P«gr fc • PLAIN DEALER HERALD, FRJDAY, NOVEMBER 2,19S4 life Today McFaddens make their home in Florida Blrtht r.yf fJT' MR. AND MRS. DENNIS MC FADDEN I Married 25 years Oct. 31 marked the twenty- fifth anniversary for Moe Meis and Jean Ann Meis of McHenry. On that date in 1959, Moe Meis, son of Adolph and Celestine Meis of Denver, Colo, and Jean Ann McGinley, daughter of Walter and Ruth McGinley of Dun- nedin, Fla., formerly of McHenry, were united in marriage at St. Patrick's Church in McHenry. In celebration of this special day in their lives, the couple •renewed their vows once again at St. Patrick's Church this Oct. 31, with Father Petit officiating. Witnessing the occasion were Zelinda Bennett Paluch, one of the three original bridesmaids, and her husband, Ron Paluch. A small reception for friends will be held at the Timbers Nov. 3. A second reception will be held in Villa Park Nov. 10 for out-of-state family guests. A second honeymoon to Hawaii is planned in "January Plan bazaar-dinner The Ladies Guild of Zion Lutheran Church have scheduled their Fall Bazaar and Chicken Dinner Nov. 14. The bazaar will be from 3 to 8 p.m., featuring fancy goods, quilts, plants, bakery items, candies and preserves. There will also be a "White Elephant'1 table, and coffee will be Aux. wants members The Auxiliary of the American Legion Post 1979, Island Lake has officially kicked off its annual membership drive. The auxiliary exists to assist, foster and perpetuate all that the legion post, the parent organization, stands for and does in its Americanism, community participation, children's work and mutual helpfulhxess to each other. The immediate families of WW I and II, Korean War and Vietnam War veterans are eligible to join. This includes widows of deceased comrades, grandmothers, mothers, wives, daughters, granddaughters, and sisters. Auxiliary members will be assisting at the Island Lake Post's Veterans Dance Nov. 10, to be held at A1 Kaya's Restaurant in Island Lake from 7 p.m. until 1 a.m. There will be live music and prizes galore, all for $5 per couple or $3 for singles. For more information, ell Pat Culleeney, 312-526-3679. Seniors: Out to Lunch Although the caterer for the meals for the McHenry Countv Senior Citizens' Council Eat Program requests that participants sign up-for meals one week in advance, they allow changes to be made in the meal count 24 hours prior to each In other words, people can call the center they attend and reserve a meal 24 hours ahead of the day they plan to attend; for example: those desiring to eat lunch on Friday may call Thursday morning and make reservations. Reservations for meals at the McHenry Walk-In Center for the week of Nov. 12 through Nov. 16 should be^made by calling 385- 8260 by Tuesday, Nov. 6. The menu for that week is as follows: Nov. 12: ALL CENTERS CLOSED - VETERANS DAY Nov. 13: Chicken Cacciatore, whipped potatoes, carrots, cole slaw, biscuit, margarine, fruit cocktail, milk. Nov. 14: Split pea soup, crackers, sloppy Joe on bun, duchess potatoes, green beans, rice pudding, milk. Nov. 15: SPECIAL MEAL Nov. 16: Baked fish with lemon sauce, seasoned rice, peas and carrots, tossed salad with dressing, bread, margarine, chilled peaches, milk. Sponsor two films Memorial Hospital for McHenry County and the McHenry County Area Child birth Educators (MCACE) are sponsoring the showing of two childbirth films. "Nan's Class" is the award winning film that depicts the labors and deliveries of five couples and a single parent who have prepared for the birth of their child by attending Lamaze classes. Topics discussed during the film include the latest in family-centered maternity care. It will begin at 7:30 p.m: in the cafeteria of the hospital Mon day, Nov. 5. "A Shared Cesarean Begin ning" documents the experience of a young couple as they prepare for and share together the cesarean birth of their child. The father-involvement makes the events of the delivery room touching as well as informative. It will begin at 8:30 p.m. in the same location. Anyone interested