Paft 14 • PLAIN DEALER HERALD, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28.19*4 PLAINDEALER HERALD lassified Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST Insertion date. In the event ot an error or ommission, the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the poortlon of the ad which Is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified Display Adsi 115-344-4800 Private Party & Commercial Line Ads: 815-344-4800. -Richmond 478- • 2581. Payment In advance most be made for these ads: •Babysitting 'Business Opportunities 'Business Ser vices *Garage Sales *MMoving Sales *Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area •Political 'Rooms, Apts. to Share •Situations Wanted 'Sublease, Re rent, etc. 'Wanted to Buy 'Wanted to Rent. Office Hrs M-F 8 OOo m. - 5:00 p.m. 3 LINES. 5 DAYS '8.80 Shaw Frea Press PRIVATE PARTY I.INF. ADS Newspaper Group •Santlnal-Havak! (Woodstock) *Tho Hosrtd (Crystal Lsko/Csry- Qrovs) •Tho HorsM (Csrdunsl Froo Pross) •Elgin Horsld •Rich mond Qazotto •Sycamors Mows •The Hfsid-Waind--lor • Qonoo-KlngstoivKlrfcland Nows •Hampshire WofHstsr. Also avails bio: •Hotsld-CKtzon, Saturday Extra and Shoppor Service. Our helpful, courtoous staff Is st your sonrlcs DIRECTORY DEADLINES: RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER READERS MON. 5 P.M. MON. 5 P.M. DISPLAY MON. 12 NOON MON. 12 NOON WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Announcements Cemeteries ft Lots. Cord of Thanks... Notice*. i.,. Cor Pools ........ Lost ft Found Personals Instruction Auctions 02 03 05 , 10 . 11 . 1 2 13 18 Help Wanted Child Care 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wanted 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy.. f 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garage Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles ft Sports Equipment 36 Lawn ft Garden Equipment 37 Boats.- ... 38 Musical Instruments 39 Cameras : 40 Aviation .41 Pets ft Equipment. 44 Horses ft Equipment. 47 Farm &.Dairy 48 Livestock 49 Machinery ft Equipment 53 Business Opportunity. 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House. 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots ft Acreage.',!i. 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms tor Sale 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted-to Rent 78 Rooms, Board. House Apartments to Share .. 79 Apartments to Rent.. 80 Homes to Rent .. 81 Condominiums ft Townhomes to Rent 82 Stores, Office ft Industrial to Rent .83 Farms, Farmland to Rent. 84 Miscellaneous to Rent .85 * Automotive Auto* for Sole 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Port* A Accessories 88 Truck*, Tractors A Trailer* .... 89 Von* 9° Motorcycle* A Snowmobile* 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT PARTIAL LISTING OF TELEPHONE PREFIXES APPEARING IN THE PLAINDEALER HERALD CLASSIFIED PAGES 312 AREA CODE 381 -Barrington 382-Barrington ' 426-Dundee 551 -Dundee 639-Cory 669-Huntley 683-Hampshire 815 AREA CODE 695-Elgin 697-Elgin 740-Round Lake 741-Elgin 742-Elgin " 888-Elgin 931-Elgin * 337-Woodstock 338-Woodetock 344-McHonry 385-McHenry 455-Crystal Lake 459-Cry*tal Lake 568-Morengo 648-Hebron 653-Wonder Lake 678-Richmond 728-Wonder Lake 895-Sycomore 923-Union 943-Horvard 02 Cemeteries At Lots 10 CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK ft UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as <275/ including perpetual care Catholic section. Terms. 815/459-0547 03 Card of Thanks B.P.W. ORGANIZATION, I wish to thank the officers & members who gave me the honor of being named woman ot the year. It is appreciated. Bertllla A. Freund. 05 Notices NOTICE PLEASE CHECK YOUR ADS We would like to check each ad as it appears in the paper, but time does not permit. Please notify ut if you find an error in your classified ad, or if your •d failed to appear. If you notify us by 5pm the first d#y it was schedul ed to appear, we'll make a correction as soon as deadline permits. We can only be responsi ble for the first day of an ad's run. Adjustments for errors are limited to the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occurred. Sorry, but if the error continues after the first day of the ad's scheduled appearance, we cannot be responsible. Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8am - 5pm. ATTENTION: BRIDES Save money on bridal gowns, bridesmaid dresses, silk flowers, invitations & ac cessorles. Silk Flower & Bridal Creations, 815/338-1682. "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24HOUR HOTLINE 312/934 9233 E.S.P. PSYCHIC READINGS, By MRS. LAURA. She has helped many people with pro blems such as love, business, marriage and 11 other pro blems of life. Call for an appolntmrnt. 1103 Dundee Ave., Elgin, II. 60120. 312/931-1193 APPLES: Golden Delicious, 87.50 to $10. a bushel; 2nds. for cooking, $4.00 a bushel; Sweet elder) Thunder Grove Orchard, Car Pools WANT TO BEGIN Carpool from Genoa to Elgin. Leave Genoa at 6.15 a.m. Leave Elgin at 4:30 p.m., Mon-Fri. 815/784- 5635 SAVE MONEY/time, Van pool to Chicago. Luxury Van, friend ly coriders. Pick up in Woodstock, Crystal Lake, Spr ing Hill Mall. For info., Call Ron days, 312/984 7268, eves., 815/338-3853. 11 Lost A> Found LOST RING, gold initial "F ' engraved. Lost 11/12 at Wag's. McHenry, reward, call Emily 815/385 5280. FOUND: GERMAN Shepherd, male, very large, black/brown. Algonquin, near Treadweil Marina. 312/658 4241. LOST, diamond 8, sapphire ring, 18 K in Montgomery Wards 11/15/84,815/459-1617. HUSKIE FOUND Oct. 20 Sleepy Hollow area. Male, beautiful dog. Must give away If not claimed soon. 312/426- 5155. FOUND, Webster St., Algon quin. Black & white kitten, w/ flea collar, 312/658 2089. DOG FOUND: on N. River Rd., McHenry, 11/18, medium size male, mixed breed, call to Iden tlfy; 815/38^0250 FOUND/Glve Away: Black female cat, end of Sept., housebroken, very friendly, call after 6; 815/385 8624. FOUND, YOUNG BLK. female cat, wearing blk. collar, found near Colony Sq. 815/455-1075. or 459-6182. FOUND GOLD PIECE, on Riverside Dr., owner must identify, 815/385 2683, after 5 p.m. KITTEN LOST, 11/24, Virginia Ave. in McHenry, 5 mo. old •ilack female, very friendly. Child's pet- reward. 815/385- 9179. REWARD IF FOUND: Female Siamese cat, cho points, cream 8< buff body, answers to Mai Ling, Igst Crystal Lake Manor area. Call 815/459-5586. 12 Personals FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free & confidential stress line, day or night, 815/338 8080. 815/568 >eerpass -8621. G i v e a G i f t S u b s c r i p t i o n t o s o m e o n e y o u k n o w . CALL McHenry County Computer Dating Service 815 338-2290 12 Personals PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. and from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service. 815/385-2999 ATTENTION! , Looking for 50 people to par ticipate in weight loss pro gram. Fun-Easy and simple. 