Page 14 - PLAINDEALER HERALD. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 2,19«4 23 HouMhold Help Wanted * PLAIN DEALER HERALD lassified Adverftsers. please check your ad the FIRST insertion dote In the event of an error or ommissioi^ the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspoper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, nojify the Classified Department at once Call Classified Display Ads: 815-385-0170. Private Party & Commercial Line Ads 815-344 4800. Richmond 678 2581 Poyment in advance must be made for these ads "Babysitting 'Business Opportunites ^Business Services *Garge Sales 'Moving Sales *Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Areo •Political 'Rooms Appts to Share 'Situations Wanted 'Sublease. Re-rent. etc. 'Wqnted to Buy 'Wanted to Rent. O f f i c e H r s M F 8 3 0 a m • 5 0 0 p . m 3 LINES, 5 DAYS *8.80 I' K I W I K I W K n I.IM ADS Tr Shaw Frea Prass Newspaper Group •Sentinel-Herald (Woodstock) 'The Heerld (Crystal Lake/Cery- Grove) 'The Herald (Cardunal Free Preea) 'Elgin Herald 'Rich mond Gazette 'Sycamore News 'The Hereld-Plalndealer • Genoa-Klngston-Klrkland Newt • Hampshire Register. Also available: 'Herald-Citizen, Saturday Extra and Shopper Service. Our helpful, courteous staff la at your aervice avallebie DIRECTORY DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON MON. 3 P.M. MON." 12 NOON WEI). V P.M. WED. 12 NOON Announcements Cemeteries & Lots Cord of Thanks Notices Car Pools Lost & Found Personals . Instruction T. Auctions. 02 03 05 10 11 12 -+3~ 18 v. Help Wanted Child Core. 19 Nursery Schools : 20 Situations Wanted >. . . 21 Employment Agencies .22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wanted 24 Merchandise Wonted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles & Sports Equipment. 36 Lawn & Garden Equipment 37 Boats'. 38 Musical Instruments 39 Cameras 40 A v i a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 Pets & Equipment 44 Horses & Equipment 47 Perm t Do»ry. „ . ^ .r.. 48 Livestock . ; 49 Machinery & Equipment 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property. 70 Open House 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots & Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms for Sale 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms, Board, House Apartments to Share.......... 79 Apartments to Rent.. Homes to Rent. . .. .. .s Condominiums & Townhomes t o R e n t . . . i ^ Stores, Office & Industrial to Rent Farms, Farmland to Rent.... M i s c e l l a n e o u s t o R e n t . . 80 . 8 1 .82 . 8 3 .84 . 8 5 Automotive Autos for Sale ... .86 Wanted to Buy.,,........ 87 Auto Parts & Accessories. B8 Trucks, Tractors 8 Trailers 89 Vans. - -.90 Motorcycles & Snowmobiles..... .91 R e c r e a t i o n V e h i c l e s . . . . 9 2 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT PARTIAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPEARING IN THE PLAINDEALER HERALD CLASSIFIED PAGES 312 AREA CODE 815 AREA CODE 381 -Bbrrington 382-Barrington 426-Dundee 551-Dundee 639-Cary 669-Huntley 683-Hampshire 695-Elgin 697-Elgin 740-Round Lake 741-Elgin 742-Elgin 888-Elgin V 931-Elgin 337-Woodstock 338 Woodstock 344-McHenry 385-McHenry 455-Crystal Lake 459-Crystal Lake 568-Marengo 648-Hebron 653-Wonder Lake 678-Richmond 728-Wonder Lake 895-Sycamore 923-Union 943-Harvard BABYSITTER. 