Page 4. PLAIN DEALER HERALD. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2>, 1984 Life today v>vc*- KYM SHOEMAKER AND JOSEPH MACK Plan wedding A former McHenry resident, Kym Ann Shoemaker, and her fiance Joseph Anthony Mack, announce their upcoming wedding. The ceremony will take place Saturday, April 20 at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Richmond, 111. VFW Aux. holds bazaar Ladies invited Members of St. Patrick Ladies Guild are invited to attend the organization's annual Christ mas potluck Monday, Dec. 3, at ' 12:30 p.m./followed by a social afternoon. Guests are also welcome to attend. Pat Walters is chairman of the committee in charge. For more details she may be called at 344- 1079. ^ • / 'Items of interest CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS Thursday, C>ec. 6, is the date set for the Catholic Daughters Christmas Party and meeting. » The time is 1:30 p.m. and the location is Liberty Hall. No meetings have been scheduled for January or February.* MRS. SANTA'S KITCHEN Mrs. Santa's Kitchen, presented by the women of St. Mary's Church in Crystal Lake, will take place Saturday, Dec. 1, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the historic Tarpley House on the church property at 210 McHenry Avenue. Low prices, baby items, decorations, oranaments, needlepoint, animals, baked goods, candy, and more will be offered. The annual Christmas bazaar and bake sale sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600 of McHenry will be held Saturday, Dec. 1, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the VFW hall on west Route 120. Ttoere will be a large assort ment of handmade articles available. On display for sale will be wall hangings, pine cone decorations, cabbage patch doll clothes, dolls, crocheted items, musical trees, ceramics, Christmas ornaments and wreaths, cats, bears, soft sculpture and many others. General chairman for the bazaar is Vi Abbink; chairman for the baked goodies is Mary Fergen, with Ann Scarbrough and Edith Reinagle assisting her. Kitchen and refreshments chairman Gail Szamlewski will have Gert Gregory and Frances Nells helping her. Edna Olson will be in charge of the white elephant table, with Dorothy Miller, assistant. Many of the ladies auxiliary programs in the community benefit from the bazaar and bake sale. -- - Community calendar NOVEMBER 28 Mary Martha Circle-Mtg. 1 p.m.-Faith Presbyterian Church- Lincoln & Chapel Hill Roads. Pistakee Highlands Women's Club-Wine & Cheese Tasting Party- -Community Center 7:30 p.m. DECEMBER! Christmas Bazaar-9 a.m.-4 p.m.-Edgebrook PTO Sponsor- Edgebrook School Gym. Free' Movie "George"-10 a.m.-Noon-McH. Theatre-Toys For Tote Collected. DECEMBER 1-2 McH. Choral Club-Christmas Program 8:15 p.m.-West Campus Auditorium. DECEMBER 2 Clowns in Ministry For Christ-10:30 a.m.-Mt. Hope United Methodist Church-Pistakee Highlands. U.M.W. changes meeting date The November meeting of the U. M. W. Mission Team, executive committee, began with prayer by President Kathy Boehmer. A report was given on the Annual Fall Bazaar and Christmas Sale, and a vote of appreciation given for all who made it such a successful en deavor. The date of the December General Meeting has been changed; it will be Friday, Dec. 14, at noon, in the Fellowship Hall and will begin with a potluck luncheon, with the Mission Team as hostesses. A musical program is being planned. "Secret Sisters" will be revealed at the December general meeting, and new names drawn. Those wishing to give a Christmas gift to their Secret Sister should bring them. CHRISTMAS TREES F>OMs12.S0 [-CHRISTMAS HOURS--] DAILY 8:30 /UMP* SATURDAY 8:30 AM-6 PM SUNDAY 10 AM4PM •BALSAM 'SCOTCH PINE •WHITE PINE 'NORWAY FIR PLUS! •CHRISTMAS WREATHS •CHRISTMAS ROPING •CEMETERY WREATHS •CEMETERY BLANKETS JUST ARRIVED! POINSETTIAS ALL SIZES Ready for bazaar Vlfef Junkunc, a member of the Johnsburg P.T.O., is shown admiring the work of the Bazaar Craft Committee, which has been meeting weekly in the home of Roseann Stvrtecky to produce the beautiful works that will be offered for purchase at the Breakfast with Santa and Bazaar Sunday, Dec. 2. The fund raiser will be held from 8a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Johnsburg High School on Ringwood Road just north of Johnsburg-Wilmot roads. It will feature a pancake and sausage breakfast; a variety of ornaments, gifts, wreaths, etc.; children's grab bag and pictures with Santa. Everyone is invited and ticket* may be purchased at the door. Births y The next Mission Team meeting will be on Monday, Dec. 3 at 9:30 a.m. in the church parlor. Bazaar set West School, located on the corner of Briarwood and Ballard roads in Crystal Lake, will hold its fifth annual holiday bazaar Saturday, Dec. 1, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Approximately 40 area crafters will be displaying their handmade items for sale. Among those will be ceramic pieces, Christmas ornaments, stained glass, wooden items, honey, candles, Cabbage Patch dolls, doll clothes, needlecraft, puzzles, toys, dough art, and more. Lunch will be served from 11 a.m to 2 p.m. and a variety of baked g6ods will be available at Mrs. Santa's bake Shoppe. MC ANDREWS Patrick and Mary Louise McAndrews of McHenry becahie parents of their first child Oct. 23, and named him Justin Thomas Patrick. The 8 lbs. 2 oz. baby boy entered the world in Northern Illinois Medical Center, McHenry. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R. Kleinhenz of Janesville, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. James McAndrews of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Dowd of Janesville. HARVEY Brian and Ann Harvey, 1901 Indian Ridge, McHenry, became parents of their third child Nov. 8 and named her Sara Jean. The 6 lbs. 3 oz. baby girl was born in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Wood stock. She has a brother Brian, age nine, and a sister Nicole, two. Pat Ashton of McHenry is the maternal grandmother. Paternal grandparents are Gloria and Dirk Aissen of McHenry. SCHATZ Jordanna Joan Buss is the name chosen by Patricia nd Sig Schatz of McHenry for their second daughter. The 6 lbs. 15 oz. infant was born Nov. 11 in Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington. She has a sister Kelsey, 21 months old. Maternal grandparents are Edward and Joan Buss of McHenry. Paul and Erwine Schatz of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. Ella Buss of Burlington, Wis. is the girls' great-grandmother. SNOW Bill and Sue Snow, 1618 N. Court Street, McHenry, became parents of their fourth child Nov. 12. Stephen Paul was born in Sherman Hospital, Elgin, and weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. He was greeted at home by his brothers, Jeff, 18 and Tom, 17, and a sister Shari, 13. Maternal grand parents are Mrs. Alma Sieben of Pistakee Bay and the late Leonard Sieben. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snow of Chiragpare the paternal grandparent, TYK A baby girl was born Nov. 16 to Dennis and Denise Tyk, 1510 N. Ramble Road, McHenry. Kristen Michele arrived in Northern Illinois Medical Center, McHenry weighing 7 lbs. 14 oz. Maternal grandparents are Louis and Theresa Arroyo of McHenry. Richard and Phyllis Tyk of Crystal Lake are the paternal grandparents. Great- grandparents are Lottie Kluga and Ruby Arroyo. Once again Nativity Lutheran Church of Wonder Lake is annua? "Essence of Christmas" holiday happening, Saturday, Dec. 1, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be a large assort ment of baked goods and hand crafted items displayed in the "General Store" and "Sweet Shop." St. Nick and Mrs. Claus, as always, will be in attendance with their little elves nuining about ready to assist where needed. 1 • ' .. Puppet shows will be y presented for children to attend, giving mom a chance to browse; and an art demonstration and live Christmas entertainment will be featured throughout the day for all to enjoy. Coffee, doughnuts, coffee cake, a breakfast plate, chili, hot dogs and hot chocolate will all be served from Mrs. Claus' Kitchen. Everyone is invited to come and share the excitement of the holiday season at Nativity, 3506 E. Wonder Lake Road, Wonder Lake. New moms discuss experiences The New Moms Discussion Association of McHenry Countv. Group, which strives to help all For more information call new moms jf* ~ex^tan 31 mothers thaff new o ? nubilities new^ meet resj Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 10 a.m. The group offers mothers and their babies a time and place to come together and share the positive and negative ex periences of parenting that accompany motherhood during the baby's first year. One need not be a first-time mother to attend. For more information, call the leader at 653-7376. This program is offered by the Childbirth and Parenting Taste wiike, cheese "v The Pistakee Highlands Women's Club will hold its monthly meeting Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 7:30 p.m., in the Pistakee Highlands Community Center. The program will be a wine and cheese tasting {party presented toy a local merchant. There will also be a collection taken of canned goods for FISH. The public is* invited. Good turnout at November circle meeting Delicious refreshments were served by hostesses Mary Rose and Lonah Wendlandt at the November meeting of the Marcia Mary Ball Circle of the United Methodist Women of the First United Methodist Church of McHenry. Attendance was good, and the Ladies enjoyed visiting and the refreshments. During the business segment, the ladies were informed that the December general meeting date has been changed. Instead of being on the 20th as shown in the year book, it will be Friday, Dec. 14 at noon, in the Fellowship Hall, and will be a potluck luncheon, with the mission team as the hostesses. A musical program has been planned. . Secret sisters will be revealed at the December general meeting, and new names drawn for next year. Those planning on a Christmas gift for their secret sisters are to bring it to the meeting. It was unanimously agreed to contribute to the "Thank Of fering," and to send Christmas gifts to missionary, the Rev. .(Miss) Marcia Mary Ball who is now serving a church in Ohio; also, a check to the McHenry church, and the Church Building Fund. "Women of the Bible," the continuing study led by Mary Rose, was very interesting, and everyone looks forward to each meeting to learn more about these women and the part they played so long ago. • ' , - • \ The next circle meeting will be the annual Christmas Lun cheon Party, at noon, Tuesday, Dec. 4, in the Fellowship Hail, when Lyda Radisch will be the hostess. There will be no business conducted, as this is strictly a fun meeting. Mon., Tues., Wed., Dec. 3rd, 4th & 5th NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED Hours: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. & 3 p.m. to 6 p.m (V/ulcOte*& 'P&cfaye *4 1/iynetted 'P&UhaUA ^ *14-95 / JL JL JINlDrj II DrpnM Rrqutrrd Twelve -- Deluxe Wallets One -- 8 x 10 Portrait Two -- 5 x 7 Portraits ( bildm 11 *r»r\ Or Yo«n**' t tin it Ow Pk k aft* Per Subjut r*o PMkitn Pr* Family Row Out VIwhob 1 iik «* fr* ^ • l*n l»n (KilJtrn pHofftrapkrd fntrlh*» Oikct ***** «•*' pc*ti«al and m»\ He f*nHa«*«l wttH your p%ck Parrnu aid hr n.Hil.vU hy mail fcw |»«i litrft al a«J muti hr percent mimm arr McHENRY FLORAL CO. 508 S. ROUTE 31 • McHENRY • 385-0404 • Professional Family Portrait Package ^ $2 ullMf /rr per lukftcl One - 11 x 14 Portrait Two-8x10 Portraits Pnriwii You it led your favorite pote from a series of colored proofs. leena^rrj, adults, couplet or family groups of six ot leu may ba photo graphed under this package. MARKET PLACE CENTER McHENRY, IL Children's Portraits Delivered Before Christmas MSiI Robin's Roost miniatures and (tollhouses Quality Dollhouses From , . *4,000 •Building & Electrical Supplies •Dolls and Dollhouse Families •Furniture for Children •Fine Miniatures for Adult Collectors Is Best! • X ' ' 1 FOR HOLIDAY 131 Center Street . Grayslake, Illinois (312)223-4455 >41 b •Jit • III \\ \ 51 •; ll ' i|| m If • ' \v*- ' "tl i