Pag.-16 - PLAfNDEALER HKHALI), WEDNESDAY . NOVKMRER 28. I«MM J. 32 Misc. Merchandise | 33 Garage Sales SHORt ROMANCE Diamond Frtqagerieni Rir»q, .'J K, VV9S F.rrr, After 4 prr, RFLS/38578'9. DISHWASHER. Mav*^ very n;ce, J?5<: King %</*• wjfprbeo, complete, $150'8 IS/ 338 3? <u CABBAGE n A T C H *likes $25 Cabbage Pn'h k PreerVie (Hothes. 11J *83 ?V or 312 m ii*m 33 Garage bales L A < r I N ' T H E H I L L S 3!: Nevin Follow signs from Algonquin Rd just West of Pyott Rd Nov 79, 30,8:30 1:30 Dec. 1st, 8 00 5:00 Rosemary's attic in home sale. Old glass, collectibles. & hand made items for that special gift. Some holiday clothing More items daily. CRYSTAL LAKE GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE 815/459 9600 Penny Lane. Teckler off Virginia Rd., or Rt 14 to Lou St. Wed.. Nov. 28 through Sat., Dec 1.95 20's table & chairs, unused and old misc., collectables, and some antiques. MOVING SALE Thurs. Nov. 29,1 5pm. Fri. Nov. 30,9 5pm. • 2409 N Villa Lane (off Chapel Hill Rd , thru Golf Course) 2 piece custom sofa; cocktail & 2 matching end tables; bat", 2 stools, oak breakfront; oak desk; buffet; recliner; misc. stained glass & window; maple playpen, potty chair; lumper chair, books; pictures; misc. CRYSTAL LAKF <003 E Terra CoM»Avenue D«}C l through 4tn 1 am to 5 pm Snowbiower, 2 high back chairs, microwave oven. Merchandise Under $50 Boats 44 Pet* & Equipment 34 70 USED OFFICE Chairs, some swivel. 15 ea. 15 Used File Cabinets, mar\y other office items. Brand "Equipment 8> Supply. 137 N. Main, Crystal Lake 815/455 4550 35 Antiques ANTIQUES Oak table; kit. cupboard; Ig. pine cupboard; 5 pc walnut, borm. set. Moving must sell. 312/669 5707. KANE COUNTY FLEAMARKET Kane County Fairgrounds St. Charles - SUNDAY DEC. 2 7 A.M.--4 P.M. Antiques. Collectible Coins & Junque FOODSERVEDALLDAY Outside Dealers Welcome No Dogs Please 312/377 2252 Best In The Midwest Or Anywhere CHRISTMAS SALE WOODSTOCK 23l8Quetfn Anne Rd. Dec 1 4 2, 9am 5pm Hand made gifts, crafts, git! idy homemade cam CRYSTAL LAKE 1108Cedar Crest Dr. Nov 30 Dec. 1,9 4 Hydraulic wet kit, freezer, fur niture, baby items, desks, chests, & misc. C R Y S T A L L A K E Lakewood, gate 12 363 Meridian St. Dec. 1,2,10 4 furniture, household items, garden equip., tools, hardware, much misc. OAKWOOD HILLS Moving Sale 212 W Lafceshore Dr. Sat, Dec 1,9 5 Sun . Dec 2, 11-4 Like new electric dryer; brass head board, queen size; 27" Schwinn bike, like new, wicker set; clothes, junque No Checks. Bicycles & Sports Equip. SNOW SKIS, Olln Mark IV 195 cm., never worn, $159. Ron 815/459 6611 or 312/639 1843. ELECTRIC TREADMILL, $400. Call McHenry Nautilus •15/344 2202 37 Lawn& Garden Equip. LAWN TRACTOR, John Deere 210, 48" mower deck, snow plow, more, good cond., $1,950. Also, 7Vj ft. Western reversable snow plow, $600/best After 5, 815/455 5299 123 HYDROSTATIC Cub Cadet, 12 HP., 34 " roto tiller, & 42" snow blade, engine needs work, $750. or best; 815/648-2875, after 6pm. "HUSKY" Tractor (750 Bolens), 40" snow blade, 28" mowing atachment, chains on back tires, excellent condition, ph. 815/338 2386 after 5:15p.m. Boats WOODSTOCK 704 Brown St. Nov 29, 30, 9 5 Clothes, children to adults, misc. PONTOON BOAT, '58, 22 ft., steel pontoons w/new float material. Great cond., asking $1,500. Will also sell, with or without pontoon boat, never us ed Johnson Outboard 35 hp., i asking $1,800. Starcraft Speed •^at, '73, with Gator trailer. Length 15 ft. Fiberglass w/65 hp outboard, Just fine tuned, hardly used. Asking $2,500. 