40 hrs./ wtek. in my horns, for 1 yearold, must hove references, non-smoker. Call 31f/W7-7»74. , 24 Help Wanted NEEDED NOW - Maintenance & General Factory, Working World. Crystal Lake, 815/455- 4490. , NEEDED NOW - Secretaries, word processors, typists, general office, experienced phone collectors. Working World. Crystal Lake. 115/455- 4490. SCHOOL DISTRICTS 47 & 155 are looking for school bus drivers. Applications are being taken at the transportation facility located next to South High School, 1204 South McHenry Ave., Crystal Lake, II. SECRETARY, full time. Qualified applicant must have strong secretarial background, organizational skills & pleasant phone manner. Experience In medical field w/dictaphone preferred. Call 815/385-6400. AVON Now there are two ways to earn an impressive income. Call •15/459-5757. . RESUMES Professionally p r e p a r e d . V I S A / M C Welcome.Norton & Associates. 312/428 9255. BARTENDER wanted even ings, part time. Apply In per son, Woodstock Inn, Rf. 471 rri. N. of 120, Woodstock, II. 02 Cemeteries & Lots 10 Car Pools CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK 81 UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as 8275, including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 815/459-0547 05 Notices "FREE- PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24HOUR HOTLINE 312/934 9233 E.S.P. PSYCHIC READINGS, BY MRS. LAURA. She has helped many people with pro blems such as love, business, marriage and 11 other pro blemsof life I Call for an appointment. 1108 Dundee Ave., Elgin, II. 60102. 312/931 1193 SEASON/COLOR ' ANALYSIS Learn what colors are best for you! Your season will be deter mined through a scientific l analysis method by a certified I color consultant. Wardrobe ' coordination, skin care, com • plete make over, and unique color swatches all coordinated to your season.iSItt certificates available too! 815/338 1482. CRAFTERS Sell handmade items on consignment. New shop opens Nov. 3,312/639 6155. NOTICE PLEASE CHECK YOUR ADS We would like to check i each ad as it appears in the paper, but time does not permit. ; Please notify us if you find an error in your classified ad, or if your kad failed to appear. If you notify us by 5pm the . first day it was schedul • ed to appear, we'll make ; a correction as soon as - deadline permits. , We can only be re^ponsi ble for the first day of an ; ad's run. Adjustments for errors are limited to the cost of that portion of i the ad where the error occurred. Sorry, b"t if the error , continues after the first • day of the ad's scheduled appearance, wti cannot be responsible. 1 Office Hours: Monday ] through Friday, 8am - j 5pm. ' APPLES, Golden Delicious, etc. Sweet cider. Thunder iv. Grove Orchard. 3016 Deerpass, 1 Marengo, IL 815/568 8628. R I D E N E E D E D f r o m Woodstock to Crystal Lake train station to catch 5:40 am train. 815/338-5774. 11 Lost & Found FOUND: Golden Retriever, C e n t r a l H i g h S c h o o l neighborhood; Call to identify; 815*455-6398. LOST: MENS silver rimmed eye glasses, vicinity of Algon quln Middle School. Reward. 312/658-5939. FOUND: Walker Hound, female, approx. 2 yrs. old,^gen tle, in the vicinty of Covered Bridge Trails. Call 815/4533103 LOST DOG, Fox River Grove area, 40 lbs., Lab/Beagle mix, black w/white on chest & face, red collar & tags. Reward! Please call 312/639-9041 before 7am or after 7pm. CAT LOST: Missing since Sept. 5. Short hair, mostly white with It. orange 8< dk. grey spots. May be wearing collar & ID tags. 815/459-6523. 12 Personals FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free & confidential stress line, day or night, 815/338-8080. PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. and from 7-9pm. Mon.thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. • 815/385-2999 SCULPTURED NAILS 3 yrs. experience. Strong 8i natural looking. Nail biters welcome. Call Joyce forapp't. 312/658 2019. ATTENTION! Looking for 50 people to par ticipate in weight loss pro gram. Fun-Easy and simple. 100% guaranteed. Herbal Has ed. 312/658-8429. DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance Costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can af ford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency, 815/338-3328. E L E C T C A R O L S E K t o McHenry county board. S incere Vote Nov. 6 E nergetic K nowledae Paid for by citizens for Carol Sek. GOOD NUTRITION Equals Good Health 8. Weight control. For details call Nancy. 312/658- 5807. S I N G L E - D I V O R C E D -- WIDOWED. Get ready for the fun and excitement of a new relationship. Eligible people are waiting to meet you.Con- fldential. Call 312/742-7545 or write to: Listings, Box 62-E, South Elgin, 11.60177 12 Personals * MRS. NANCY Character Reader and Advisor Help for all problems. Please call for appointment. 312/426-8695 THIS XMAS surprise Santa with a new you. Lose 10 to 29 lbs. In one month and/or earn $200. $1500. per month. Call Nancy, 312/658-3608. LOSE 10-29 LBS. a month, w/ all natural HERBS. Put Herbs into your Life, call your dist. After 6pm, 312/741-4126, ask for Lynda. HAVING TROUBLE Obtaining Health Insurance? High blood pressure, diabetes, etc. We can nelp. Contact John Holby at 1- -800-942-2709 IS Auctions COUNTRY AUCTION Friday, Nov. 2 4:00 p.m. doors open 7:00p.m. bidding begins Prairie Grove School 3miles east of Rt. 31 on 176 Merchandise and Business: HaiW carved mallard decoy from na tionally known T.J. Hooker etched glass window, airplane ride for 3 around Chicago skyline, fishing rods, bowling bails, • workbench, family mem bership Cary Park, watercolor paintings, aquarlom, toys, last will and testament, theater tickets, brunches and dinners oak and brass bath accessories, car buff and polish, video club membership, firewood, radio, f x 12 beige carpet, calculators, picnic for 4, lamps, and more! Celebrity Items: Cast auto graphed scripts from Dynasty and Love Boat, autographed pic ture of MASH cast, "Kllnger" autographed tongue depresser, DonaHbe Tickets, Items from John Denver, Judy Bloom, Jour ney, Rick Springfield, Hotel, Falcon Crest, Stan and Jan Be- renstain, I more! COUNTRY KITCHEN COUNTRY STORE FLEA MARKET K. Kingston, Auctioneer 13 instruction SCULPTURED NAILS TRAINING CLASSES 5 hr. workshop. All practice materials furnished. Call Joyce Huber for more info. 312/658- 2019. KNITTING 8i CROCHETING Lessons; beginning or advanc ed; left or right handed; Classes starting soon; 312/426- 6800 ask for Lillian West. \ CERAMICS Holiday hours: classes Mon. & Tues., 9-3; Tues. & Wed. eve., 7- 10. All custom made orders deadline: 11/30. Call 815/338- 1021. 19 Child Care EXPERIENCED CHILD care In my McHenry, Johnsburg home, Mon. Thru Friday, 815/3442078 Q U A L I T Y C h i l d C a r e , reasonable rates, full or part time, all ages, 312/428-5061. QUALITY DAY CARE, my Cary/ Bright Oaks home, 2-5 yr. olds, beginning Nov. 5. 312/639-1308. WILL BABYSIT- ) CftliMY COUNTRY HOME Lots of T.L.C., experienced mom, any age. McHenry. Call anytime. 815/675-6501 I WILL babysit for your child in my home days. 312/639-5415 CHRISTIAN WOMAN will babysit in my Foxridge, McHenry home, full or part time, 815/344-5602. CHILD & INFANT care, in my Lakeland Park/ McHenry home, nutritious meals, fenced in back yard, experience & much TLC. Ca11815/385-5389. 21 Situations Wanted O.J.-wedding, schools, etc. Your choice of sound systems, lights and music. Equip, rental also. 312/584-0882 eves. D.J. 4000 watt, $12,001 sound system with lights & records for all. 312/584-0882. DON JOHNSON Decorating Interior Painting 8i Papering 815/338-4850. Notices Truly Caring Services, Inc. offers: HOME CARE FOR ELDERLY or HANDICAPPED 4 hrs. to 24 hrs. - 7 days a week preparation ..