Sports Page 21 - PLAINPEALEH HER ALD. KKIDAV. 1NOVEMBKR 2. HM Area Soccer McHenry Area Soccer Federation The McHenry Area Soccer Federation will hold a general membership meeting Thursday, Nov. 29 at 7:30 p.m. at Parkland Jr. High School! Parents of all soccer players, and others interested in youth soccer are invited to attend the meeting. Topics to be discussed include review of the 1984 fall season, plans for the 1985 spring season, selection of players for traveling teams, and what league the traveling teams will play in. Those topics wiH also be discussed at a coach's meeting set for 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15 at Parkland Sperts log Cepulis 21st for Illini University of Illinois junior Wade Cepulis, a graduate of McHenry High School, finished 21st overall for the Mini cross-country team at the recent Second Annual Myers- Vincent Memorial Invatational. ?ov®red }he course, which is 10,000 meters, in 33:09, fifth best for the U of I team. . The race was held at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.' NISRA athletes awarded NORTH CHICAGO -- Two McHenry residents captured prizes, and eight other Northern Illinois Special Recreation Assocation athletes took awards at the State Special Olympic Bowling tition held recently. irt Pierce of McHenry won a first place medal, while Vicki Thurwell took a seventh' place ribbon. To become eligible for state competition, an athlete must win a gold medal at their respective regional meets. Then at state, he- she bowls with several others from around the state within their age division, and based on individual abilites. YMCA racquetballoffered CRYSTAL LAKE - The Lake Reskra YMCA is offering an inexpensive way to learn racquetball. Classes at the YMCA are held for [ues are also starting soon, and are levels. The challenge leagues at the YMCA allow i schedules to play one match per week for ei having to be tied down to one specific night of play. Special awards will be given out to the top two in each division. Sign up at the YMCA, or contact Doug Neushwander, 459-4455 for more information. Montini spikers win two ; Montini Middle School's eighth grade girls' volleyball team has made several fine showings of late, including a. second place finish in the Montini Invitational Tournament. The Mustangs lost to St. John's of Johnsburg, 15-11,15-12, but* rebounded to down St. Peter's of Antioch, 15-8,15-4. The two teams met again Monday, with Montini again emerging victorious. Jenny Tony an led the way for the Mustangs in a 15-0,15-8 romp. In the Montini Invitational, the hosts beat Hebron, 15-13,15-4, ' jed St. Thomas of Crystal lake, 15-13,15-11. i, Arfonmi] for youngsters and adults, divided into a variety of rs with varied weeks, without ft the Championship match, Montini &ixi Spring-Grove spHTtfie first two games, but Spring Grove rebounded to win the third game 18-16 in a closely-contested battle. Open gym begins Monday It's that time of year again, the Men's Open Gym Night will swing into action soon. This year, Mondays from 7 to 9:30 p.m., Parkland Jr. High School wiU host the relatively unstructured basketball play, which provides fun and exercise for men of all ages. This is a drop-in program and the fee is just $1 per night per person. No pre-registration is required, and all equipment will be provided. The first Open Gym Night will be Monday, Nov. 5. Volleyball nights set As the clocks are turned back, daylight hours are dwindling, and the cold air drifts in.' So the City of McHenry will again sponsor informal games of recreational volleyball for men and women ages 18 and over. Co-Rec volleyball will be held Tuesday nights from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at Parkland Jr. High School, at a cost of $1 per night per person. There is no pre-registration required. All equipment is