IPs . 4; ./. (L.v •**K«.110> -W M.K 10 IM \IMH MIK1IIU ll.ll. \\ KHMCSim. KKttHt Ain 1.1. 1«HI5 Neighborhood news -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- i -- McCullom Lake: Wendy Turner receives confirmation at home Bishop O'Neill, Father James Gaynor, Deacon Gene Frost and Celeste Mann came to the Arlyn Turner house on Park View Feb. Dawn Miller 385*4901 3 to give Wendy her Con firmation, since she wasn't able to go to church to receive it. "It was quite an honor to ha ve these noble people come - to our house, stated Georgette Turner. Afterwards, there was a nice dinner held for Wendy's friends and relatives including her sponsors, aunt Ann and uncle Cliff. We are glad you are feeling much better, Wendy and so lucky to have such an im portant event take place in your nome. NEW PINK BUNDLE ' Rachel Michelle entered the world Jan. 24, at 4:20 p.m., tipping the scale at 6 lb. 3 oz. and measuring 19% inches long. She is the first daughter and second child born to Paul and Bonnie Schipp. f Big bro&er, Shawn Paul, age three, has been patiently awaiting her arrival. Maternal grandparents are Garnett and Nancy Creger of McHenry. Paternal grand parents are Josephine Scnipp of Chicago and the late Alexander Schipp. There is a great' grandmother, and her name is Iris Creger of Lincoln Nebraska. Wonder Lake: Slate potluck Feb. 21 Members of the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake and their guests will enioy an evening of fine food Thursday, Feb. 21, at their annual potluck dinner in Nativity Lutheran Church hall, beginning at 7 p.m. Diets have to be forgotten on this night, because tne variety of food is Anne Sowers 653-9549 always too good to pass up. Guests are welcome but please bring a dish to pass. Meetings usually begin at 7:30 p.m., but in order to throughly enjoy the dinner and have time for games afterwards, this meeting will begin half an hour earlier. PRESENT CONCERT Christ The King Church and the Ladies Sodality will welcome Tell The World Singers in a return concert of in spirational music Sunday, Feb. 24, at 1 p.m. in the church, 5006 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Tell The World Singers is an interdenominational youth choir from Wauconda, HI. which is composed of high school and college age singers, 15-25, who express their faith and love of God in a modern but beautifully inspiring music program. This group presents many concerts throughout the area and is well- known for its fine talent and presentation. NATIVITY NEWS On Sunday, Jan. 20, Nativity held its annual congregational meeting at which three new council members were elected. Congratulations to Diane Domakowski, Kris Kruse, and Marlene Parquette, who were chosen for three-year terms. On Feb. 20, Ash Wednesday, the Lenten season will begin with a spaghetti dinner at 6:30 p.m., followed by a Holy Communion Worship Service. The LCW will hold their meeting tonight, Feb. 13, instead of Feb. 20, because of the other activities which are planned for that evening. All ladies are encouraged to attend the LCW meeting which will begin at 7:30 p.m. SPECIAL DAYS "Happy Birthday" to Jackie Rice, who will be blowing out her candles Feb. 16. Feb. 18 will be a special day for the Parquette family of the Village of Wonder Lake. Dad and Mom, Mike and Marlene, along with brother Jason will be wishing number two son Adam a happy birthday on that day. Feb. 21-Woman's ' Club Potluck; 7 p.m.° Nativity Lutheran Church The lucky god-parents are Mary Schipp ana Douglas Creger. We d like to wish this entire family many years of joy with their new pink bundle of love. BEACH GALS The February Beach Gals meeting was held with 10 members present. Two new grls joined and they are Doris ray and Jacquie Blair. Many topics were discussed and plans made for the up coming Easter Carnival on March 30. Sandy Lasco is the chairman for the Egg Hunt and Laurie Olson will chair the Little Miss McCullom Lake contest. They played two fun games, which were won by Lynn Morris and Eva Damiano, and enjoyed refreshments of a heart cake and pineapple whipcream cake with hot chocolate and coffee brought by Sandy Lasco. The next meeting will be March 6. CONDOLENCES " Our deepest sympathies are expressed to the family of Sandy Keith on her recent death. Rad, Sandy, daughters Donna and Kelly, have lived in the village a few years, but moved out of state due to a lob transfer. Sandy was an active member in the Beach Gals when she lived here, chairing such events as the Easter Carnival and Egg Hunt. Sandy's sister, Rosalie Hancock and her family are residents here, and to them and all the family, we are truly sorry to have lost such a young, vital and super lady. BIRTHDAYS "Happy Birthday" wishes for this week go to Michael Miller Jr., turning two Feb. 13; Kelly Yates celebrating Feb. 15; Steven Loewe blowing out four candles on his cake Feb. 17. f Tommy Olson celebrates his seventh birthday Feb. 19. May all your wishes for the coming year come true. ANNIVERSARIES We have one anniversary couple for this week. John and Edie Rourke will be wed 16 years Feb. 14. GET WELL Dr. Ruggero got a taste of his ^ own medicine as he was sent to f the hospital for eye surgery. We hear he is doing just great, though, and by tne time this column appears, he will already be back in his office. I have a special recipe for spaghetti that I know would fix him up quick, so I'll have that pasta on hand just in case it's needed! NEW CAR SYMPTOMS I'm sure most wives will sympathize with me when they hear we are going through all the classic signs of "Needing A New Car." The first tell-tale sign appears long before the actual purchase is made. You know, the one that sounds like this, "These tires won't last much longer. With all the miles we've put on this car, I can't believe you can't see we need new tires." Then, when the money is produced for new tires, he doesn't know if all that money should be spent on such an old car! Then, the worst of all fates--a headlight burns out. This points out again that when cars get so old they just start to nickle and dime you to death. Then, the next level of per suasion begins. Every evening we start hearing about the new car that so and so at work just bought and how much they got for a trade-in on their old car because they didn't wait too long. Now we've come to the point where the teenage son ana dad come home after just a few stops at car dealers! What's really funny though, is that old car which probably wouldn't make it to McHenry and back, now becomes a source of pride for dad. When the dealer doesn't offer much for it, he argues that it's in great shape ; he could never replace it for that amount of money; and will instead put cash down on the new car and keep the old one as a second car. Sort of right back where we started, but now with a car payment and another insurance bill! Maybe I'll be able to hold him off for another couple of months if I keep ignoring the signs. COMMUNITY EVENTS Feb. 16-Co. 2 Candlelight Bowl Feb. 16-Lion's Club Games Night; Christ The King Hall Like every big league team, the Air Force Reserve has its own unique uniform. But it's the skill of the people who fill those uni forms that makes the difference The Air Force Reserve has top people who contribute their skill part-time and get big benefits like an extra income... in return Try out for the Air Force Reserve team You could score big. OPENINGS NOW: Air Cargo Specialists Civil Engineering Skills Small Arms Instructor I uniiSlSSŜ H Call: (312) 694-6193/6194 Or Fill Out Coupon and Mail Today! To: Air Forca Reserve Recruiting Office 928 TAG/RS, Chicago ARFF, IL 60666-5000 Name . __ . i : AdOff ss City. State, ?id. . D^tf of Pirtn AIR FORCE RESERVE mS> R̂SERvfcENAL DIRECTORY JACK WALSH, AGENT EARL R. WALSH. BROKER INSURANCE & BONDS Ftr». Auto. IK* ••prMvntlnf MtlAMt COMPANIES SOI* W. (Im St.. McH.nry MS-J300 DENNIS CONWAY AUTO. MFC. Fltf State Farm Ins. Co. 311* W Elm Slrw) McHanry. III. MS-7I1I IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE DIRECTORY DR. LEONARD BOTTARI 1909 Rlchmand ltd.. McManry Eyei Ciomlnad • Contact lamai Glott** Pitted Mon. Tu»t Thort.. Prl.. 4 t p.m.. ' Thwri.. Frl. 7*9(MM.. Sot. t W Jp m rhot* 395 4151 or 38S 2?*2 JAMES M. McINTEE. LAWYER AVAIlAilf TO PtACTICi IN: P*r«onal ln|ury/Triaii *u«ln«t( Corporations WIIU Probata. Dlvorc. Rool fttoto. Worlr mon » Comp.motion 34M W. flm Stroot. McHonry. Ill For appointment phono - 3IS-2440 McHENRY DENTAL CENTER DR. C.|. LUDFORD DR. KEVIN WEGRZYN OPEN 3 IVININGS A WflK UNTIl (:30P.M. S SAT. 3*S I3«0 N.O. (toughing Go»)« Wolium (I V Sodotion) Avoilablo Farm Equipment GEORGE P. FREUND, INC. Coto - N#w Holland 4102 W. Crystal lofca Rd.. McHonry Bos. 395-0420. Has 395 0227 I R E L I I RADIAl TIKIS FOR ALL CARS EUROPA MOTORS. INC. 231* Rta 130. McHonry • IS 3*S P700 A GREAT WAY TO SERVE We Found Mabel and Howard Hajek $2447 We can't promise everyone this, but in a recent survey of customers who got refunds, 3 out of 4 believe they got bigger refunds than if they did their own taxes. 3 out of 4! What can we find for you? ALGONQUIN 200 N.HARRISON OPEN MON. SAT. 9 5 658-6406 Appointments Available CARY so Crystal st (Rt. 14) Phone 639-7711 Open Weekdays 9 9, Saturday 9-5 Appointments Available « WE HAVE MOVED TO SERVE YOU BETTER CRYSTAL LAKE 6 Crystal Lake Shopping Plaza Phone 459*6960 Open Weekdays 9 9; Saturday 9-5 Appointments Available HARVARD 302 w D1GGENS Phone 943-6410 Open Weekdays 9 6; Saturday 9 5 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT MARENGO 220 S. Stale St.. Open Weekdays 9 9, Saturday 9-5 Phone 563-6363 Appointments Available McHENRY 5010 W. Elm (Rt 120) Open Weekdays 9 8, Saturday 9 5 Phone 385-8630 Appointments Available WOODSTOCK 645 McHenry Ave. (Rte. 120) Phone 338-3330 Open Weekdays; Saturday 9-5 Appointments Available H&R BLOCK Where more Americans find a bigger refund THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE SPRING SALE 5.00 OFF BALI. Selected styles, (1847, 1916, 180, 1221, 1620,; 1860, 2050, 2620, 2866, 3655. 3656). 2.50 OFF retail plus 2.50 mail In rebate. w SALE STARTS FEB. 14 SALE ENDS MARCH. 10 Charge it! we welcome your Spiess Charge. Visa. MasterCard & American Express. Spring Hill Crystal Lake St. Charles