•fit., - -ekeepirtfl Laun*. ' Personal Care 24 Hr. Answering Services 815-568-5488 Private duty In hospitals or nursing homes. Rm. 107, tao W. Washington St., Marengo, IL. Licensed a Bonded Employment Agency ALSO AVAILABLE: Nursing Care Registered Nurses Lie. Practical Nurses Home Care Assistance I FIRE RETARD YOUR ' HORSE BARN AS SEEN ON •'THAT'S INCREDIBLE" Fire Retardation that really works. Professional or self-application available. • Commercial or residential struc turesor materials. We can fire retard: carpets, drapes, Christmas trees, furniture, natural woods, beds and bedding. ESTIMATES AVAILABLE BILL'S FIRE PROTECTION S1S-6S3-SS96 or 312-546-8060 PUBLIC AUCTION IN ORDER TO SETTLE THE ESTATE, WE WILL SELL THE FOLLOWING LINE OF QUALITY EQUIPMENT AT THE FARM LOCATED 3 MILES NORTH OF SYCAMORE, ILLINOIS ON ROUTE t*, OR 4 MILES SOUTH OF GENOA ON ROUTE 21. November 18, UM 18: 30 A.M. UMMER'S LUNCH COMBINE k TRACTORS: 1874 AC Gleaner F Combine, gas w/*» eon head, 13' grain platform; 1878 White MIS w/l,tM hrs., 18.1 z IS wheels, standard equipment; W 14M w/2,888 hra., 18.4 i It wheels, weights standard equip., year-round QTI cab; Oliver 22U w/1,800 bra. UN V-8 Cat engine, 11.4 a 38 wheela, cab;IH 18M w/4,300 hra., 18.4 i M wheels, hydro, trans., cab, weights; IH 788 gas tractor w/uarrow front, J-0-, 15.S i38 wheels, cab; IH M8 gaa tractor w/fast bitch, narrow front; Duala: I sets of 18.4 a 38 clamp ona, like new, 1 set of U.I a 38 clamp ona, 1 set of 18.4 a 88 Peterson clnmp ona. TRUCK A TRAILER: 1873 Ford F2M Pickup, * ton, 4WD, PTO, Up. trans., 41,288 miles; Schnaters gnoaeneck trailer, 8' a 18' baa w/electrlc brakes, PTO hoist. PLANTER-TILLAGE-MISC.: IH 888 cydo con planter, 8-row M", VpC, vertical fold w/huecL, herb., man!tor; IH 488 cyrlo com planter, 4-raw M" w/dry fert., laaect., herb.; Oliver 18' grain drill w/graaa aeeder; IH 7» S-18 semi-mounted plow; IH U8 8-18 seml-moonted plow; Brady 11' maoated chisel plow; IH 488 Disc tl' w/7" spactngs; IH 1711' Disc w/mouated drag; IH 18' Wheel Disc; IH VIbra shank 18' field cultivator w/LBI drag; Brady 28' cultivator, pall type, hydraulic laid, w/lee drag; IH 181 8-row cultivator, horizontal fold, w/roiltng shields; Di 4814-row cultivator w/shields; IH 188 Rotary Hoe mean ted, 4-row wide; Undaey 14' hydraulic lift drag cart; Kewanee 4-aectloa drag A evener; M section drags A eveners; M8 gal. sprayer w/18' baoms; 118 gal. sprayer; New Idea 184 corn picker w/U-roU basking bed; New Idea 124 con picker w/Vroil buaklng bed; MM H S8 con picker w/kdl husking bed; DMI 288-bu. side damp wngon; 2-J k M gravity bozos on JD and F A F gears; KUbros 188 on JD 881 gear; F A F 22S-bu. gravity boz,40-ton gear; t-Moatgomery Ward 8' z IX' barge bozes w/boists; Barge Boz 8' z 18' w/hoist; Hayrack A nunlng gear; Kilbros 188 wagon oa Colby gear; J A M 288 wagoa, as gear; Kelly-Ryan ualoadlng wagoa; Gehl unloading wagoa oa Gehl gear; Rez unloading wngon oa JD genr; Kewanee 888 tl' elevator w/spouta; Cardinal elevator w/electric motor; Little Glnat elevator w/electric motor; Bale elevntar; New Holland Baler; New Idea 17 Spreader; Gehl single-row com chopper w/motor A pickup attachoieat; IH 8' J-pt. rotary mower; Gehl silo blower w/88' pipes; Keats slla blower w/ezteafloa pipe; New Idea sickle mower, pull type; Wood unloading chute oa rubber wheels; 1-18' silo unloeders; 188-gal. fuel tank w/hnnd pump; S08-gal. fuel tank; Dickey-John grain moisture tester; JD A-18 pressure washer; 1-hp motor A transmission lor grata elevntor; New Idea hay rake oa rubber; Case hay rake on steel; Big Husky hog cat cher A scale; Nameroas wire panels A wood gates; Numerous scrap piles; Several hay racks ef small Items; Maay Anti ques; Standing barn to be said far lumber, w/mnny hand-cut beams A boards. ELWYN BUE ESTATE AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: This la a clean, well-maintained Uae of equipment. AUCTIONEERS: Ron Espe, Steward. Illinois. <818)824-2177 Terry Hkkey. Malta, Illinois, (818)828-2121 MANAGER/CLERK: Hoi comb State Baak, Holcomb, Illinois, 81M1 Brace Pollska er Donald W. Belt (818)181-4413. TERMS: Holcomb 8tate Bank will offer its usual sale terms - ftaaactag arrangements must be made prior to date of sale. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS OR ARTICLES THE DAY OF SALE ( 21 Situations Wanted R.C.S. ALARMS Burglar, Fire, & Hold up systems. Reliable & Affordable. Save on ins. premiums. For info, call collect 312/699 1935 , AMBITIOUS & Personable female looking for full time p o s i t i o n a s l e a s i n g agent/manager. Experienced & licensed. 815/653-5876. DESIRE TO BUILD, Billboard on property on Rte. 31 or Rte. 120, McHenry. Call 815/385- 1360. , • WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, 820. Additional rooms, 810 ea., 5 yrs. ex- perience. 815/943-4793. HOUSEKEEPING, yard work, factory work, all around custo dian, (full-time), restaurant, green house work, live in worker, farm work, floor maintenance. 312/639-2184, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 459-3077. - BROOMS AWAY Housecleaning Reliable Cleaning Service ' Call 815/159 7690 ' PAINTING & DECORATING, Interior & exterior. No job too large or too small. 30 yrs. exp., references. Call Howie, 815/923 2463. RESUME SERVICE&alltyp ing needs. Diane's Business Service, 815/455-6665. PIANO & BANJO duo avail, for parties, weddings & dubs, 815/455 2645 or 815/455-2093. , QUALITY HOUSE cleaning, will travel. Experienced & reliable. Call after 5 or weekends, 815/337-0449. F R E E H O U S E C L E A N I N G ; Confident lady will clean homes. First visit free; McHenry, Woodstock, Rich mond. Seniors & disabled, dis- count, 815/653-9328. CARPENTER-HANDYMAN. Let me do those jobs you never seem to have time for. 815/675- 6501. TEACHER WILL TUTOR your child, grades 1-8, in reading or math. Call after 3pm, 815/459- 4031. DYNAMIC DUO will clean home or office. 825., exc. ref. Call Dot; 815/459-8760 or Deb.; 815/455 2994. CLEANING LADY will clean for reasonable fee; 815/455- 5618. Barb, after 3 pm. CAKES for every party or oc-. casion. Adult party cakes avail. 312/426-8108. H O U S E C L E A N I N G S E R VICES. Whatever the mess we are the best. Lyn after 5 p.m., 815/455-5250. • NATURAL SCHULPTURED Nails by Robin, 820, 815/455- 0869, House calls made. STOP, Take the day off & let me do your housecleaning, 312/658-2236. 23 Household Help Wanted SITTER needed for 1 & 2 year olds, evenings, some days, 815/3443775. RESPONSIBLE High school senior wifh car for occasional afternoon 8i evening babysit- ting, Bull Valley. 815/338-8280. S E A R C H I N G f o r m a t u r e , responsible 8. reliable nanny to love Si care for our toddler & newborn, 5 days a week in our Johnsburg home. Hours, 8-6. ref. required, call 815/344-5386 before 9 p.m. MATURE PERSON wanted to babysit in my Crystal Lake home, full time, ref. req.; Call after 6 pm; 815/455 6172. BABYSITTER NEEDED from 7pm ? Must be over 20, w/ own car. Experience helpful. 312/426-9623. LIVE IN housekeeper, mature woman, for information call 815 '459-0107 after 5 p.m. MATURE, LOVING person to babysit 3 well- behaved children in my Woodstock nome. Some overnights, transportion needed, part time but permanent positon. 815/338 6479. HOST OR HOSTESS, evenings. Walt persons, experience necessary, day or evening. Ap ply In person Old Courthouse I n n , 1 0 T J o h n s o n S t . , Woodstock. IL 815/338-6700. 