is Invited to attend one or both films. A registered nurse who is also a Lamaze and cesarean childbirth educator will be present to answer any questions. MCACE is an organization of ASPO (American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in Ob stetrics) certified childbirth educators dedicated to quality education of parents, hospital staff and the general public in preparing for childbirth. For information regarding either film or any aspect of childbirth preparation, call Mrs. John (Janet) Smith at 385-3318 Following a honeymoon that included a visit to Disney World fuid Epcot, the new Mr. and Mrs. Dennis William McFadden established residency in Florida: The bride is the former Jill Mariel Bartos, daughter of Frank and Arlene * Bartos of McHenry. Edward and Virgine McFadden of Florida are the parents of the bridegroom. Father John Holdren per formed the 3 p.m. nuptials Sept. 1, in St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Johnsburg. "You and I," "Ribbon in the Sky," and "Longer" were sung by the bride's brother Mark Bartos of Chicago, accompanied by organist Celeste Mann and guitarists Ed Lescher and Kurt Kramier. The bride wore a floor length gown of white organza, styled with a high illusion neckline and long fitted sleeves, accented by Alencon lace appliques and tiny seed pear)s. The full circular skirt fell into a scalloped, cathedral length train. Tammy Tonyan assisted her friend as maid of .honor. Bridesmaids were friends of the bride, Joanne Aiello, Laura Schramm and Debbie Wijas, all of McHenry; her sister-in-law, Kari Bartos of McHenry and her cousin, Leslie Bolin of Chicago. They were attired in pink floor length gowns of tinasetta knit and chiffon. The fitted bodice was highlighted by tiers of diagonal chiffon layers and short tulip sleeves of chiffon: A satin sash adorned with a pink rose, banded the fitted waistline. Handling the duties of best man was the groom's brother, Edward McFadden, Jr. of Florida. Groomsmen were friends of the groom, Bill Carlson, Mike Karpinski, Rich Stull and Chris Useman, all of McHenry; and the bride's brother Greg Bartos of McHenry. i Friends of the groom, Jeff Lennon and Scott Shulda of % McHenry, served as ushers. The mother of the bride chose a tea length dress of mauve chiffon. A floor length gown of blue chiffon was the choice of the groom's mother. A reception for 160 friends and relatives was held at the Johnsburg Community Club. The new Mrs. McFadden graduated from Marian Central Catholic High School in 1983. Her husband is a 1979 graduate of McHenry Community High jSchool. McHenry Business and Professional Women's Club .. Woman of the Year Nomination Form Name of Candidate: Submittedfiy: Phone Number: Deadline Nov. 12.1984. Mail to: Betty Smith, Public Relations Ch. McHenry B.P.W. 311N. Green St., McHenry LAUESEN Kourtney Elizabeth is the name chosen by Kevin and Amy Lauesen of Palatine, 111. for their first child. The 8 lbs. 1 oz. baby girl was born Sept. 21 in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington. Maternal grand parents are Warren and Ginger Sather of Barrington. Leonard and Jane Lauesen, also of Barrington, are the paternal grandparents. Katherine Carmichfcel of McHenry is the great-grandmother. WEINTZ . Terri and Thomas Weintz of Lake Zurich became parents of their second child and first daughter Oct. 6. Amy Lynn was born in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington and weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. She has a brother Thomas Michael. Maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Passafiume of Lake Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Weintz of McHenry are the paternal g randparen t s . Grea t - grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Passafiume of Lake Zurich and Mrs. Marguerite Weintz of Whitewater, wis. SCHILF Debra L. and David W. Schilf of Island Lake announce the birth of their second son Oct. 13. David Keith was born in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington and weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. He has a brother Jonathon Henry. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs. John Bellino of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schilf of Rolling Meadows are the paternal grandparents. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Watcik of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bellino of Palatine, and Mrs. Alma Berndt of Highland Park. SHANNON Kenneth and Mary Shannon of McHenry became parents of their second child and first son Oct. 13. Christopher Lee was born in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington and weighed seven pounds. He has a sister Nicole [arie, age two. Maternal irandoarents are Ron and 23Evelyn Barwig of McHenry. Patricia Schooley of Florida and brother Thomas Ernest Schooley of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. Grea t -g randmothe r s a re Suzanne Gierloff of McHenry and Mary Schooley of Arizona. WALDOCH Paul and Peggy Waldoch of Wonder Lake announce the birth of their second daughter Oct. 17. Nicole Elizabeth was born in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington and weighed 9 lbs. 4 oz. She has a sister Melissa. Maternal grandparents are Millard and Ruth Rakestraw of McHenry. Ray and Shirley Waldoch of Marengo are the paternal grandparents. Friendship Club meets available while everyone browses. The annual chicken dinner will be served from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Tickets may be purchased^ from a member of the Ladies % Guild or by calling the Mi office, 385-0859. Seek candidates The McHenry Business and Professional Women are accepting nominations for the 1984 Woman of the Year until Monday, Nov. 12. The ballot form above should be submitted along with detailed in formation which will help the committee decide who will be honored this year. For more information, call Betty Smith evenings or weekends at 385-2650. The next Friendship Club meeting will be held Saturday, Nov. 10, at 12:30 pjm., in the Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church of McHenry, beginning with a potluck luncheon. The afternoon will be hosted by Ruth and Harold Collins, Miriam Marticke, and Margaret Foute. Members of the meat committee are Bertha and Elmer Stange, Helen and Dan Creamer, Esther Sims, Mary and Herbert Rose, Ethel Bailey, and Gladys and Larry Temple.; All those in the congregation '« who are 50 years old or older are inv i tqd and u rged to come to ! F r i endsh ip C lub i f t hey do no t ; belong and enjoy the good times ' and fellowship. The October get-together; began with a potluck luncheon,; and the program was presented by Irene Borre, president of the McHenry Historical Society. % Her narration and pictures were ' very informative, interesting and entertaining, and enjoyed by everyone. Community calendar l h -- -- -- i l i i i 1 :.wi29» NOVEMBER 2 iBftMA mi Co. Coll.-Davi Law. Church Women United-World Community Day 9:30 a.m.-Trinity Lutheran Ch.--504 E. Diggins St., Harvard. NOVEMBER 3 Crimestoppers Fundraiser-7:30 p.m.-McH. VFW.-3002 W. Rt. 120. Fall Bazaar-10 a.m.-3 p.m.-Ringwood United Methodist Church. Blood Draw-9 a.m.-3 p.m.-McH. Masonic Ldge. 158-1309 N. Court St., McH. Christmas Bazaar-9 a.m.-4 p.m.-Faith Presbyterian Church- Chapel Hill & Lincoln Rds. W.O.T.M.~6th Ann. Christmas Bazaar-10 a.m.-4 p.m.-Moose t . ] McH.Sr. Citz. Club-Bd. Mtg. 10 a.m.-ifcH. Pub. Library. Patrick Ladies Guild-Gen. Mtg. 1 p.m.-Silent Auction--i Church Hall. NOVEMBER 6 Marcia Mary Ball Circle-Mtg. Noon-First United Methodist Church Parlor-Guests Welcome. Ruth Circle-United Methodist Women-Noon-Home of Ruth Collins-28898 W. Big Hollow Rd. W.O.T.M.-Reg. Mtg. 8 p.m.-Moose Ldge. NOVEMBER 7 McH. Area Chamber of Commerce-Bd. Retreat-Lakeside' Genter, Cr. Lk.-Analysis 1984 Achievements & 1985 Goal Setting. : Pnscilla Circle 9 a.m.-First United Methodist Church Parlor. » 11§eH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m.- Mt. Hope holds bazaar Public Welcome. ' NOVEMBER 3-4 , Christmas Bazaar-St. Patrick's Parish Hall-Sat. 9 a.m.-3 p.m.- Sun. 8:30 a.m.-l:30 p.m. Holiday Bazaar-St. John's School-Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.-Sun. 8 a.m.-Noon. , NOVEMBER 5 U.M.W. Mission Team-First United Methodist Church-Parlor, 9:30 a.m. Mount Hope United Methodist Women will hold their annual Christmas Bazaar and Lun cheon Thursday, Nov. 8, at the church, 1015 W. Broadway Pistakee Highlands. The Christmas sale will start at 11 a.m. A tasty luncheon will be served from noon until 1:30 p.m. Luncheon reservations may be made by calling 497- 3883. The bazaar, with bake sale, will continue Saturday, Nov. 10, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Cuda honeymoon in Canada Upon their return from a one- week honeymoon in Alberta, Canada, touring Banff, Lake Louise and Jasper, recently married Mr. and Mrs. Steven Jay Cuda became residents of McHenry. The bride is the former An nette Therese Pintozzi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Pintozzi, 820 S. Cherry Valley Road., McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Charlejs Cuda, 3911 Clearbrook, McHenry, are the parents of the bridegroom.J The Rev. Edmund Petit of ficiated at the 3 p.m. ceremony, Sept. 8, in St. Patrick's Catholic Church, McHenry, before an altar decorated on either side with hurricane lamps graced with flowers complementing the attire of the bride's attendants. Similar flowers and foliage in willow baskets on a wall hanging, further enhanced the setting. Appropriate music for the occasion included "Anne's Song," "Perhaps Love," "Sunrise, Sunset," "The Wedding Song," and "The Lord's Prayer." The bride wore a white silk organza A-line gown. The scoop* neckline was accented with silk- satin bows on the shoulders, Alencon lace scalloped the capelet sleeves and the ap- pliqued bodice with petite pearls. A wide satin border emphasized the hemline and chapel train, with English net insets of pearl beaded appliques of lace. A matching lace profile hat adorned her head, and poufs MR. AND MRS. STEVEN CUDA of illusion veiling encircled the brim. Long streamers of veiling, sprinkled with flowerettes, cascaded over the gown. She carried a free form bouquet of Eucharis lilies and white stephanotis. Attending her sister as maid of honor was Catherine Pintozzi of Wauwatosa, Wis. Bridesmaids were the bride's sisters, Mary Meyer, Donna Frett and Patricia Preston of McHenry; and Maureen Pabst of Rockford, 111. Attendants were attired in off- the-shoulder suede rose taffeta gowns; pleated ruffles em phasized the V-neckline and backline; and the softly gathered skirt accented the pointed bodice. Matching flowers of organza and satin on a mini-wreath fashioned their headpieces. They carried hand bouquets of lavender roses/, spider leaves and foliage. Frank Cuda *)f McHenry/ served his brother as best man.}; Groomsmen were the bride's-! b ro the r An thony P in tozz i , J r . o f ' McHenry, friends of the groom,i James Weakman of McHenry and John Matthews of Lake- Bluff, 111., and his cousin Ralphs Knox, Jr. of Howard, Wis.. The bride's niece, Stephanie Meyer of McHenry was the- flower girl; and the ring bearer'/ was her nephew, Bryan Meyer: of McHenry. The mother of the bride * selected a dove gray floor length^ gown with a spray of silver; * beading on the left side of the; bodice. The groom's mother' chose a plum colored floor' length gown of sheer crepe J styled with a surplice bodice which had small tucks on the yoke and a double petal skirt.! A reception for 275 guests was" held at the Holiday Inn, Mun - dlein, 111. The rehearsal dinner, • hosted by the groom's parents, * was at the McHenry Country * Club. 1 The bride graduated from* McHenry High school in 19753 and Illinois State University,. with a B.S. degree in 1981. She is • employed by Pepper Con-* struction Co., Barrington, 111. as J an accountant. . Tte groom graduated from " McHenry High School in 1971; ' St. John's University in 1975,; « with a B.A. in Spanish and ' Political Science; and' the • University of Notre Dame in : 1978 with a Doctorate of Law *