Pace It• PLAINDEALER HERALD. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2S, 19M Recycling is a good way to keep kitchen organized City agrees to continue Fiesta Days festival "Recycling is easy when the kitchen is well organized," said a McHenry County Defender spokesman. "A convenient place to collect each recyclable item, day by day, really takes little more time than the usual garbage disposal methods." Hie Defenders recommend setting aside one area in the kitchen, perhaps under the sink, for collecting these items. When recycling day comes around (first and third Satur days of each month in McHenry), the hon^emaker need only carry the items to the car and drop them off on the way to doing chores. The next recycling drive will be held Saturday, Dec. 1, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the parking lot of McHenry Community High School West Campus, 4724 W., Crystal Lake Rd. Co-sponsoring the drive will be the student council of McHenry Junior High School. The sixth, seventh and eighth graders participate in the drive as a community service. According to Paul Hanson, student council advisor, any funds they earn will be used for a class gift to the school. Recyclable items • include newspaper with no magazines or junk mail, glass containers with all metal and plastic removed, used motor oil, "tin" cans washed and flattened, aluminum scrap of all kinds, and brown paper bags and cardboard. Patrons will receive the current market price for 100 percent aluminum cans. An additional two cents per poiyid is paid for crushed cans, and a bonus of one cent per pound is paid for lots of more than 100 pounds. For additional information, contact a Defender represen tative at 385-8512. The board of directors of the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce has announced that with the support of city council and their pledge of support services of the police depart ment, public works department, and parks and recreation department, Fiesta Days will be held in 1965. After much deliberation over the past few months, and in view of the added acreage that Petersen Park provides for y / / l l L U L U I t U l J L - t 1 - U L L , Blood bank announces need for blood during holidays The Aurora Blood Bank will hospitals. The blood bank also pro- return to the McHenry area Mon- vides a 24-hour-a-day service to day, Dec. 3, with a blood draw those hospitals. A unit of blood has from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m., at Zion Lutheran Church, 4206 W. Elm St., McHenry. Curtis Bremer, chairman of the local drive, says there is always an urgent need for blood, especial ly during the holiday season. All types of blood are needed, since the Aurora center is the supplier for 22 hospitals. "We, who are able to give the gift of life, should get out and do our part," said Bremer. "In the last six weeks, I personally know of two McHenry residents who were on the receiving end for 26 pints of this 'gift ot liie.' How many others were there? We never know when we will need it." The blood bank has a goal to draw 175 to 200 units of blood daily to maintain a a shelf life of 21 days, so the supply must be replentished regularly. Bremer says anyone between the ages of 17 and 65 may give blood, provided they weigh at least 110 pounds and are in reasonably good health. Most peo ple are suitable candidates as blood donors, unless they are anemic, pregnant or have high blood pressure. To protect the donor and the future patient from any adverse effects, a brief physical examination and a test for hemoglobin will be conducted the day of the drive. £ Local restauranteur Joe Zubr- zycki is offering a free dinner (with the purchase of one) for all persons who have reached the four-gallon mark in blood dona tion. ! ! ! I i i \ > ! i \ • > > tamer/ &co. In Cooperation with the F.I.S.H. ORGANIZATION, MANE TAMERS & CO. would like to help families in McHenry Co. have a bountiful Holiday. I Won't you contribute to this cause by donating canned or dry goods, paper products, or toiletries at the Man^Tamers & Co. Salon. Now thru Dec. 15, 1984, we'll give you $1.00 OFF on your hairstyling in return. THANKS for Helping Us Help Those In Need! 2906 W. Rte. 120 344-4040 McHenry, IL tandem events, it has been decided to reduce the number of days to eight, beginning and ending on a Sunday. July 21st to July 28th will be the 1985 dates. Also as a result of extensive consideration, the directors have elected to form an entirely separate Fiesta Days Board. Membership on that board is open to all members of the community, and is not limited to business representaives nor members of the Chamber. Application forms for can didate^ for the new board are now available at the Chamber office at 1257 N. Green St. A sincere interest in preserving the family spirit of Fiesta Days and a dedication to constantly improving the quality of the festival are two of the qualifying factors for directorship. Willingness to devote adequate time to successfully complete any commitments, is a pre- reqisite. Fiesta Days is a blending erf hundreds of individuals working together for a common goal. It is the responsibility of the board to maintain and develop that spirit of participation. The structuring of the Fiesta Days Board will begin im mediately and planning of events will begin right after the holiday season. Interested persons are urged to contact the Chamber office at 385-4300 for application