NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT ON FEBRUARY 26, 1985, AT THE FOLLOWING REGULARLY ESTABLISHED POLLING PLACES: PKECIWCT POLLING PLACE * ADDRESS CONSOLIDATED PRIMARY ELECTION NOTICE PRECmCT POLLIKG PLACE 17. PLAIN DEALER-HERALD. WEDNESDAY . FEBRUARY 6.1985 RILEY RItEY TOWN HALL MARENGO 1 MARENGO COMMUNITY CENTER MARENGO 2 CITY HALL BUILDING MARENGO 3 RESCUE OFFICE MARENGO 4 RESCUE OFFICE DUNHAM TOWNSHIP GARAGE CHEMUNG 1 FIRE t RESCUE STATION CHEMUNG 2 CHEMUNG TOWNSHIP BUILDING CHEMUNG 3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING CHEMUNG 4 FORMER KOLTZ'S GROCERY STORE CHEMUNG 5 CHEMUNG UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ALDEN ALDEN FIRE STATION HARTLAND VALLEY HI NURSING HOME SENECA 1 WESTWOOD SCHOOL SENECA 2 SENECA TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY GARAGE CORAL 1 CORAL TOWNSHIP HALL CORAL 2 UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST GRAFTON I LAKEWOOD MAINTENANCE BUILDING GRAFTON 2 WEST BEACH CENTER GRAFTON 3 ALGER'S GRAFTON 5 WEST SCHOOL GRAFTON 6 LAKEWOOD MAINTENANCE BUILDING GRAFTON 7 WEST BEACH CENTER DORR 1 WOODSTOCK RURAL FIRE STATION DORR 2 MASONIC TEMPLE DORR 3 MOOSE LODGE (No. Door Entrance) DORR 4 WOODSTOCK VFW CLUBHOUSE DORR 5 ' WOODSTOCK VFW CLUBHOUSE DORR 6 ST. ANN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH DORR 7 REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH DORR 8 ' FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (Rear Entrance) DORR 9 CONGREGATIONAL- UN I VERS ALI ST CHURCH DORR 10 WOODSTOCK LUMBER COMPANY DORR 11 RIDGEFIELD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DORR 12 WOODSTOCK LUMBER COMPANY GREENWOOD 2 NORTHWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GREENWOOD 4 ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH NUNDA 1 NUNDA RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NUNDA 2 NATURE CENTER (Veterans Acres) NUNDA 3 NORTH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL NUNDA 4 ISLAND LAKE VILLAGE HALL NUKDA S FLOWERWOOD NUNDA 6 LAKEMOOR MUNICIPAL BUILDING NUNDA 7 ISLAND LAKE VILLAGE HALL NUNDA 8 ALLIANCE CHURCH ' Riley Rd..north of Anthony ltd., Riley Twp. 118 w. prairie St., Marengo 132 E. Prairie St., Marengo Corner Route 23 & 176, Marengo Corner Route 23 t 176, Marengo 107 Airport Rd., Harvard • 502 N. Division St., Harvard 8th t McKinley St., Harvard 79 N. Ayer St., Harvard Corner Ayer *' Washington St., Harvard Route 173, Chemung 16412 E.'Route 173, Alden 2406 Hartland Rd. (Hartland) Woodstock 14124 South St., Woodstock 16506 Garden Valley Rd.r Woodstock Jefferson t Olson St., Union Harmony 8810 Bard Rd., Lakewood (Turnberry) 2440.Lake Ave., Crystal Lake 1050 Northshore, Crystal Lake 100 Briarvood Rd., Crystal Lake 8810 Bard Rd., Lakewood 2440 Lake Ave., Crystal Lake 435 E. Judd St., Woodstock 730 N. Seminary Ave./ Woodstock 406 Clay St., Woodstock 240 N. Throop St., Woodstock 240 N. Throop St., Woodstock 503 w. Jackson St., Woodstock 1320 Dean St., Woodstock 205 W. South St., Woodstock 221 Dean St., Woodstock 1101 Lake Ave., Woodstock 8505 Church St., Ridgefield 1101 Lake Ave., Woodstock Route 47 North, Woodstock 401 St. John's Rd., Woodstock 1713 Route 17G, Crystal Lake ' 330 N. Main St., Crystal Lake 500 Woodstock St., Crystal Lake Route 176, Island Lake Route 14 & 176, Crystal Lake 234 w. Rand Rd., Route 120, Mcllenry Route 176, Island Lake 3815 W. Bull Vallay Rd., McHenry NUNDA 9 OAKWOOD HILLS VILLAGE! HALL NUNDA 10 NATURE CENTER (Veterans Acres) NUNDA 11 GREEN ACRES NURSERY ft GARDEN STORE NUNDA 12 CASEY'S HALL NUNDA 13 PUBLIC SATETY BUILDING NUNDA 14 PRAIRXE GROVE SCHOOL NUNDA 15 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS NUNDA 16 NUNDA RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NUNDA 17 ALLIANCE CHURCH ALGONQUIN 1 VILLAGE HALL ALGONQUIN 2 IMMANUEL LUTHERAN SCHOOL ALGONQUIN 3 OAK KNOLL GRADE SCHOOL ALGONQUIN 4 FOX RIVER GROVE FIRE DEPARTMENT ALGONQUIN 5 COMMUNITY ROOM CRYSTAL POINT MALL ALGONQUIN 6 EASTVIEW SCHOOL ALGONQUIN 7 RECREATION BUILDING ALGONQUIN 8 CARYv FIRE DEPARTMENT ALGONQUIN 9 ORCHARD STREET GRADE SCHOOL ALGONQUIN 10 CRYSTAL LAKE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL (Fieldhouse Ent.) ALGONQUIN 11 LITH ACTIVITIES CENTER ALGONQUIN 12 OAK KNOLL GRADE SCHOOL ALGONQUIN 13 ESSEX-COSTELLO REAL ESTATE OFFICE ALGONQUIN 14 HAEGER'S BEND COMMUNITY BUILDING ALGONQUIN 15 LITH COMMUNITY BUILDING ALGONQUIN 16 ALGONQUIN ROAD GRADE SCHOOL ALGONQUIN 17 CARY GROVE TEMPLE ASSOCIATION ALGONQUIN 18 ALGONQUIN FIRE STATION ALGONQUIN 19 RECREATION BUILDING ALGONQUIN 20 SHERMAN PLUMBING ft HEATING ALGONQUIN 21 CARY GROVE HIGH SCHOOL ALGONQUIN 22 COMMUNITY CENTER ALGONQUIN 23 BRIARGATE SCHOOL ALGONQUIN 24 COVENTRY SCHOOL (Gym) ALGONQUIN 25 ALGONQUIN 26 ALGONQUIN 27 ALGONQUIN 28 ALGONQUIN 29 ALGONQUIN 30 ALGONQUIN 31 ALGONQUIN 32 ALGONQUIN 33 ALGONQUIN 34 ALGONQUIN 35 ALGONQUIN 36 ALGONQUIN 37 ALGONQUIN 38 ALGONQUIN 39 ALGONQUIN 40 LUNDAHL JUNIOR HIGH (Parking Lpt~Loi#slr Gym Ent.) CANTERBURY SCHOOL COVENTRY SCHOOL (Gym) LITH FIRE STATION CARY FIRE STATION NEUBERT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MAPLEWOOD GRADE SCHOOL ALGONQUIN MIDDLE SCHOOL ALGONQUIN ROAD GRADE SCHOOL S.S. PETER ft PAUL SCHOOL GYM CRY8TAL LAKE MANOR PARK .DISTRICT LUNDAHL JUNIOR HIGH (Parking Lot-Lower Gym Ent.) i CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE CRYSTAL LAKE SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL LITH GRADE SCHOOL BRIGHT OAKS COMMUNITY CENTER ADDRESS .„<! Village of Oakwood Hills, Cary 330 N. Main St., Crystal Lake 7421 W. Hillside, Crystal Lake ' _ 2601 S. River Rd., Griswold Lake vj* 121 W. Woodstock St., Crystal Lake^ 3223 Route 176, Crystal Lake 5209 N. Walkup Ave., Crystal Lake 1713 Route 176, Crystal Lake 3815 W. Bull Valley Rd., McHenry 2 S. Main St., Algonquin ,,H 174 McHenry Ave., Crystal Lake 409 rirst St., Cary Algonquin Rd., Fox River Grove ',,1« Route 14 ft Main St., Crystal Lake - Route 62, Algonquin 300 Lake Shore Dr., Crystal Lake 22 Spring St., Cary V\ .401 Orchard St., Fox River Grove " Walkup Ave., Crystal Lake Vlf 1115 Crystal Lake Rd., LITH 409 First St., Cary 330 Virginia.St., Crystal Lake 3211 First St., Algonquin < :" 1212 Crystal Lake Rd., LITH ;* 975 Algonquin Rd., Fox River Grove' Route 14, Cary . • ,'q 302 N. Harrison St., Algonquin 300 Lake Shore Dr., Crystal Lake 6119 Northwest Hwy., Crystal Lake > Three Oaks Rd. ft First St., Cary 402 Northwest Hwy., Fox River Grov<9 Wulff St., Cary ,' 820 Darlington Ln., Crystal Lake ^ 560 Nash Rd., Crystal Lake 875 Canterbury Dr., Crystal Lake 820 Darlington Ln., Crystal Lake 2 E. Oak St., LITH Silver Lake Rd. ft Crystal Lake Ave.',.( 1100 Huntington Dr., Algonquin 422 W. Krenz Ave., Cary Longwood Dr., Algonquin 975 Algonquin Rd., Fox River Grove> 416 N. First St., Cary > Pingree Rd., Crystal Lake 560 Nash Rd., Crystal Lake '* eb h'id 531 Devonshire Ln., Crystal Lake ^ 1200 S. McHenry Ave., Crystal Lak<£!. Willow St., LITH Bright Oaks Subd., Cary * These are polling places for February 26th, 1985 election only. in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, a Primary Election will be held for the nomination of candidates for the following officest MUNICIPAL OFFICERS FOR THE CITY OF WOODSTOCK MAYOR, CITY CLERK AND TWO COUNCILMEN TOWNSHIP OFFICERS FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF NUNDA SUPERVISOR, TOWNSHIP CLERK, TOWNSHIP ASSESSOR, TOWNSHIP HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER AND FOUR TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES and the following PROPOSITIONSt --lilt! WIT mimUL UIBWULT W. Ill, PROPOSITION to INCREASE *AX FART _ < INSTRUCTIONS TO WNMi Punch the nuafeer opposite the word indicating the way you teilrl to «DM.| BALLOT FOR GRADE SCHOOL P PROPOSITION TO IHCmiE THE EDUCATION Ml RATI PROPOSITION TO tmmn (igyntuCTioNt to mait rwcn stojmm* the word indicating the way yen desire to vote.) Shall.the maximum annual tax̂ rate for Community Unit School Diatriet Ho. lis. Vlf Illlnoia, be increased and eetabllshed at 3.W percent on the full, fair cash value of taxable property ea equalised ĥ wf̂ jgrwryomsen* & --"~ thenext taxee to be extended for said The approximate wowt of »̂ »d»tloml Um extendible uMflT <1U TftfUKim* fltl MU iWfgHHTln~ina~«a66Sr" " Oietrict 1« the w of IliMLHT. - ________ Shell the annual tax rata for edmaabional Shall the ennuel tax rate for educational ~BUFp6lds bf "School Dlitrlct W. 1«, ̂ wKnTV'WNTUM CwwffM.' IIHIWlW. he TES puroosM of school Diatriet Nonbar 3# Mcllenry county, flllnola be lnorfased ** •5ttm r.iii fai value of the taxable property in the puroosM of school Diatriet Nonbar 3# Mcllenry county, flllnola be lnorfased ** •5ttm r.iii fai value of the taxable property in the from 1.941 to 2.42% upon tne value of tne taxable property in the dietrict ae Department of Revenue. -SOL d̂ualized 6t 19UIAM by thd DdfMfUUHt or Revenue? (1 Ho extendible P?gS*«. now jn4ĝ fpr̂ ehool_ g.ia£lct Mo. 3, coapotad upon the Teet known valM ie fllT,«T •»§ that the approximate awoant of taxes extendible Tor saYd School Diatriet 80. T unierTKe proposed for .educational computed upon tha laat known value la « ONION CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT M (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERŜ Punch tha number opposite the word indicating the way you daaire to vote.) Shall the annual tax rate for Educational purpoaea of School District Itanbar s, McHenry County. Illlnole. be increased TBS taxable property ln the diatriet ae equalised or aseeesed by tha Depertawnt of Revenue? NO •--- It la eatlaw ted that the approximate amount of taxee extendible under the isaxinum rate of 1.41* for Educational nurnoaea. now ln -force for School Diatriet Number 8 computed upon the laat known value U $187,900.AS and that the approximate eaount of taxee extendible for aaid School oietrict Nueber » under _ the Dropoaed increaaed rata of 1.5*9 for Educational purpoaea, coiaputed upon tha laat known value is • - - $345.149.90. •H PROPOSITION TO INCREASE EDUCATIONAL TAX RATS HAWTHORN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 17 . PROPOSITION TO INCREASE EOOCATIONAL TAX RATS (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS« Punch the nueber opposite ~tKg-^Bya nmnw w ny yw ww ta vau.) Shall the annuel tex rata for educational Purpoeea of Hawthorn School District Ho. n. McHenrv County. Illinois, be increased from 1.21% to 2.11) upon the value of the of Revenue? Purpoeea of Hawthorn School District Ho. n. McHenrv County. Illinois, be increased from 1.21% to 2.11) upon the value of the of Revenue? US It la eatliaated that the aoproxtaiata amount of taxes extendible under the maxlnuia rata of l.Sl* for educational purooaaa nowln force No. 17, coaiputed uoon the last known value la PtotONA Ut SdSCStlSBRl purpoaea, computed upon the laat known value is PROPOSITION TO INCREASE THE EP0C*TTOMAL TAX RATI (INSTROCTIONS TO VOTERSi Punch the number opposite the wn molesting ens ear you aesitsto tow.) Shall the ennuel tex rate for educational TES purposes of School District mo. i*. McHenry County. Illinois, be l"ereaeed TES from ll3«P» to i.'ini upOii th* v*iue ot th4 taxable property in the district •• from ll3«P» to i.'ini upOii th* v*iue ot th4 taxable property in the district •• *4UElTSSd-3r~nm«M Vf tM U»51fW»«e of Revenue? NO .It̂ isjiatlmatad thâ awtapproxiMtâ ameunt of ̂ educational purpoees now ln foroe for School Dlst£ict_ fl,4ss)s42. and that tha approximate amount of taxes oitiBgiBTi-fSrleld School ftlitrtctTBrTfundar'ilie Increased rata of 3. Sa,S04,L4«. * «» ISTRICT BOUSE* na PROPOSITION TO INCREASE THE EOOCATIONAL TAX RATE (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERSi Punch tha number apposite --t-M WM lMldltinj thi tuy yw d*ll̂ e IAdfcu.l~ Shall the annual tax rate for edueationel purpoaea o? «d»*r̂ lKHoi fcrHl, McHenrv County, Illlnoia, be increaaed fW 1.415 WttI VftliSft -W TKf- taxeble property in' tha district aa equalised or aaaeaaed by the Department of Revenue? TBS mn ICT 447 EPOCATIONAL_TAX_R̂ TE (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERSi Punch the nuat»er oepoelte yOU SSSlfl tfl TOM. I Rbfll the innwl tin rm fayjflsgit purpoaea of Conmunlty Conaolidatad I purpoaea of Coaaaenity Conao m&i ».«wii!ia«_l*. f.ll, WriM> olrtaxable property aa equalised or NO It ia estineted that the approxlamta amaaat of taxee 'extendible under the naxlSai rate of l.WTRr f°r commitm uoon tha last known vtrM 11 and that tha aewroalmate awownt of tanas extinMlSIS"FoiTaald gchool Bistrlct •gnfraMair the >wd lncreaeed rate of 7.34% for educational Fa, mjmsrw* wnBt ttown mu A, KANE, (a)_Tha. esLisate. of tha Mnmulsers educational taxaa extendible under tha nasi--a la MU Mini Blitrlnt. la-- $4,530,444.CS. lncreeaed rote is the earn of M,IS4,SM.M. Shall the annuel tax rata for educational purpoaea of coamunity Unit school Diatriet Ho. 300. Kane, McHenry. Cook and DeXalb TBS bounties, tlllnols be Ineroesei from IT4II to 2.90% for the veara throueh 1990 only upon the value bf iK̂ i5SKg"propefty"fa-" tha district ae equal1sad or aaaeased by ma the BeoArbient 6f Revenue? RATE EQUCATIOHAL PROPOSITION (IHSTROCTIONS TO VOTERSi Punch the nuwber opposite Ifia w6ra "inaTca€In?"the way you aiilre to vote.l •Shall 9h9 WMLmm educational purpow •Shall 9h9 WMLmm educational purpow is of Harvard Coa- District No. 50. VIM Counties of McHenry ana Boone, state of Illlnoia. be lncreeaed end eetebllahed at 2.79 percent on the full, fair eeeh value of texable property ee equalised or aaaeaaed by the Deportment oc Revenue inatead of 2.30 percent, the nexinam rate otherwlee eppllcSlê the next taxes £o be extended for said purpoae? " WR 2Z2B9lncreaeed rete of ?.»0% for educational purpoaea, oomputad upon tha last kaena value is « PROPOSITION TO IHCREASE EDUCATIONAL TtSOT Vuncn tne nuwber oeaoaite The aorraximata aaouac. J under the laaxlnum rata now . ThA.*PP«?»A«Wltt_aaxaiDt_og rtwittoMAJMSt̂ Ŵ le under the propoaed increaaed rete la the aum of 2. PROPOSITION TO INCWtASE OPERATIONS, BOtlOINO Imp MAINTENANCE TkX TlAtR (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERSi PuriStT Ihe nuM̂ ar oppoeitd the word lndlcatlnf_the.wey.j<n| desire.tf_vote.). the word indicatlne the way vee daaire to va to.) Shell the suucisMm annual tax rata for the EOucatidnaX Pund of comaamity college . oietrict No. Ill, Winnebago, Boone-, DeXalb, nctuitrv, IÛ MMW TM fNfii eawfiM. Illlnoia, ha increaaed te Jl percent ween property as equalised or aaaeasedhf the edpxrosBRt u» WIOSRUB; IIW .11 wmssi, the mexlawm̂ ratê otharwleê appl̂ cablê to purpose#? ' _ 7 wr -tt. Legated JthaJt _thS JRBW»SAS*4»- extendible under the mexlmum rate of 1̂ 30% for -52*2̂ 5W and-that .thâ BPIwimatR.- $412,921. ' Shall the maxlmun annuel tax rate for operatldne,' building aHa ealntenanoe" purpoeea of Ifarvard Conmunlty Unit School District No.'SO, CodntUe of ' Mcllenry end Doone, State of Mlinois, be increeeed end establiahed et .(75 percent on the full, fair caah value of taxable pioperty as equellsed or aaaeaaed by the Deportment of Revenue Insteed of .}75 percent, the mexlamsi race otherwlee applicable, to the next taxaa to be extended for, aald nerpooaT rrs The estimated aoproxlaiate amount of taxaa for tha EduAriŜ r K)̂ eiE»nBlliti-uM<rCM-K£ft£lnla'rI€i - ' new in force la 12,221,647. The eatiaatad approximate ImSugC-onixer T6i CM MSgRlST fWd-extSndlble" " * under the propoeed lncreaeed sate ia S4,SS3,S2S. •' COHHUHTTT COLLBCT DISTRICT HUHBCT 511, PeKALB. NcHENRT, STEPHENSON end POLE COUNTIES 2. PROPOSITION TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM ANNUM. TAX RAH FOR THE OPERATIONS, BUILDING, AND MAINTENANCE j FUND POR COMMUW1TY COLLEOE DISTS1CT WO. 511 j (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERSi Punch the number oopoalte J the word indicating the way you a«alra to vote.) * '" Shall the maximum annual tax rate for the Operationa, Building, and Maintenanca Fund of Community College Diatriet No. 511. NlflMBIQO. uoone, ueitalb, ncneHry, Stephenaon and Ogle Countiee, Illinois, M increaaed to .n̂ percent of tM full, fair caah value of taxable property M increaaed to .n̂ percent of tM full, fair caah value of taxable property IB squuiiM or iisfifsa ny tin Depart ment of Revenue, from .04 percent, the •WaXlWBWrTIfa bPlerWHS ipwiltflblf-Tb-tHS-- next taxaa to be extended for aaid hft- -- pUf|»M7 " " ! i( unt of taxaa for the ntenance Fund exte'ndlCXe* Operationa, Duildlng, apdet She .mis/taw.râ .now.