23 Household Help Wanted HOUSE CLEANING. In In verness area, 1 or 2 people to clean house on Fri. House re quires 6 hrs. to clean, no agen cies please. References re quired, 312/934-8847. /MOTHERS HELPER Needed, Mon/Wed/Frl., 2-7pm., 2 children-4 & 6, own transporta tion, good salary, Sleepy Hollow, 312/426-4144. District Manager Due to the promotion ot one of our managers, we have an immediate opening in our Circulation Depar tment for a person who en- |oys working with people in a challenging career Ex perience a plus, but will train. This is a salaried position with excellent bonus plan and company benefits. Good uanspor lanona must Apply m person to: Plaimbelor Herald, 3812 W. Elm Siteel McHenry, II 60(1511 DRIVER NEEDED Must be at least 18 year9 old. Part-time Apply at LAURIES PIZZA 4811W. Elm St. McHenry, IL 60050 TYPIST/RECEPTIONIST Prefer mature Individual with good typing skills to work in growing company. Must be able to type quo tations and compose letters. PRECISION QUINCY CORP. 220 North Madison Street Woodstock, IL 60098 815-338-2675 McHenry Area MATUREST0CKPERS0N for retail store Call Chuck or Jeff at: (815)385-6730 LOCAL COMPANY offers full time and part time positions In the following areas: •WOODWORK Entry level, knowledge of band saw, clamping and glueing helpful. •FINISH SANDER/CARVER Entry level, wood working experience required, experience with die grinders, fordom tools and handcarvlng tools preferred. •HAND PAINTER Entry level, tole painting experience preferred. All FULL TIME POSITIONS include FULL COMPANY BENEFITS All PART TIME POSITIONS allow for FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING and may lead to full time. Challenging positions with one of the foremost wildlife sculptores in the country today. Apply In person, with samples of your work. TJ.'S HOOKERS SWAN QUARTER CARVING CO. 5214 Rt. 31, Crystal Lake 815/455-5920 RESTAURANT New Exciting Eating, Drinking & Dancing Experience NOW HIRING 'WAITRESSES 'DISCJOCKEYS 'COOKS 'BUS PERSONS 'DOOR PERSONS 'BARTENDERS Full and/or part lime. Day and/or evening hours. Experience helpful but not necessary. Enthusiasm, en ergy & the ability to enjoy working in a friendly, peo ple oriented atmosphere are the only requirements! Apply in person (No calls please) Saturday November 3 1 pm to 5 pm Tuesday November 6 10 am to Noon & 6 pm to 8 pm Thursday November 8 10 am to Noon & 6 pm to 8 pm 110 North Main Street (Just South oftJ.W. Train Depot on Corner) Crystal Lake, IL MOLD REPAIR MAN must be experienced, & work w/ minimum supervision. Night shift, over time, paid holidays & vacations. Apply In person, Armln Molding Corp., J500 N. LaFox, S. Elgin. E X P E R I E N C E D WAITRESSES, bartender/ cocktail waitress, dinner ser vice. Apply In person, 2-5pm, Duran's Of Dundee, 6 S. River St., E. Dundee, 312/428-0033. E X P E R I E N C E D C O O K , nights. Apply in person, ask for Mr. Spitzer, Old Courthouse I n n , 1 0 1 J o h n s o n S t . , Woodstock, IL815/338 6700. 2 POSITIONS General Fac tory. Mlg Welder (must read blueprints.) Apply in person, Woodstock Welding, 726 McHenry Ave., Woodstock, IL. L A N D S C A P I N G LABOR/Snowplow drivers, full time, hiring Immediately, work in . Arlington Heights. Call 115/344-1343. GENERAL OFFICE, part time. Accurate typing skills, flexible hours, prefer non- smoker. Send resume to: PO Box 511, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014. EXPERIENCED Aluminum siding helper, w/replacement window experience: After 6pm:, 815/455-531P. PRODUCTION WORKERS Clean, light factory work, Ideal for women, 11 p.m.*? a.m. No Experience Necessary. Please call for appointment. 312/639- 0555. Computer Resources. Inc. Cary Point Ind. Park ISO Chicago St., Cary Equal Opportunity Employer NEED IN-STORE Product demonstrators for weekends. Demos Unlimited, 312/367-9139 RECEPTIONIST Full time position. Duties also Include filing, vouchering, & typing. Send resume to PO Box 561, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014. GENERAL OFFICE. Entry level position. Person witn ability to work in a fast paced environment. Please call Linda for appointment. 312/382-5244. -Protecto Enterprises, Inc., Barrlngton, IL 60010 HAIRDRESSER, Salon ex perience with shampoos & sets. Call Mary. «15/»5-7112 24 HilpWbilid DAILY COURIER NEWS has an opening for a motor route driver, for Crystal Lake ft McHenry area. Mon-Frl, after noons; Sat. & Sun. early morn ings. Must have reliable car <i insurance. For more Informa tion, call Tom 815/4S9-2S47. BOOKKEEPER „ , Half days, Monday thru Fri day. Send complete resume to Box A N L, Shaw FreePrws. P. O Box 250, Crystal Lake, H 60014. NAIL SCULPTURIST, for ex panding Beauty Salon In McHenry, part-time to start, 815/385-7112. HAIR STYLIST- Enjoy the freedom of your own business. Large modern salon is offering station for lease. Call 815/455- 5141. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS For experienced hair stylists. Current III. beauty license re quired. Advancd training pro gram & base pay guaranteed. Now hiring full & pert time. Stop in Si fill out an application today or call LINDA KLATT 312/426-6355 SYSTEMS 7 Spring Hill Mall West Dundee EXPERIENCED Body Man Combination, 6 years ex perience & do qualify work. Plenty work, pay basts 50/50. Write Box ANM, McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, 11.60050. FOREMAN Minimum 5 years experience in fabrication high volume & quality automotive. Must possess good people skills. Technical degree re quired, IE a plus. Salary com mensurate with experience work history. Send resume to Box ANN, Shaw Free Press, PO Box 250, Crystal Lake, IL, 60014. DUNDEE TOWNSHIP PARK DIST. is looking for an adult to supervise & open gym pro gram. Any interested parties should call 312/428-7131. HELP WAN I tO. Apply in per son at Ballard's Standard Ser vice, 101 E. Grant Hwy., Marengo, 11.815/568-7513. Medical Opportunities NURSING SUPERVISOR Home Health Agency Full time position available for RN with experi ence and leadership skills. Must be innovative, or ganized person who can help direct many activi ties at once. Community health experience pre ferred. McHenry County area. UPJOHN HEALTHCARE SERVICES WOODSTOCK 815-338.8940, Ext. 12 equal opportunity employer m/f RNs & LPs Openings on the 3-11 & 11-7 shifts for progressive professional nurses in long-term v health care. v . For more information apply in person at: ROYAL TERRACE 803 Royal Dr. McHenry Equal Opportunity Employer FIREWOOD Seasoned Northern Wisconsin Red Oak & White Birch 4x8 Face Cord 815/385-6103 QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTOR Immediate opening for an experienced in spector familiar with the use of microc- meters, gauges, & other mechanical in spection devices. We offer a competitive salary & an excel lent company paid benefit package. ' Contact Personnel Department GENERAL POWER EQUIPMENT CO. 201 E. Brink Street, Harvard, IL 815/943-7411 An Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F Office CREDIT C0RRESP0NDANT Facilitate the collection of past due accounts by phont and written contact with customers and salesperson. Review customers for credit worthiness through study of informa tion provided by credit services and customers. PURCHASING CLERK Maintain pricing records. Correspond with contract sup pliers. Provlde..statlstlcal and analytical support, to corpo rate purchasing department. SECRETARY Maintain corporate purchasing tiles and manuals. Type confidential correspondence. Requires good phone skill'*. ON CALLDATA ENTRY OPERATOR Requires CRT or key punch/verify experience. On catt work up to 20 hours per week In corporate headquarters. CUSTODIAN General cleaning of an assigned area, lawn upkeep and other outside maintenance. Paint, floor care end other es- slgned projects. Asssist maintenance people in repair ef building fadlties. Hours 2-10 p.m. M-F, with occasional overtime required. UarcoIncorporated West County Line Rd. Barrington 312/381-7000 E qual Opportunity E mployer M/F