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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1985, p. 32

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r*cu SUNDAY. MAtCH 17 l»wi> Twees en I Buwnrss Nt»i Int4«f tof E»ecw IHH. (11) © ia M»wHn '» Q IdMMMt Tuiede CD 3* mov* Mtvit Dynamee Hands' teth o» a r°*J"9 «® i ilriwjgie to be come a boxer and lo«*< i Beou*es oI 1933' tawpoom to. nil screen nwvccrfs George C Scott Trnh Vtm Devere El Wal tack 1978 ffil 26 H*vr of fewer ® Amcnca i Omt» © Tom ft J«ff ffl 38 Morwtwirt of Fp*h @ Bete * S«Ww" ffi 18 QJ Make Peace WM> Mature 10:15AM ©DTV 1030 AM (11) © 10 N~ Thn WmI with David © SMi M ffl 39 Moimmmt «i Faith © Dmi|»w»ll ® { « l ffl Rem 11:00AM OQ33 © NCAA INK UL 0OlrDt<l Q Wrap Ammmd •talwfc O Kay Meyer Show o Wld W4d Wet I I SporttCenter Secret of the boa m © Sft Jm> Ae At Farce' A copfcw* os a Sou* Pacific aland a forced to use *e itnm at a navy cre» T» Con«oy Joe ttyem. Gory V«sor> 1965 toons bene will a lady <rga Br. tnh hOiRgim.1. Mrt lone. Roche* Hwhoo 1938 2:15 PM © MOV* TW SUM Ulk Fay* A Ao» bww nets Sam has a lanly at seven and wli *mi to low die sto^r as oMcfc as he does Bob Hope. James Cagney Angela Clarke 1955 6D Greatest American Hero 2:30PM Q Peter Starr ® 39 Clover look Moto<c>ci« Shtrr © 18 MOW: Sorrowful © NCAA Omm I Jenet A book* molred Wiestfclig Qi •wnpil niliifii «r#i racketeers and tired races n from Dayton. OH . #w Damon R^ron story Bob Q Internal Mednne Hope. lacAe 6a* 1949 fnM. © 26 «ev David Poul 9 38 Uw« Song to the 12:30PM O Gospel © String 1985 World t, CO UP MOVIE Gun Fvry' A man searches for his fiancee who was abducted with the ad of the ab doctor's gaffrgnd 1953 (11) 001 '10! M inker to Merle* © forum 13 3:00PM e © © Pro Golf: Women t Kemper Open O BoMty Bart and Friends IB MOV* 'Rjo Grande Raiders A stagecoach drner tmds out that his kid brother IS workmg lor a rival, crooked com parry Sunset Carson, linda Ster kng. Bob Steele 1944 !L) Brio# Summary © MOV* 'Cracking Up (L) Brief Summary iH My Mother Wat Never a Kid S) Paper Chase © Wddernost Bound ® 26- AM-Star Wrettimg Wj Brady Bunch © 38' Annornted Word © You Can't Do That On TV © 18 I Love Lucy Robert SchuMer s Hour of © 00 ! © 2® 1:00PM O O © 99 Town HaB Hardy Boys 'Nancy Drew 9 39 Mo v iii Gorman © MOV* Do Mo a Favor ... Oon't Vote (or My Mom' A young boy and his mother irot* the problems which come about after his lather's death Dina I NHt Hockey: Now York at 11:30 AM O Meet the Press o Tommy Hunter Show o Bob Knight Show 10 NFi Superttars Q WoH Street Week Special An Investment Primer © Aft*Star Wrestling © Medical Economics © MOVIE Purple Hearts © Lou Henton Show I'tl deter Look © Happy Days Again © 139 Annornted Word ©NICK ROCKS Video to Go !19 Hogan't Heroes 12:00PM G © © Sportt World Special O Sporttbeat O MOVIE Sherlock Holmes and the Women an Green' Holmes solves the hnger mur ders' Bowl Rathbone Kfcgel Bruce Millory Brooke 1945 © NR. s Greatest Moments •11 9 <10 Wathmgton Week Review Paul Ouke is joined by top Washmgton (our- noi'Sts analyzing the week s news. © Kung Fu Theatre: Shogun Saints' © PJU / Medicine Today © MOVIE let s Spend the Night Together © 39 MOVIE The Lady