312/658 4655 16 ft.. RUNABOUT, 75 h.p. I motor 4 tra'ior. $500 Call ' 312/426 6011'. I 39 Musical Instruments DEWMARKLlY ' AMPLIFIER'S Strings 4 accessories CROWLEY 4 WATERS GUITAR STUDIO 315 S Main St Algonquin, II. 312/658 6000 GUITARS, BRAND new at wholesale prices Save 40-50%. Accoustics. electrics 4 bass guitars plus strings, straps, picks, drum sticks, cases 4 much, much more. 815/728 0546, 9.30 4 30pm, 815/385-8383 6 9pm or weekends PIANO. Cable, good cond., $300, 312/639 7043after 2:30p.m ACOUSTIC 301 bass bottom new 18" Cerwin Vega speaker, $300, Tapco 500 stereo power amp, exc. cond,, $400 ; 2 Kustom, P.A columns 4horns, 1-15" speakers in each, $500, 312/658 6862 YORKSHIRE Terrier pup, female, champion Wildweir Clarkwyn line bred, $450, 312/658 3697. GERMAN SHEPHERD 4 Col lie mix puppie\ 6 wks. old, friendly 4 playful, several col- ors, $25each. 815/455 4266. SIAMESE KITTENS, also registered older females 4 stud cat. Call 312/244-7257. CAT, female, black, long hair, spayed, free to good home, Woodstock Veterinary Clinic, 815/338-0132. GREAT DANE, black, female, spayed, 4 yrs. old, free to good home, Woodstock Veterinary Clinic, 815/338 0132. SIBERIAN HUSKY, 1 vr. old. female, has papers, 815/728 0961, after 6pm., Karen. PURE BRED Bassett Hound, female, 7 month old. no papers. $75 or besf offer; 312/931-4816. ORGAN, Gulbransen elec tronic transistor, cherry fruit wood, matching bench, $450, 815/344 1214 after 5 30 pm W U R L I T Z E R P l A N O 4 ORGAN sale Save 40 50%. Bell Morford Piano 4 Organ Co., 72 Fountain Square Plaza, E lain. 312/741-0780. 32 Misc. Merchandise FIREWOOD Seasoned Northern Wisconsin Red Oak & White Birch 4x8 Face Cord 8151385-6103 ORGAN, Gulbrasen, needs work, best offer. 312/426 2659 DRUM SET: 5 piece, Ludwig, with Avedis Zildzian Cymbals, includes trap cases, $400. or best offer, 815/459 2598. BUNDY FLUTE, exc condi tion, $125. or best offer call 815/459-8075 evenings. FENDER Accoustic, 6 string, $75, 815/728 096V after 6 p.m., Karen. LOWREY GENIE Organ $600 Call after 5p.m. 815/344 0164 AMPLIFIER, Earth Revival with reverb; 4 epiphone elec trie guitar with solid body, $350 for both, 815/678 4636. ; 44 Pets & Equipment COCKATIELS; home raised babies, greys 4 pieds; Baby parakeets: yellows, greens & pieds; 815/385 5586. _ "LOVE 4 FLUFF Dog Salon". Professional Grooming of All B r e e d s . F r e e P i c k up/Delivery. 312^426 5077. BUY YOUR Christmas puppy now! and train him before the snow flies Rare Canaan pup pies now ready for your home! Call Donna Dodson at 815/895- 5255. PROFESSIONAL GROOMING AM Breed Dogs Pat Woodruff, 815/648 2546 W A N T E D : P U P P I E S , a l l breeds, will find good, loving home. Over 25 yrs. exp. We buy pedigree pups. 312/594-2241. BLACK LAB , female, 5 months S50/best offer, 312/658 3453. YORK IE MIXED LABRADOR, 2 yrs. old, must have fenced yard, free to good home, 815/455-4629. F R E E T O G O O D H O M E , Shepherd 4 Lab mix. Shots 4 neutered, 1 yr„ 815/344 2962. PUPPIES: to hunt or to love. Brittany, Golden Retriever, * Blak Lab. 815/923-2345. R O T T W E I L E R S : P u p p i e s whelped 8/28, AKC, 23 champs in 3 generations, $400/ ea.; 3 yr. old male AKC German Import, $2,500. Call 815/385 9839. LHASA APSO, AKC, 1 male 1 yr. old, l male 6 mos. old. All shots. $175. 312/428-4148 after 3:30 PLEASE SAVE MY CATS Ther're on death row at the A n i m a l C o n t r o l C e n t e r . Neutered, declawed and unbelieveable disposition. Call after 6:00 pm for more info. 815/459 0734. PT BULL, spayed. Gentle w/children/pets Housebroken. Small fee. Call 815/338 1059 after 4 p.m. GERMAN SH^PHARDS, AKC, young male 4 female, heavy boned, beautiful youngsters, black/ tan 4 sable. 815/385-7553 GERMAN SHORT Hair pointer pups. 6 males, liver ticked 4 white 4 liver, $150, 815/648- 2792. 44 Pets & Equipment FREE Dobe Shepherd puppies Parents exc. temperamer.*. Ready. 12/6/84,815/459-0359 FtUFFY CAT, grey & white. Free to good home. 312/658- 6562. FOUR KITTENS to be given away, litter box trained, 7 weeks, call 815/385-7407. COCKER SPANIEL Puppy, A.K.C.. buff, beautiful marfc ings, female, 3 mos. old, 8250/best offer. 312/639-0127. AKC MINIATURE Schnauzer, • weeks, shots, 2 female, l male, $150.. 312/639-4537. FREE TO Good home, old female Collie 4 housebroken, good children, 815/648-2911. 2 year Lab, w i t h S H E P H E R D / D O B E R M A N puppies. Beautiful! $20.00, Ideal for Xmas! 312/639-7049. R E G I S T E R E D B O X E R , A . K . C . , b o r n 1 1 / 7 / 8 3 , housebroke 4 very oentle w/children, complete w/metal crate, $250.815/568-6659. DOBERMAN, male, 11 months, blk./rust, AKC, exc. blood line, gentle raised with sm. child, exc. personality 4 tempera ment. 815/344 3263 after 6 p.m. 815/459 6263. CHRISTMAS TREES Cut your own on a family outing! 