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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1985, p. 31

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SATURDAY, MARCH 1* 7:00PM O O @ © Otherworld Gina's life it in dan­ ger when she is mistaken (or a long-lost princess in.the province of Metraplex. (60 min.) O CD ffl Diff rent Strokes (CQ Arnold feels neglected when Sam's bed-wetting gets him all ̂the attention. O €0 T.J. Hooker (CQ Hooker discovers that his protege is a cocaine addict. (60 min.) © USFl Football: San Antonio at lot Angeles CD All-Time American Magazine CD Not Necessarily the News ffi (?§) Peter Popoff ©@ Gary Greenwatd ffi (18) Tales from the 9:30PM O Ernest Tubb (3D SI (10) legends of Country Musk © MOVIE: Mark of the Devil' A young fortune hunter, who woos the daughter of a wealthy industrialist, discovers that a mark on his chest continues to grow until a tatoo is formed. Dirk Benedict. 1984. (E) My Graham Crusade CD Nt Peeves CD MOVIE: 'Sahara' 00 Playboy'* World of Cartoons and Funnies © Solid Gold SI (38) Annointed Word 60 MOVIE: 'Koto the Good Neighbour' An altruistic elderly woman struggles with the realiza­ tion that she can no longer look after herself, let alone others. Rachel Kempson, Sherrie Hew son. 1980. ffi) CIS Star Search IB MOVIE: The Ouiet Man' An Irish-American boxer returns to his native viNoge to claim the family homestead and win the lo­ cal beauty John Wayne, Mau­ reen O'Haro, Barry Fitzgerald- 1952 © MOVIE: luck of the Wish' A reporter meets a lovely Irish colleen and an unpredictable le­ prechaun. Tyrone Power, Anne Baxter, Cecil Kellaway. 1947. 7:30PM e CD © Candid Kid* CD Journey to Adventure TO Mousterpiece Theater @ $6) Rock of Ago* 0® Annointed Word 8:00PM eo@© AirwoW Hawke and a television news reporter discover a gang of terrorists posing as a religious sect. (60 min.) O CD (SI Gimme a Break Carl is accused of sexual harass ment by one of his female police officers. (R) Stem/Grand Ofe Opry O © © love Boat (CQ CD Good Housekeeping © MOVIE: Force of One' © MOVIE: Ice Pirates' © MOVIE. Big Red' A boy runs away with a prize show dog to protect it from its owner. Wal­ ter Pidgeon, Gilles Payont, Emile Genest. 1962. © MOVIE: AN Through the Night' An ex-gangster tracks down the killer of his friend be­ fore the police are able to pin the murder on him. Humphrey Bo gart, Conrad Veidt, Koaren Verne. 1942. © ( 3 $ L o w e l l l u n d s t r o m 60 O Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous 8:30 PM G © © »'• Your Move Matt hires a hand­ some man to court Eileen. © Tales of the Unexpected CD A Whole New You ® (26) Way of Deliverance €D§ Herald of Truth 8:45 PM © MOVIE: Being Normal' A couple struggles with the reality that their child has a growing deficiency. _ 9:00PM o © & © Cover Up One of Jack's Vietnam buddies disappears in the middle of an investigation concerning a liquor counterfeiting operation. (R) (60 min.) G © © NBC News White Paper: Women, Work © World Tomorrow C0 The Hitchhiker (4) MOVIE: 'Confessions of a Window Cleaner' © Disney Family Album © (S) W.VvGrant © 0 ® P a u l Y o n g g i C h o 60 @ Twilight Zone © In Search of... 9:45 PM © Night Trockt- -Chartbusters 10:00PM G G O Q i G © © © © News G Fire on the Mountain © SportsCenter CD Image Union GOD © (!§ Five Doctors Who © Night Flight CD Jimmy Swaggart Weekly © MOVIE: The One and Only' © MOVIE: Videedrome © Alice © (39) Switch © MOVIE: Night of the © Christian Children's Fund © m Ntw Scooby Doo Mysteries © MOVIE: 'It's Called Muffler, Baby' SI (26) World Vision Presents ©(g) Saturday Night Sing © MOVIE: Kate the Good Neighbour' An altruistic elderly woman struggles with the realiza­ tion that she can no longer look after herself, let alone others. Rachel Kempson, Sherrie Hew son. 1980. KM AH-Star Wrestling 11:30PM G MOVIE: 'Chock Your Guns' A musical western with lots of action. Eddie Dean, Roscoe Ates. 1947. © MOVIE: 'Kind Heart* and Coronet*' An enterprising 'black sheep' of a family decides to dis­ pose of eight of his relatives. Alec Guinness, Dennis Price, Joan Greenwood. 1950. © Cable Health World Report © MOVIE: invasion of the Body Snatchen' © &§ Saturday Night Sing 11:45 PM © Comedy Playhou*o: The La*t folia © MOVIE: Hunger 12:00 AM G ©Eischiod (11) ffl (10) Austin City limit* Tonight's musical perform­ ers are Joe Ely and Eric Johnson. (60 min.) © Regit Philbin's lifestyles Q Country Clips G © © Finder of Lost Loves (CC) © Alfred Hitchcock © Christian Lifestyle © MOVIE: 'Splosh' When a disenchanted businessman falls in love with a mermaid, he must bat­ tle scientists and the media to preserve her. Tom Hanks, Doryl Hannah, John Cctdy. 1984. Rated PG @ Rex Humbard © MOVIE: 'Funeral In Berlin' A British spy arranges for the de­ fection of a Russian officer who is in charge of Berlin's war security. Michael Come, Eva Renzi, Oscar Homolka. 1966. © m What a Fellowship CD O Bonny HiB Show 60 Burnt A Aden 10:30PM G MOVIE: 'Burnt Offerings' A haunted house with a will of its own casts a fearful pall over a young fami­ ly's well-being. Bette Davis, Koren Black, Oliver Reed. 1976. G© © Saturday Night live Tonight's host is Steve Landesburg. (90 min.) Bobby Bare and Friends O ABC Newt (CQ G (23) MOVIE: Terror in the Wax Muteum' A young woman octs as bait to trap a killer who lurks in the shadows of a wax­ works exhibition. Ray Milland, Elsa lanchester. Broderick Craw­ ford. 1973. © 1985 NCAA Basketball Championship- Best First Round Friday Game © Kup't Show © MOVIE: They Call Me Mr. Tibbtl' A police lieutenant is torn between his duty and concern for a friend seen leaving the scene of a crime. Sidney Poitier, Martin Landau, Barbara McNair. 1970 ff) (26) World Tomorrow QT) MOVIE: 'Moulin Rouge' Story based on the life, loves and disasters of the famous artist, Toulouse lautrec Jose Ferrer, Colette Marchond, Zsa Zsa Ga bor. 1952 60 MOVIE: The Night that Panicked America' Orson Welles' rodio broadcast of H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds' is re created. Vic Morrow, Cliff De Young, Michael Constantine. 1975. © ( 3 ® W h a t a F e l l o w s h i p 60 flD MOVIE: Soul Brothers of Kung Fu' 60 To Be Announced 10:45 PM Q MOVIE: 'Return to Macon County' Two race cor fanatics are set for a long distance joy ride, with a vengeful cop m pursuit and a sex- kitten on the back seat. Nick Nolte. Don Johnson. 6D Night Tracks 11:00PM G NOV* Cutter A hard bitting private eye fe6r«hes for a missing proles ^ooal quorterbock. Cameron Mitchell, Barbara Rush. Peter De Anda. 1973. fB Video Music Machine © MOVIE: Dear Heart- While attending a convention in New York, a small town postmis­ tress attracts the attention of a greeting card salesman. Glenn Ford, Geraldine Page, Angela lansbury 1965. © @ § P a w l Y o nggi Cho © MOVIE: The bland of living Horror' Three Americans investigating mutation results from atomic tests discover that a wealthy landowner has become the world's first human mutation. John Ashley, Kent Taylor, Beverly Hills. 1968. 12:30 AM G Tale* from the Dark side © Maxda Sporttlook © MOVIE: Perfect Woman' After receiving TV signals from earth, the king of a distant planet falls in love with the type of woman portrayed in 1950s var­ iety shows. Fred Willard, JoAnn Nail, Cameron Mitchell. ©s§ Forerunner 60 (tl lifestyles Special 12:45 AM G Common Ground O MOVIE: Out Of the Past' An unscrupulous detective, who has reformed, is hounded by a gang leader and a seductive gun moll. Robert Mitchum, Kirk Doug las, Jane Greer. 