provided. Coaches from each team are expected to attend this mc and equipment should be in at this time. . Last Saturday was the final day of play in the fall season, and several players and teams lit up the scoreboard one last time. Heading the list was Jason Eckerti who plays for the Golden Warriors in the under-14 age group. He scored five of his team's eight goals. Simon Sullivan (two) and Todd Doherty (one) also tallied. Right behind Eckert was Joey Mazurek of the Orange team in the under-10 age division. Mazurek had four goals to lead his club. Teammates MartrPolis (two) and Scott Wilson (one) ajso scored. Two players registered three- goal "hat tricks" in the final* week. Ivan Cvitkovic netted three goals for the Gold team in the under-16 age group, and Brett Guntekunst had three goals (and Mark Polis two) for the high-scoring Maroon squad in the under-8 age division. Finally, Chris Gallinati's goal earned the Royal Blue team in the under-12 age divsion a 1-1 tie on Saturday. It was the seventh tie in eight games for the Royal Blue team this fall. Here's a list of players who scored or played well in the final week of the season. URdtr-l A«* OivUlen Team No. 1 (Rtd) -- Goal*: Eric Ptttrton, Brandon Cough Standouts: Paul Artman, Doug Schaafar, Tony Wldhalm, G. Jay Froit No. ) (Green) -- Goal*: Richla Sample & Brian NaHon. Standout*: Tim Harrison, Graa Fuch*, Tim HI liar, stava Fallon. No. 3 (Tan Tigart) - Standout*: Kavln Gruanbau, Julia Ropar, John Albanata. Stave Schaaffar, Tad Slaback, Mac Warren. No. 4 (Black) -- Standout*: Goalia Jaranlah Smith, Chrl* Albrtfht, Tim Albright who led team with II goal* In alght game* No. S (Purple Plratat) - Standout*: Entire team played wall In final game of *uccat(ful •aaton. Coachat want to thank parent* for their support. No.«(Maroon) - Goal*: Brett Guntakunat (3), Mark Polls (?>, Scott Wilton. standout*: "Scorabustars," "Exterminators," and the "Phantom" all played well. No. 7 (Orange) - Goals: Justin Eckart. Standouts: Joay Thomas, Meghan Martin, Justin Eckart. No. • (Royal Blua) -- Goals: Paul Thomas (2), Jeff Alhalt, Joal Brock. Standouts: Entfra team playad wall. No. I (Gold) -- Standouts: Chad Bauar, No. 3 (Tan) -- Goals: Ryan Hording (1). Standouts. Jaff Meyers, Dfcnlsa Samrow. Eddie LaMar. No. 4 (Black) - Goals: Andrew Pagast. Standouts: Casa Unwartagt, Carrie Turner, Dave Balarla. No. S (Purple) -- Goals: David Lanckhaff (J),- Darak Luti, Carl Roscan, Andy Aivdarson. Standouts Rick Llttla. Babby tvarson. Drew Hagua. No. I (Maroon) -- Goals: Mark Llndbarg. Standouts: Jaff Sara, Jannl tow, Chri* Kay. -- Goals: Joay Maturak . Nicky Spadaro Standouts: No. 7 (Orange) - Goal*: Joay Maturak (4), jaton Lima (J). Nicky Spadaro. Standout*: Jimmy Birkankamp, Todd Olahl, Saan Doherty, Brandon Harvey, Mlckay Daurio, Victor Popp. Fallon. Aaron Foga, Todd Praund, Jaff Kalvaitl*. Michael Ratanbarg. John Sinnette, Matt Slave, Danny Sctiot, Danny Svchamski, Michael Ruamalln. No. • (Royal Blua) - Goals: John Satlak (1), Andy Volght. Standout*: Entira taam playad W#ll No » (God!) Standout*: Entire taam playad well. Aaa Olvliian No 1 (Royal Blua) - Goals: Chris Galllnatl. Standouts: Chris Stroud, Janny Capudar, Dave Na. 10 (tight Graan) - Goals: Kirk Cafchmore (2), Jarry Freund, Krlstopher Jay. Standouts: Chad Leonard, Joe Martlnei, Jason Antol. No. 11 (Light Blue) -- Standout*: Troy Blake, Ryan Fain, Joe Wlnkelman. No. 12 (Gray) -- Goals: Kevin Jablon*ki. Standout*: Entire team played well. No. 13 (Gold Stinger*) - Standout*: Entira No. 2 (Orange) -- Goal*: Ben|i Wlnklemen. Standout*: Entire team played well, etpaclally Ben Roth, Todd Smith, Mike Llndbarg and taam played well. No. 14 (White Knight*) -- Standout*: Team had trouble putting ball in the net thl* tea son but entire team - David B., Matt, Bryan, Louis, Matthew, Eric, John, Courtney, Megan, David