9 a.m. to dark. Scotch, white and red pines. Saturdays and Sundays-* 15 any size includes wagon ride to the pines, hot coffee and cocoa around the wood stove afterwards. Week days '14 any size - no wagon ride nor hot drinks PIONEER FARM H m on Pioneer Rd., 3 mi. north of McHenry off Rt 31 815-385-9512 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS! 25% off all dog sweaters 4 bird cages. Also have huge selection of wild bird feeders. Main Sup plies, 28W039 Commercial Ave., Lake Barrington In dustrial Park, Barrington; 312/381 5000 Open Sundays 1 5 now through Christmas Closed Wedensdays F R E E K I T T E N S t o g o o d homes. Also adult female cat., 815/338 6504. MALE SAMOYED. $50, 815/455-0745. F R E E T O g o o d h o m e : s p a y e d , declawed, female cat. Affec tionate; good with children; 815/344 0184. F"R E E TO GOOD home, mix breed puppies, 312/428-8991 UNCLAIMED HUSKIE, found O c t . 2 0 , S l e e p y H o l l o w . Beautiful male. Can't keep- Free to good home. 312/426- 515* ' ' GERMAN SHEPHERD White purebred 1 yr. old male, doghouse included, $150. 815/338 5503. DOBERMAN puppies, AKC, black 4 rust, good disposition, can see both parents. Great Christmas present, reasonable. Call 815/675 2216. 47 Horses & Equipment EXPERIENCED horseshoer t a k i n g n e w c u s t o m e r s . reasonable prices, 815/455-3976. BAY GELDING, 4 yrs. old, rides 4 drives, gentle. 815/338 0614. « HORSE BOARDING Facility: Full services, Joann, days, 815/385 3440, evenings, 815/455- 0437. * - * 48 Farm & Dairy ALFALFA, HAY, and oat straw for sale. Call after 6 pm; 815/784-5903. 49 Livestock CROSS BRED polled Hereford 4 Holstein bull, 16 mo. old. 312/669 5884. Machinery & 53 Equipment FOR LEASE: Glencoe 9 shank soil saver; $4 per acre, JD4640; $24 per tac hour, Neuero 8 in. pneumatic grain conveyor, bushel usagerates. Fox Valley P.C.A., 312/365 6431. SNOW PLOW Heavy Duty, for 2'/j ton or larger truck, $675. After 5 pm, 815/459-4439. Business 66 Opportunity WEIGHT LOSS! If you would like to lose 10 to 150 lbs., and/or earn $200. to $1500. per month, call 312/639 6408. CAFE FOR SALE, State St. Market; $10,500. Call 312/931- 5146, or 312/931-5109. S T A R T A C A R E E R I n Business Brokerage. Positions open for new firm in Crystal Lake. 3 day Training Course begins Nov. 29. Call Mr. Kaplan for details. Kaplan Commer- Cial. 815/455 5582. WELL ESTABLISHED service type business with good cash flow, local area. Reply c/o Sentinel Herald, P.O. Box 709, S E R V I C E - B o x Z R A , Woodstock, IL, 60098. 69 Wanted to Buy I BUY HOUSES Brian, 312/639-6039 SMALL HOUSE; $25000 or under, any location, 815/455- 4633 after 5pm. 2 OR 3 BE DROOM Home in this area. Assumable loan desired. No brokers please. 815/385- 4389. HAVE CASH BUYER For 3 bdrm., 2 bath ranch home with basement and 2 car garage in Crystal Lake area. Possession open. $90,000-$l 20,000. Ask for Ted Buck, Agent. Essex Costel lo,815/459-3066 35 Antiques 66 Business Opportunity 70 Business Property CRYSTAL LAKE: Rt. 14, 4700 «4 !•. with show room, three 12 ft. doors, parking for 35, cars; Sale or Rent, $320000. Call Dave D a n i e l s , R E M A X T R I - C O U N T Y R E A L T O R S ; 312/658-3100. OFFICE BLDG., Algonquin Zero Interest Financing Two story walk-up- building with view of Fox River and woods. Wood decks, 22 parking stalls, 2/3 acre, rolling slopes. Quality tenants. Good return. Tenants pay all utils.. $150,000, 312/658-8484. 71 Open House • " T H E C H R I S T M A S CHALET". An Open House, At: 309 N. Bromley, Fox Ridge, McHenry, Thurs., Nov. 26, 7-10 p.m., Fri., Nov. 30, 10-4 p.m., Sat., Dec. 1, 10-4 p.m. Many unique hand-craftea gifts. 72 Real Estate WOODSTOCK, Newer 2 Story brick 4 cedar duplex, 2 4 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 4 2 1/2 baths, stoves 4 refrigerators, good in- come, 815/459 8986 days. NO MONEY DOWN 3 bdrm., full bsmt., alum. siding, R 40 ceiling insul., R-19 wall insul., FHA-VA financing available, $49,750. Call March Builders. Inc., 815/385-8180. WOODSTOCK, 960 Sq. ft. 3 bdrm. ranch near Northwood School, dry unfinished bsmt. 4 large garage, 815/338-4585 after 6 pm. ^ HARVARD, 3 flat apt. building (1, 2 4 3 bdrm ). Oversized lot. Exc. location 4 cond., $1,200 monthly income, 815/338-4585 after 6 pm. WOODSTOCK Investment pro perty, 2 yr. old 2 story duplex - 2 4 3 bdrm., 1,150 sq. ft. each w/l'/j baths 4 gar. w/stoves, refrig., dishwashers, exterior maintenance free. Exc.< loca tion 4 income. 815#58-4585 after 6 pm. JOHNSBURG, By owner, 3 bdrm. ranch w/frplce, contract rchase, $61,500, 8 1/2% in- erest. 815/344-1632, 815/385- 6566,815/344-0748 4 BEDROOM Victorian, built In 1890, 3,000 sq. ft., many unique features, city of McHenry. Con tract purchase. 815/344-1632, 815/385-6566, 815/344-0748. CITY OF McHENRY, 4 unit apartment, investment tax snelter. pui ter 6566. 9% interest, 815/385- McHENRY, 125 ft. on Fox River, 3 bdrm., 8 room home, aft. gar., 9% interest. 815/385- 6566. BEST BUY! Retirement com munity! Beautiful empty nester home, completely maintenance free exterior, many quality up-grades, owner wants fast sale. Call Helen Cook for details, 815/344 3926 or 815/385-6990 McHenry County Realty. S T A R T A C A R E E R I n Business Brokerage. Positions open for new firm in Crystal Lake. 3-day Training Course begins Nov. 29. Call Mr. Kaplan for details. Kaplan Commer Clal. 815/455-5582. McHENRY- BY OVIN6R, 8% assumable, 3 bdrms., w/ ap plias, steel siding, new roof, $4'.,000.815/675-6069 after 5 pm. $3000. DOWN 5 ACRES, Woodstock, "4 bedroom ranch, 2 baths, horse barn, $822. P41,12'/a% fixed, 30 years, $80000.; Lasco Realty, 312/428 2223. RIDGEFIELD ANNUAL CHRISTMAS WALK Thursday thru Sunday Nov. 29th thru Dec. 2nd 11 AM to 4 PM Walk thru our antique vi l lage of Ridgefield and vi sit the many shops within our 7 stores. Here one wil l f ind antiques, collectibles, crafts, and many Christmas item$ and gifts. Free treats. Lunch available at our new "Up In The Att ic" diner located in the Ridgefield Emporium. Come spend a day in the country and f ind that special Christmas gift. OWN YOUR OWN PIZZA & SUB STORE Franchise Now A vailabie In Your Community • Moderate Investment • Advertising •Training Accounting * Store Lay out • Field Supervisor To Guide You • Write or Call Today! PAPA JOHN'S FRESH PIZZA Franchise Department 119 W. Sherman Ave., Fort Atkinson, WIS3S38 414/563-2557 72 Real Estate LICENSED R cAu 1ORS P.oaitor Asso! I&ies: If you good at prospecting 4 desire a steady salary with defined hours, call about a new ly created position with much growth potential. Must be ag earn playi opportunity ERA Household, 312/639-2006. gressive, tenacious, disciplined & a team player for this opportunity. Call Chick at TIREDOF NEIGHBORS? 4 Bedroom farmhome in the country on 1 acre. $49900. Cen tury 21, New Heritage; 312/669- ONE OR SOME OF EVERYTHING Colonial home with beamed celling*, balconies, In-ground solar heated pool, guest cot tage, 3 building office or Dad's retreat. 3 plus secluded land scaped & wooded acres with more land available. $269,000. Century 21, New Heritage; 312/669-3777. M c H E N R Y , b y o w n e r . 3 bdrms., 3 baths, fam. rm., frplc., 2 car att. garage, Vj acre wooded lot, 9</2% assumable. For appointment, call 815/344- 3838. LAKE IN THE HILLS Rates are down, time to buy. For under $70's you can get 3 bdrm., 2 bath, family rm., 2 car gar. 4 much more. Call now, ERA All Service Realty, 312/658 5031. CARY, Custom built brick ranch, 2 bdrm., dining room, kit. w/ breakfast bar, full bsmt., cent, air, brick 1 car gar., concrete drive, cedar privacy fenced in back yd., 2 blk. from train 4 park. 320 W. Main, Cary, 312/639-3397. HUNTLEY, be the first to own this lovely, expandable split level. Excellent location, close togoft course, town 4 tollway, 2 1/2 car gar., 80 x 138 ft. lot; $78,500. C.4R. Sales, 312/669- 3273. $2,000 DOWN I McHenry, 3 bdrm. ranch, base ment, 2'/J car garage, $545. P.4 I., 12'/J% fixed, 30 yrs. Vacant! $53,000. Lasko Realty, 312/428 2223. 