1947 C0 MOVIE: 'Fort Apache, The Bronx' © MOVIE: 'Little Nellie Kelly- Musical comedy bosed on a play by George M. Cohon. Shows the efforts of o granddoughter to re concile her Irish police captain father and her stubborn grand father who hasn't spoken to her father since her parents were married. Judy Garlond portrays the mother and daughter. George Murphy, Chorles Winnin ger, Douglas McPhail, Arthur Shields. 1940 60 MOVIE: Being Normal' A couple struggles with the reality that their child hos a growing de­ ficiency. 1:00 AM G © 1985 NCAA Basketbal Championship- Third Best First Round Friday Game © David Susskind © MOVIE: 'Jinxed' © MOVIE: Deal of the Century' © MOVIE: First Love © America's Top Ten ©d® Athletes in Action 2:00 AM G © Prog Cont'd G INN News © Night Flight © Hot Properties' © Musk Magazine 60 Movie Cont'd ©3$ Saturday Night Sing 60 MOVIE: 'Captain Boycott' Turbulent drama of wealthy land agent's quarrel with tenant farm­ ers. Stewart Granger, Kathleen Ryan, Robert Donat. 1947 2:30 AM G MOVIE: 'Chamber ef Mowers Convicted and sentenced to hang, a homici­ dal maniac makes his escape and returns for revenge. Patrick O'Neal, Suzy Parker, Wilfred Hyde-White. 1966. © CNN Headline News © 3 S S a t u r d a y N i g h t S i n g 2:45 AM G MOVIE: 'A New Leaf' A playboy who has no money marries an understand­ ing heiress. Walter Matthau, Elaine May. 1971. © MOVIE: Jinxed' 3:00 AM CD Daytime © I ffl38 Dr. James Kennedy 3:15 AM © MOVIE: Stay Hungry' © MOVIE Public Defender' A public avenger campaigns against the unscrupulous rich who are robbing the defenseless poor. Boris Karloff, Richard Dix, Shirley Grey. 1931 3:30AM © PGA GoH: 6:00 AM G Daybreak G Greatest Sports Legends © Cartoon Express © Ever Increasing Faith Kfa Good Morning Mickey! @ Mass for Shut-Ins © Chicago '85 © Westbrook Hospital ©C3$ Memories 60 Pinwheel 60 (18) America's Black o Forum © World Tomorrow 60 Hispanic Horizon* 6:30 AM ^^Objective: Jobt G © Jimmy Swaggart O Of Cabbaget and Kingt G Throe Score © MOVIE: 'Max Dugan Returns' © Mouterctte © Thit It the Life © Insight © Chrittopher Clote Up © (38) Paul Yonggi Cho 60 (18) Mats far Shut-lnt © It b Written © Point of View 6:45 AM G What's Nu? © Chrittopher* 7:00AM G Different Drummer G Kidding Around o Weekend Edition O (2$ U.S. Farm Report O Or- D. James Kennedy © (11) © (1® Sesame Street (CQ © Jimmy Swaggart © Robert SchuHer © (39) Kid*, Inc. © An Eo*ter Story © Good Meriting Mickey! from Palm Desert, CA- Second G Fire on the Mountain G Wall Street Journal © SportsCenter © Good Sox! 00 Playboys World of Cartoons and Funnies © C26) Voice of God's World © MOVIE: Salty O Rourke A gambler who owes $20,000 hires o crooked jockey and fixes a big race. Alon Ladd. Gail Rus sell, Stanley Clements 1945. © (38) Lessen 1:30 AM O Start/Grand Ole Opry O Editor's Desk 8:30 AM G Gamut gPerformance Plus World of Photography G Chkagoland Church Hour © (11) © (10) Sesame Street (CQ © © Expect a Miracle © Video Jukebox © Lowell Lundstrom © (39) Jetsons 60 Donald Duck Presents © Rex Humbard © Spider man and Super her­ oes 60 Elmbrook Church ©(38) living Stones 60 Out of Control 60 (18) Transformers © Andy Griffith © Point of View 9:00 AM G Inside Out G Groat Drivers O Eyewitness Forum G Cisco Kid © ESPN's Horse Racing Weekly © Day of Discovery © Cardiology © MOVIE: Cracking Up' CD World Tomorrow ©(3d) Fiintstones © MOVIE: The Sting N © MOVIE: Secrets of life' Nature's constant struggle lor survival is portrayed. © (26) © CD Daytime Magazine © MOVIE: Ice Pirates' © MOVIE: 'Confessions ef a Window Cleaner' © MOVIE: Burn, Witch, Burn' The wife of a professor, who lectures against superstitior and witchcraft, becomes ob sessed with the idea of charm; ond rituals. Janet Blair. Petei Wyngarde. Margaret Johnson 1962. 