100% guaranteed. Herbal Bas ed. 312/658-8429. • SCULPTURED NAILS The nails that look & feel so real. Done professionally, 3 years experience, only $25. Call Joyce for appointment, 312/658- 2019. DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance Costs? Let us hell IP you develop a plan you can af ford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency, 815/338-3328. WEIGHT LOSS Lose 10-29 lbs./mo 100% Guaranteed All Natural Herbal Program Call 815/338 7345 GIVE YOUR CHILD A SPECIAL G'IFT This Holiday Season-A Christmas call from Santa! For More information, contact the Easter Seals NORTH POLE CONNECTION 815/338 1707 HAYDAM'S SOLON MILLS RESTAUR ANT Now Open for Business 11 a.m. to 10 p.m Dining - 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Bar 12 Personals 19 AS OF Nov. 19, 1984, I am responsible for my debts & signature only. James E. Calllcott Sr. •SINGLE'DIVORCED'WIDO WE D. Get ready for the fun and excitement of a new relation ship. Eligible people are waiting to meet you. Confiden tial. Call 312/742-7545 or write to: Listings, Box 62-E, South Elgin, 11,60177. ' MRS. NANCY Character Reader and Advisor Help for all problems. Please call for appointment. 312/426-8695 SHAKLEE PRODUCTS Wholesale or retail 8 to noon, 815/455-5371. 13 Instruction CROWLEY & WATERS GUITAR STUDIO Lessons in: •Classic 'Modern •Folk*Elec. Bass 315 S. Main St. Algonquin. II. 312/658-6000 Child Care SCULPTURED NAILS * TRAINING CLASSES 5 hr. workshop. All practice materials furnished. Call Joyce Huber for more info. 312/658- 2019. 19 Child Care RELIABLE PERSON will baby sit your child In my home, full time only. 815/459-0937. LOVING CHILD care in my East Wonder Lake home, ref., 815/7281874. 18 Auctions BABYSITTING, 2 to 5 yrs. old,. 5 days a week in my home, McHenry/ Crystal Lake area, 815/459-4904. BABYSITTER, full time, In my home. Central school area. After 5pm, 815/459-2807. LOVING MOM, will babysit full-time, part-time, day or night, reasonable. 312/458-3084. WILL BABYSIT, Hidden Lake area, days or after school. 815/337-0166. LOVING MOM will watch your child In her Woodstock home, full time, days. Hot meals & snacks. Very reasonable rates. Ask for Colleen, 815/338-9196. TLC GIVEN; Experienced mother will babysit In her Har-- vard home, starting Jan. 5; 815/895-8259. LOVING MOM avail, for child care, my Crystal Lake home. New born 8, up. 815/459-5373. CHILD CARE In my McHenry/ -^l^nsfryrgarea home, Mon. 21 Situations Wanted WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room, <20. Additional rooms, $10 ea., 5 yrs. ex pertce. 815/943-4793. HOUSEKEEPING, yard work, factory work, all around custo- dlan, (full-time), restaurant, green house work, live In worker, farm work, floor maintenance. 312/639-2184, 9 a.m. to9 p.m. 4593077. METAL SHOP FOREMAN & custom metal fabricator iook- Ina for position with firm In volved with same. Exc. creden tials, Frank, 312/639-1471. D.J. Weddings, schools, etc.. Your choice of sound systems, lights and music. Equip, rental also; 312/584-0882, eves. EXPERIENCED HOUSE & of fice cleaning, excellent references, 5 yrs. experience, 815/344-1921. 21 Situations Wanted AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY SALON, November & December Specials! All perms 10% off; Frosting, $23.40; Pordean nails, $15.00. Call 312/426-6565 QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 815/459-7194 after 5 pm. DON JOHNSON Decorating • Interior Painting & Papering 815/338-4850 AUCTION Sunday December 2nd -12:30 We will be selling 500 pieces of beautiful jewelry, such as watches, rings, earrings, pearls, diamonds, gem stones, chains. Also we will be selling a beautiful collec tion of Royal Doulton, Hummell, and American Pewter figurines. Also bells, such as Roseville & Goebel. To be held at BALLARDS AUCTION GALLERY 55 Water Street Elgin, II 312/888-2539 AUCTION IL 31, 1 *--4 9 --»«-- j u.u Lociifc c mwt» KHiut of wcnfnfjfi known ae Someday Firm. REASON: Discontimiini Farming. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2 at 12*0 NOON TRACTORS, BOBCAT, UNI-HARVESTORS ft HEADS: Cm 2470 4 wheel drive tractor, 1000 INI, w/3 pL, PT0, MW 114(34 tires; 19t2 Case 1S35 dieeei Slud-Steer w/bvdwt, manure fort, TOT, 770 hra.; IH No. 9M D tractor, Mad stripe, w/yeer-round cat, wide front 2700 hn; IH fMD tractor w/3 pt, New Idee leader, wide front; Farmed MTA tractor w/cafc; 2 Nl Uni-traclen, 1-704 w/V-4 engine, 1144 hrs ̂ 1-701 w/212 engine, and the Mewing Old- Horvestor ettach.: No. 720 2 row com. No. 721 hacking hod, No. 712 2 raw chopper head, No. 7M em. chopper, No. 7K windrow akfcap, No. 722 eholor, No. 731 4 raw com heed, No. 721 ehoNor, He. 717 combine unit; Ford 2000 trader w/ioodor, 3 pt, PS, 1500 fc reer Wft&. TILLAGE ft HAY EQUIPMENT: K> No. 7000 4 raw pterter •/monitor, 10 Nt 310 15' dfc w/Mtchhfter, exc; Iff Ne. 720 5-11 plow w/epring raeets; New Holend No. 152 round baler, MM nor, NH No. 1010 bale waned; NH No. 471 haybine, exc; Nl ReNabor rake w/rabbor teeth; NH He. 175 tandem manure spreader, IH No. 430 beler, NH No. 31 peon chopper; ID RM 4 raw ciill; IH 4 raw root cud; Farmhand 500 geL trail iprayor w/cenL pomp; new 5* Bob Hog rotary mower, 2 Fteklin 435 beees w/ll* exL en Nl 10 ten goon w/flet tires; 3 KiHbros parity bens on gears; BrNRea 12* cuttimukher w/Mde wheels; 10 1W 3 pi hyd. fold field cull; IN 10* double dioc grain drtt on rubber, Gohl PT0 long hopper Mower w/50* pipes; Nl 4(t eio«. w/moter, 2 Raeten 3 beater terqp bane w/roofs on good goers; 45' bole camoyor on wheels; 2 20* bale can- nyors; 3 flare bee wagom, 1 plv.; 2 hay rad wapne; 2 peon chop wegons; 4C Make bale cane; Startrne banal type manure spreader, 10 3 eac. ir harrow; 2 300 pL OH cfL; 2 leeeg 2 5 hp. 141 lepu 24'ii" transport auger w/enrine; 10; fed tanks; eloc. gee pump; 3 hyd. q elec metal, 2 Dusk-to Dtwn ttptts, plow for M, etc; running goers, (rants A rears; eeeerl ins. I her bicides; seraral ffiuc tanks; large fence poets and poteen FEED ft LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT: 200 b«. eats; DarUeei 500 pL baft mdk taak w/now rempraeer, Staribw 14' wilo IftlllMHIM |/y Ap €Xf kyul (euiWlV AM kAiiUa akaa JIITwWa; W IV W BVIM VOTWf |N|VI Bll^f |H BIBIIn| CHOP" per, 2 y».; cattle oHo ̂ 3 wooden feed bonks 14* te 2V; 3 round bole IaajAAM* AIIA fL||AA liin^ali ft TpwOwfei, JliTtQwIj WO CnUli TUnii®i( SiMn nO| rBOBp) 2 UN Wfw TRAILER: HMebora ir geoeonock pain trader w/hdot en land bogiee (t tires), w/tarp, ac.; Diamond ICIS 4 hone or alack bemper trailer w/tack camp. GUY I GARY LEANNA, OWNERS AUCTIONEER: Gordon Stadt, McHenry, IL 815-385-7032 CLERK ft CASHIER: Cordon Stadt Aucbon Sonkt RESPECTED AUCTIONS SINCE 1952 WE STOP ALL LEAKS! Roof, Chimney, Basement, Foundation, New Work or Repeired, Free Estimates. Call jPs*e>>t A •mil* ' Awned --Iness. J. West Waterproof ing, Fox Lake, IL. 312/587-4444 SNOWPtOWING, Driveways, parking lots, sidewalks. McHenry aree. 815/344-1632. SPECIAL WINTER Prices on Basements, Rec. Rooms, Kit chen & Bathrooms. Chateau Builders. 815/455-4392 or 312/529-4291. GUITARIST 4i vocalist to form progressive rocK band, serious inquiries only apply, Qrall 815/728-1737. 18 Auctions 21 Situations Wanted WILL CLEAN home$ A offices, McHenry area. Experienced 8, referenced Cathy 815/315-4448. EXPERIENCED CLEANING ledy will clean for a reasonable fee. Ref. avail. After 3pm, 115/455-5618, aek for Barb. DATA PROCESSING Profes sional w/20 vrs. experience avail, for winter employment as systems analyst, program mer or operator. Call 815/923- 4206. HANDYMAN SERVICE! Quality work at lowest prices. We do anything. 815/597-4951. GENERAL OFFICE: Would like to work In your Woodstock office3-4 mornings per week. 815/338-4577. HOUSEKEEPING, yard work, factory work, all around custo dian, (full rime), restaurant, green house work, live in worker, farm work, floor maintenance. 312/6392184 or 639-9612, or 815/459-3041, ask for Bill Spencer. NURSING, homemaklng shopping I. errands, 815/439-9030. HOUSECLEANING! Holiday, weekly or bi monthly. Call Cookie, 815/455-4503, or Connie 312/526-6465. CLEANING: Houses, offices, apts. Rets, avail. Dependable, reasonable. 815/895-3099. WILL DO house cleaning, exc. ref. Have days open, call after 2 p.m., 815/653-5247. TT ESTATE AUCTION See. Dec. 2nd, 11 a.n. Mihofany Chippendale kith boy-clt* feet, depression end etched (lesswwsrs, iterlint end plete items, straight rsier. Lionel trains-3 nil track. 243 pc bdrm. sets, If. wslmrt drop leaf, coaches, loveseets, accent chairs,tables, If. room divider, aide by side refrigerator Ireenr, upright freenr.pool table. 9 pc. maple dining eat, 2 Ig. solid maple Itclerc looms, bonk beds, beekceses, cader chest, wicker. Ig. I smell like new erae rags. Oak treedte sewing mackine, 7 pc. mahogany dining set. entieee jewelry, eeepstoee. baskets, metal toys, graaito & tin were. eMIeettead sheet mask, jogs, cow bells, dot irons, fishing aquipment, 11 pc. petio set saowWowers, bteda tw Scoot, 1910 Plymouth Vetera, 4 dr., laaier 90.000 B.T.U waste oil borner-1 yr. old. CympK 2000 Oelue Syetem like new, 1844 Remington army rifte-roUtaag block, 1993 Maeaer-Loewe Berlin. Note: Estate Auction Dec. 9. hundreds of antique tools, mostly woodworking, from 1190 1930 (1840-1930's). fornitore in ckerry, walnut 4 eek. Don't Mias this sole. Dike Rath Aectiee Center 3 miles west of Elgin on Rt. 20. 312/695-0388 ESTATE AUCTION Sat., Dec. 1t 1984 12:30 SHARP Fori I beverages available 602 W. Biirbaak, Harvard II. This is the estate of Mrs. Lillian Booth t contains some very desirable antiques I collectibles along with furniture A the usuel misc. found in an estate such as this. A partial listing follows. (AMTIQUKS A COLLCCTIBLES:) Birds-eye maple chest, dresser I rocker, doll furniture, oak slatted porch sw ing, divider screen, picture frames, treadle sewing machine, child's cast iron stove, wicker plant stand, wicker rocker, oak cane seat wheel chair, pine wash bench, wood folding chairs, toys, large crock, copper boiler, child's desk, stool, ladies writing desk, doll high chair, bed A crib, Kodak folding ca mera, mogazine rack, commode, rivitor, lamps, cast iron oil lamp hollder,. amethyst glass, depression glass, stemware, commode, square tubwringer washer, cane aeat desk choir, kitchen chairs, wooden barrels, misc. glass A china, wooden bowls, paper, knick-knacks, other misc. collectibles including glass front chine cabineL (FURNITURE tk MISC.:) Drop leaf dining room set, color T.V., sofa, occasional chairs, dinette set, sofo bed. bed room furniture, chest freezer, vacuum cleaner, eppliences, minors, tools, linens, luggoge, boskets, rugs, fire place equipment pottery, house plonts, flower bulbs, humidifier, picnic bench, man's wrist watch, SX 70 Polaroid camera, step ladder, pictures, occasional tables, bird bath, doll house, flat ware, pots, pans, dishes, glass ware I other misc. TOMS OF SALE-CASH OR APPROVED CHECK HOT IESP0ASIILE FSft ACCIPENTS ABILITY AUCTION SERVICE Rt. 4 Box 123, Berner Rd., Elgin, II. 312/742-4411 Ed Schmidt ' Auctioneer Since 1947 21 Situation* Wanted id PLANNING A PARTY for the holideys you need quality entertainment. 40's-90's music by O J. or M.C. State of the art 1 system. Call now to en- dates for Christmas or Years, 815/943-7525. SK RESUME SERVICE & all typ ing needs. Diana's Business Service, 815/455-4665. AUTO MECHANIC looking for side work. Reasonable! Call Joe; 115/453-9260. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! M.W. Cleaning Service Bonded & Insured Homes 4 Offices 815/344-0525 815/344*4025 HOUSE CLEANING by 25 yr. old experienced female, 815/8V5-W20. DOORS REPLACED, locks & dead bolts installed. G.M. Troy Cerpentry, 815/337-0152. WILL DO HOUSECLEANING, home, office, ref. call Lynda, 815/455-5250, after 5 p.m. • SCULPTURED NAILS, $15.; Manicures 8, Pedicures. By Vickie; 815/455-1048. 23 Household Help Wanted MATURE WOMAN to care for 7 <i 4 yr. old girls, AAcHenry area. Hours vary. 815/344-4328. MATURE, Dependable woman needed to wetch 2 yr. old In my AAcHenry home every Wed. i occasional AAondays, 815/344- 4847. BABYSITTER In Johnsburg School District, 2 to 3 days a week, 3:30 pm to 8 pm for 8 yr. old, 815/385-0056. LOVING, RELIABLE, mature woman needed to care for 6 mo. old infant. Prefer In my McHenry (Winding Creek) home. Full time, Mon.- Fri. Salary negotiable. Must have refs. After 6:30 pm. 815/344- 5435. 24 Help Wanted $CANEARNS $140PER WEEK PARTTIME $360 PER WEEK FULLTIME Expanding company has Im mediate openings. Mr 312/449-1920. mediate Adams, NURSING ASSISTANTS, full time, exc. starting salary & benefits. Free meals & park McHenry Ave., Woodstock. NEEDED NOW - Secretaries, word processors, typists, general office, experienced phone collectors. Working World, Crystal Lake. 815/455- 4490. NEEDED NOW - Maintenance & General Factory, Working World, Crystal Lake, 815/455- 4490. FLORIST. Part time designer, 2 years experience. Part time clerk, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., 4 days. Ap ply In person, Cary Floral Gardens, 55 S. Hwy. 14, Cary. 312/639-7829 SECRETARY A leading packaging com pany of lawn and garden products, in Elgin, has an Immediate opening for a foil time secretary. Poslton requires regular clerical skills, including operation of dictation equipment. Compensation will be based on ex perience and a complete benefit package is available. To investigate this opprotunity, stop in & fill out an application for employment. Black Leaf Products Co. 667 N. State St. Elgin, 11.60120 . HYGENIST Rapidly growing dental office needs part time hygenist one day a week. Possibility of more days in the future. Please call 815/459-2480. ENJOY YOUR WORK SELL AVON. Flexible hrs. Call 815/459-5757 It Auctions Help Wanted RESUMES Professionally prepared. VISA/MC Welcome. Norton 8, Associates. 312/428- 9255. ORGANIST Send resume by December 1st to Trinity Lutheran Church, 504 East Digains, Harvard, IL 60033,815/943-7433. BAR R'S TEMPORARY Office & Factory Service 312/742-7991 PLUMBERS WANTED Licensed journeyman or registered apprentices. NON-UNION. Cal l , 312/658-7000, between 8am- 5pm. EXPERIENCED GARAGE Door Installer 8, service man. Must have own truck & tools. Call 312/658-7439. FULL TIME Receptionist for 'small animal hospital. Must type, file, & have good phone skills. 312/381-1920. PART TIME KENNEL help. Afternoons 8, some weekends, h school graduate prefer- ,•312/381-1920. rea person to work In day care center. Must have two veer degree in early childhood. App ly at Tom Tnumb Day Care Center. 1651 Ravine Lane, Carpentersville. CHAUFFER/ DELIVERY Truck Driver, experienced. To transport company employees 8, make deliveries. Must have good personality & neat ap pearance. Phone 312/697-6333, ask for Michelle. FLOYD'S RESTAURANT, tak ing applications for hostess, salad person, weekend dishwasher 8. waitress. Apply In person Rt. 31, Carentersviiie. EXPERIENCED COOK, Full Time, days. Apply In person to Reese's Restaurant, 205 South AAain St. In Algonquin. WANTED, Team Player! Im mediate openings for day dish person. Good working environ ment 8, benefits. Moloney's Restaurant, Spring Hill Mali. Apply In Person. TYPIST/CLERK FOR GENERAL OFFICE Please Apply In Person WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANIES 300 Commerce Dr. Crystal Lake, IL NURSING ASSISTANTS All Shifts Full and/or Part Time Apply in Person: SUNSET MANOR 920 N. Seminary Ave. Woodstoc ary A* k, IL. PRINT SHOP looking for full time AM 1250 duplicator operator. Please call, 312/695- 1820. R.N., part time, for pro gressive home health agency. Call Community Contacts V.N.A., Elgin. 312/888-0505, EOA. • DAY CARE CENTER Position open: Teacher needed for 2 yr. olds class, 2 yrs. of col lege. 815/385-2499 CONVENIENT FOOD MART, Crystal Lake. Now accepting applications for full time deli/ cashier positions. Desire mature individual. Apply at 131 N. Main, or call 815/455-3993. RECE PT ION/Secretarial/ Looking to fill a part-time posi tion, available In doctors office. Must be congenial and able to type. 815/344-0900. PERSON TO remove snow from sidewalks, Woodstock. 815/338-2414 or 815/338 5282. REAL ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 at 12:00 NOON TO KKLDMMMTS STEM MOUSE, ROUTE 12, RICHMOND, IL 2 FARMS, 250 ACRES, in 7 PARCELS McNENRY COUNTY, II, RICHMOND TOWNSHIP, HEM WONDER LAKE, RICHMOND, SPRIIK GROVE AND THE NORTHERN PUMP CD FARMS. EXCEPTIONAL TERMSI PARCEL 1:25 acres w/2 story, 3 BR bane, approx. 1500 sq. fL, ps heat, atom. exL, tarp comtrj kitchen, attached prate, in a nice sattni, mi a 40xfi5 2 stay ham with ramp to apper story and other tarn Mdp Apprm. I acres al Ms parcel Is wooded and has a nin- aint stream TMs percel 2M§4 J OPEN HOUSE PARCEL ^SlaciM, appy. 3 Road. Zoned*. PARCEL 3:45 PARCEL** Those 2 sedadad parcels adMn 112 an the north, are both apprai. harts on Hawk Road, mile west of the HOUSE DEC. 2,1984 from 2404:00. wekaW weeded, have a mantm stream, rodini land, balance in BtfMai. haea W access la Howe Read. Will ha ottered separately and tapther (W acreN- This eetara ahaandtni land is becomini scar- i daee to the dties. Taus apprw. S9.50 pi I per acre. PARCEL 5:41 acres, square, located in HE V« ot RE Vi ot Sec. 23, Richmond Taw whip, has % mile frontep on Clark Road, 1% mile seeth af iaate 173,1 mRe north of Salon Rood. Appro*. % tillable, lor dipinf a pond. Some trees. Taxes ap- praL SIMS par acre, leaod at PARCEL 6:10 acres, % mile frontep an Solon Rood just west of CM Rd. Has bsaatilat weeded high homoafta. A tare site. Approx. % af the land Is tew bohn • natural approach to the Nippersink Creek. Zoned af. Saitahte far a heme and horse or stock farm. PARCEL 7:13 acna, located in the W% of SEtt of Sec. 23, Rich mond Twp. Frontinf on NW earner af Solon end Clark Roods. Mitch lead fiontap AR epen land, has smaH stream in earth end. Zoned at Takes apprai. $12.50 par acre. TERMS: Contract er caah purchases are available. Earnest money on dp al aria wM he SM00. en each parcel, to he increased to 15% in 5 days. Earnest money In form el cashiers check or cash. On Parcels 1 to 4, a 10* dbceant wM ha (ban and on Parcels 5 to 7, a 5* ckscaant wM he #«en to a parchaasr paying the total pvrchaae price H a contract Mr deed is daaired, a total of 30% af purchase price (in- dadht| earnest money) mast be paid at doaing, and a principal ladectien al 5% el parthaaa pike to he paid each year, aR unpaid hateaeoa dae in 5 pea Prepoyment at any time without penalty. In teract en unpaid balance dae semiannually at annual rate al 10% far pan 1,2 A 3 and 12% tor pen 4 and 5. AftMMtemoNta at tkne and piece al aele precede printed matoriaL CMnishaHbelanuary 15, IMS, poaaaaaion shall be et ckoainf on al parcels eicopt 1, which shaR he February 15,1915. SELLERS: Pirate 14, Ernest Virp Family. Parcels 5 to 7, Hain of Amalia Miller.̂ eccased. AUCTIONEER A BROKER: Gordon Stadt, McHenry, IL 81**5-7032. Holp Wanted EXPE0IT0R Electronic distributor re quires Full Time Ex» p e d i t o r , E x p e r i e n c e necessary. Please call for appointment: SUB-SEM INC. 115/459-4139' jquaUpportuntty employer S T A R T A C A R E E R I n Business Brokerage. Positions open for new firm In Crystal Lake. 3-day Training Course begins Nov. 29. Cell Mr. Kaplan for details. Kaplan Commer cial. 815/455-5582. GENERAL OFFICE POSITION PERMANENTPARTTIME WOODSTOCK Hours negotiable- good typlna skills required. Dlctophoiria & word processing experience a plus. Salary commensurate with experience & ability. For Interview, call Val at J.S. Men- nor Mechlne Corp., 815/338- 8700. FULL a, PART TIME Excellent working conditions In our phone room. No sales involved- appointment setting and survey work. Must be 14 or over, students welcome. Hour ly wage plus bonus. Earn up to S6 per hour. Cell For Interview 815/338-3962 Accounting Temporary service In need of accounting clerks 8, book k e e p e r s f o r v a r i o u s assignments. Typing 8, CRT knowledge a plus. Please call 312/439-8742. PARTTIME EARLY MORNING RECEPTIONIST No Weekends. Work Monday Through Friday, 5 : 0 0 a m t o 8 : 0 0 a m I n Carpentersville office. Please call Linda at 312/426-1453. SALES Part Time position in field sales. Monday through Thursday evenings and S a t u r d a y a f t e r n o o n s . Salary plus commission. No Experience necessary. Call Perry at 312/426-1654. ACCOUNTANT Immediate opening for mature person who Is able to maintain a full set of records In a rapidly growing distribution firm. Ac counting and micro computer experience a primary asset. Applicant must be co-operative and able to work efficiently and accurately. Salary commen surate with experience. Mail resume' in confidence to Mr. Gary Ossenkop, General Manager, 17408 West Kunde Road, Union, Illinois, 60180; 815/923-2702. W A N T E D -- ( M l n U t e r o f Musk) Organist and/or choir director for St. Mary's Church in Huntley. Salaried. 312/669- 3137. BISHOP'S BUFFET Now hiring for full & part time positions. Apply in person, at Spring Hill Mall between, 8 a.m.-8 p.m., 312/426-8680. WAITRESS WANTED- days; Bus Boy- weekends. Apply In person at Reese's Restaurant, 205 S. Main St. in Algonquin. E X P E R I E N C E D L e g a l Secretary, full time, shorthand, word processing helpful. Phone, 312/695-3300. THINKING ABOUT ACAREER In real estate, but unsure about working on a commission? If you're aggressive, tenacious, dependable, well-disciplined & e ieam player, we may have an answer for you. An opening has lost been created in our Marketing Deportment. Salary plus bonus. Call Chick at ERA Household, 312/639-2000. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Part time, flexible hours- lun ches 8, dinners weekdays; breakfast some weekends. Call The Lantern Inn for appoint ment, 312/639-1234. LEGAL SECRETARY Crystal Lake law firm seeks full time secretary. Word pro cessing experience or training preferred. Call 815/455-1733 or 455-3734 for immediate in- treview. EXPERIENCED ART0S Wire cutting & Stripping Machine Operator Fulltime 815/3854900 EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER WANTEDI GUARANTEED SALARY PLUS OTHER BENEFITS CALL MARY (815)385-7112 or (312)546-9276