Page • • PLA1NDEALER-HER \LD. WEDNESDAY . FKBRIAIU 20.19*5 LWV presents discussion on groundwater quality "Groundwater in McHenry County: Is It Safe?" was the question asked at a recent meeting of the Woodstock- McHenry League of Women Voters. Over 50 attended the meeting, which addressed the growing concern within the county about the quality of drinking water. Panelist Robert Bucaro, manager of an independent analytical lab specializing in water quality testing, opened the discussion. He explained that water can be tested for a wide variety of chemicals, in cluding trace metals. Methods of testing include atomic ab sorption, gas chromatography, spectrophotometry, and microscopy. But because of the high technology involved in water testing it is very ex pensive for the homeowner, said Bucaro. It is more economical to test for specific chemicals, and that testing usually does not take place until a specific - problem with the water source is suspected. The most common type of contamination locally according to Bucaro, is micro-biological (bacteria) from septic tanks and livestock runoff. The speaker said that, as areas become more in dustrialized, more con tamination from volatile organic solvents occurs. Bucaro cited the area around Rockford, because it is fairly in dustrialized, to pose some "significant problems." Jim Hutchings, vice-president of a Barrington water well contractor, answered some of the many questions he is asked in his role as a well driller. "Where does the water come from," is perhaps the most often asked question, he said. The county's groundwater is generally replenished by local (within 150 miles) rainfall. Of major concern to many people is the question of water quantity. McHenry County sits on top of one of th6 major U.S. aquafers. It is estimated that there is as much water in the aquafer as in all of the five Great Lakest Hutchings explained the phrase "replacable rate of a well," as the amount of water, measured in gallons per minute, thatnaturally returns to the well as water is being taken from tnat well. According to Hut chings, wells can be con taminated if there is a pollution plume and if the natural flow of groundwater is in the direction of that well. Regarding water quality, Hutchings said that "a substantial number of wells built in northeastern Illinois do not meet current water quality standards." Hutchings added that does not mean that they are necessarily unsafe. A well with a high iron content, for example, would not meet current water quality standards. Preston Rea, sanitarian with the McHenry County Health Department, reviewed the sources for groundwater. Rea said there are three sources for groundwater in McHenry County. The first is sand and gravel deposits, close to the surface, and only going down to about 200 feet. This is recharged locally through rainfall. The second groundwater source is found in shallow bedrock, usually going down to a depth of 400 feet. The recharge area for the water goes west toward Rockford and north toward the Janesville area. The water gets to McHenry County through cracks and crevices in the bedrock. These are the two basic aquafers from which people in McHenry County take their water. The other remaining aquafer in the county is in deep sandstone, 1,200 feet and deeper, from which only a few municipal wells draw their water. Rea cited several sources for groundwater or well con tamination within McHenry County. They include both improperly constructed septic systems and improperly con> structed wells. Solid and liquid waste sites are also a source of pollution. Agricultural ac cidents with pesticides and herbicides also cause ground water contamination. Rea also mentioned concern over in jection pumps and injection wells used for industrial waste (although there are none in the * county at this time.) The heat pump discharge well is also of concern to Rea, because groundwater is being taken from the water, used, and then put back in the ground. If nothing has happend to that water while it is out of the ground, there is no problem. But if contamination does occur, the water is being returned to the groundwater source in a polluted state. Because it is a new technology, there are few regulations regarding injection pumps and wells, he said. The most common water testing done by the health department is for bacteria and nitrates, said Rea. The most common problem seen is that of bacterial contamination which is reportedly easy to test and usually is solved with chlorination. A highly barium content in water poses a problem in some deep wells in the Cary area. On occasion, he said, there are some spot nitrate problems. Nitrate in water poses a hazard to pregnant women and infants. Those problems have occured in shallow aquafers and the source is not known, he said. Hydrogen sulfide and iron in water often pose a problem to the homeowner, but they are merely quisances and not health hazards, explained the health department official. ' Rea commented that the county's water is safe now, due to the lack of much pollution activity. Any contamination that occurs will be local due to the local nature of water recharge. Charles Boyles, an attorney with an insurance company, pointed out that the courts have not been too responsive to stopping a "nuisance" in water supplies. The problem for the victim of well pollution is in finding the guilty party, he said. Moreover, the issue of damages, if a well is polluted, is not a clear one. State Rep. Richard Klemm, from the 63rd District, com mented that groundwater is becoming an important topic in Springfield, because Illinois has a major source of groundwater and the water is being used or "mined" extensively. Business and agri-business have needs for large sources of water, he said, and the growing concern over public health and safety has brought about an awareness of groundwater quality. - Klemm discussed several public acts regarding water quality and water quality monitoring. SUPPORT GROUP A support group for Adult Children of Alcoholics (A.C.O.A.) meets Thursday night at 7 p.m. at Forest Hospital, in Des Plaines. A.C.O.A. is designed to help people who have been brought up in a household in which one or both of the parents are alcoholics. For further in formation about , A.C.O.A., contact Lynn Blair at Forest Hospital (312) 635-4100. Ropy basics Uniperm perm, Sale 29.88 Lasts So Long perm, Sale 37.88 20%ioff shampoo, cut and finish Like body waves? 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