ffJEW YOU...HEW YEAR SPECIALS Page 6 - PLAI1NDEALER-HERALD. WEDNESDAY. JANLARY 23.19SS Life today MR. AND MRS Entef beef recipes in contest in the MICHAEL SCHAEFER fMarried fifty years i.* . •. f '»•" MW .jr,- V: On Sunday, Jan. 27, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaefer of rJohnsburg will celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary. I The Reverend John C. Holdren J will celebrate the 11 a.m. Mass j at St. John the Baptist Catholic i Church, Johnsburg in honor of | the couple's anniversary. 5 A dinner for invited guests will be served after the Mass, and an open house will follow from 3 to 6 p.m., at the Johnsburg Com munity Club. Special guests at the celebration will be the at tendants at the wedding, Anita (Schaefer > Luther, Marie (Hiller) Oeffling, Alma (Sch- mitt) Freund, Louis Schmitt and John Weingart. Sharing the festivities of this memorable occasion will be the celebrants' children: Tony and Kathy, Donna, wife of the late Ted, Gene and Dorothy Hughes, and Ken and Bobby Ann, all of McHenry, and Larry and Ria of Wonder Lake; and grand children. The Schaefers hope to see all of their neighbors, friends and acquaintances at the open house. Now is the time to enter a favorite beef Beef Cook-Off. $150 and an expense-paid trip to compete for $10,000 in national prize" money 'at this year's National Beef Cook-Off. To enter, send a typed cony of the beef recipe (using bnly chuck, round, fresh brisket, plate, shank or ground beef) to Norma Grenlund. Illinois Beef Cook-Off Chairman, 19551 Capron Rd., Capron, 111. 61012. Be sure to include name, address, phone number and a brief statement about the origin of the redije.v Only ofte reeipe per entrant is allowed, and the entry deadline is Feb. 15. Winners of statewide regional contests will compete for the Illinois crown in April. Con testants are expected to prepare their dish at all contest levels. The winner of the Illinois Beef Cook-Off will represent the state at the National Beef Cook-Off, Sept. 24-25, in Wichita, KanS. Prizes at the national level first place, $5,000; sec< $2,500; third, $1,000; hohorable mentions, iv $300 apiece. All *tcipci#imust contain a ttiinftnum ftf one pound of beef and not moife than live, and each serving must contain at least three ounces of cooked beef. Meat used must be exclusively beef. Cooking ,time cannot ex ceed four hoin. The reipe must be specific, with no use of brand names, and must state the number of ser vings and approximate preparation time. All entries become the property of the Illinois Beef Auxiliary. Contestants must big 18 years or ofder, with non-professional food status. Any person who has owned one or more head of beef or dairy cattle (or who lives in a household where any person has owned cattle) in the 12 months preceding Oct. 1T '1985 is ineligible. CowBelles or em ployees of state beef councils or the National Live Stock -apid Meat Board are also ineligible. Recipes are judged according to taste, ease of preparation and practicality* originality and appearance. RANDY SATTERSTEN AND MARY CHESLER Plan wedding Spaghetti dinner set Feb. 3 The Montini Parei Association is celebrating start of Catholic Schools Wc by sponsoring a Spaghetti Dinner Sunday, Feb. 3, from 1 to 6 p.m., at St. Patrick's Parish Hall in McHenry. The menu will include an, abundance of spaghetti, salad, bread and beverages. In ad dition, there will be a snack table for those with a sweet tooth. Tickets are available at Montini Middle and Primary schools, or one may contact Linda Fain at 385-9233. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Chester of Wonder Lake announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Therese to Randy Edward Sattersten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sattersten of Twin Lakes, Wis. The bride-to-be is a 1981 graduate of McHenry Community High School West Campus and a recent graduate of Arlington Heights Academy of Beauty Culture. Her fiance graduated from Wilmot High School in 1981. An Aug. 31 wedding date has been set Serve buffet dinner at new lodge Schedule film showing "JONI" will be shown at the \ Alliance Church, 3815 W. Bull » Valley Road, McHenry, Jan. 25, j 26 and 27, at7 p.m. No admission ; will be charged, and a free will offering will be taken. The film portrays the dramatic story of a young woman's struggle to find a useful life in the wake of a tragic accident which left; her han dicapped. It covers Joni Eareckson's progress from the nrririevti""« frustrating r€hablltfa process as she comes to diiw; her strength to go on from her faith in God; and her purpose for existence comes from Him. Pastor Robertson and the Alliance congregation extend an invitation to each one to attend this inspiring movie \ RUTH CIRCLE MEETS llie Ruth Circle of the First United Methodist Church of McHenry will hold a meeting in " ~ *5, atl Hi will provide And coffee. I Wedding Policy The McHenry Piaindeaier Herald wHt print weddings in their entirety up to one month after the ceremony. However we know many couples do not receive their wedding photos within one month after (he ceremony. The bride may bring m a completed wedding write-up, without the photoi Wi will be dated and held untU a photo becomes available. In this way, the newly weds do not have to depend on a photographer to determine the length of their wedding wrMtl-up that is published in the newspaper. v • From one to two months after the occasion, all gown descriptions end recep tions Assistants' nemes wHI be Omitted. After two months, weddings will be shortened to names, date, site attendants and officiating person at the ceremony, parents' nemes, couple's education and where they wiU reside. This infoqmtion. will be printed without photo. Once submitted within these deadlines, we take responsibility for publication. The most efficient means of handling the information is to pick up a wedding form at the McHenry Plalndealer Herald office. Flowers and gowh descriptions can then be Inserted as preparations are completed. t Forms should be typed or printed legibly. Couples may also write their own ac counts using the information we seek, subject to editing for style. The McHenry Plalndealer Herald wUi only accept responsibility for buck and white photos. However we will accept color photos, which are sharply focused end where the couple stand out ftpmfhe backgrounds?# l, Ag 6 >sre We encourage couples to pick up their photos as ir£. the newspaper, of provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope for their return.' The Women of the Moose Chapter No. 1348 will serve a hot buffet dinner of favorite dishes Friday, Jan. 25, beginning at 6 p.m. * 1 The menu will include sliced | hot beef, deep fried chicken, | Polish sausage and sauerkraut, I stuffed cabbage rolls, mashed j potatoes and gravy, green ' beans, rolls, butter, dessert and \ coffee. | At 8 p.m., everyone will be I entertained by vocalist, Andrina " Singer. I All members are invited to | come and bring guests, to the f; new Moose lodge at 3535 Richmond Road, McHenry. N. Hold games night The Richmond Lions Club has announced its mid-winter games night will be held Saturday, Jan. 26, at the American Legion Hall in Richmond, from 8 to 12 p.m. Many valuable prizes will be offered, and refreshments will be served by the American Legion post. Tickets may be obtained from any Lions member at a cost of $3. They will also be available at the door. W -- -- J I Planned shopping gets more for the money -Weingart Rd.-Meat Shoot & Games 10 Today, you need to plan your shopping trip before you go to the store, according to the McHenry County Extension Adviser, Kathy Halstead. And you need to take the time to think about getting the most for your money once you get there. Using common sense and keeping in mind the following simple do's and droit's can help you squeeze more from your food dollar: Do make a shopping list, and stick to it! Base your list on what you already nave in the cupboard and what's on sale at the grocery store. If you find yourself picking up an item that's not on your list, ask yourself if you really need it and if you can afford it. Be especially careful of "impulse Items" like candy and -magazines near the check-out line. Do read grocery ads in newspapers, but check to see when sales end. Some stores run weekly Sales all week long, but many sales run only during the end of the week. If you have enough money and storage space, it may be a good idea to stock up on sales items you frequently use. ^ Do buy store brands and !' generics. All packaged foods -- !