6.88 ACRE HORSE SET UP, 2,832 sq. ft. 8 rm., 3 bath home, stone frplc., full bsmt., 71 X 41 ft. deck, 41X21 ft. pool. 34 X 112 ft. barn w/5 rm. apt. on 2nd floor (has stone frplc.). Zoned Farm- $159,900. McHenry County Realty, 815/653-2061. Ask for Joan Krenger. NO MONEY DOWN, will carry 30 years at ll%%. Call tape, 815/385-8403. ALGONQUIN, house conve nient to schools 4 shopping, 3 to 4 bdrms., large bsmt., nice yard, stove 4 refrig. 6 month lease. Avail, immed. $475/mo., after 5 pm, 815/338 8854. L I K E R O S E S ? T h i s l o v e l y 4 bdrm. home has 38 established roses on property as well as family room, eat in kitchen, 2 full baths, loads of storage and attached garage. Fresh paint 4 new carpet are just a few added features in this well-kept home. We can be found on a quiet dead-end street close to schools, shopping 4 train. All this for only $76,900. Call to make appointment to see after 5p.m. 815/459-6156 FOX RIVER FRONT, 3 bdrm. Chalet, 8 yr*. old. i 1/2 bathe,,* 1/2 car gar., magnificent famF ly room w/massive fireplace situated on 3 riverfront lots, $87,500.815/344-4195 Condominiums 73 For Sale CONDO, Arlington Heights, 2 bdrr». Ilv. rm., din. rm., kit., 1 1/2 bath* first floor, access to Rte. 53, 10 min. to Woodfield, $51,900. By owner. 312/259-8748. MCHENRY, By Owner, 2 bdrm., 2 full baths, stove, refrig, dishwasher, disposal, attached gar., w/gar. door opener, cent, air, $59,900, 815/344-1744 or 385 7433. CRYSTAL LAKE/ 4 Colonies by owner. 1st. floor, 2 bdrms., 2 baths, Ig. ilv. rm. w/frplce., formal din. rm., all applias., storage, garage w/auto. door opener, clubhouse, pool, sauna, racquet 4 tennis courts, low Vs. For appointment, call £15/455-2527 eves. MCHENRY/Northfox, 2 bdrm:, l'/j baths, all appl., new carpeting, ceiling fan w/light, nice view, $39,000 815/344-4043. COULMAN'S CLEANING SERVICE 815/648-2109 We Use Dry Foam Cleaning Equipment No Soaking No Unpleasant Odors CARPET CLEANING CONTRACTORS e f f y Carpenter/Contractor D/B/A Frank Flcek 4 Sons 27 yrs. exp. In home build Ing and remodeling. Quality, Service 4 Pride Free Estimates Phone: 815/338 5129 or 815/385 1383 CONSTRUCTION BOUGH'S CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL •Custom Homes 'Kitchens •Additions »Baths •Remodeling 'Decks •Garages •Aluminum Siding 4 Soffits EXPERTCARPENTRY CALL ANYTIME 815/331-0905 DRYWALL SOMMER DRYWALL • Installation 4 Finishing •Patchwork 4 Spray-on ceilings 815/344-1956 CHIMNEYSWEEP I 5% Senior Citizen Discount Ingleside L.FABIAN CHIMNEYSWEEPS CHIMNEYS RELINED •Fireplaces *Stoves •Caps Installed Insured (312)587-1177 Certified Member of National Chimney Sweeps Guild FIREWOOD OAK FIREWOOD $24.00 per face cord Delivered & stacked. As available. 1/800-367-3325. HOME IMPROVEMENT I of HOME J On Lj IMPROVEMENTS Remodeling 4 Room Additions Garages 4 Aluminum Siding Soffit«Fascia»Gutters Roofino»Decks Low Prices4 Pre* Estimates Fully Guaranteed 4 insured •815/455 4224* If No Answer, Call • 1 5 / 4 5 9 - 3 8 8 8 . E x t . Z INSULATION SKELNIK & SONS DON'T WAIT INSULATE! Blow in insulation bbJ12/42£224£--| PAINTING BECK'S DECORATING Interior/Exterior Journeyman Quality Finest Materials Free Estimates to Homeowners, Businesses Contractors, Decorators Mil , PAINTING GRAND PRE CONTRACTING Painting/Patching Wallpapering/Minor reoalrs Quality work 4 materials References 815/455-5536 GARAGE DOORS INTRODUCTORY OFFER Professional Line Lift- Master Garage Door Opener (Permanently lubricated) $145.95 • Professional installation available - $75 (Incls. service, 4 lubrication of garage door) BAUERMAN CONTROLS 815/385-7219 Master Card 4 Visa Accepted REFRIGER ATION REPAIR D & D R E F R I G E R A T I O N SERVICES " Any make or model. Quality Workmanship Low prices 815/568-5296. REMODELING COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICES a 30 Years-McHenry County Basement to Roof Prompt Service New Home Builders OEA CONSTRUCTION 815/344-1632 815/385 6566, 815/344-0748 ROOFING BENCHMARK CONSTRUCTION •SHINGLES *HOT TAR •NEW WORK'REPAIRS All Work Guaranteed Qualify Work Reasonable Prices S.R. Citizen Discount 312/451-5301 ROOFING SUNSHINE ROOFING 10 Years Shingle Expertise Quality Materials • Insured Free Estimates All work guaranteed ° 815/385-0009 SEWING & VACUUM REPAIR SEWING MACHINE & VACUUM CLEANER Sales Service 4 Parts Household 4 Industrial In-Home Service Free Pickup 4 Delivery KEENER&SON 815/728-0672 WATER CONDITIONING Introductory Otter RENTA QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For $3.00* Per Month For the First 3 Months Call Collect 815/338-3344 QUALITY WATER CONDITIONING * (Limited to Home Owners) SNOWPLOWING SNOWPLOWING 24 Hour Service Get on our list now! GRAND PRE CONTRACTING 815/455-5536 UPHOLSTERY "JUST SEW" CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY 8. DRAPES HOLIDAY SPECIALS •Valances •Cornices Uae Our Fabrics Or Your Own We Also Alter Draperies Purchased Elsewhere FREE PICK UP&DELIVERY CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE •"312/43M47*" If No Answer, Call I1S/499-3M8, Ext. J WINDOW WASHING WINDOWWASHING IN 8, OUT HIGH & LOW Residential-Commercial GRANDPRE CONTRACTING 815/455-5536 WOOD RESTORATION JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION 10 Years Experience liture, a refinishing. Furniture, antique repair & refinishing. Hand stripp ing/durable sprayed on finish. Condominiums Apartments 73 For Sale 10 To Rent WOODSTOCK, 2 bdrm. w/at gar. Gas heat, c/a, retrig. & stove, terms avail, no condo fees, $49,500, Pat-Ex Pro perties, Cls/338-7030. CARY: Studio with heat & water, $300., 312/639-3737. WOODSTOCK, 2 bdrm. w/at gar. Gas heat, c/a, retrig. & stove, terms avail, no condo fees, $49,500, Pat-Ex Pro perties, Cls/338-7030. WOODSTOCK, 2V» bdrms., IVa baths, fireplace,, close to squat. Sec. dep., no pets. Call after 5 pm, 815/337-0580. Town homes 74 For Sale WOODSTOCK, 2V» bdrms., IVa baths, fireplace,, close to squat. Sec. dep., no pets. Call after 5 pm, 815/337-0580. Town homes 74 For Sale MARENGO, 2 bdrm., modern townhouse, appl., no pets, sec. deposit, $360/mo. avail., Jan 1., 312/669-3272. TOWNHOUSE in Elgin, ap praised at $34,000, asking $27,000 or offer will take it. 639- 1626. MARENGO, 2 bdrm., modern townhouse, appl., no pets, sec. deposit, $360/mo. avail., Jan 1., 312/669-3272. TOWNHOUSE in Elgin, ap praised at $34,000, asking $27,000 or offer will take it. 639- 1626. SPRING GROVE area, 3 rm. furnished apt., $75, wk. Inc. utilities. Ideal for couple or seniors, ref. 8. dep., 31i/587- 1354. 75 Lots & Acreage SPRING GROVE area, 3 rm. furnished apt., $75, wk. Inc. utilities. Ideal for couple or seniors, ref. 8. dep., 31i/587- 1354. TEN ACRES Rolling farm land with creek. Excellent site for solar home, near Rte. 47 and Silver Glenn Road. $54,900. Call 312/232-6223. SPRING GROVE area, 3 rm. furnished apt., $75, wk. Inc. utilities. Ideal for couple or seniors, ref. 8. dep., 31i/587- 1354. TEN ACRES Rolling farm land with creek. Excellent site for solar home, near Rte. 47 and Silver Glenn Road. $54,900. Call 312/232-6223. HEBRON, large 1 or 2 bdrm. apt., 1st floor, large rooms, stove 8i garbage pickup Incl., $275 + utils. Call Larry, 815/648-4078. WOODSTOCK-MCHENRY, builder- owner must sell, 1 a c r e , f u l l y i m p r o v e d , moderately rolling, In wood creek subdivision. $19,500. 815/459 5068. HEBRON, large 1 or 2 bdrm. apt., 1st floor, large rooms, stove 8i garbage pickup Incl., $275 + utils. Call Larry, 815/648-4078. WOODSTOCK-MCHENRY, builder- owner must sell, 1 a c r e , f u l l y i m p r o v e d , moderately rolling, In wood creek subdivision. $19,500. 815/459 5068. WOODSTOCK, l bdrm. 4 room apt. Vt/gas heat, 2nd floor, S275 + uflls.. Call Larry, 825/648- 4078. THREE ACRES, fully Improv ed, heavily wooded. High- roll ing w/ pond site. In Pine Ridge s u b d i v i s i o n ( b u l l v a l l e ) , $37,500. Call 815/459-5068. WOODSTOCK: 4 rms., stove, refrig., 8i heat turn, rdeal for senior cit.; 815/338-3355. THREE ACRES, fully Improv ed, heavily wooded. High- roll ing w/ pond site. In Pine Ridge s u b d i v i s i o n ( b u l l v a l l e ) , $37,500. Call 815/459-5068. WOODSTOCK: Irge. nice frst. fl. in house, 1 bdrm., gar., no pets, $375. plus util.; $15/338- 0110 or 815/338-0154. BONNIE LAKE EST. Ad|. to Turnberry. 3/4 acre lots w/all util. 10% awn. or bldg. financial help. 312/296-4114 WOODSTOCK: Irge. nice frst. fl. in house, 1 bdrm., gar., no pets, $375. plus util.; $15/338- 0110 or 815/338-0154. BONNIE LAKE EST. Ad|. to Turnberry. 3/4 acre lots w/all util. 10% awn. or bldg. financial help. 312/296-4114 CRYSTAL LAKE, 1 bdrm. close to downtown, perfect for single, $333/mo, heat 8i water incl., 312/639-6039, Iv. message. KIRKLAND, spacious 3 bdrm. upper Si 3 bdrm. lower, garage, fenced yd. No pets, dep., $225/month, 815/522-6134 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE: Genoa Township, 29.24acres, good farmland; blacktop frontage 8i 16" tile outlet. 815/784 3338 or 815/784- 3490. CRYSTAL LAKE, 1 bdrm. close to downtown, perfect for single, $333/mo, heat 8i water incl., 312/639-6039, Iv. message. KIRKLAND, spacious 3 bdrm. upper Si 3 bdrm. lower, garage, fenced yd. No pets, dep., $225/month, 815/522-6134 after 5 p.m. 76 Mobile Homes CRYSTAL LAKE, 1 bdrm. close to downtown, perfect for single, $333/mo, heat 8i water incl., 312/639-6039, Iv. message. KIRKLAND, spacious 3 bdrm. upper Si 3 bdrm. lower, garage, fenced yd. No pets, dep., $225/month, 815/522-6134 after 5 p.m. MOBILE HOME for sale or CRYSTAL LAKE, 1 bdrm. close to downtown, perfect for single, $333/mo, heat 8i water incl., 312/639-6039, Iv. message. KIRKLAND, spacious 3 bdrm. upper Si 3 bdrm. lower, garage, fenced yd. No pets, dep., $225/month, 815/522-6134 after 5 p.m. Kirkland, $1500. Or $210/ month rent, 1-815/874-4804. CRYSTAL LAKE, Royal Oaks Mobile Home Comm. offers new 1985 homes on site com pletely turn, or unfurn., star ting at $18,900. No pets, adult comm. 815/459-6033. 78 Wanted To Rent CRYSTAL LAKE or Cary 3500 - 4500 sq. ft. space for clean light assembly. Call Margaret af 815/455-6448 8 am-4:30 pm. G A R A G E T O s t o r e a u t o through the winter, please call Jim Tharge at 312/428-2796. Rooms, Board, Houses, Apartments 79 To Share ALGONQUIN: 26 River Drive, clean, weekly/monthly, kit chen facilities avail., 312/658- 7094. CLEAN & WARM sleeping room; also furnished apt. 815/385-8905 or 815/385-0266. RICHMOND HOTEL, turn, rooms, $38 week, or pay by month. See Dick at Ogre Brothers Bar between 4 4 7 p.m. or call 312/478-8442. ALGONQUIN area, share '/: house, $80/wk. Incls. utils. & ex- tras, 312/658-4124. 2 ROOMMATES to share 3 bdrm. house in Spring Grove Area. $125 + $175 montnly, plus 1/3 utilities. Available now! 815/675-2214. SLEEPING ROOM for rent. Kit. and laundry privileges. Call 815/459-2492 after 4:30 p.m. RICHMOND, la. 4 rm., 2nd floor apt., $295 month, + utilities, Immed. occ., 815/678- 3871. MCHENRY, furnished apt. for 1 or 2 persons, also sleeping room for 1 person, 815/385-8905. HEBRON, large 1 or 2 bdrm. apt., 1st floor, large rooms, stove & garbage pickup incl., $275 + utils. Call Larry, 815/648-4078. WOODSTOCK, 1 bdrm. 4 room apt. w/gas heat, 2nd floor, $275 + utils., Call Larry, 825/648- 4078. 81 Homes To Rent WONDER LAKE, new 3 bdrm. ranch, attached gar., full base- deck, cathedral ceilings, low heat, no pets, ref., $450 mo., 312/658-6978, leave message. WONDER LAKE, rent/option, spacious, 3 bdrm. raised ranch, 2 car heated gar., all appl., all c o n v e n i e n c e s , c e n t , a i r , 815/728-0604. ig 2 house, avail. 12/15/84, lease & sec. dep. req. No pets. 815/459- 1128. WONDER LAKE, 4 bdrm, 2'/i baths, fam. rm. w/bar, Ig. yard, 2 car gar., $600/mo. + sec. dep., 815/648-4233. 80 Apartments To Rent ten, laun- -- 815/385-4024 McHENRY DEPOT •ooms tfr Cable-hookup, kitchen, dry. Call 815/385-8885 after 2pm. ' GENOA, small apt., heat, water furnished, prefer non- drinker, $170 + deposit, 815/784-2475. Keep trying. SUBLET 2 Bedroom apt. in McHenry. 815/385-2181 IN McHENRY, 1 room kit chenette apt., $155/mo. plus sec, dep. No pets. 815/385-1298. A L G O N Q U I N , 1 b d r m . , $365/mo., all util. paid, except elec., air cond., & laundry facilities. Avail., Dec. 1, Ar- rowhead Apts., 312/658 8463. WOODSTOCK, lower 3 bdrm. apt., close to schools & shopp ing, $450 month + utilities, sec. dep. req., call after 5 p.m., 815/338-8520. DELUXE, 1,2 Bedroom Apart ments, in city McHenrv, securi ty, privacy, luxury. No pets, (.all for Information, 9am 5pm, 815/385-3192. ALGONQUIN: Contemporary efficiency, Elm St. Ideal for one, $ $100. sec. dep. 8< ref. No pets. Call Week Real Estate, weekdays, 9 am to 12 noon; 312/658-5112. EFFECIENCY APARTMENT In McHenry, 1/2 block from d o w n t o w n , $ 2 3 0 / m o . I m mediate occupancy. Lease re quired, no pets. Call 815/385- 3192. SUBLET, WOODSTOCK, 2 bdr., stove & refrig., cable hook up, all utilities are inc. excet elec., $369, 815/338-8720, after 5 p.m. BRAND NEW Apartments, in city of Crystal Lake, First oc cupancy opening Dec. 1st, over sized 2 bdrm. units featuring security, privacy, luxury, 2 bf. from downtown, close to everything, air cond., appl., energy efficient. Now taking reservations. Call 815/385-3192 for Information. 2 BDRM. APT., in Genoa. No pets, available, Dec. l. Call 815/784-5108, evenings. INGLESIDE, attractive fur nished 1 bdrm. apt., $325, utilities inc., private drivy & entrance. 312/587-6301. Stores, Offices^ •a 'nd"*trLalTnReoL WONDER LAKE, lakefront, 4 bdrms., appls. incl., with or without furnishings, month-to- month lease, $550/mo. 312/622- 1367, between 10am & 6 pm. ALGONQUIN lovely 3 bdrm., 2 bath home w/ fireplace, located on Fox River. Deck, private beach & dock. $825/mo. Eves. 312/564-1663, 312/642 2300. days, JOHNSBURG. 3 bdrm. home, mo. 815/459 3145 ask for or Ruth Ann. WOODSTOCK: 2 bdrm., $350. per mo., electricity incl., $350. security dep., Dec. 1st occupan cy; 815/338-4399. CARY: 2 bdrm., 1 mile to shop ping center, $400. a mo. plus util. & sec., no pets, 312/639- 4247. McHENRY AREA, 2 bedroom cedar ranch, country type at mosphere, stove & refrig. turn., recent carpeting, no wax floors Si c/a. Large deck w/fenced in secluded yard. Th car detach ed gar. close to town. Quiet neighborhood. Private lake rights. No children or pets. $450/mo. -f sec. dep. & ref. req. Avail. Jan. 15.815/385-1969. CARY: 3 to 4 bdrm., family room. 2 bath, air, on cul-de-sac. Walk to all schools & train. No pets, $650. plus sec. Available Jan. 1st; 312/381-2774. ALGONQUIN, sm. 2 bdrm. house, some util., no pets. 312/658 7883 or 658 7711. INGLESIDE AREA, ranch, 3 bdrm., Th car gar., corner lot, $500 + sec., 815/385-2898. HOUSE ON Farm, 7 miles nor thwest of Woodstock. Also, sheds 8^ barn. Available im mediately. No pets. 815/385- 7032 evenings. •HEBRON: 3bdrm.farmhouse with 4 car garage. No pets. $ 3 7 5 . / m o . ; • W O N D E R L A K E : 2 bdrm. home woth enclosed porch, appliances, deck & par tial basement. No pets, $400./mo.; •WONDER LAKE: 2 bdrm home completely fur nished, with fireplace, enclosed porch 8i appliances. No pets; $375./mo. McHenry County Realty 815/653 2061 Condos & 82 TownhomesToRent CARPENTERSVILLE, 3bdrm t o w n h o u s e , f e n c e d y a r d , c a r p e t e d , c e n t r a l a i r , refrigerator, oven, washer & dryer, immediate occupancy, $525. monthly, plus 1 month sec. dep.; 312/695-2860. dge, bdrms. w/ garage, Immed. oc cupancy, $400/ mo. Call after 7 pm, 815/653 9394 or 312/665 4735. FOR LEASE 15,500 sq. ft. building w/loading dock in McHenry, III. Ideal for Mfg. Warehouse. Wholesale or re tail use. Highly visible location, ample parking. Will divide and/or remodel to suit. C a l l V e r n o r T o m a t 815-385-5700 Volo, unique country shops for lease, small & affordable at $250 (450 month rent. Have your own shop, Be in on the ground floor of our vastly rolling Old Volo Village, centered around the country's most fabulou$ classic auto collection (over 100 cars) and the all new country store A decorator galleries, the Village Artisan Craft Shop & new Jewelry shop. We have a tremendous need for an antique shop, bath shop, card shop, collector plates & figurines, crystal shop, designer clothing shop, etc., to further enhance our growing nostalgic village. Inquire to day Old Volo Village, Volo, IL 815/385-3896 ask for Bill 6. by appointment.