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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1985, p. 10

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P«r 19 • PLAINDEALER-HERALD, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1,19S5 - C L A S S I F I E D - RATES/INFORMATION PRIVATE PARTY CLASSIFIED RATES. DEADLINES INFORMATION (Additional Rates Available tor Help Wanted Advertising) Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event ot an error or omission, the paper will be responsible tor ONLY the tirsl incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Payment in advance must be made for these ads: • Business Opportunities • Sitters Available • Dial A Service (Business Services) • Employment Wanted • Garage Sales • Moving Sales • Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area • Political • Houses, Apt. to Share • Sublease; Re-rent; etc. • All Wanted to Buy Classifications • All Wanted to Rent Classifications PAPER PACKAGE * 3 LINES. 5 DAYS. $1.80 A total of 27 insertions in the following newspapers The Herald. Crystal Lake, Cary Grove. Cardunal Free Prats Edi­ tions • Elgin Herald • Woodstock Sentinel Herald • McHenry Plaindealer Herald • Richmond Gaiette • Sycamore News * Genoa Kingston-Kirk land Newt • Hampshire Register The following Publications are also available at additional cost: • Harvard Herald • Saturday Extra • Shopper Service • Citiien Trl- County Shopper • Marengo Beacon Republican Newt • Huntley Beacon Republican News ̂ .rtjJOv * •The PAPER PACKAGE may be cancelled, however, due to this special, low rate, no refund or adjustment can be made to the original billing upon cancellation. Our helpful, courteous sales staff is at your service during the following hours: MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00a.m. 5:00p.m. mawf •!(*«(** •uwsrarce cuour DEADLINES CLASSIFIED LINE ADS Deadline for placing or cancelling a line ad: For MONDAY publications. 12:00 noon on Friday For TUESDAY-FRIDAY publications, S:00p.m. two days prior to publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADS (Other than automotive and real estate ads) 4:00p.m. TWO OAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION The Herald. Crytlal Lake. Cary Grove. Cardunal Free Prett Editiont • Woodstock Sentinel- Herald MONDAY NOON Richmond Gaiette • Sycamore Newt • Hampshire Regltter • Genoa Kingston Kirkland Newt • Harvard Herald MONDAY NOON. WEDNESDAY NOON McHenry Plaindealer Herald MONDAY 3 PM Elgin Herald TUESDAY NOON Saturday E xtra FRIDAY NOON * The Herald, Citizen Tri-County Shopper For Our Readers: PREFIX DIRECTORY This is a partial listing of telephone prefixes and the cities they represent which are commonly found in the Shaw Free Press Classified pages. 815 AREA CODE 3371--Woodstock 344 --McHenry 385 --McHenry 455 --Crystal Lake 459 --Crystal Lake 588 --Marengo 848 --Hebron 875 --Spring Grove 878 --Richmond --Wonder Lake/ Ring wood --Genoa --Sycamore 728 784 895 923 --Union 853 -Wonder Lake 943 -Harvard 312 AREA CODE 381-2-- Barrington 428 --Dundee/ Carpentersville --Dundee/ 428 551 839 858 889 --Huntley 883 --Hampshire 895 -Elgin 897 --Elgin Carpentersville 740 --Round Lake --Dundee 741-2-- Elgin --Cary 888 -Elgin --LITH AIgonquIn 931 --Elgin To place your ad, call: 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT DIRECTORY ANNOUNCEMENTS Legal Notices ot Cemeteries I Lots U Card of Thanks.. 03 Notices 04* Lost & Found OS Personals M Instruction 07 Car Pools 00 Travel and Transportation ....09 Grand Opening*. to FINANCIAL 4ness Opportunities 12 Stocks, Bonds and Investments 13 Financial Services.. .* 14 Personal and Business Loant IS EMPLOYMENT E mployment Agencies ... 17 E mployment Wanted II Household Help Wanted 19 Sitters Available 20 Sitters Needed 21 Help Wanted 22 MERCHANDISE Wanted to Buy ........ * ,.2S Appliances 24 Art and Antiques 27 Auctions 20 Building Materials 29 Clothing 30 Computers and Software 31 Craf Is and Hobbies 32 food and Produce 33 Health and Fitness 34 Livestock, Farm Supplies and Equipment 3} Horses and Equipment 3* Pets and Supplies >.....37 Musical Instruments 30 Office and Store Equipment... 39 Household Goods 40 Lawn. Garden and Landscaping 41 Machinery/Tools 42 Garage Sales 43 Misc. Merchandise 44 Trade or Barter 4S RENTALS Wanted to Rent '....,50 Rooms for Rent SI Houses, Apartments To Share . 52 Apartments for Rent $3 Homes for Rent 54 Condos. Townhomes for Rent.. 55 Store, Offices for Rent 56 Industrial for Rent 57 Farm and Farmland for Rent 50 Storage Space for Rent 59 Misc. for Rent 40 REAL ESTATE Wanted to Buy *5 Business Property for Sale 4* Industrial for Sale 47 OpenHoutes 40 Houses tor Sale 49 Condos & Townhomes for Sale 70 Lots and Acreage 71 Mobile Homes for Sale ..71 Farms for Sale 73 RECREATIONAL 1 Aviation NP Bicycles 81 Beets and Marine Service 82 Snowmobiles 83 Sporting Goods 84 Campers/Trailers 85 AUTOMOTIVE Wanted to Buy 88 Automotive Services 89 4 uto Parts and Accessories.... 90 Antique Vehicles 91 Motorcycles 92 Automobiles for Sale 93 Vehicles for Rent 94 Tractors/Trailers 95 Trucks W Vans W •t Cemeteries 8i Lots 94 YSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL ARKA UNION CEMETERY CRYS1 PARK CMoo TRStlCF S ' U t e f * P o u n d * ' 1 I • H • 8275, IncMtog perpetual fatlinlli mm. tfn,, HvT^RI, ADVW 0 cremation niches Jam •15/499-0547 care. now Card of Thanks I would like to thank the many people for their prayers, comfort and support during my recovery and stay in the hospi­ tal. The Scott Belohlavy Family Meet People Close By Who Want To Meet You! Call: McHENRY COUNTY COMPUTER DATING SERVICE 815/338-2290 "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 IN YOUR PLEASE CHECK YOUR ADS We would like to chock each ad as It appears In the paper, but time don not permit. P lease notify us If you find an error In your classified ad, or If your ad failed to appear. If you notify us by 5pm the first day It was schedul­ ed to appear, we'll make a correction as soon as Qwaune pvrmiTS. We can only be responsi­ ble for ttie first day of an ad's run. Adjustments for errors ere limited to the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occurred. Sorry, but if the error conrinuM antr mt Tirsr dey of the ad's scheduled appearance, we cannot be responsible. Office Hours: Monday through Friday, lam - 5pm. FOUND; Mod. SL, gray A *-»- •> -- ee a. -a-- r » wnni» DOT|I lypt OOBf IWTWV> wearing brown cottar w/ '83 Florida tags. Found 1/24/85 on Ookwood Ln., Crystal After 4pm, 815/499-8413. •E Opportunities STEEL BUILDING dealership. I Small to big profit potential. •ad. Some areas taken. Call to qualify. 3481. .Call 303/799-3208, EXT PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? BIRTHRIGHT Office span 9-1 lam, and from 7-9pm. Man. thru Thurs. 24 hour anoworlng service. 815/385-2W9 GRANDOPENING McHenry County's flrit and on­ ly full service Business Brokerage firm now open to help you buy, sell, or evaluate wour buslnooi. Call Kaplan Commercial, 815/455-5582 14 311/890*819. • TURED lhat took lone professionally, 3 Mrtonce, only S2S. Cajl for an appointment. LOOKING FOR lent I.R A.? Check our "Ten Strike Plan"-10 years 115%. For pro­ posal A derails call Sundsrlage Insurance Agency, 815/338- SCULPTUREO NAILS The nails that look A fool so Done professional 3328. DONJOHNSON ATTENTION I Looking for 98 people to patlkbals In weight Ess program. Fun, Easy A Simple! 180% Guaranteed. Baaerf- ' nVnl NHQ/ < ; 312/890-8429. TIRED OF watching |ust I channels regular TV? Get 180 + all pey-tv's premium nslsl Unlimited sports! For more Information, call 815/338- 8774afler8;38pm,asfcfsrPat. dwn- Franca. 815/455- E mployment Wanted Sitters Available it DJ. Weddings, schools, otc.. Your choice of sound systems, lights and music. Equip, rental aSs; 312/584-0882. BUILDING, rmodollng, home repair's. 38 years experience. 8u/498«-- BROOMS AWAY Houssdesn- Rellabte dosnkig i Lew rales. 8M/4S0-M# OPENING FOR I IWMIme child In my home. Warm, per­ sonalized attention. 815/498- 3881 MOM OF l wlH babysit m my Cary home aftsrnoons A second shift. Very reasonable rafts, call 81S/45M981. WPLLBABYSjTto my neip wairnwQ <* LANDSCAPE FORMAM < Aggressive landKspo design MM ranysny looking for an experienced landscape foreman. Muot have a gssd Help Wanted » KRICH'S UPHOLSTERY Opening February 1 at 538 East Jwdd lt. in Woodstock. Af- nrnnca. » wmwvUwiwi> )rapos, All Twosof Sewing for ChLiIjw a CiMfJUa lm rnHni> rinrm m «v îwb. To place orders now. call 81V45M3M. 3-5 persee material A oat- Aba aMs a crew of 312/898- OPENINGS AVAILABLE NOW. Learning ectlvlties. nourishing meals, socio! development, arts A crafts* Caring. prolssBlonal staff. Bus- Day Care Ing to and from aR schools. TepDoytothorMt Send resume A references to BOX AOX, % Shaw Free Pros* 3812 W. Elm St- McHenry, IL80098. YOUR OWN AVON BUSINESS Is Msney In TheJBankl Now two weys to earn. Start soiling. Start saving. Call. 8l3/' ~ HOUSEKEEPER, Ml Hmfc Apply la parson, Man. thru ffCV.38 ̂ htSpm-lmmed. SfMmonry Ave« Woodstsck, IL. RETAIL ASSISTANT MANAGER HIN Mall; 312/438-0707. SECRETARY/Roceptlonlst Halt! \jf, - I I a vrarrvvQ MATURE PERSON fr variety afdutiss kt busy store. Must be nights and* HAVE MOP will travel. Will do IHry cleaning. I Pam, 815/344-271.1 Center, 815/318-1994. HOUSE CLEANING in Crystal lake area, experienced wtth exc. ref. avail., 815/455^493. LOVING MOTHER will bebyslt in my Crystol Lake l ?