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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Feb 1985, p. 51

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Movie Week SUNDAY (NBC) SUNDAY MONT MOVIE "THE VEMMCT" (1962) Starring Paul Newman. Jack Warden. James Mason and Charlotte Rampbng Paul Newman gives one ol his finest performances as a Boston lawyer who's hit bottom, until a medical negligence case gives him a chance to restore his self- esteem (ABC) SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE "PIWEFOX" (1982) Starring Clint Eastwood Eastwood plays a burned-out U.S. .pilot who goes behind Russian lines to steal the Soviets" latest aeronautic marvel, a supersonic fighting plane MONDAY "CONSENTING ADULT" (1984} Starring Martin Sheen. Mark) Thomas and Barry Tubb A loving mother (Miss Thomas) strug­ gles to keep her family from being torn apart after her only son (Tubb) discloses his homosexuality and estranges his anguished, once-doting father (Sheen) TUESOAY (CBS) TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIE "TNE COB SIC AN BROTHERS" (1984) Starring Trevor Eve. Geraldine Chjptm, Oiivia Husse?. Simon Ward and Donald Pleasence Two Corsican families are caught up in a centuries-otd tradition of vendetta. WEDNESDAY (NBC) MONDAY NIGHT MOVIE "THE DIRTY DOZEN: NEXT MISSION" (1984) Starring Lee Marvin. Ernest Borgn>ne and Richard Jaeckel Major Reisman (Marvin) is sent on another suicide commando mission with 12 convicted GIs behind German lines, to stop an assassination plot against Hitler that could prolong the war (ABC) MONDAY NIGHT MOVIE (CBS) WEDNESDAY NIGHT MOVIE THURSDAY (ABC) THUBSDAY NIGHT MOVIE "THE BAD SEED" (1984) Starring Carrie Wells Remake of the 1956 fHm of a malicious child whose inherited evil "causes" the deaths of several people ©ttM Compute® , SUNDAY. NO. 3 CD (30 Hsiitags tingMi €0 12:45 PM CD Joy of Gardening CD Notional VmI#o S#fnwtar- U. of OA ® MOVIE 4« Mr*' (CQ © (26) 1:00 PM O Country LPGA GoH 1965 Miami H CD MOVE Nothing But A Man' A block man, driven by pride. self-dignity and haired for opprnin ways of dMn, takes out hostility and frustration* on his wife. Abbey Lincoln, Ivan Dixon. 1965 (ID CD (W *k Kotter ®i fMl Bini Ti ̂VW Morvin uotmon ^D MOVIE: 'The Jungle Book' This is Rudyard Kipling's classic tale of Mowgli. a boy raised by wolves, who encounters greedy humans. Sabu. Joseph Colieio, Rosemary OeComp. 1942. 1:15PM ©DaytenaUpdte 1:30PM C World in Amateur O MOVIE: General' When a brigadier general is kiRed in action during World War ilt a matter sergeant decides to assume his identity and- finish the battle Glenn Ford. Red Button*, Dean Jones. 1958. (11) © no) © cm ril liclvitd Petty 1:45 PM ©DTV 2:00PM QO(23)S Notions! Pwo Am Q CD CsB»ge RorintheB. Notre Dome et UCLA Bo»in> © By Lillian Bono *Mpfc~ 'ii »»i • i »"hj ii ii i (Match ai-Apttt 20) The failure to recognize a mistake wM get you off to • negative beginning. An accotnpBifMiBlMjky the middle of the week wM counter the earlier affect. Your B one's (April rt-Mey 21) A special friend wM offer you pn opportu­ nity which wM (Mm to b* great. Don't make any rash deci­ sions without using your foraaight A mghf lo youreelf «HB allow for Iwne to loswer sofue lunp t Questions. fft. (May 22-June 21) You will be relieved to discover that you had finished a project that you had forgotten and worried about aN weekend. Your bote win look