SAVE s129-s217 uransman bench power tools YOUR CHOICE 319" $449JT KMn. table saw. 1-HP motor develops 2 -HP. Cast alu minum table. Includes 2 exten sions, leg set and castors. _ 09.9910-ln. radial oaw. 1 Vfe-HP motor develops 21X-HP. Up front controls. 15VWn. crosscut capac ity. 26-in. rip capacity. Lag set not included. •$537.96* 12-ln. band ar. V4-HP motor. Adjustable blade tension. Includes leg set, cast alu minum table, built-in worfcNght. 'Rsq. asperate prices tcM Bench power tooto fequto* tome aeeembly Standi Dec. 1 24451 21372 »AVE OVER 50% draftsman 99-pc. tool set rKludes V*, % and VHn. drive tools. Standard, deep sockets in standard, $aa netric sizes. OO Savings baaad an tag. aaparato prioaa in *84-V5 Tool SpacWog Stea arete Dac.1 $100 OFF CrcrftsmcHi cabinet 169" Reg $269.99 5-drawer steal rofl a way cabinet provides 15.7 sq. ft of storage space. 26Vfcx18x39¥4-in. high. Enamel finish. For professionals. $80 OFF $229.9910-drawer chest.. 149.99 Sate ante Oac. 24 t MOO 17 *50 OFF Craftsman bench power tools QQ" M M Your choice •$149.98 VrMP bond aaw. 4 x 10- in. capacity. Cast aluminum frame. •$140.99 8-ln. compact drill press. Vs-HP motor. 3 speeds-- 700-3000 rpm. Cast-iron head. •$149.99 S-m. compact table aaw. Vz-HP motor develops 1-HP. Cast- aluminum table and extensions. Sate crate Dac. 24 assar ilsrvr HHneta.Mot iVE 50% on Craftsman et $79.99 39" mechanical tool set f̂ gn /raftsman quality at a great low )! V*, %, vWn. drive tools. Stan- land deep sockets. Sato arete Dac.1 $91 ri wet/dry vac > Reg. separata toW $191.77 size tank. Comes with I Sato arete Dac 1