- " ItaAifl ARE YOU MOVING? Need so- meone to clean your kousa? CeMPtfetllS/Ss Warm personal care. 815/45*4237 BABYSITTING--8am-5 pmhi D. J. DANCE • all typos of myglc for til occitloni. Chofco of sound mtom A lighting. Call John 312^9-7299. Woodstock. AN ages; 1 hr/aM Sjr/ all wosk. Xail 815/338- .L BABYSIT In my Crystal e^Hsme. Can aftsr 5; WILL Lata 01V' LOOKING FOR a taw gssd oatas people. Are you OK- ^^Betc?Oppsrtunlty t» lain oHhogetiorffi EVUl Sat- San, Mon only,! erevsnlngs aftsr «pn>J 4144. WIUTRAINI mtgU llua Im luifi 8kg VMw Wfw^B iaai tew growing Nursing r MI the area. Many person betare 11 ESTABLISHED Day Care Center has an Immediate open­ ing for a director. Muot have 2 gars of college credit and 10 MOVING? J.B. Packing A » -« *--* w a QVVIU ufTVICf • » I vtVaoNMiB I ring at Da- It- Yourself prtCOS. 819/338-3841. W I L L B A B Y S I T I n kmskA Wwpiniwavllle nwne, WVI 312^81-1881. V S IT In MBattRR heme. Call Fri- Sat. Sun. Mon. only. BABYSITTER WANTED, la IIIt wtC^weTr' lw» home. 2 children. egos 2 yrs. am4 pmT cSSTdaya, ttsKW- 3888or aftar7pm, 3II88W. DIRE<$SM.KCOMPANY Nes Immediate positions ajBSTt Cook Counltaa (excluding the FOR A Dynamite InOMBCWPNVip pMr will Top notch •|Bg|M 312/931-0977J ii.T.- I; SI IN NEED of reliable, .mature chMroaS,' Lake home. I own trans. 01V49M908. ™ rwiiwiiiwf iHPwf > give TLC ta 3 ,4A2 In my Crystal i. Flexible hrs. need EARN TYOU E WORTHI RJf.lookkigtar home care nur- Sing* rRRHm nWaw Ww^al Co. area, Mi or par 015/3050020. WHA ARE HI HnwTYIwwIliB OwMi mmlIUmim Igw Maw f̂ WPfR* dtvtduels for a profitable caresr In real eslsOs. cxtaaalws TELE RELIABLE, mature man w/C noo doe Ires full time driving lob. Exc. work A record. 31V43M190. BABYSITTER naadsd In my -«• « aaeaa lyy ̂ k ivicvrawyrvnini ovvi iwiw; # days per weak, 2 ta 8 pm tar 2 chfldrsa 13 mo. A 5 yrs. old; 815/344-5999. BABYSITTER WANTED Wolf A Aoooc. 015/4584880 STAPLE PACKERS, Im- Ml Bme ADDITIONS, REMOOELING, pantry, Dryweli, Oaaign A »>- -- *̂ /a a •wainaBf VklTulVnS • Daiiia. Free Estimates. Call Payton/Schutz Construction, 815/738-1904. WILL 00 HOUSECLEANING, 9 years enter lonc» Crystal Lake area, 815/499-7551. WILL STEAM Clean Carpels. Living room, 830. Addlttonel rooms, 810 es. 5 yrs. ex­ perience. 015/9434793. MATURE SfTTER needed fori yr. old. Full ttmo days, In my klAaatU luyMA wIMvT »rwlOW npilVi wwIl trans. A rata. 312/4380032 BABYSITTER: Mature parson ^a^4 i|. yUmaJf M guy WfiTTlWO IV WBwjalf nvf̂ VIv Elgin home, experienced preferred; 312/742-lftl. MATURE RESPONSIBLE In- VMOM bp s55# Cmmr OyaMLaks. In 1711 ffflSiOUCITORS At- a mmjm| jUatrlhi if jia~ jrf ar houaaweraa has Im- In ifWWBni awnlww Wwh^^w in mm HULM MA MIL 9M MilCe* iwO Wll Ino iHwiwd* m wIN oomldir • *- ̂̂ 1 Mmnm MIOWIRQ PHPIv ^MI if wii f9islr NMVWS wN&f ' 01S/3M-3N2 MOLDING MACHINE OPERATOR, Bnd A 3rd shifts. ty la parser if/m. Crystal w» mwwiy w •Die A Mold, 9309 bd j Algonquin. J NURSES AIDES PM&NIGHT SHIFTS ..."If you care as much as ws dar.. _ PLASTICS INJECTION MOLDING muotbessonto nwiuke KC»runiBLC m- InvlaiedhMiaiMMM dividual to brtwslt In our home, Forman poeltton; 4pm- 12am Woodstock area. Call 815^38- slEMn bonus days. QUALITY CLEANING I iomo'Condo*Small Business « 815/455-4954 LAID OFFCARPENTER needs work. Int. or ext. Call 819/3304340 ask for Ron or 0104. RESPONSIBLE ADULT need­ ed ta care tar Infant In my -- *• -» ^ vrywMi lw nmnVfi iiwiu witn SOIW0 nOUS9i(99Dlnfl 0WTI9S, Mon. • Fri., 7:fc To 5 HouaahoM 815/455-5413efter5pjn y_i_ nvip vriniia MATURE, ..LOVING woman mi time, Mon. •to live-In 3 days par week, to care tar my 5 i 11/2 I nifi hrMia lAiael Im a him 4* ywr owl Doys. iwuit km awt to iM li a * |L 8trail 8 « » oi ivi mo oo iiuoii nouMKOOD- Ira. Good refs. required. Ex­ cellent aaiary, own room A bath tar the rlglit poraon. Start ^ •̂riely. Call 312/8394927. CHILD CARE NEEDED tar aur 17 month old aoiv m " thru Frt. S. Elgin Armki Molding Corp. PRESSMAN, Part Time, ex­ perienced w/ Chief A 1 la•• aria'a J MdMa rail nPiWIf WfWrf inwiia* WMI DundsaPreas.3l2/43W2ll. SALES PROFESSIONAL mltment. Your Crystal home or ours. Must haw 015/458-1153, after 8p.m. stan and many eHisr bsnefRs ta Carttfled Nurseo Aides. CaM: 312/351-5700 ST JOSEPH'S HOME for IhB ELDERLY LlttteSMersef the Poor UIMnamw W W» PiWIWr IL POSITION OPEN nOnB ^Mn^ajT^ai KINO, LOVING woman need­ ed. tar light houaokaopkig A to alt far my 2 yr. old daughter hi my Fox River Grove homo, full U .̂ -- n>t»tlow --a TifTio# own TransporToTioov oooo ratwonces required. 312/839- •277. NURSING ASSISTANTS, cer- ttfied. Ml time, eric, starting salary a benefits. Apply in per­ son, Woodstock flssidsnrs 309 A lifnnrlwlnrlr II IrtCnBfiry AVi. "UUUafW.Ai Ik* FLOYD'S RESTAURANT tak- A îwSeeekApply In 11 Rt. 31, <-- StftaraAvallaMa LOVING MOTHER will Lake In The HIUs WILL DO Babyslttang in my Cary heme. Any agesl Lata of TLCI Hat meets. Will tarnish refsrenoas upon request. 080. per week; 312/839-7348. WONDER LAKE mother with, extra TLC will sit for Infants or taddlers in my home. Playroom, big yard an •' ".815/720-1588. MOTHER Rlfs A LPN'S, part thne • on call. Exc. starting salary A haw .111! O" a B>r| muniBi rtw niswi • pma* IvvOQSTOCK flValOfnCVf JVr Ino commrv Mi honw •an ila m MMaHk Wllivl̂ O ino ft •uburtas. Show roonVA ouvtMi mil ft mus* Must novo it̂ Le» 8»MMM8a8law I# >M*a iWlMBOtw TrliHMn awewW* IT IW art • aoH XblM ft Mil orgofrind MMtfuol# wo offor atfJlawlMfl aamiIIMB aî UaiHal InnlivvllOO BarnHiU HPIOnWIi connoonrioi nî r̂vî wi tact Mr. Oiler, 312/587-7766 Monday through Friday apmtoipm EXPERIENCED CASHIER, Af̂ ly U a^vMMI MSITOVTIM. RWIv Ml NnMe Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm, •*-«» ̂ -* PiwraTi if it I? cnonoof mtw mo cim or«# lA^ULwea n ifjcnonry# il omeracTtvmes. vemciepruvw ed. Contact: Chuck 311/3114214 LINGERIE SALES, Full or SSSSSTTSSfSK; HeStft NOW - W i MMd. Crystal ratatad ta chM care and/or upX 15|0 11,-312/8988030. COOK WANTED Moooe Lodge. Call 0 after 2 pm, ar after 5 pm. HELP WANTED: Part Mwpwa ̂motor routed for Carpentersville aree. RaesonaMe pay. Call J12/4J0- 3841 BOARDING A BREEDING Kennel needs Ml or partttme person to dean. 015/4*4790 BOOKKEEPER FuN time poeltton. Knowledge BOX 4P2r Rlchfuono# n •w/i. HEEDED NOW • Sacretartaa. JKt bUtat fort, woncing wono# uymv Lake. 015/458-4490. PART TIME ~ Receptionist/ FromThe »h8 .̂̂ 3ltNSh GA tM m#88mwu riin Oo» WlllW^wy* MANAGER Adult Mobile Home Park Crystal Lake Ideal M retired coopta or bv dividual with a supplementary Income. Will furnish a beautiful apt. to ttve-hi on site. Should be copoDio oi aomg nonov wotw a iMal smIBIS porn moonononco • wbi witti Maaaila4 UA ̂roiiooilll O* iHfOBU. eOw OflM 27W370 Geneva Rdtf Wbst Chicago IL 80108. IF YOU ARE AN EXPERIENCED DENTAL ASSISTANT looking tar a change, we have anfponlngonouronthyslaeHc ataft tar a personable In--- --e il̂ i pwaawm. OWvOUOl TnOT WBM IflfWir •BklllMAW Alwaw4wilii> WOlirTIOB. MiyOrRfVin# 312/65MS0I CABINETMAKER Wlin rOfmVCO oXpOrlOfiCt. vOll Jim Small at Executive Coach Corp. 312/839-0575 RESPITOR Y THERAPIST Part Thne tar growing health care co. Good pay A hours. Call 9%io llllllVOUI0IV wioallM OIVWI* Merit Medical 015/344-3000. PART TIME position- filing, scheduling appointments, reception, afternoon hours. Call Drs. Peterson A Jannotta, Optamolrlsts, 015/305-7930. ASSISTANT COOK, 4 days a wsak, 11 am to 7 pm, pleMant . ,•mIiIm m "" w a Homing conoinons. cxc. poov* lion tar someone who can work bi a non-smoking Apply at Woodstock. LOVING MOTHER will MjkUMfeVU |y|«| oooyiiT in nor ificnonry nun Any ages welcome. Lots T.L.C»Men. • Fri. Call. at, 815/344-3978. Emptoyment Wanted Decorating • w,|-iinn g Q t roiming Oi roporing 8157QM050 RESUME SERVICE A all typ­ ing need. Diane's Boslaeas Ser- vke, 015/455-8885. ^eklNG A DfcV--WALL tbiepricesl Call I-10S7. L I C E N S E D H O M E , Woodstock, has 1 Ml time HQ TOT IV fTHKnTTi OIQ Or .118/338-8348. WIIABABY SIT In my Corpontorivillo homo from 3 pm tol am. Call 312/42SOQ22. WILL DO babysitting In my Algonquin home. 1 full time chltdrSl 2/888-3289. WILL DO Babysitting bi my ̂Mart llMfllM aau| nomo, on 0001* woo dototo ana cflor ichooi cart for Golfvlow School area. 312/430-5099 ATTENTION I Health A Nutri­ tion Co. Looking tar dist. Earn 0800. plus a weekl Call 312/880- 0429. CERTIFIED NURSES AIDES nooooo immoomonr mr von relief. Top Paw. CaH tar ap--«-« ' A f-L- rkrlatlaw poinrvnom. Mpno ww onoi RegWry. 312/931-0930 BOOKKEEPER Full time, expprience nacoeeary. Apply HI paraan. Amstadrs Finer Foods, Rts. 14 A 22. FOR River Grove. In conftdsnce to P. O. Bok 390. CrysM Lake. IL 80014. Attn* Mhillooli. SALES REP. Coiwtructlon Dft# îa^^o4 osTivnaiOQ lonworo. roi novo Micro ̂015/305-4098. CLERICAL PERSON Exrtjftnced . In::.-Pawbte,. Ac- coimfs Receivable imfling. Typing & calculator skills required. Send resume or inquiries to: Box APH % Shaw Free Press 3812W. ElmSt. , McHenry, IL'60050 LICENSED Child care in my m--a_ _ ̂ CaMlulalfwi/rapw aprmg unon auiiyiviiiun/v»iry home. Infanta welcome, ref. avalL Ml tima only. 312/839- HAVING TROUBLE Obtaining High Wood Health Inaurance? WAHL JEWELERS la going preaeure, dlabetaa, atcT We can ss^^»ras?S picked up by Feb. 13. 1909 or -- forfeited. ARE YOU ADOPTED AND Searching M your roots? Call Pandora ̂Boa. 815/344-5901 invnanons 1st. Wo W E D D I N G FUTURE? 30% OFF srSbrss'irevK LVJLA dbigspriced fromfe. M for­ mal Studio portraits. Don't trust e once-ln-a-whlle -- -- a L.-- Imb m ̂pnovograpnor for o oiwara lite-Hme-occeslon. 819/548- Ifs next i HAVE A HOME BUSINESS? Compiling A Directory ̂ 8is/«oe74i«9am-3pm THIS IS A PUBLIC nptkato in­ form everyone sta knows Mr. Gene Armentrout. In his lifetime, we know he has ex- coodsd the limits of having too much fun. Therefore we nave gone to great lengths net to buy Him e birthday card. SatfUn R odettes. BS LoetBi Found FOUND CAT, Long hair, grey, white collar. Vmctty Emory Lane, WooMock. Please call to idsntffy, 819/338-0982. LOST, black A white huekle, female w/ blue eyes. Leal 1/20/89. Call 312/420-W7. LOST: Black/white male Lab mix dog, has shots, no tags, on medication, Carpentersville 312/438-9233. Attention Rofundors A serious meeting new club on Feb. 29. For Into. Call 819/499-4050 or 819/499-0993. FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free A confidential stress line, day or night, 815/330-0000. IF YOU are single, divorced, or wldowsd, get our listings of local people waiting to meet you. Sincere people call, 312/742-7845, or write. Box 82-L, South Listings' ygbviia 80177. lull uctlena L O S T D O G , A l a s k a n Malamute, 12 yr. old female. Grey A white, vie. of Prairie Grave on Jen. 24, REWARD. No questions asked. 815/455- 3917. River Rd. A Rt. 23, Marengo. ' BABYSITTING COOP having • meeting Feb. 9th, 9:30 219 Windrlge. For Info- call 019/330-3184 or 344-4847. LOST: Cocker Spaniel, In Johneburg. If found, ptaaao call 019/30*4902. Reward: FOUND! Black A grey kitten, female, Crystal Lane off of Rt. 14. Call to "• 9240. ACT/SAT Prep. Claaaes H.S./Junior H.S. Study SkHls Tutoring-Reading Speclallsfs Laamsrs Support Programs Call after 5 pm 312/381-8418 819/499-0931 SCULPTURED NAILS TRAINING CLASSES 5 hour workahop. All practice ' materials furnwied. Call Joyce Hubor tar more info., 312/890- 2019. FARM LABOR Barrington Hills Horse Farm is looking for experienced grooms. Responsible and reli­ able person for a permanent full time posi­ tion; six day week. Work experience with horses or other farm background essential. For appointmont call: 312/381-6199 Between 101.«i.-2 p.m., Weekdays only. ELECTRICIAN Minimum 5 years experience. Must be knowiedgable in 3- phase1 & single-phase control systems. Possible second shift. Applications being accepted at GRAFTEK PRESS, INC. 6704 South Plngree Road in Crystal Lake An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F ROYALTERRACE Has immediate openings for: •Full & Part Time Activity Aides •Full & Part Time Nursing Assistants, All Shifts •Part Time Receptionist Apply In Person To 803 Royal Drive in McHenry Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F ATTENTION SURGICAL NURSES EXPERIENCED R.N. REQUIRED STAT Salary commensurate with experience bmall congenial department CONTACT: Nursing Office Harvard Community Memorial Hospital 815-943-5431 Ex. 242,265 General Manager Of Operations HARDEE'S Send Resume To PO Box 6337 