upon your work favorably. (Jane 22-Jufy Ztf Taking yourself too seriously at the week's beginning wiH exaggerate the importance y£u put On a project you are doing. Keep your role In perspective. LEO • • , -- - & (My 24-Aug. 23) What you perceive as an Injustice to an acquaintance may be. in fact, an accurate picture. Don't make judgments prematurely. Think of yourself before trying to live up to all of your obligations. matt (Aug. 24-Sept. 23) Your strength and decisiveness an asset to many people yourself f Give wM be some credit. Oonlt let routine. 55 UBBA * fan Into an aN work and no play (Bap*. 24-Oct. 23) Your good intentions may not lead to the Mat results When working towards a goat, proceed slowly and with caution. The weekend win offer new experiences. Be daring for best results. SCORPIO 'ZJ. ' , i (Bet. 24 Mow. 22) A generous offering on your part may be accepted by the greedy. Be assertive when enough is enough. Your domestic chores wiH mount. #) (No*. 23-Dec. 21) There wiH be a crucial turning point in your life near the middle of the week. Don't let work pres­ sures affect your attitudes outside of the office. CAPRICORN (Dae. 22-Jan. 26) A recent confidence boost wi* inspire further echievements that you w* carry out throughout this week. The mornings wiH be your mosl productive time of tbe day. Allow yourself to unwind In the evenings AOUAIMIfl W (Jan. 21-Eeb. If) This week w* yield new surprieee late in the week. Though frustration and anxiety may mount, keap m mind tha§ good things come to those who wait PISCES (Feb. 2t March 20) A sroaH financial setback wW force you lo curtail your activities this week. Use extra time el home to take care of unfinished work. © MOVNh KlesH and Mood' Part 2 CD MOV* South Pacific' CD MOVIE: Story Of Lawn Pasteur' Portrayed is the frendi scientist who is credited with pas teurumg miA and the Pasteur treatment of combatting viruses. Paul Muni, Akim Tamtroff, Jose phine Hutchinson. 1936. (11) © (10 An We Educating Blaek America? © (26) Kev. David Paul CW\ ̂ -- O I ml I ii M llnhe UHM90 DUPIIIUUII. nOHB Dame at UCLA (38) leve Song to the Adventure* of Robin Hoed' Swashbuckling Robin is busy rob­ bing the rich, aiding the poor, ridding England of Prince John's tyranny and wooing the hand of lovely Maid Marian. Errol Ftyrm, Olivia de HaviMand. Basil Rath bone. 1938 I Edison Twins I (38) lorry 4:00 PM CI Super Chargers o Wfop Around NtuhviHt CD Track and Field. DaRas CD Bring line 'The Mysterious sAe**S* rt A m.nmnam > Til 1 '.ll1. wv tiituiii jnuRtiptaie. lorayB » guest* are outhor Charlton Og bum and Maurice Chomey, pro lesser ol English at Rutgers University. . . 0 Kenny Isggini in Cone Wf CD PJU/Medicine Today lifestyfs* el the Rich hit * wile. Tony Franciosa, Susan Saint 1*70. ̂ T' inmat, »» • The eliciting tale of a legendary 18th century MrafdunaP and his many odrsnturet Stewart Gran ger, Janet Leigh, Mel Ferrer. 1952 CD (38) This k the Life CD (19 MOV*: Charlie Oian in Honolulu' The dnap- pearance of jewels leads Chan on a chase in hi* awn back yard. Sidney Toler. Phyllis Brooks. John King. 1933 CD 34 Hour* el Daytena 2:30PM O Peter Starr ©<CM and few © MOVE; Smith!' A rancher a time of trouble with the town Glenn Ford, Chief Dan George, Warren Oatps. 1969 ffl QO Johnny Coleman S) The Racers' Cdge CD Star Trek CD 0® BMy Egr Mm is trie* CD (18) Sight I* Enough 00 Buck Roger* 4:30PM 0 Hank Parker O Tommy Hunter Sheer (11) © CO) Adam Smith'* Moooy- World CD Video Jukeboa 0 Meet the Press © (28) W.V. Grant - © (38) Today in Bible 5:00PM CD © a® CBS 3:00PM © Bobby Bore © © © Wide World of Sport* "• 0 Caesar's Tahoe MKard* Classic ID Spoctot ^oioiitoHoii © MOVIE: Hease of Corf © (39) Star Search © MOVIE 'Mae Dugan Returns' © MOVIE: 'Shoe SMne Girl' ©'(2$ Annotn ffl Oft Climb Thar# ligbHf © ©I © ABC New* (CQ CD Chicago Sunday Evening Club (11) © (10) Wall Street Week Louis Rukeyser analyzes the. '80s with a weekty'rpview of economic and investment matters C0 Hitchcock Hear Chowpiomhip Fishing ©Cardiology ©MOVIE: Wander of It AN CD Goad Fishing CD (38) Taking Advantage © MOVIE: Mack SteWien Return*' ©t ©MOVIE: 'My Old Man' A spirited teen agcr and her down and-out horse trainer father ere reunited after o 14-yeqr sepdro lion and set out to explore a new life together. Kristy McNichol. Warren Oates, Eileen Brerman. 1979 CD CNN Hsadlinr News 3:30PM © MOV* Thn © Meet the Pre** © (38) Transformed . © (18) lave Boat 0 Portrait of America: 5:30PM CD CD NM New* © Gospel Country 111 (23) WKRP m Cincinnati © Fantasy Island (11) © (10'Heritage CD Too Close for Comfort © Obstetric*/ Gynecology © New* 17 © (30) Cathedral ©ABC New* (CC) © (38) Or . ©NICK ROCKS. Video to Go 5:45 PM ©DTV 6:00PM © © (23) © 60 Minute! © © © Silver Spoon* First of 2 parts. Edward makes a spectacular marriage proposal to Kate CP Country Sportsman © © © Ripley'* Believe h or Nat (CC) Tonight's program features a man who is able to hook his head up to a computer terminal and command it visually. (60 mm.) © SpertsCenter (11) © (10) living Eorth (CQ Pot ti ait of the © Rheumatology (38) Or. © Wonderful World el Disney © (28) Chine** World TV ©MOVNh 'The Sen* el Katie Elder' Four brothers return home for their mother's hmerai and un­ ite to avenge her death. John Wayne, Dean Morhn, George Kennedy 1965. |„.t.,,,', m -̂Lf (18) Kung Fu m Julie Andrews. Tony Curtis. 1980. I) MOVIE: Father 1' During WWII, o South Seat beach bum mans o strategic watching station which is sud denly invaded by a French girl and seven children Cory Grant, leslie Coron, Trevor Howard. 1965 © NBA' Basketball' Seattle at Phoenix̂ © Straight T0B1 7:30PM © Pater Starr Motorcycle Show © Medical Economics © (38) Kenneth Capelond CD Roger Doesn't live Here fe:00PM © © (23) © Craiy like a Fas-Harry sets out to find some killers after witness ing a murder. (60 min.) © © © M O V I E : V e r d i c t ' An alcoholic attorney tries to re establish his career with a con troversial malpractice suit against o powerful hospiiah-Paul New man, Charlotte Rampling, James Mason. 1982. 0 Gespsl Country CE) Super Bouts el the Wt • § »ilt 1 ** *-UFTLF » OOJWO (11) © (10! Masterpiece Theatre (CC) 'Jewel in the 4 Crown: Day ol the Scorpion.' Su son's grasp on reokty snaps when she puts her newborn baby in the middle ol a ring ol lire (60 mm.) © PJU/Medicine Today SD (28) Grecian SpatKgM © (38) Jerry FaHveR © Hot Shoe Shaw •:30 PM 6:30PM I Brewster Conclusion Punity feeh that her presence is prevent ing Henry freto marrying Mog fli* 0 Performance Plus © MOVIE. 'Little Miss Marker' A bookie and a gam bier are reformed by a little girl who has been left as an IOU ly a O In Search el... (39) Sunday of St Piimy Foinily 10 (28) HeRenk Theatre © AR h> the Famify © (38) Jerry tefwsR 81.A. Jess Mae en Ni lilt ftoighbor who 0Qt kci iwfcd. 160 mm.) ©New* CD Super Bout* of the 7V» © Internal Ms die ins CD Fr aggie Reck © (28)NHK News CD (38) Blackwoad Brothers 7:00PM © O (23) © Murder, She Wrote Jessica be comes involved in a murder case involving a jazt musician. 160 mm.) ) Knight Rider Mi chaei and KITT are attacked by a monster mochine while trying to investigate a commercial dump ing operation. (60 min.) 0 Great Drivers © © ©MOVIE: Firefex (CC) A Vietnam Wor flying oce is sent to Russia to steal o hightech jet which could tip the balance of power m the Cold War. Clint Eastwood 1962. 0 ilFL't Greatest Moment*: Lombtwdi © Nature fCC) 'Birds of Para­ dox.' Tonight's program exam ines those creatures which are undoubtedly buds but which can not Hy. (60 mm.) (11) © (101 (CC) 'Run, Rebecca, Run.' ICQ 'Jewel in the Crown: Day ol the Scorpion.' Susan's grasp on real ity snaps when she puts her new born baby in the middle of a ring ol fire. (60 mm.) (11) © (10) Great Performance* (CC) 'Man from Moscow ' First of 3 ports Two men form a deep friendship when they become involved in a series of Anglo Soviet trade didegu lions. (60 mm.) ©Seeing Stars CD Cardiology © MOVIE: -48 Hrs' (CC) CD (38) Jerry FalweR © Brothers (CC) © Best of the Playmate Guide* © EPCOT Magosine © (28) Not Greek TV Shew Entertainment This Week © (38) Chicago Gospel Hour CD 118) Sonferd ond Son 03 Meet the Mayers 9:15 PM 0 Coming Attraction* @9 COOTS Sports Page 9:30PM ©Wrap Around 0 Bitih'ita' Gahkrtco © MOVIE 'Yentf (CC) . © MOVIE: D.C. Cab © (30 Best ef 700 Club © MOVIE: laMiter ©MOVIE. Tendre*Cousin* © MOVIK: lot* el luck' A couple's dream ol owning a mif lion dollars comes true when the wife purchases a winning loHery IK kit Ma. fin M •' cello. Fred WiBord tV84 0 98) Miyamoto Musrnhi ' '* ' CD '38) Kenneth' Oepsland . % '>t - .. i • * CD Make Me Laugh © Obstetrics/ GynstefSgy © Biiorre (CC) CD (28) Korean Gospel Hear CD (30 Chicago Gospel Hear CD Women in Jan CD (10 AB In the FamiV î aW earewy r 9:45 PM © Day of 10:00PM © © © © 83) © ©'© © © 0 Tale* from the Oethsids © SpertsCenter Circus (11) © (10) Great Chef*/ Flew Orleans CD Haw to Master the Art ef Selling Anything CD Rheumatology © MOVIE: Children ef the Corn' ©Flew* 17 © (38) Kenneth Capelond © MOVIE: North DaBo* © Arty Anatomy © MOVIE: Ski Ala Carte' Ski bulls and non skieis alike cpn en joy the beauty, fun and skiR ol every imaginable kind ol skiing resorts from California to Greece © (28) Beautiful Korea © Too Oese for Comfort © (38) In Touch CD Fainthearted Feminist © (18) Benny HiR Shew CD World Tomorrow 10:15PM © (23) cos © Jerry FalweR ' 10:30 PM CO Twe en Two 9:00PM © ©(23) © Trapper John, M IL Gloria © (23) AR In the Family © leu Grant (11) © (10 Mystery! (CC) 'Praying Montis.' Conclusion Bea is stricken with a debiktotmg di sease and is in seclusion in a clinic tPO mm. I © That FtoshvMe Musi* ©MOVIE: 'AngelCity' AUn sitive. haunting ̂ It̂ mî o oboul the plight of on impoverished Writ Paul W infield, 1980 Jennifer Warren h» ©MOVIR -Shampoo A Ik# dresser, "hrft̂ t e mwî ber ol tnrs tresses, is shattered when. iNr women find out about each other and decide to leave htm Warren Realty, GokKe Hawn, Julie Chris tie 197) ©VegaS CD M*A*S*H © (38) hr Touch CD Rising Damp Meet People C!ose By Who WAMT To Weet You! Cal l McHENRY COUNTY COMPUTER DATING SERVICE 815 338-2290 Who knows? i t May Change your Ent i re L i fe !

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