Takes o Flyer A u<tot • •»of oo Qvtati'̂ oc**. I cjna Tt.W'* C h<jr>dter ftkhord I © MOVIE Spy With My Face 1:30 PM Performance Plus O USFt Football: Teams To Be Announced o One Step Beyond '11) (1® Heritage © Obstetrics Gynecology © MOVIE: 'My Favorite Year © MOVIE Timewatker © MOVIE Talent for Murder' © <26 Ernett Angley Ml 39 Momiii Gorman 1.45 PM © Super Ted 2:00 PM O Groat IVrvers O Exhibition BatebaM Milwaukee vt Chicago Cubs © MOV*: Here Comet Mr Jordan' A boxer luBed ei a plane crash decides l»s tvne isn't up yet so the celestial powers hnd him o new body Robert Montgomery Claude ROOTS James Gteason 1941 (11) © 10 MOV* The Five Doctor*' © MOVIE The Death Cheaters' Two movie stuntmen are offered o mission by the Aus trahan Secret Service John Hat greaves Grant Poge © Africa: A Continent In Crisis © Rheumatology © 39 Fame © MOVIE: 20.000 leagues Under the Sea' A ianaticol sea captam plans to control the world through the use of his submarine. Kirk Douglas. James Mason Paul t lukos 1954 Rated G © MOV* Solomon and Sheba The Queen ol Sheba plots to destroy the ruler of Is­ rael Vul Brynner Gma lollobri gida^ George Sanders 1959 © Emergency © 38 Thit Is the life © In the Fail © 18 MOVIE Mr Mote Take* a Chant* A locktr.Q '6* >2 * • ^ © 3 9 © MR 1 9 ® i 5:30PM O I 8 © NBC Newt O Goipil Country O Notional Ag © Too date for Comfort © Obttetrict/ Gynecology ©Newt 17 © 39 Cathedral Nermon Rock wed's World ©MOV* -Brain Butters © ABC Newt (CQ © 39 Dr. Jam*s Kennedy © NKX ROCKS: Video to Go 5:45PM ©CNN Headline TitantK © 99 © Star Trek 0} 39 Clwnb That Mountain © Standby... Ughtt! Camera' Action! 3:30 PM (11) © (19 Great Performances (CC) Rigoletto ' Luciano Pavorotti stars as the de­ bouched Duke ol Mantua <? hrs 30 mm.| © Medical Economict © 39 Larry Jonet Ministry © CNN H»odfa»« Newt 4:00 PM U Wrap Around NathviBe © PGA Golf Vintoge Seniors Invitational from Palm Detect CA - Final Round ©Fein, line 'What Should We Be Worrying About? To night's guests are Anthooy lewis, (ournolist with the New York Times, and Jeff Greenfield. ABC News analyst <60 mm ) © Candid Comoro O PJU/Medicine Today ©39 Irfettyies of the Rich and Fomout © MOVIE: The Water Babies' An apprentice Chimney sweep travefs from H>e London streets »o adventure m Shark Cos tie James Mason, Tommy Pen­ der Billte WWetaw 1979 © 26 Johnny Coleman © Star Trek © Bioi isk Woman © (39 BiNy Egr Minittriet © Irvewire 6EI (19 Eight It Enough © Black Sheep Sgsiodron 4:1 5 PM © Wild World of Animatt 4:30 PM Q Tommy Hunter © Good Morning World © MOV*: Max Dugan Returns © !29 W V Grant © 39 Today in Bible 6:00PM O O m © 60 Minutes O CD ® Silver Spoons Ed ward tries to recapture hn youth when hrs 40lh birthday ap­ proaches © Ireland Country O © © Pgdey't Believe H or Not (CQ © SportsCenter © Cll) © (19 Uviog Planet 'The Sky Above ' The master of flight, the albatross, is examined (60 mm.) 10 Covet Story CD Rheumatology © ££> © lb. James Kennedy Religion © Wonderful World of Drtney © (29 Chmete World TV © MOV* Hut tie A los Arv geles police detective falls m love with o cad girl and tries to save her from the corrupt world m which she hves. Burt Reynolds. Catherine Deneuve 1976. © Reggie Jock ton's