To Rant KWOOD HILLS/Car*. ill, 2 bdrm., home. Furnlsh- , « month rental, $340.; Call lerSpm; 312/444-0141. OOOSTOCK, 2 bdrm., appl., rpets, drapes, $310 + litles. gas heat. No Pets, 2/311-4946. RIGHT, SPACIOUS, 2 bdrm. L Wonder Lake. Excellent working couple. Extras, ease to May 1st, MOO/mo. 15/653-9739 or 312/639-0534. Apartments To Rent McHENRY: In town, heat, stove it refrigerator furnished, sec. & ref., $300. per month; 815/345-5573 after 5 WOODSTOCK, Ig. 2 bdrm., yard, gar., $345 per month + utilities, ft sec. dep., avail. Nov. 1, >15/337-0042. ELGIN. 1-bdrm. furnished, ideal for single female, child O.K., oarage avail., 312/742- r 344-4040 < Apartments To Rant saac Ouar ilidays in a at Garden 4711 or! ) ask for E Use. S3 OLDS 98 REGENCY • 4 dr., full power, AM/FM stereo cassette, lock wire wheels. Char coal Green w/li|ht vinyl top. 24,000 miles. One ...$13,650 79 DODGE OMNI 2-*., I auto, tram. Re*... $2995 j 71 CHEV. MONTE CARLO 2 13 PQRTIAC BONN. 4-tfr. V- \ I, auto, air. LL Blue. $1495 13 MIICX REGAL 4 dr. white with bite interior, auto tram., factory air, 11,000 mites SS495 M OLDS REGENCY BROUGHAM 4 loaded. Burfundy. NIGH MILES/ j/lOWfRltt $1995 82 CHEVELLE MALIBU WAGON ¥•«, auto, air. Blue $6495 B1P00GE OMNI HI BACK 2 *.4$pmd $2995 II BUICK REGAL 2 dr. auto tram., air, tilt wheel, cruise, low milas* one $7495 10 0U)$ SI R0TALE 2 dr., 0k. MM. HIGH MILES/ LOW PRICE $4995 10 BUICK EliCTRA 4 dr., leaded. Bnr|«ndy/White Tap $M95 dr., V-i, auto tram., factan air, aitra sharp.. .\ $4595 7B MERCURY GRAN MARQUEE 4 dr., loaded $2995 71 CHEVROLET 2 ton train track, new tires and hoi with hoist $AVE!I jj 71 GRAN PRIX 2 dr. HIGH' MILES/LOW PRICE. $2595 7$ BUICK SKYLARK 4 dr„ V4, automatic -- $2495 71 CHEV. 1/2 TON, W/W/W/C, AUTO, V-«, air. 2-lone Blue $4695 J 75 PONTIAC GRAN PRIX ' Gray $1295 74 CHEV. IMPALA 4 dr. V4, automatic $695 71 BUICK ELECTRA 4 dr., It .̂ .._ .̂,$495 60 BUICK EliCTRA 4 dr.. Silver CLASSIC $1995 HOME FOR THE Hoik :lous apartn rters in McHenry. For ren tal information call, SlS/SOS- 21>1. WOODSTOCK, upper 1 bdrm., carpeted, stoke, refrig., water furnished, ideal for adult*. No pets. 1 yrs. lease, ft sec. dep., $225 per month, $15/331-5677 after 6 p.m. t WOOOSTOCK, lower 2 bdrm., stove. & refrig., carpeted, sec. dep.,' lease. No Pets. $335 month, 415 923-4219.' WOODSTOCK, modern lower 3 bdrm., stove, refrig., carpeted, gar., & base., sec. dep., ft lease. $425 month. No pets. 815/923- 4289. •1 HomaaToRant BURTONS BRIDGE, 1 bdrm. part furnished, w/utilltles, Ideal for adults, no pets, 1 month sec, dep. $15/459-0845. HE BRON, furnished upper apt. Heat, water 4> garage also fur nished. $300/ mo. + security. Call 815/338 5428 or334-0777. WOODSTOCK, 1 bdrm. upper apt., heat 4. appl. furnished, laundy facilities, $300, avail. now, 815/338-5611. DELUXE, 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments, In city McHenry, security, privacy, luxury. No pets. Call for information, 9am- 5pm, 815/385-3192. • RICHMOND, i & 2 bedroom apartments, starting at $299; tall 312/587-9277. CRYSTAL LAKE, 2 bdrm., deluxe apt., Ig. rooms, air con ditoner, avail, now, $400 month, lease, + sec. dep. No Pets. Call 7 p.m. to9 p.m., 815/459-2851. BURNHAM MILL APTS., Elgin. Accepting applica- tionsfor 1 bedroom apts. In cludes appl., carpeting, central itybuildinas; zed for eligil :ants. For further Tnforma- CRYSTAL LAKE, executive home, 5 bdrm., 3 baths, living room, dining room & great room, 2 fplcs., walk to Nor thwest station ft school*. Land scaped fenced acre. Avail, im mod., $$50/mo., $15/229-0107 WONDER LAKE, 4 room, No pets. $350/mo., security & references, avail. Dec. tat. 815/728-0681. HOME FOR RENT or Kent Purchase. 3 bdrm.. in Carpentersviile. C/A, all ap- Slances, washer a dryer, pice. $525/mo., sec. dep. & lease. Immed. Occupancy. Days, $15/338-5900, after 6 p.m., 312/639-8973. WONDER LAKE. 4 bdrm., T/t baths, finished base, w/bar, Ig. yard, 2 car gar., $600 month + sec. dep., 815/648-4233. CHOICE HOMES FOR RENT 3 bdrm., 2 1/2 baths, 2 car gar. 8i frplce., $700/mo. 3-4 bdrm., 1 1/2 bath, avail. Jan. 1*t„ $850/mo. Realty World Durbin Stpvall. 815/459-3145. McHENRY: neat 3 bdrm. ranch with 2 car garage & base ment. Call for appointment; 815/385-4043. JOHNSBURG. 3 bdrm. home, $475/mo. Call $15/459-3145, ask for Beverly or Ruth Ann. •1 HomaaToRant 11 MARENGO: 2 to 3 bdrm. cofTipititiy 4 refrigerat stove a refrigerator, garage, no pet*, sac. dep. & references; $425. per montn, plus utilities; $15/338-0532 WONDER LAKE, new home 3 bdrm., 2 bath, full basement, island kitchen, avail, late November. $S50/mo.i references $> security deposit required; 815/439 2552. CRYSTAL LAKE, luxurious 3 bdrm., 2V» baths, c/a. fplc.. patio, deck, access to tennis courts, $775/mo., $15/459-5034. FOX RIVER GROVE; 2bdrm., appliances included, $400. per month, sec. req., available Im mediately; 815/499-5866, days; 815/459-0445. nights. BURTONS BRIDGE /Crystal Lake, new 3 bdrm. energy effi cient ranch w/garage on lot wooded lot. Many amenities, rent w/option, $595 - sale, $59,900. R a C Builders, 312/428- 0900. CARPENTERSVILLE. Com ptetdy remodeled 3 bdrm. house, new carpeting, freshly painted, stove, refrigerator, near shopping, for rent with op tion to buy. partial rent credit towards purchase. S495/mo. Immediate Occupancy. 312/459-9331 PFAFF AUTO SALES "Ihr i t'qi'l A]/!;- fin"* r m Ri .hirtftj! P wnfnA.n Hw'tli y rents air, securitybuli are subsidized for eligible ap pHca tioncall, 312/697-5660 or visit, 1287 Fleetwood Dr., Elgin. EOH. ALGONQUIN Efficiency on Elm St., ideal for one, $315/mo. + $100 sec. dep. & ref. No pets. Call Week Real Estate, weekdays 9am-12 noon, 312/658- 5112. WOODSTOCK. Furnished apt., all utilities included, ideal for