*3750 SPECIAL PURCHASE! Volkswagen TOYOTA A&/Qpgf • Volkswagen TOYOTA (815) 459-7100 IN. CRYSTAL LAKE RT. 14 JUST WEST OF ROUTE 31 MARENGO/Belvidere area, duplex house a oar. on 3 acres, $82,300; 100 ft. barn, machine shod, corn crib, 1J by SO trailer, on 7 acres. 1*7,000,312/440-8810. McHENRY, 125 ft. on Fox River, 3 bdrm, • room home, att. gar., 9% interest. II3/3*3 tsu. CITY OF McHENRY, 4 unit apartment, investment tax shelter, 9* Interest, 815/385- 4344. ONLY $3000. O^WN! Crystal Lake, new 2 bedroom, full basement, 2 car garage. Located at 364 Charlotte, 815/728-0981. EXCELLENT VALUE. 3 bdrm. ranch on wooded lot, 1 1/2 baths, frplce., cent, air, full bsmt. w/large rec. room a 2 car garage. $02,250. Call Jan Gelger, Baird A Warner, 815/439 1055 McHENR Y/JOHNSBURG: $5500. assumes 12%, <405. PITI, 2 bdrm., M car oarage, ranch, aluminum sided, well' main tained on Vi acre, owner anx- lous; 312/497-4401, evenings. CRYSTAL LAKE: 3 bdrm. rancti, 2V» acres, horses welcome, in-ground pool, possibilities to expand. Extras! Owner anxlousl $129900.; 115/459-7547. CRYSTAL LAKE/Coventry, Devonshire style, 4 bdrms., 2 baths, 2 car garage. Priced to sell! $58000.; 115/459-2109. RIDGEFIELD. 2 homes on 3 acres. 4 bdrm., dining room, living room and large kitchen. 3 car garage and small barn. 4 bdrm., full walk-In basement, kitchen, living room, dining room, 2 baths. 115/459-9580 WOODSTOCK, country sub division. 3 bdrm. trl- level, Th baths, 2VJ car att. garage, built In dishwasher, patio, window coverings stay, move- In cond. Many built- In extras. Good financing avail., $82,000. Call •15/338-7356. MCHENRY, BY OWNER No agents. Good starter home, liv. rm., kit., appl. incl., 1 bdrm., 1 bath, gar., bsmt. w/2nd bdrm., Ig. lot. $52,000, 10% down, owner will carry, low int. No points, no realtor fees. Call 815/453-3636,815/455-5148. WOODSTOCK: 2 bdrm. home on W acre, remodeled kitchen & baths, $42,000., ERA Wolf, ask for Gerry; 815/338-9565. NO MONEY DOWN 3 bdrm., full bsmt., alum, siding, R-40 ceiling Insul., R-19 wall Tnsul., FHA-vA financing available, $49,750. Call March Builders, Inc., 815/385-8180. $2,000 DOWN McHenry, 3 bdrm. ranch, base ment, 21/2 car garage. $565 P & I, 13% fixed, 30 yrs. Vacant! $53,000. Lasko Realty, 312/428- 2 2 2 3 -- : -- CRYSTAL LAKE AREA 3 bdrm. ranch-house, 1ft car garage, blacktop driveway, large lot. Call 815/338-1996. CRYSTAL LAKE STEAU-TRUCK SALE 19M TOYOTA TERCEL *5995 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA COUPE *6595 1982 TOYOTA CELICA *8495 1981 DATSUN B210 2 DOOR *3295 WE 91 IN ARE# ITRUCKSALES Super Saturday Sale NOVEMBER 3rd TOYOTA TRUCKS PENNY OVER 1981 TOYOTA PICKUP TRUCK *4495 1989 OLDS CUTLASS COUPE *4495 1880 PRELUDE *5995 1980 TOYOTA WAGON *4495 1880 BUICK 8KYLARK *3495 1980 AMC CONCORD *2595 1879 VW BUQ CONVERTIBLE *6995 1879 TOYOTA COROLLA *3395 1878 TOYOTA CELICA *4995 1879 PLYMOUTH HORIZON *1995 1978 TOYOTA COROLLA *2995 1979 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER *5595 1978 TOYOTA COROLLA *1995 _ 1977 DATSUN 289Z *3995 1977 VW RABBIT *1995 W 1977 CHEVY * TON PICKUP *2995 ^^1977 VW ̂ MICROBU8 '1995 ̂ 197S AlMC PACER *1495 l 1971 TOYOTA ' CORONA WAGON *495 1979 OLDS 99 CONVERTIBLE *995 BRAND NEW THUNDERBIRD Rooms, Board, Houses, Apartments - To Share ROOM FOR rent with kitchen, laundry, T.V. $55 a week In cludes all but food. Non smoker, Crystal Lake. 815/459- 3894. y SMALL FURNISHED APT., also sleeping room, weekly rates. 815/385-8905. ALGONQUIN: 26 River Drive, clean, weekly/monthly, kit chen facilities avail., 312/650- 7094. everything air cond., appl., energy efficient. Now ROOMMATE WANTED: 4 bdrm. house, $250 per month, plus '4 Utilities, 312/885-1772 days. 815/385-1541 after 7 p.m., ask for Mike. WANTED: 2 roomates, $200ea. per month to share house in McHenry. Fireplace, new carpeting, great condition. Must see to believe. Call 312/583-1045 Apartments •0 To Rent BRAND NEW Apartments, in city of Crystal Lake, First oc cupancy opening Nov. 1st, oversized 2 bdrm. units featur ing security, privacy, luxury, 2 bl. from downtown, close to sL reservations. Call 815/385-3192 for Information. MCHENRY DEPOT HOTEL. Rooms start at $48/week. Cable-hookup, kitchen, laun dry. Call 815/385-8885 after 2pm. SPACIOUS 2 bdrm. apt. in comm. bldg.- working couple ideal. Extras. Wonder Lake, $375/ mo. 815/653 9739, 312/439- 0534. McHENRY, 2 bdrm. apart ment, $425. No pets. Sec. 8i ref. 815/385-1361 LAKEWOOD APARTMENTS Spacious studio, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Frtee heat & cook ing gas, color co-ordinated ap pliances, wall to wall carpeting, laundry facilities, cable TV, pool & playground. For more information, please call 815/338-2383. CARY, 2 bdrm., heat 81 water included. Available Nov. 1. Call 312/639-3737. WOODSTOCK: attractive, 1 bedroom apartment close to square 81 perfect for single. No pets, available Dec. lsf, $315. monthly, Includes all ap pliances 81 utilities. Call after 6 pm, or leave a message at 815/338-1505. WOODSTOCK, Larae 2 Odrm. upper, stove 8i refrig. turn., sec. dep., no pets. Ref. req., $350/mo. Send replies to Box ZMA, % Sentinel Herald, P.O. Box 709, Woodstock, II. 60098. 3 CRYSTAL LAKE, l bdrm. apt., Incl. heat, stove 8i refrigerator, a/c, $300/mo. Call after 6pm, 815/459-8084. CRYSTAL LAKE in town loca tlon. 1 bedroom, 4 room apart ment. $230 per month plus security deposit. Essex- Costello, 815/459-3064 75 LotsAAcroofle MARENGO/WOODSTOCK Beautiful wooded A open roll ing parcels, 6-40 acres. By owner. Reasonably priced. Low interest financing 815/943-4397. CRYSTAL LAKE. Shenandoah Estates. Improved lot 150 by 220, backs up to park, $17,400 or best offer. 313/4814420. HAMPSHIRE Reduced by 5K, 5.8 acres wooded rolling land on S. edge of Hampshire, on Getzelman Rd. $7.74K per acre. Owner agent; 303/599-7511 CRYSTAL LAKE, Oakrldge Rd. Close to Foxfire. II acres, will divide, owner financing, exc. terms. 815/459-3424. WOODSTOCK-MCHENRY, buMder-owner must sell, 1 acre, fully improved, moderately rolling, in wood free subdivi sion, $19,500. 815/459-5048, Of 312/381-0740. THREE ACRES, fully Improv ed, heavily wooded. High- roll ing w/ pond site. In Pine Ridge subdivision (low valley), $37,500. Call 815/459-5068, or 312/381-0740. BULL VALLEY, wooded 2.45 acres, $55,000. Hillside, 3 acres, terms, $34,000,815/459-7748. 4Vi ACRES-VACANT; IV* miles W. of Hebron, Illinois; $28000., 312/474-9652. WOODSTOCK, by owner. 5 acres w/creek A trees. Horses 8> dogs OK, financing avail. $20,000. After 4:30 pm, 815/455- 4396. WOODSTOCK: By owner. Buy now-build later; 5 acre lot, $29000.; lVk Jbre lot, $19000. Good land; easy terms! 312/825-7737. VACANT LOT lor sale or trade Wonder Lake, 85 x 150, E. side, $6,300 or trade for auto, boat, equal value. 497-4627 Pistakee Highlands. CRYSTAL LAKE/ Lakewooo, heavily wooded prestigeous 1/2 acre lot across from Country Club, $35,000.815/455-3937. 74 Mobile Homes CRYSTAL LAKE, Royal Oaks Mobile Home Comm. offers new 1985 homes on site com pletely turn, or unfurn., star ting at $18,900. No pets, adult comm. 815/455-6600. 7T Wanted To Rent GARAGE OR BARN Woodstock area , 815/337-0704 2 PROFESSIONAL WOMEN require 2-3 bdrm. apt. Woodstock /Crystal Lake area. 815/338-1708 weekdays; 815/338 0433 weekends. YOUNG WOMAN w/ 8 yr. old boy, needs to share 2 bdrm. apt. After 3pm, 815/728-1368. Rooms, Board, Houses, Apartments 79 To Share HOME TO SHARE. Prefer non smoking female. Holiday Hills. Call after 6 p.m. 815/385-0471 WAS *13,582 NOW *10,998* OVER 35 IN STOCK! ! INCLUDES DEALER PREP PLUS FREIGHT LOCATED ON NORTHWEST H'GHWAY, 4 4% 4* mm ONE MILE WEST OF ROUTE 59 5 , 381B8850 BARRINGTON, ILLINOIS Fa§c 18 • PLAINDfcALER HERALD. FRIDAV. NOVEMBER 2,1984 HYDftOSTREAM, '75.15 ft., 85 HP Mercury, trailer, mooring cower. ) prop, <3880, 415/385- 4097. 14' GLASTRON SAIL Boat 4 traitor, exc. condition, dacron sales, aluminum mast a boom; 815/153-9319. W Musical Instruments PIANO TUNING a REPAIR Fisher Piano Service Certified Craftsman Member Piano Technicians Guild 312/458-6193 WURLITZER PIANO ft ORGAN sale. Save 40 30% Bell Mortord Piano a Organ Co.. 72 Fountain Square Plaza, Elgin. 312/741-0780. MOVING-MUST SELL Wurlitzer Baby Grand Piano ' $900/best 815/459 7290 LUDWIG DRUM SET: 5 piece, $250.; Ludwlg bells with case, $50.; 815/455-3741 after 4 pm. DRUM SET, Rogers (10 piece) w/symbols, stool, extra hard ware 1 case. $800/best. 312/428- 4549 after 4:30. CREMONA VIOLIN, w/ case a great condition, $90, Call 2pm. 3 ,312/742-8409. nut grj piano, like new. Ifnew, $20,000. mutt sac., $12,500 or best cash offer. 815/338-2741 offer 3 p.m. ALTO SAXAPHONE in good condition. Call after 4 for more Information; 815/648 4079. Ask lor Susan. 44 Pets A Equipment COCKATIELS; home raised babies, greys a plods; Baby parakeets: yel lows, greens & plods; 015/385-5586. PROFESSIONAL GROOMING All Breed Dogs Pat woodruff, 813/448-2546 POODLES, AKC, Champion sired, toys and tiny toys, babies and adults, $75 and up. Also, stud service and grooming. 815/338-2155 WANTED: PUPPIES, all breeds, will find good, loving home. Over 23 yrs. exp. We buy pedigree pups. 312/594-2241. ADORABLE KITTENS, 7 wks. old, FREE to good homes. Call evenings, 312/426 5108. FREE: Adorable, well groom ed kittens to TLC families. Call - Janotto. 312/639 4242 at work. PARROT CAGES, used. Parakeets, proven young breeders, breading leges, i nest boxes. 312/639 7139. FREE TO good home 2 yr. old male German Shepherd, neutered, AKC. Moving to smeller home. 815/455-6379. 44 Pets A Equipment 44 Pats A Equipment FREE PUPPIES: Gormen Shorthalr a Golden Retriever mix, born Sept. 5f»; 312/639 RABBIT CAGE: $40., Like new, sturdy, 3 foot by 4 foot, call after 3 pm, 312/931-4704. AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD Puppies tor sole. 312/428-9351 FOUND: Male sheltle. block w/some brown & white, train- ed, collar-no -tags, found In •right Oaks aree of Cary. 312/439 3899. AKC TOY POODLES: silvers. (2) 13 week meles. (1) 1 Vnyear tiny female, paper trained, shots a wormeo. Must go! 815/548-7444 after 4 pm. YORKIE PUPPIES. AKC, 4 wks., males & females, 815/459-8243. FREE TO GOOD Home: Older dog (but still potty trelned), female Cockepoo, gentle, speyed. 312/439-3713 BLUE a GOLD MaCaw, $1,000/best offer. 815/385 4349 MALE WESTHIGHLENDER, 2 yrs. old, M. 312/439-0548, after 4:30 p.m. FREE KITTENS, 7, long heir, many colors, 312/439-4272 after 4 p.m. GERMAN SHEPHERD Pup pies, AKC, exc. import bloodlines, markings, disposi tions, 8 weeks, $300, 815/348 BABY COCKATIELS, hand raised, tame. Pieds, $50 a Whites, $45.815/338 8144 - AKC COCKE R SPAN IE L pups, champion blood lines, black a black/tan, shots, $200.; 312/497 4447. FREE to good home, German Shepherd-mix, female, 5 to 4 months old, needs coring fami ly, housebroken, cell after noon; 312/458-2203. BLACK FEMALE DOBER MAN enswers to the neme of Cricket, lost In the vicinity of 174 a Derrel Rd., on Oct. 25th, Thurs. Rewerd, $100, 312/524- 7799 offer 5 pm. AMERICAN ESKIMO: 1 yr. old, completely house trained, exc. w/chlldren, 312/741-702}. COCKER SPANIEL, 9 months old, female, buff color, paper a accesorles, $300,312/458-3809. ROTTWEILERS, dam a sire OFA. Sire German import, C.D., Sch. 1 a 2, 7', 14 pts. 815/385-1999 after 5:30 pm. ESPECIAL COCKERS, have a few pet or show pups for sale. Black and buff. 8 wks. 81 up. AKC, shots, heelth guaranteed. 815/548-4051 FREE TO GOOD home, Dober men, 3 yrs. old, has shots, housebroken, 815/455-2843. SIAMESE KITTENS, blue, a chocolate, $35, 815/338-7420. WANTED: GRAY a black or black a while tiger stripe kit- ten. 815/344 3594. GERMAN. ' short haired, pointer. AKC. male. 1 yr; old, mother a father exc. hunters, father on premises, $100. 312/4289190. TO GIVE away, 2Va month old puppy. Part Doberman a Ger man Shepherd. 815/728 1738. 47 Horses A Equipment A R A B I A N G E L D I N G , registered, 15 hends, very fleshy, must sell, $700. 815/455- 0947. 1 PAINT MARE 8 yrs. old, exc. color, must sell, $300, 815/455 0947. 2 YEAR OLD FILLY Green broke, nice mover, $800./best offer; Cell Dawn; J12/439 5542. HAY FOR SALE! 1st alfalfa, large bales, $2. per bale, 815/943-7545. GELDING, small, Sorrel, gen t l e , g o o d w / c h i l d r e n , reasonable. 815/459 9047. TWO HORSE, 7 ft. hale trailer, front walk through, $1300 cash. 312/382-6437. REGISTERED '/» Arabian, chestnut gelding, great disposi tion. Good childs horse. $350, 815/338 7742. Farm A Dairy STEEL BUILDINGS Manufacturer's year-end clearance. Save thousands on these speciel buildings: 40 X 38, NOW $5,429, Was $9,048. 40 X 90, NOW $6923, Was $11,940. 44 X 94, NOW $8994, Was $14,826. All steel Curvette buildings made of heavy 22 gauge steel, complete wltn large doors. Ideal for crop and machinery s t o r a g e , s h o p s , a n d warehouses. Erection service available. For Immediate or spring delivery, call toll free 1- 800-222 7885 Livestock •••BALED STRAW*" Priced By The Ton Reasonable«WIII Deliver •••815/923 4444«« I8WED Btack Angus cows 815/338-1021 Machinery & Equipment 5 HP SHREDDER,$175.; 16 inch plow, $145.; 4' rear grader plow, $145.; 312/483-4484, even ings. GOING OUT of business, con- s t r u c f i o n e q u i p m e n t ; bulldozers, tractors, truck, a drag line. Call 312/484-0444, ask for Paul, or evenings, 815/459- 5947. 64 Business Opportunity WE HAVE a Dry Cleaning plant for sale Terms, Broker: Dick Neville 312/293-1852. •automatic transmission •Digital Clock •Tilt Wheel •Cruise Control •Power Seats •Rear Window Defogger •A/C •AM/FM Stereo Cassette •Accent Paint •Power Windows •Wire Wheels •Tinted Glass Light Group •Scotchguard -r- •Body Side Mouldings •Pin Stripes Business 44 Opportunity WANTED Person to join team of sales pros and take over manufacturing portion of our business. We sell over 1 million of our product locally and can't grow further unless we supply product to ourselves. Prime op portunity for e production oriented, hard working, plant manager, foreman, or enter- prenneur to buMd a high volume fabrication business in McHenry County. Complete training provided. Location set. Call Bill Carper, 815/455 3815. 49 Wanted to Buy I BUYHOUSES Bryan, 312/439-4039 70 Business Property MODERN 2444 sq. ft. bldg. n on 3/4 Choice Rt. 47 location acre. Ample 1 sell. 815/728-0 acre. Ample parking. Lease or *1707 SHARP MODERN Store & apartment building containing 2 apartments and 2 stores. Located on targe lot. (100 X 200) Plus edjolning buildable vacant lot. (100X210) Rt. 176& Terra Cotta Ave., Crystal *Lake. Executor just reduced price by $50X100 for quick settle ment of the extate. For details c a l l a t t o r n e y , G e n e Landenberger, 312/974-9400 - FOR SALE DELUXE SAAALL OFFICE Rt. 14 & Main, Crystal Lake •Approx. 2,000 sq. ft. •Ample parking 10.5%, 15 yr. financing. $125,000 MCLENNAN a L THEBAULT, INC. 312/228-4700 72 Real Estate McHENRY/Whlspering Oaks, 2 bdrm. home, c/e, Ig. fenced yard, 2 car att. gar., 1010 Oakwood Dr., 815/385-4979. C R Y S T A L L A K E , s u p e r lekeside community location, short walk to main beach, recreation, a schools. Newer custom bulit 2 story Colonial, 3 bdrm., V/i bath. In a hurry to sell. By Owner. 815/459-3294. MCHENRY. New homes for sale on your lot or ours. Call 815/459-0458. Agent. CRYSTAL LAKE; Duplex. By owner. Investment/tax shelter opportunity. 2 bdrms, bsmt., garage each unit. Best location In town. $10800./yr. rental In come. Owner financing possi ble, reduced to $99500., 815/459 8828. 72 Reel Estete ' 72 Real Estate Real Estate •Power Steering •Steel Radial W/W •Halogen Lites •Reclining Seats •Seat Belt Reminder •5 MPH Bumper •Int. W/S Wipers FOX RIVER- GROVE. By Owner. In-town location. Cozy, 2 bdrm. home w/garage on large wooded lot. $51,500. 312/439-8059 WOODSTOCK.' Brick a cedar newer duplex. 3 bdrms., 2 1/2 baths; 2 bdrm., 1 1/2 baths. Asking $81,500. Owner financ Ing avail. 815/459-8984 days. MCHENRY. 2400 sq. ft. raised ranch, 4 bdrms., great room, family roOm w/brlck frplce., <teck a patio, eat-In kitchen, 2 c a r a t t a c h e d g a r a g e , maintenance free exterior, C/A, Johnsburg school diet., $85,000. 815/385-2031 after 4 p.m. or 312/885-5449 Days. MCHENRY, very clean, 2-3 b d r m . , a t t a c h e d g a r . , aluminum sided, assumable m o r t g a g e , $ 3 5 5 P . I . T . I . , $42,000. 312/279 8642. MCHENRY, By Owner, neat 3 b d r m . r a n c h w / a t t a c h e d g a r , o v e n a b u i l t i n microweve/dishwasher s'av Ig. deck, fenced in yd., ioeal starter/retirement home. No brokers. $53,000,815/344-1047. McHENRY, 2 bdrm. ranch home in Whispering Oaks, very clean, corner lot, 1 block to shopping, appliances Inc. Call evenings. 815/385-4002. ' JOHNSBURG, By owner, 3 bdrm. ranch w/frplce, contract opurchase, $41,300, 8 1/2% in terest. 815/344-1432, 815/385- 4544, 815/344-0748. 4 BEDROOM Victorian, built in 1890, 3,000 sq. ft., many unique features, city of McHenry. Con tract purchase. 815/344-1432, 815/385-4544. 815/344-0748. LAKE IN THE HILLS: Lrg. 2 b d r m . , s t o v e a r e f r i g . , $383./mo. & utilities, a sec., Immed. occupancy. By ap pointment only; 815/455-0023 or 312/483 9203. LAKE FRONT, McHenry on beautiful Griswold Lake, by owner. Maintenance free, year around, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 24 X 14 deck rec. room, energy effi cient, priced for quick sale, $73000. Immediate occupancy. Days; 815/448-2022, or nights; 815/385-0737, or 815/648-2206. McHENRY: Brick 3/4 bdrm., sunken living room, formal din ing room, large kitchen with fireplace a ber, family room,' 3Vi baths, across from country club, in ground pool, 2 car garage, 3400 square feet living area, call after 5:30 pm, 815/385-3873. FOX RIVERFRONT, 3 bdrm. Chelet, 8 yrs. old, 1 1/2 baths, 2 1/2 car gar., magnificent fami ly room w/massive fireplace situated on 3 riverfront lots, $87,500.815/344-4195. J U S T R E D U C E D , $ 5 , 0 0 0 . Crystal Lake, By Owner. 4 bdrm., 2 bath, high atop nearly one acre. Large family room, 2 + garage, fireplace, a deck overlooking countryside. $81,500. Will accept VA or FHA, Call 815/455-3290. COUNTRY SUMMER home, 3/4 acre, water line property, dose to Wis. State Park. Call days, 408/774-2770. WOODSTOCK. Don'; pay $89,900, come see and compare this completely redecorated giant home near ell schools. 4 bdrm., 2 1/2 baths, possible owner finance. $75,000.815/338- 3471 CRYSTAL LAKE: by owner, r/i% VA assumable mortgage, welk to train, school, Veterans Acres. 2 bdrm. ranch, formal dining rm., full basement, lVt car garage, screen porch, $44,900, 227 First St., crystal Lake, Call tor appointment; 815/455-3097. CRYSTAL LAKE, by Veterans acres, 4 bdrm. tri-levol, on ex tra Ig. lot, 2 baths, cant, air a humldlfer, new carpeting, 1V» car gar., fenced in yd., essumeble. $85,000. 815/459- 2949. LAKE IN THE HILLS, great room with dining area a fireplace, 3 bdrm., 2 full bifhi, iv» car oar., basement, very energy efficent, a lots of quail- ty, 873,000,312/438-3794. CRYSTAL LAKE, Covered Bridge Trails, Beautiful 2 story colonial, 4 bdrm., tti baths, 2,700 sq. ft. -t- custom finished bsmt., sunken liv. rm., paneled family rm. w/frplce a wet bar, c/a, set up hign a mid oaks, $144,900.815/459-7834. . WOODSTOCK, brand new 2 bdrm. expandable home. 2 car gar., bsmt., 10% down, 11W% interest to qualified buyer, $64,000, Pat-Ex Properties, 815/338-7030. CRYSTAL LAKE, Somerset, 2 bdrm.0,2 bath, 1st floor cour tyard, all appl., new carpet, low $40's, by owner. Call for appt.,815/459-4415 or 459-5321. WOODSTOCK, 2 bdrm. duplex, att. gar., c/a, stove, refrig, carpet, drapes, no condo fees. $49,500, Pat-Ex Properties, 813/338-7030. Townhomes 74 For Sale CARY/Bright Oaks, 3 bdrm. plus, IV* baths, cent, air, all appl., immed. occ., $52,000, 312/392-4575. LOOKING FOR A HORSE FARM BARGAIN? Burnetts have It! Fifteen stall barn with hay a feed storage, Vt mile banked track, board fencing, 3 paddocks, 3 bdrm. modern (jnch, all for only $137,000. You'll love It! Burnett Realty 202 W. South St. Woodstock, IL 815/338-0300 24 hour answering service Condominiums 73 For Sale CONDO FOR SALE, By Owner, 2 bdrm., 2 full baths, stove, refrig., dishwesher, disposal, att. gar., w/electrlc door opener, centrel air, Imm. occ., $59,900. 815/344-1744. ro 815/385- 7433. MCHENRY WHISPERING oaks 2 bdrm., air condt., newly decorated, new drapes 4 carpeting, appl., garage, many extras. Occupantsy after Jan. 1.815/385-3421 C R Y S T A L L A K E C o l o n y Square, 2 bdrm., 1 bath, laun dry room, kit. appls. incl., a/c, 2nd floor, $43,000.813/455-4341.