World of Sportt © (19 Kung Fu © Rett • of " World Championship Wrettiing 1*1-1 Switch 6:30PM © © © P u n k y Brewster Second of 3 ports Punky is taken from Henry ond placed in o shelter for aban­ doned children. (R) o Performance Plot o MOVIE: 'The Quiet Man An Irish American boxer teturns to his native viiloge to claim the family homesteod ond win the lo col beauty John Wayne Mau reen O'Hara, Barry Fitzgerald 1952 © Virginian © Internal Medicine PRO WRESTUNG Bob Costas (I.) eyes World Wrestling Federation heavy­ weight champ Hulk Hogan as "SportsWorld" presents a fighthearted and historical look at the pro wrestling boom, "Can Sgt. Slaughter Take the Iron Sheik?: A Look at Professional Wrestling." SUNDAY, MARCH 17 on NBC. . CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME (c)s#85 Computog - © QI (39 Blackwood Brothers 6:45 PM ©DTV 7:00PM o O (2$ © Murder, She Wrote A murder is discovered when a bus load of passengers, including Jessica and the sheriff, is stranded at a rood- side diner. (60 min.) O CD @9 Knight Rider Q Great Drivort o © © MOVIE: 'Bmbakor' (CQ An idealistic warden is determined to instill dignity and hope to the brutal prison system. Robert Bedford, Jane Aleiiander. 1980. © Dame at Houtton © Nature (CQ Rhino on the Run.' The history and plight of Its? rhinoceros, an animal of near e*- tinction. is examined (60 mm.) OD © (1$ Makem ft Clancy live ot Notional Concert HaN ©Brief Summary CQ MOVIE: "Harry and Son' © MOVIE: Unfaithfully Yours (CQ © 39 Best of 700 Club © MOVIE: "Reckless Regard' © Sexcetera © MOVIE Greyfriars Bobby' A dog remains foftMul to his master even after death Don aid Crisp, Laurence Naismith Ale* Mockenzie ffl 26, Miyamoto Musoshi © (39 Kenneth Copeland KM Fainthearted Feminitt © 18 MOVIE: Scared Stiff A singer flees with a busboy friend when he thinks he's killed a man. Dean AAartin. Jerry lewis, lizabeth Scott. 1953. © MOVIE: The Vilain An incompetent outlaw, trying to prove that he has what it takes to be a mean desperodo, rides into one disaster after another. Kirk Douglas. Ann-Margret. Arnold Schwarzenegger. 1980. Mil Straight ToBi 7:30PM O P«*** Star ^Aotoccyclc SHo^^ CD Medical Economics mm Kenneth Copeland © MOVIE. Solo' 8:00PM O © @ © Crazy He a Fox Harry's birth day party is ruined when it is dis covered that one of his triends has been murdered. (60 mm ) © © © MOVIE: Burning Bed' After a decode of beatings, a woman sets fire to her hus­ band's bed and is tried for mur der Farrah F awe eft. Poul le Mat 1984 © Gospel Country (3® (19 Masterpiece Theatre (CQ 'Jewel m the Crown: A Division of the Spoils ' Tension between the Hindus ond Moslems mounts on the eve of Indian independence (60 min i © lancer © PJU/Medicine Today © MOVIE: Reckless' © (26j Grecian Spotlight ©39 Jerry Falwell © Hot Shoe Show © Hispanic Horizons 8:15 PM CD Leo Buscaglia 8:30 PM Bobby Bare O I" Search of... © C39 Sunday at St. I Goose © (26) Htliiiit Theatre © Al In the Famdy © (39 jerry Falwell © Rhythm on Two S3 Nine on New Jersey 9:00PM o © & © Trapper John, M.D. After a col • lege athlete dies. Jackpot and Gonzo discover the dangerous widespread use of steroids. (60 min.) ©News ClD ©. (19 Jewel in the Crown Salute © