V Sedation) Available 9 Form Equipment QEORGE P. FREUND, INC. Case New HeUend 4101W Crystel lefce.Rd . McHenry •us. 309-0430. Res 3*1 0117 I R E L L I RAM A l TIRES FOR ALL CARS EUROPA MOTORS. INC. llllRte IN. McHenry SIJ JSS 0700 Simplicity. TheRrstSnow IsQnYou. 00 lhefirst Is On • Buy a Simplicity snowthrower on our Revolving Charge Plan dur ing Winter Pay Days, November 1st through December 1st, and Simplicity will make your first monthly payment. Choose one of five two-stage models. From the compact, low- priced 5 HP to the heavy-duty 10 HP model, there's a just-right Simplicity snowthrower for you. Clearing widths from 22" to 21.t" Eight and 10 HP models have standard headlight and drift cutters. Optional clear view Protector'1 cab available to protect you from chill ing winds and blowing snow. IO»i if These snowthrowers are avail able to qualified buyers with only 15% down and easy monthly pay ments at an annual percentage rate of 18%. Come in today and buy a new two-stage snowthrower. Simplicity will throw in the first payment, so you can throw out the first snow. Buy by Dec. 1st and Simplicity makes the first payment for ypu. VALENTINE REPAIRS 6417 KEYSTONE RD. RICHMOND. ILLINOIS (•15) 653-9345 * >964 Simplicity Minubctunng, Inc.