forms or addW""*l information. Convention to be attended by farm bureau members Federal farm programs, school financing and ways to reduce the nationaj deficit are among major topics expected to dominate discussions when McHenry Coun ty Farm Bureau members ]oin other farm men and women from throughout Illinois, Dec. 2 to 5, for the Illinois Farm Bureau annual meeting in Chicago. Melvin Von Bergen, Hebron farmer who is president of the McHenry County Farm Bureau, will head the local delegation of 50 people. Von Bergen is serving on a statewide committee which will make recommendations concern ing ppliticql involvement. The tne Illinois r arm Bureau annual lng political involvement. T Defenders expresuMsoncern over new landfill proposal supply for the 22 im ****** mums***mm*m The McHenry County Defenders have expressed concern that an apparent plan to seek county permission for a landfill on Illinois 47 north of Huntley will disrupt the county's solid waste planning process. According to the Defenders, McHenry County Landfill Inc., a new company formed by people connected with Crystal Lake Disposal Co., has stated they plan to apply to the county for a permit for the landfill two miles north of Huntley. The Defenders, an en vironmental group with about 450 members, criticized the timing of the application. "We think the application is poorly timed," Greg Lindsey, executive director of the Defenders, said last week. "The Waste Study Advisory Com mittee is just about to recom mend that the county board initiate a siting study to find the very best place in the county to put a landfill. This application could preempt county action to begin the siting process. "We are especially disap pointed since the firm that is applying for the landfill par ticipated in the county study," Lindsey continued. "Many different groups really invested a|lot of effort in the plan. The Defenders support the because it is a good promise." State law allows private companies to petition the county plan com- ! I I ! ! I \ I ! :! For homeowners Insurance coverage that helps keep up with the rising cost of rebuilding your home, check with state Farm. Ask me about our Homeowners Policy with automatic Inflation Coverage. DENNIS CONWAY 3319 W. ilmSt. McHenry 385-7111 »! W&'i SfATI FARM Like a good neighbor. State Farm is there Sum Farm F*t and CMoMy Company HokkOWicw 8lpon»nflton. Ilhryyi I N S U R A N C E -• 9. MB® Holiday Time Is A Time For Family and Friends with Gifts of Love from Crystal Point Mall. While Santa is writing his list and"checking it twice" with the children, shop our 50 fine stores. Crystal Point Mall will have babysitting services available while you shop. Route 14 and Main Street Crystal lake Open Mon. Fri. 10-9; Sat. 10-5:30; Sun. 115 committee report will be presented to consider the extent and scope of political involvement to improve Farm Bureau's political effectiveness. 0 McHenry County Farm Bureau's voting delegates will be Mel Von Bergen, Hebron; David Adams and Kenneth Refiner, >' Woodstock; Bill Becker, Crystal Lake; Robert Berschet, Marengo;' and Myron Pihl, Harvard. Alter-, nates include Rob Richardson, * Spring Grove; Roger Sass and'/ Cliff Simons, Marengo; Phil s Gourley, Harvard; and Roland'1 Bauer, McHenry. board for permission to develop new waste disposal facilities. The law also allows county governments to identify and develop new sites, according to the Defenders. To maximize control, safety, and efficiency, the county Waste Study Advisory Committee has recommended a hybrid ap proach: public ownership and private operation. Lindsey said the Defenders fear that the action by McHenry County Landfill Inc. could prevent the county's recom mendations from J>eing im plemented. "That recommendation has been made for a very specific reason: to provide control for the county and to get the best possible site. Last year, Waste Management told us it had the best site and would do what is best for the county. Now this company is telling us its site is best," Lindsey said. "The committee believes that the best way to know for sure is for the county, whose job is to protect the environment and Health of itai;esidents, to find the site and then give all companies an opportunity to bid to run it." Lindsey pointed out that the Defenders have not had time to however, that destruction of prime farmland and proximity to tHe--Ifishwaukee Creek pro&aBly would be issues. Please join us for our 8th Annual Open House Showing of Watercolor Paintings at the Studio/Gallery of SATURDAY, DECEMBER lst*l:00-6:00 pm SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd»l:00-5:00 pm 507 West Third Street«338-277S«Woodstock •15,701 • 13,659 PUIS TAX • «ih 90S treat St. (S. Rt. 311 lllil MMIN MCHENRY JIM BEAM BOURBON 80 Proof 1.75 Liter Get it for less 9«o9 B&L SCOTCH W Proof Get it for less *6»99 HANNAH & HOGG CANADIANso Proof 1.75 Liter Get it for less RIUNITE LAMBRUSCO 750ML n Qa Get it for less SEAGRAM'S V.O. CANADIANso Proof 750 ML Get it for less *7.99 CHRISTIAN BROS. BRAND Yto Proof .J* Liter *8.79 WHITE VELVET VODKA 80 Proof 1.75 Liter * - ^ _ Get it for less HANNAH A HOGG WHISKEY so Proof 1.75 Liter » Get it for less / BUDWEISER BEER I 12fl.oz.cans Qf» 12 pack wtSrj) GALLO VERMOUTH SWEET OR EXTRA DRY 750ML ' 91 oa GeNt for less i.07 Budwei|» • J I f t k . . Pr e s in pffpi ! N •ventwi 2H Dp em bp/ 4 i tems avai lable while quant i t ies las t COPYRIGHT 1984 BY REVCO D S INC