H., Joe, Jo*h, Lyntay, Theresa and Scott - playad hard and well. Under-it Age Division No. 1 (Red) -- Goals: Eric Bower. Standouts: Chris Schumacher, Aaron Broderlck, Emily Harvey. No. 2 (Green) -- Goals: Michael Jones, Keith Pare|ko, Steve Kavanaugh. Standouts: Entire team played well. * Dennl* Gerttung. No. 3 (Gray) - Goal*: Catay Watrous, John Buch (2), Jeannine Stolonlc (2). Standouts: Jason Faunt, Shawn Olsiewskl, Doug Youngwlth. No. 4 (Gold Eagles) -- Goal*: Eric Schulti (2), Matt Freund Standout* Lennle Harwell, Matt Freund. No. S (Red) -- Standout*: Entire team played well, etpeclelly Deen Covalt 1 Krl*ty Justin, Under-14 Age Division Meroon Team -- Standout*: Entire team played well, especially Chrlt Sorenson, Jemie Franklin B Davd Fino. Golden Warriors -- Goals: Jason Eckart (S), Simon Sullivan (2), Todd Doherty. Standouts: Entire team played well, especielly goelie Jim Twadell. * Un<er-U Age Olvlstan Gold Team -- Goals: Ivnn Cvitkovic (3), Mark McClaughry. Standouts: Trent Cestte had an assist Entire team played well In poor weather conditions. Fox Valley Conference The 1984 fall season for the McHenry-Johnsburg White Lightning came to an end last Saturday with a shortened game against Cary. Playing in heavy rain and strong winds, the White Lightning tried to hold on to a 1*0 lead when Cary scored. With 14 minutes remaining, the referee called the game. The White Lightning finished its season with a sparkling overall record of 12-1-2, and a Fox Valley Conference mark of 6-0-2. The coaches would like to congratulate the team on its tremendous success, and are looking forward to a challenging spring season, when the White Lightning hopes to-expand and field four successful teams in various age groups. SPORT FANS... I BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW Brought to you by Will Ooffling It's a little-known fact that the Heisman Trophy, awarded to the outstanding college football player in the nation each year, originally had a DIFFERENT name...It was started by the Downtown Athletic Club of New York and was firts known as the Downtown Athletic Club Trophy.. .It was re named ift 1936 for John Heisman who was the athletic direc tor' otttrrDowntowAtmetttrCi ab. ~ ~ Did you know there will be 2 new post-season bowl games for major college football teams this year?... They are the Cherry Bowl to be played at the Sllverdome in Pontiac, Mich., on Dec. 22, and the Free dom Bowl to be played in Anaheim, Calif., on Dec. 26 Who was the youngest man ever to be head coach in the National Football League0...Answer is Don Shula, now coach at Miami...But Shula was just 33 years old when he became coach at Baltimore in 1963, and set the record as the youngest NFL head coach ever. I bet you didn't J<now...that now is the best time to buy a new auto mobile. And n6w's the best time to see Keith Leathers, Linda Wigman or myself at McHenry State Bank for an automobile loan designed to fit your budget. ATTENTION: BULK PETER0LEUM USERS... Home Heating Oil Gas • Diesel Kerosene ARE YOU • Paying too much lor fuel? • Paying to much for credit? • Receiving poor quality products? • Receiving poor service? • Dissatisfied with your supplier? 50 YEARS OF SERVICE 1934-1984 REGULAR ACCOUNTS up to 60 days to pay after delivery. "Never any interest charged"? VARIABLE FARM CREDIT PLAN • 2 year payments • You determine the settlement months • 10% simple interest , Give us a call, we would be happy to come out to answer all your questions. ^ SHIELDS £ * 1 OIL - SHIELDS OIL • No finance charge first 30 days 5-0AY PAYMENT SAME AS CASH Receive a SUBSTANTIAL rebate SHEAR0N * » PETROLEUM ^ Woodstock Plant ^ 115 JJ«7077 * 400 N. Division 943-4131 Harvard. 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THRU THURS. 91, FRI. 9-6, SAI. 9 5 Babep Quick 91 S. RT. 12. FOX LAKE 312/5S7-2555