Madison, Wisconsin, 53716 JOB OPENING Johnsburg High School Registrar/Bookkeeper/Secretary Skills necessary include: •Excellent typing ability •Bookkeeping a must Hours: 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Full year. Contact: Mr. Rob Gough 815/385-9233 PASTE-UP ARTIST Full Time We have an immediate opening in our centralized composing department for an experienced paste-up artist. Camera and/or typesetting experience would be a plus. We offer excellent fringe benefits package and a salary commensurate with experience. To apply, please fill out an application at the office of the Herald Crystal Lake Edition, 7803 Pyott Rd., Crystal Lake. Shaw Free Press JL. Newspaper Group Car Pools Truly Caring Services, Inc. offers: HOME CARE FOR ELDERLY or HANDICAPPED 4 hrs. to 24 hrs. - 7 days a week identify; 31J/42I- R I D E NEEDED from Woodstock to Crystal Loke weekdeys. hove 9 to 5 |ob, coll ns/33a-34ia. Meal Preparation Stop?:.* < Lieht Hou*ekMolng Laundry Perianal Care 24 Hi. Aaawerlnc Services I15-S68-54M Private Owty in hespitats or nwrsino Km JS7, lee W. WasMneton St.. Marane*. II. I.learned a Bended tmotwymar.t Apency ALSO AVAILABLE: Nursinp Care Peplstered Nwrte* Lie. Practical Nurses Heme Care Assistance 11 Business l+yy%M iiiniTItt VIDEO ARCADE I Fomily Amusement Center. 30 Video gomes. 2 pinbell machines,, pool table, Foos' Ball, Rowe Token mochine, money chenger. Complete operating business! $23000 Easy terms! Contract possible; 312/54*4120. STEEL BUILDING sblp. Smell to big profitjpoten- ttoT Big Demand • Starter leeds furnished. Some areas token. Coll to qualify, mnsb 3*0.EXTiai THE PLAINDEALER HERALD Has openings for early morning Motor Route Drivers. If you are an early riser and would like to make some spare money, stop in at our office or give us a call at 385-0178 and talk to Jim Free man Plaindealer Herald 3712 W. Elm St. McHenry, IL Now hiring for 2 positions in a rapidly expanding Graphics & Printing Company. TYPESETTER With experience on AM5810 or similar equipment. Excellent working conditions, salary & benefits. GRAPHIC ARTIST Must have strong background in commercial Graphic Arts, Design & good mechanical board experience necessary, to assist in paste up & keyiine, Preparatory - Dept. Excellent working conditions, salary & benefits. Call 815/385-2600 312/658-4858 Monday-Friday, 9-4pm N Telephone Sales Classified Advertising Our Classified Advertising Department, located In Crystal Lake, is looking for an ambitious sale's oriented person. The qual­ ified applicant will be servicing an estab­ lished account list, selling special promo­ tions and soliciting new business. You must be dependable and a hard worker. * . If your career goal is steady full time em­ ployment with a progressive, growing company and you have sales ability and/or a desire to learn, please stop by and fill out an application today at the Office of The Herald, Crystal Lake Edition, 7803 Pyott Rd., Crystal Lake, III. or call 815/455-4800 for our office location nearest you. f&fa • Shaw Free Press jr. Newspaper Group

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