<Tnot just name brands - must " meet government standards for wholesomeness. Generics can save you 30 to 40 percent on many items. If you try several "no-name" products, you're sure to find some you like. Do ask for a rain check if the store runs out of a sale item you need. The rain check allows you to buy the product at the sale price when the next shipment comes in. Be sure to find out how long the rain check is valid, and use it on your next shopping compare prices The best way to compare prices is by the ounce, pound, sheet or other "unit. The "large economy size" often costs less per ounce than the "convenience size." Many larger stores now list the "price-per-unit" along with the price of the whole package on the shelf beneath the product to make comparisons easier. Do take advantage of cents-off coupons, but only On items that already are on your shopping list. Swap coupons with friends and neighbors. Some stores have a coupon exchange bin from which you can select coupons for products you use ana leave those for items you don't. And don't forget about >ns that are available right the store! Don't shop when the store is crowded. Wnen you can do your shopping at a leisurely pace, you shop more carefully. Stores are rarely crowded early in the week and early in the morning. After breakfast may be your best time to shop. Don't shop when you're hungry. Research shows that hungry shoppers tend to buy more unnecessary items than do shoppers who've recently eaten. Don't be fooled by "two for..." pricing. Items that are marked "2 for $1 " can be bought singly for 50 cents. Just make sure the cashier knows how many of the "two for ...." items you have: Don't let special displays influence you. Sometimes the items on display really are a bargain, but grocers often put up fancy displays of overstocked merchandise being sold at the regular price. Compare prices. If the display item is a bargain and you really do need it, buy it! Don't buy a large package of food unless you're sure you'll be able to use it all. Saving a penny or two per ounce is no bargain if half of the food goes bad before you've had a chance to use it. Most packaged products come in small sizes, but the way i produce and meats are sold sometimes presents a problem. Grocers usually will be willing to split a large package add let you buy only as much meat or produce as you need. If you'd like to know more about smart shopping - and other food and nutrition topics including health and fitness - 4H is a great way to learn. More than 140,000 Illinois, younj people just like you are in the 4-H youth program coordinated by the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service and the McHenry County Extension Service., CRAIG SCHAE AND ROBIN MASON Community calendar JANUARY 23 Whispering Oaks Woman's Club-Mtg. 1 p.m. IY jH ' IB 1 g . l *» , 4 . ivorites-Ndw MOose RfahnaoodRd.- -6 p.m. tUFTOefnbers & Gue^s-EntertadnmefitvS p.mjj* n -,i j A N i i u i Y i e . I • ; i t McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m.- Public Welcome., : * JANUARY 27 \ McH. Sportsmen's t3ubM a.m.-Public Welcome. Polish Leg. of Amer. Vets-Liberty Post 188 & Chap, 188-Mtg. 2 p.m.-Post Home-1304 N. Park St.., McH. JANUARY 28 Money Management Seminar-McH. Public Library~7 p.m. McH. Woman's Club-Bd. Mtg. 10 a.m.-McH. Public Library. JANUARY 29 Auxiliary to No. 111. Med. Center-Annual Mtg. 11:15 a.m.~McH. Country Club-Speaker Mai Belair-Reservations Mrs. R. W. Dodd 385-8633. FEBRUARY 1 Annual Assembly Luncheon-Church Women United-Noon-St. Thomas Church, Cr. Lk. FEBRUARY 2 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot 1 p.m- Public Welcome. FEBRUARY 3 Spaghetti Dinner-1-6 p.m.-St. Pat's Parish Hall, McH.-Montini Parents Assn. Sponsor-Info. Linda Fain 385-9253. FEBRUARY 4 McH. Sr. Citz. Club-Bd. Mtg. 10 a.m.-McH. Pub. Library. FEBRUARY 5 Ruth Circle-Mtg. Noon-First United Methodist Church, McH. P e t e r s e n F o o t C l i n i c o f M c H e n r y A n n o u n c e s t h e s e r v i c e s o f MOHSttONAL HEARING AID CENTER 3 2 Y e a r s o f Q u a l i t y S e r v i c e poi ran tisting or snvici AT HOME OR IN OPPICI CALL ' 344-0200 OR 1-000-247-HIAR PAUL'S PRODUCE Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Walther Schaedel of Gulf Breeze, Fla., formerly of McHenry, announce the engagement of their son Craig Dean, to Robin Mason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Mason of Palm Harbor, Fla. A Feb. 14,1966 wedding is planned. <z/x?olj£xt± <£c(iooC±, £Jnc> RY *385-2290 SHAMPOO &SET _ FREE RINSE 'Z LS.JAN.22-FRI.JAN.25 J; lALlwd^K DLvTV 1/1(1 .a &IR0N 2 TUES.JAri.29FRI.FEB1 DONE EXCLUSIVELY BY STUOENTS*NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY McHENRY MOOSE 691 INVITES YOU TO A HOT BUFFET FRIDAY, JANUARY 2StH 6PM till ?? : MEMBERS AND GUESTS „ ONLY 3 per person 3535 N. RICHMOND RD., McHENRY, ILL. 815-385-9770 Donation 2911W. Rt. 120 (East of the river) Formerly Mill Creek Cleaners McHenfy, tlinois HOURS: M0N-SAT 9-7, SUN 94 815-344-1880 l^-l THIS WEEKS SPECIALS •BANANAS i£25c • RED GRAPES. ...,^.89c •ZUCCHINI lb 39c •CELERY.... $talk 39c