|n force la SR0S.12S. The eatlmeted aporoxlmate amount of taxaa for the • '• Otter et lone, nwliainq, end mrfurtanaum PSM'NltiimilW 1 under" the proposed lncreaw^"rata ia 11,R20^9f4."* "* ": '6 W1WWAUU. Wfll tU--Mirft WLLBUE UiBTWiCT WUnEER~Yn̂ ^̂ B̂ STBPWENSON end OOLE COUIf 3. AEOAOBITTOW TO ISSUE SR.755.000 COHMUHITT COLLEGE SOILDINO BONDS (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERSi Punch the number opposite the word indicating the way you daaire to vote.) r! Shall tha Board of Truateea of Community Colldja Ptitflct Hubber 511, Winnebago/ -{°9n*1 NfHanrr. WtPtl*ll'oni W* Ogle Countlea, Illlnoia, laaue bond of le counties, Illlnoia, laaue bond o: aald Diatriet to the amount of SR,755,000 for the purpoae of borrowing monev to pa~y it* conmunlty college hulldinq to be uaadea a techno 1O<TY totlldlne at the Rock valley l!aiapua alte now owned Byt Re oTetrlct7 V" M0 NILLIAM RAINEY "HARPER "COMMUMITlf COLLEGE DISTRICT R°. 5̂ . c?°lt- JfllflLi ̂ HMW"-somen™ 2. PROPOSITION TO IHCREASE BUILDING TM RATE (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERSi Punch the number opposite word indicating the way you aesiia te vota.)-- Shall tha maximum annual tax rate for building ourpoaea of Nil1lam Rainey Harper Community College Diatriet Mo. _/ia_ 5l2. Countiea or Cook. Kane, Lake, and NcHenry. State of Illlnoia. ba _/ia_ increased and established at .075 percent on the full, fair caah value increased and established at .075 percent on the full, fair caah value of taxable property aa equellsed or aaaeaaed by the Department of Revenue *ihifiia at ,o« the asalRun rate otherwlee applicable to the next NO tixea to be extended tor aaid punpoae? The approximate amount of building taxaa extendible under the mexfmiia~rate now'Tn force in aald* College Diatriet la the aum of >1,402,2*7.12. The approximate amount of building taxaa extendible under TTTe~ propoaed increaaed- rate la lite aum o! 93.5CC.750.SS. -E6UM* bIMMCf sm̂ MbhlS&ISUSBF1 mmg- . 'hi - Y * " "'a "i'J 0-1 1'OGLE comtrifs AWBftfc TM HATE POR EOOCATIONAL FUND FOR COHNUNITT COUSOE 1. PROPOSITION TO INCREASE EDUCATIONAL TAX RATE itt (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERSi Punch the number opposite --Efte word Indicating the way you dealre to vote.) ̂ axc_ .»j#U mâ imyp mnnal tsy nts 11 educational purpoaea of William Rainey Werner Coenunity College District No. 512. Countlea of Cook, Kane, Lake, and NcHenry, State of Illinois, be lncreaeed and eatabllahed at .175 percent on the TSIUS ot taxabia- prooerty as equalised or aaaeaaed by the Department of Revenue Instead of .11 "percent, tne maximum rata oinerwiae applicable to the next texea to be extended for aald pursoae?' .gi«-*PR̂ lJ!«te amount̂ of fdugaUanal {.awt JAttp̂ lb̂ a under the maximum rate now in force in aald College °l«trlct_ia the sum 9t f5,231 JUtlV ̂ The epproxlmatc amount of educational xes extendible tmder the propoaed increased rate Is" the aum of SS.322.41S.C5. THE POLLS OF SAID ELECTION WILL BE OPENED AT SIX 0*CL0CK IN THE MORNING, AND WILL CLOSE AT SEVEN O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING OF THAT DA*. DATEDt January 22nd, 1985. st. now in force in aald School Diatriet la the sum of sẑ rrrwr: The approximate amount of operationa. building and m>TntenenSi~t'4xe* e«tondIBir»»f W» PWP--M increaaed rate ia the eum ofS52C.CS0. U* )7U/ V MT~c<5: