Air Conditioner, CALL FOR INFORMATION "> 385-3308 or 155 6«3 & LATEST EQUIPMENT 4 cy l . - fue l in j . eng ine , conso le , f ron t whee l d r ive , f ron t d isc brakes, rick t pinion steorini. rec buckets. AM radio ft more LEASE PAYMENT *146.97 Sm, LEASE PAYMENT BRAND NEW FAMILY CONVERSION VANS SAVE SS >5500 Wagon. V-8. Auto. P S P.B.. Tilt ft Cruise Wf&MAKE OFFER city offices open on 1935 election ballot +JPTY YEARS AGO as (Taken from the files of Feb. W, 1985) x * Hie election bee has started Hnwing although the cdd winds -bontinue to blow and winter reins supreme. Thoughts of the .public turn to the all engrossing subject of the spring elections. &n entire new council will be (Sleeted due to a new law which 3Pfequires city elections to be held arvery two years. The office of linayor, new held by Peter Ooherty; city cleik, now held by JPeter A. Neiss, and aldermen for Wards 1, 2, and 3, now held by R.I. Overton and rack Justen 11), F.H. Wattles and Herman Kreutzer (2) and Albert Barbian and Jacob Schaefer (3) will all be on. the ballot. A police magistrate will also be elected.' It is a little early to learn who ing the offices, but will be seeking many of the current ficeholders will probably reelection. of- TWICE TALES Edited from of years gone our files by theatres of operation. Pvt. Walter M. Smith, a former milk truck driver, was last heard from on duty at a replacement center in New Guinea. Corp. Fred Huemann, who, joined the servicfe just two months after Pvt. Smith, is now with an engineers' unit in France ser ving with General Patch's seventh army. Corp. Huemann was in business as a well driller before entering service. . .7 Hie local Knights of Columbus will sponsor a winter carnival at the Bridge Ballroom Feb. 10. Games, dancing and en tertainment by the Adams Brothers will be featured. Omar, Inc., a retail bakery advertised for ex- i to work as bakery route salesmen. "Our men average $75 per week; 52 checks per year; no ' they said. The company was located in Waucooda. TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Feb. 4, 1960) Attorney Roland Herrmann announced that he would not run for state's attorney in the April 12 primary. Attorney Herr- inn's withdn School A story of a hot dog stand, picturing modern day life, was the basis for the McHenry High junior class play Feb. 1. "Sound Your a capacity audience school auditorium. Stevens directed. also marked the appearance of the and introduced a feature of their work, a never before local school. TheHoly Name Society of St. s Church installed officers ata meeting was in- lacob Freund, vice-president, Herman ^Steffes, secretary and Math Freund, treasurer. Miss #t , ,i first 1UWT a vinuvu nimniivu for the coming year at a i "Monday. Phil Guinto 1 stalled as president; FOR' (Ti it just isn't Valentines Day without it. dipped gourmet chocolate GWoodstock Confectionery" 126 N. Benton, Woodstock 338-7666 . 0 V((fHW "The Pisza With The OeWsa Crust' \X LAURIES PIZZA . 4811W. Elm, Rt. 120 ' McHenry, IL 344*5960 taken in December. She now becomes an entry in the state contest. . TEN YEARS AGO fh hurried to safety. Plans for a smoking policy at East Campus and extending approval for a McHenry County Area Career Center were voted Page V-PLAINDKAI.KK HKKAI.I). KKlim . FKBHLAKV 8. IMS f V * * Seminar for youth slated on avoiding heart disease . m (Taken from the files of Feb. 7, 1975) Fire swept through the Rita Burton residence, 138 S. Lake Shore, Lakemoor, early Tuesday evening, Feb. 4, leaving the family of six children homeless. Fire Chief Glenn Peterson said the blase apparently started ih the basement area, under a stair case, and spread upward. The children were on the main floor of the one and one-half story home watching television at the time. Mrs. Burton and her lfr surges during leant progress has been e in coronary by-pass ly, but steps must be taken childhood to avoid heart trict 156 board meeting recently. The first vote will continue a 90-day trial policy allowing East Campus students to smoke tobacco outside the building before and after school without parental approval and during lunch hours in * restricted area with parental approval. The second vote continues die district's approval of plans to establish a vocational training center for area schools. President James Althoff voted both items stating he proved of all students year-old sdh, Tom, were away when the fire broke out. After i ̂ an unsuccessful attempt to iSavoreu vocational education in extinguish the flames, the five the local school, he did not favor children turned in an alarm and a center. aisappro smoking and that, while he favored vocational e< The McHeniy County if nit of the American Heart Association will present a seminar at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 12 at the Woodstock Day Care Center, 350 Manfield, Woodstock, for students in fifth through 12th grade and their parents. The program will last about two and a half hours. Featured speakers will be Paul Christiansen, M.D., an adult cardiologist; and dietitians Nan Olson and Janice McClarey-Rice from St. Ail 's Hospital in Rockford.. ity has a great deal to do witfe developing heart disease, but there are many factors of the disease . that are con trollable. These include diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol, drugs, hypertension and weight, lhe speakers will discuss the habits that should be developed at an early age to avoid early heart disease or death. Hie McHenry County Unit of the American Heart Association claims that roughly half of the deaths in the county last year were due to heart disease. "It is time to start talking care of your heart while you still have a good heart. Not after it is severely diseased," said a spokesman. All students in grades five through 12, and living in McHenry County, are invited to attend uie program with their parents. There will be no ad mission charge and refresh ments will be served. For farther information, call (815) 943-5101. pawl leaves three in the GOP state's attorney race: Karl Koch, Richard Cross and Sol Friedman. Work continues on the new building for the Johnsburg Rescue Squad on Bridge View Drive in Johnsburg. Last Saturday, 10 men, in addition to bricklayers, installed a very large portion of the building walls. This public response to the undertaking of the Rescue Squad is very gratifying to the members. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dean have announced the grand opening of their new Fabric Center at 108 S. Green Street. Feb. 4. Manager of the store will be Mrs. Eleanor Murphy of McHenry. assisted by Miss Judy Baur. The Deans, eight year residents of the community when they took over operation of the Ben Franklin store on Green Street, said the demand for fabrics has been so great, they decided to open a new store devoted exclusively to them. . Step up to a New LENNOX Pulse furnace and high efficiency HEATING AND COOLING SINCE 1931 FINANCING AVAILABLE SALES 24 HOUR SERVICE m WESTLANE BOWLING CENTER AMD DANK CRYSTAL LOUNGE CORNER OF RT. 176 & Rt. 14 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS NOW ORGANIZING SUMMER VFALL LEAGUES YEARS AGO . ̂ ̂ _ from the files of £<*>. Lynne Buckie, senior in the ** TwO^*[ rSftmSbilr|r MBen, SF f̂cememaker of brothers-in-law, are serving tomorrow" last week after she overseas in two different rated highest in a special test %:• NO MONEY DOWN! FORGET THE USUAL 10% to 30% DOWN PAYMENT AND DRIVE AWAY IN A NEW CAR OR TRUCK THIS WEEK • F R O M • ' GARY LANG! 1985 ^ ™ 4 speed, V-8, radio, step bumper and lots more LEASE PAYMENT PER MONTH* '234.20 MSU^̂ UJUM NEW 1985 4 DR. SEDAN NEW 1985 2 DR. HATCH Automatic, rear def 2.5 liter, fuel ini. er, front disc 4 cy», lutomitic, PS. P B. rear defouer. AM radio brakes, stabilizer bar,AM radio -LEASE'PAYMENT LEASE PAYMENT '189.48 MONTH* *142.76 MONTH* *4 M. BMC CLOSES EM UAH • KNOTT KNOT OVER 2 ACRES... 77BAT8BNP-18 5 speed, extremely clean wth low *99f MAKE OFFER 79CAMAB0 Rally sport. Low miles MAKE OFFER Tf CAMUACCOMN Loaded ft like new. *$495. MAKE OFFER IIOtMRMHCT Loaded, all the toys WW MAKE OFFER I2T8Y0TA8VMA Air, tilt, cruise, 6 spd. sunroof, sharp. ...OF USED CARS! TtOaANMHXU Loaded w/plu$hness ft options incl. sunroof. 71C AMLLAC M VHLI Loaded ft clean MUST SEE Wl MAKE OFFER >58tt MAKE OFFER 82CAMICI Auto, p.s., p.b., air •• AMC8MBIT Tu Tone, stereortilt ft low miles. 4 dr. Auto, stereo deluxe interior. One owner MAKE OFFER ^768* MAKE OFFER TOHMAKE OFFER MAKE OFFER •2 tllTABOl PICKUP This Mercury is dipping close to mo at •WOO NAKE 0FFER\ a* 4 dr.. Loaded 1W9tNAKE OFFER V-6, auto, p.b.. p.s., air, tilt, cruise, cap ft more* TfMLNAKE OFFER H»|tPNW Auto. AM radio, step bumper. 23,000 miles W&MAKE OFFER 8fP9l§ffMMCKVP Auto, p.s, p.b, stereo and cap. \ NAKE OFFER aaauuMMK-w 4 Cyl.. 4 Speed. Cap W95MAKE OFFER 195*18 IXTMNi CAB 4 cyl.. 4 spd. sliding rear window, step bumper Ml T«T AI II TOYOTA PKKI» - 4 cyl., 5 speed, cap. AM/FM.air, low miles ~WS NAKE OFFER Ready to Haul ^ MAKE OFFER MJUMlMil Pick Up With Plow Low Miles. V-8, Air. Nice ^491 MAKE OFFER IICBKVY CMVITTI 4 spd, low miles^AM/FM stereo cassette "tWS HAKE OFFER Great Economy, 4 cyl., radio >»KMAKE OFFER 82 81AM MIX 2 Tone. Auto. Air Loaded MAKE OFFER II CITATION Low Miles, V-6 Auto. P S., P.B., A/C, Stereo ft Cruise ^54*i MAKE OFFER 82 W BABBIT Diesel AM/FM Cassette W MAKE OFFER iTtua Loaded with Corinthiam charm nm MAKE OFFER earj/ang Chevrolet Make Your Day. (815)385-2100 USE YOUR • For ^ • Down Payment 'Sprv i re Work •Secur i ty Depos i t »GM Par ts MCHENRY 908 N, Front St. is >r 3, HOURS; M TH 9 9; FRI. 9 6; SAT. 9-5; CLOUD fUNDAT