4:00 AM CD Daytime Magazine © & $ A b u n d a n t L i v i n g 60 CNN Headline News 4:30 AM G Movietone News © Daytime Magazine © MOVIE: Rio Grande Patrol' Two members of the U S Border Patrol work with Mexicoi Ruroles in o gun smuggling case Tim Holt, Jone Nigh, Cleo Moore 1950 ©(38) Gary Greenwald •unday 3/17/85 5:00 AM G Bill Cosby O Sea Hunt © Stretch with PrisciHa © MOVIE: My Favorite Year @ Secret Agent Club Kill © CNN Headline News 60 Nostalgia Theatre © (38) James Robison 5:30 AM G For Our Timet G Superman © 1985 NCAA Basketball Championthip- Second BOtt First Round Friday Game © It Figures © MOVIE: Sahara © MOVIE: 'Shinbone AMey 60 Pattern for Living © @$8) Lover no Trippt © Public Conference 60 Dave Begel at Large © (38) Marilyn Hickey © Kids Writes 60 (18) Brody Bunch © Good News © PAGf 9 9:30 AM O Face the Nation G Health Matters G Peter Starr Motorcycle Show O 60 This Week with David Brink ley G (23) Fusion G Lone Ranger © Fishin' Hole © MOVIE: Oriftwood' A young girl, who's been raised without contact with civilized' people, is adopted by a young physician Walter Brennan, Dean Jogger. Natalie Wood. 1947, (11) © (10) 3-2-1, Contact (CQ © Underdog © Obstetrics/ Gynecology © MOVIE: Unfaithfully Yours' (CQ CD MOVIE: 'Tarzan and the leopard Woman' Tarzon breaks up a tribe of natives who dress in leopard skins with iron claws. Johnny Weissmullei. Brenda Joyce. Johnny Sheffield 1946 © (39) Transformers 03 Sunday Morning © Popeye © (38) Lloyd John Ogitvie © lassie © (18) Leave H to Beaver © MOVIE: No Time for Sergeants' A naive Georgia boy joins the air force and creates mayhem. Andy Griffith, Nick Adorns. Murray Hamilton. 1958. 60 That's the Spirit 10:00AM G Ue PhiNip © Sunday Worship KM Robert SchuNor'* Hour ef Power ©Look In ©(3$ Rejoice In the Lord © (18) Dr. Doolittle © Cartoon Carnival 60 Terry Cole Whittaker 7:30 AM G Beyond the Magic Door G Everyman Garner Ted Armstrong O S3) Larry Jones Ministry G Robert Schuller © SportsCenter © MOVIE: Spikes Gang C0 (39) Puttin' on the Hits © MOVIE: 'David Copper field' W Welcome to Pooh Corner © (26) Faith Messenger © World Tomorrow @) Arthur De Kruyter 60 World vision © (38) Rejoice In the Lord 60 (18) Fantaitk Voyage © Lost In Space 60 Day ef Ditcovery 8:00 AM G G (23) Sunday Morning O Friends O Ireland Country O Face to Face Q Matt for Shut-lnt © To Be Announced © (11) © (10) Mr Rogers Neighborhood © Sunday Matt © PJU/Medicine Today © W V Grant, Jr. Religion © (39) Great Expectations (Animated) ffi) With Upon a Star ffil (26) Ever Increasing Faith © Dawn of a New Day © Gene Jakubek ffi) 60 Oral Roberts © (38) Changed lives 60 Vic's Vocant Lot 60 (18) Bugs Bunny A G Essence 13 Bebby Bare and Friends G (23) Robert SchuHer G Rawhide m Nostalgia By Andy Nobis David Janssen starred in many memorable TV series. In three of them, he played characters who helped nab baddies: "Richard Diamond, Private Detective" (1957-60), "O' Hara, U.S. Treasury" (1971-72) and "Harry O" (1974-76). But he was best known for his portrayal of Dr. Rich­ ard Kimble in the critically acclaimed series "The Fugitive" (1963-67), in which he played a man on the other side of the law. Kimble had been convicted and sentenced to die for a crime he didn 'I commit -- the murder of his wife. He maintained he was innocent and that the murder had been committed by a one- armed man. While being taken to the death house, the train in which he was riding derailed -- and Kim­ ble escaped. He ran for four seaittts, adopting a series of aliases each week to outwit the dogged Lt. Gerard. "The Fugitive" ended on Aug. 29, 1967 with one of the most memorable and highest-rated epi­ sodes in TV history. Kimble finally confronts the one- armed man and struggles with him on lop of a tower. As Kimble is about to be pushed off, Lt. Gerard comes upon the scenenow realizing he was wrong -- and he shoots the one-armed man, who falls to his death. Question: Who played Lt. Gerard on "The Fugitive"t © N e w s MJOW >Curg -.jamsuy 8:15 AM 60 Gu»depo*t* C 1985 Comomog

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