single. $280/mo. $15/338-7442 or 338-0880 . ' HEBRON 1 bedroom, downstairs 312/991-5869 HomaaToRant CRYSTAL LAKE: Downtown, 2nd. ft., 3 bdrm., $400. plus utll. 312/658-5846 McHENRY GOLF Course, fur nished 2 bdrm. house, w/extra lot, on river, $550/mo. 815/344- 4295. AUTO SALES Dick and D M Meyer, Here to Serve Yen! RL 20 Waat • Ml W. Grant Hwy. 815-568-5565 - Morango IN STOCK Starting at >9393* KlLlA INSTOCK Starting at *6924 i • • IN STOCK Starting at *5999 *Does not include tax, title, license, destination charges or optional equipment. CHRYSLER v t PLYMOUTH GRYSTALnL'AKEil LL- 61 North Main St. Downtown Crystal Lake 815-459-9000 * * 1983 • • PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, I ctL, canasle, backets ... $0000. • * 1992 • • PLYMOUTH RELIANT WACOM, 1. amr, like new... $€700. CHEVY MAUN WAGON, CcfL, arte, leaded...... $6700. CHIVY MONTE CARLO Super Clean .. $7400 * * 1981 * • CHEVY MONTE CARLO, dean $0300 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, Loaded $0600 * • 1980 • * FORD PINTO, rua-abert, aate., 39,000 actual mites.. $2000 • • 1979 * * LINCOLN TOWN CAR, eitreiMfr clean $0900 CHEVY MONTE CARLO, V4, dean, 51,000 actMl write! $4200. 6RAN0 PRIX, V4, air coat....... DOOGE 200 SERIES VAN, EitraCtea* $4900 • * 1978 * * CAPRICE WAGON, CAOILLAC FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM, 4 dr„ checaUte brawn, leaded $0200 DOOGE OMNI, ArtOk, 4 Or.... v $2000 • • 1977 • • PONTIAC VENTURA. 4 dr.. with ah. $1000 MONTE CARLO, V4, artanutk $1000. • • 1978 * * GRANADA, Artai, Air, Craise Control $1000 it * 1978 * • !AMC MATADOR, 37.000 certified mites $750 FOROPICR UP CUIB CAS 51,000 actual mites.. $2700 OLDS CUTLASS, 4 dr., tew miles $1200 *+.1973** CHEVY EL CAMINO, ctean, |eod maaor... $1390 * * 1971 * * OLDS DELTA H, 1 (knar. $700 * • 1970 * * VW BEETLE, Rans EiceL, Good Body S1000 3 1 2 / 6 6 9 - 3 3 8 1 3 1 2 / 6 6 9 - 3 3 8 2 HomaaToRant WOOOSTOCK, 2 bdrm. duplex, aft. gar., gas forced air, c/a. stove, refrig. carpet, drapes, rets. ft sec. dep. req., $425 + utils. Pat-Ex Properties, $15/338-7030. Condoa* B2 Townhomaa To Rant WEST DUNDEE: Village Quarter, 2 bdrm.. IVJ bath con- da rent or rent with option, $425. per month plus sec. dep. ft ref; 312/424-9132. CRYSTAL LAKE. Colony Square 2 bdrm. condo. Avail. Nov. 4. $525/mo. 1 1/2 mo. sec. dep. Essex Costello Real Estate, $15/459-3064' Stores, Offlcas 4 Industrial To Rant ARTISTS Are you Interested In prime of- $035. RIDGEFIELD » Prime storefront space available. $15/459-8035. WOODSTOCK, Industrial 25 by 54, 200 amp 3 phase, insulated, office, 12 by 12 door, 815/338- 2595. RETAIL SPACE 2000 sq. ft. Exc. parking. Near Woodstock Square. Avail, in 30 days. 815/338-5411. OFFICE SPACE for rent, Woodstock, approx. 1,000 sq. ft., exc. cond., $500/mo., Incl. utll. Call Pat-Ex Properties, 815/338-7030. OFFICE 8t COMMERICAL space available. Reasonable. 815/459-0458,8a.m. - 5 p.m. CUSTOM OFFICE SPACE 700-10,000 sq. ft., 490 Coventry, Call 815/455-4880 STORE ON Rt. 120, 15 X 30, with basement, for storage, on ly $65. per mo. Also 15 X 20, $45.; Call Richmond, 815/678- 4490, evenings 2MONTH'S FREE RENT! 20x20 Office, $250., 10x15 Of fice, $125.; Next to Post Office 81 Bapk. 815/728-0404, 815/385- 8856. CRYSTAL LAKE, office space, downtown, heat 8, water fur nished. $135 a month. Days, 815/455-4540. After 6 pm. 815/459-0724. CRYSTAL LAKE, furnished of fice, secretarial service 8i utilities provided, 815/459-8400. COMMERCIAL BLDG.- 400 sq. ft., immed. occu. Corner of Rtes. 12 8> 173 in Richmond. Call 815/478-7471 or 815/478- 2911. McHENRY, OFFICE for rent, 400 sq. ft., immed. occupancy, corner Rte. 31 8i Rte. '20, 815/385-5716. CRYSTAL Lake, office space, exc. location, $100 a month, Frank J. Smith 8i associates, $15/455-1440 or $15/459-0606. rage IV - FLA IN DEALER HERALD, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 2,1994 Storaa. Offli aa G n industrial To Rant U Autaa For Sola « - AutaaFarS^a COMMERCIAL BUILDING In McHenry area. 1400 aq. ft.. *400 month, aac. req., call after S p.m. 8IS/3M-W83. ' • 2.800 EXECUTIVE Office available from 200 sq. ft sq. ft. 8> anything in-bi Call Frodrt8l5/4*-74N. 181 CORPORATE CORNER COMMERCIAL BUILDING. Huntley, Rt. 47. 8500 aq. ft. w/large showroom. Originally used as John Deere dealership. Many uses. Reasonable? 312/382 4264 Farms* Farmland To Rant RENT A DJ for your special< casion. Trivia contests. Prli RICHMOND. Shop for rent with or without merchandise. Free rent to Dec. 1.815/478-4151 FOR RENT: 1985season 45 acres 115/338-1021 0 5 MI«c.ToRant C H E A P E R S T O R A G E Mini warehouse units, 40' x 8', $40/month near Rts. 31 t 176, 815/459-6270. . IOC- rte l fun. 50's, 60's S Country. Ad vanced reservations needed. 815/653 5876. INSIDE & outside storage for rent, cars, trucks. RV, motor cycles, etc., reasonable rates, 312/658 2411,8-5 p.m. SMALL HALL, all occasions. Liberty Hall, 1304 Park St.. McHenry. 815/385-2281 after 5pm. BARN AREA 30'X 54 , $175. per month $15/459-5560 COMMERCIAL BUILDING In McHenry area, 2400 sq. ft., $400 month, sec. req., call aftW" 5 p.m. $15/385-7383. J) 06 Auto* For Sala REPROCESSED makes & good selection at all times. Buy ing over pa' month ft up tested cars. No damage. For full must ask for 312/584-3900, A^TOS all Always a alt models •jst like tak- From 848. nically lajor body ails, you M|. Barry. CHEVY CITATiqWSedan, '82, 4-dr„ 4 cyl., 2 tone, ps/pb, a/c. cruise, beautiful Interior, exc. cond., approx. 30 mpg., $4,995, $15/459-3346. PROFESSIONAL Body work ft p a i n t w o r k d o n e . V e r y reasonable. Don't wait till winter. 312/428-2047. TRANS AM, '78. gold limited Ed., t/a 6.6 Eng. handling pkg., mirrored ZT tops. Every op tion. Lowers $4500,815/337-0133 before 12 p.m., 338-4148 after 12 p.m. ,< CHEVY LUV, '78. w/c*p, good cond., asking $1400. After 5, 312/420 5406. BUICK CENTURY, '78,V6,alr, good tires, no rust, runs good, $1850,815/455-1476. MUSTANG GLX, 1982, 5.0 VO, t tops, full warranty, loaded low ml., 4 sod Over <14,800 Itet. asking $7,880.815/6754875 after !d - CAMARO LT, 78, brown. 71000 mites, side pipes. $2,400/best. 815/728-1742. FOtlO TORINO Wagon, 1973. runs good. $450/beet offer. Call after 4ptn., 312/639-2225. C H E V R O L E T M A L I B U Wagon, 1975. 390. auto., p.s.. p.b , recent exhaust, good tey.>S25.312/4Sft3848. FOROFlOO, 19M, 3apd., 6cyl., tea. $4,000 mllH. $1800 or offer "115-4997. w/camper DATSUN 210, '76 good runnh cond., boOy rusted nrlninal original CORVETTE, 1972, 350. 4 Spd., Ttops. alum, wheels, runs , $7,100.815/728-0663. Ford. '74, LT§ joagon, good mechanical cono., p.s., p.O.. •Ir, 115 K, 11,300, $15/459-1540. ORIGINAL OWNER, '73, Ford Gran Torino Wgn., 351CW/ C4 trans., new keystone classics, w/good veer eagle tires. Toa many options to list. Mint cond. ft no rust. 81S/344-3458. MURCURV MONTEGO. MX, '75, air, ps, pb. 410 cm, auto., good cond., $800 or best offer, 815/459-9576. NOVA, 1978, 2 door, recent ex- he ust, brakes ft tires, $2,250. $15/385-5907. GRANADA. '71. ps. arto.. air, new radials, ew, cond., baat Af ter. 815/385-1684. DODGE COLT, 'n, new radiate, battery, 5- spd., runs good, $250 firm, 81S/38S-I4BI. CHEVY VAN, 74 with tabte/- queen bed conversion, auto., radio, sliding door, pfcfpe, $l,400/best. 312/639-6535 VW, '67, 9 pass, van body, many spares, fresh engine toe* $400,815^38-8496. CAPRICE CLASSIC. 78,2d00r, auto., air, loaded, $3,300. Call 312/697-6709. GRANADA, 75,2 dr., am/fm. 8 cyl. auto., exc. cond., no rust. $1275/best. 312/639-6678, 6-8 p.m. only MUSTANG CONVERTABLE 1972 815/455-4991 74 MUSTANG II: 4 cylinder, 4 speed, air, tinted glass, in terior, exterior ft drlvetraln all ' good condition, many new s. white ft Mack. Must ill; $1258. or best offer; 815/459-3842 after 5:30. BUICK SKYLARK,'66, new brakes, new exhaust, runs great! Asking 8575., 312/639- CORVETTE, 1982 Collectors Edition, loeded, exc. cond.. First reasonable offer, trade HANSFORD CHEVROLET % APR $AVE BIG BUCKS!!' The 1984's Have Got lo Go! NOW'S THE BEST TIME TO MAKE THE BEST DEAL Of THE YEAR AND TAKE ADVANTAGE Of OUR 10.9% APR BANK FINANONG! Offer Expires Mo*. 25th, !984 84-291- C*rinS(dM "TW«- 84-3^7 CiprictStdan "*1*0$ $4447 CtptoStta nWU. 84-254 CM%S«bn ^h«2. 84-308 CMM/Utm 84-341 84-343 CMrtfStdai 84-345 CftMtStfm W 84-253 CMureNrtmu W 84-2M CaMnBirfMta 84-217 CMNDW" 84-275 CimW 84-298 CmkrCofmrtMi 81 333 CMtfirSadin 84-352 CmlirVagon ^14 ̂ 84-850 CmMrVagon ^44t lave Big Bucks Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks 84-353 CwleCwpi 84-355 CavaN* Wagon v' l 84-358 Cawlarrniipo 81331 Chavalit Coupa 84-248 C8aHon8adaq 84-803 81l8taar4M 0 884-758 SpcrtVta 84-728 Sport VnDiw" 84-724 SuMm 84-767 «TMPWgf4i« 84-782 Ik Tm Pickup (16) M48NMupiSw (11) IMMTMHdupi 8equatoTHEE AHT Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks inl Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks "•wsasa. Save Big Bucks itm Save Big Bucks twe Save Big Bucks vm. Save Big Bucks noi Save Big Buckt Save Big Buck$ vm. Save Big Bucks Save Big Bucks SaveBigBucks USED CARS 1984 Old* Dalta Royala Brm. Coupe *13^495 1983 Ragency 4 Door, loaded '12,495 1983 Cetebffty 4 Door, V6, loaded $#995 1983 Caprice Sedan, V8, "loaded" *8995 1983 Chevy Cavalier 4 Door, "automatic" $6495 1981 Pontlac Grand Prix, V8, "loaded" $6495 1981 Cltation.Hatchback "Everything" 1981 Pontiac Firebird Esprit (loaded) 1980 Monte Carlo Coupe 1980 Buick LeSabre "Limited 4 Door" *5295 *7295 *5495 '4995 USED TRUCKS 1882 ClMq $10, VS, rad/llw '5995 1981 Ford FlOO Pickup (4 spaad) *4998 1980 Chevy 4x4 Vt Ton Shorty '7995 1979 Chevy 4x4 % Ton Shorty *699$ 1979 Ford F250,4 apeed, heavy duty *4695 1979 Ch«vy C20 \ Ton Pickup *4495 1979 ChevyLuv Pickup *2995 1979 Chevy Blazer 4 x 4 (air) *6995 1978 Chevy Blazer 4x4 Silverado 'S99S 1978 Dodgt * Ton 4x4 iri8l plow *4(9S TIC HQ UTTIC COUNTRY OCAL0I HANSFOREP&7 ON ROUTE 47 IN HUNTLEY (312) 669-5155 Q PLYMOUTH HORlZ(M,'7t, wetl malnHlneO new Hras, SW1; Call 81V498-3843. or 312/438-4227. FAIRMONT,'71 Mea ft fery cleen. new tires, em/tm.̂ 4 cyllnaer, eskine S3880. Call after 12 pm, ask for Mike; 312/8JS-7V33 BUICK KIVIERA,̂ *, all or Nona. 8M. cend ne rust, 8S4M. erfteol; S1S/4SS-lfSSunMI Spw. 74 FOAO CUSTOM, 4 aoer, 351 engine, aute. as/pto., runs good, ̂Wres. sdT 312/8SS-33*y PLYMOUTH MAXIVAN, 1977, S pass.# awto. air, pa., p.b. Re cent tires, axheuet ft brakes. Z Moailu * -- - 4A iMnry nwwnvni8« sot TO epprociete! No met. $2.m. 81S/4S8-8874. F O R D G R A N A D A , ' 7 5 Runs but needs a little work; S1l/4Sft3e44. GREAT IN SNOWI Hondo CMc CVCC, 1977, Hatchback. 4 ap.. am-lm radio. Recent valve Mfe brakes, radiator 81,880 sil/ss^feae. WerOATSUN HATCHBACK, auta air, law mlleeae. exc cond., $4880.; 815/455 1108 even jngabateeiegî PLYMOUTH VbLARE. '78. 2 door, 4 cyl. awto.. ps/pb, air. am/tm stereo, rag. gas. clean, $2.430/-oHer. $15/445-4773 C A M A R O . 4 c y l . , r u n s w e l l , body work. Bast ofteg. •-3M8 815/498-1 mi THUNOERBIRO ft 18S2 Chrysler New Yorker 5th Avorwe. Call after 5. 815/338 FOR0,74, V-S, auto, exc. mechanical cond.; 8490. or of fer, 312/498-3715. DODGE OMNI,'79, 4 door, auto, am radio, rear d*logger, $1498./best; SIS/498 9342. PONTIAC GRAND SAFARI. 74. fully leaded, mechanically wmiLtum. sis/Taeooo. MERCEDES BENZ/72, 240 runs ofvii/ w«w. or 815/7*1194. b*at* FORD ELITE, 75, S440; Chavy Mollbu, 4 door, $S50. After 3pm, $15/344-9043. 11 DATSON MAXIMA: 4 door, power sunroof, am/fm caaaette stereo, air, cruise, auto. exc. I m||tt,. f MM . conyrr»on, iuw fniieNVi 415/455-4475. PLYMOUTH DUSTER, n • $290 41S/334-7934 VW BUS. '731 oow cono.p 9900/Mst offer# $15/4587575 FORD ESCORT GT, *84, EFI,5 spd., am/fm stereo w/e- quaiizar, air, silver, 4480 miles, full werranty, 87900 SIS/455- VW DASHER, 19*4, hatctitock. good cand., law Rknlleage. $2,000/best. 815/345-3345. C H E V Y C I T A T I O N H e * - chback.'eO, ps/pb., 4 cylinder, 4 speed, 4804ft miles, very good condition, will $2780.; 415/444-2443. VOLARE WAGON, '77, 4 sad., cruise control, em/fm, 344. good mm., 8990 or offer, 815/933-450<r OLDSMOBILE, Roy ale i cand. hjepm auto.. p.s^pi>.,alr. iE OMNI. '79,4 dr.. auto., stereo cassette, 51,080 miles. 82300/bOSt. 815/498-1414 DODGE ASPEN wagon, '77. ,p.b.,i iftAewyse. CHEVY IMPALA,'44, 4 door, auto, V-4, low miles on engine, new radial tires, now suspen sion, exc. Interior, needs point, asking $1504.; 312/741-2444 offer noon FORD MUSTANG. '41, 4 apd.. T-top, air cond., am/fm, axe. cond., $9$00. Call 312/49*4402. '77, good s7a£ MONTE CARLO, coad.. runs exc., SI,29141; 234i after 7 pm. CADILLAC LI MO, 74. private ly owned, axe. cond., aaking 84300. Call 414/498-2031, or 815/498-4454 after 5 pm. PONTIAC FIREBIRD SE, '42, >., air cand., cruise. r. •,/M* wm, www good ahape. 4 ml., super sharp. Must sell by Nav. io, askiM SiSftSM/MMWl. FORD GALAX IE 9M, 1974 good running car. S17S. $15/34X3432 BUICK SKY HAWK T type, S3, exc. cond., 13000 miles, 1J liter fuel injected overhead cam, Hh options, 2 tone r/bieck exterior, must seel , $4700. Call Cindy at 312/SI7-25SS Moo through Thurs.; U Sat.; 9S. CHEVY IMPALA, 71. 4 dr.. as/ob. exc. running cond.. 11.000 ml.; $89S/ best. Call 815/345-7828. BUICK ELECTRA,'44. 59000 original miles. $400.; 41S/4$8-0942oftorSpm. HONDA CIVIC,'7S, Good shape! $490. or best offer, sis- 443-4474 after 5 pm. AUDI FOX LSIft 74,Sdr., fuel injected, 44JI0 miles, cleen. S1IOO. 312/4344942 CHEVY NOVA, '77, black w/rod int., 2 dr., 4-cyl.. 3 apd. manual trans, 4995/best. 41S/72ft4737. HONDA CIVIC,77, CVCC, sunroof, new tires, new clutch, new brakes, runs good, best of- ter; 415/445-44*2. TOYOTA COROLLA,*40. SR 5. Ilftbeck. S speed transmission, original owner, axe. cond., sunroof, am/fm., rustprooflng, $3494.; $15/544-7944. '77 '78 Call 71 SUBARU Brat, $450. Dodge Colt Wagon. $950. Olds 9ft 4 door, $4000 419/498.3545. FIREBIRD '74. beeutiful cond.. many extras. $3.$00 or best Offer, $15/4584402. otter 4 ML OLDS CUTLASS S. 75, air. PA-. exc. transportation, $400 or beytoftor, 312/494 3521 TOYOTA COROLLA Deluxe. , $3,500, 41S/345-4928 otter cond.. CHEVY CAVALIER,*42. runs like new, 4 speed. 4 cylinder. $9040. or best offer; 115/337 4425. FQRD TEMPO. '44. 5 spd, black. |>a/pb. am/fm stereo, rabrw ndow <8ftajtge milvoivi wipers# aporr IIS/498-2f"' ~ SM4 after 4 pm. 1840 BilICK REGAL Coupe; em/fm., air, auto, computer, oood condfftan throughout. §4495. 4I5/4SS-4989, weekdays; 311/134-7114,1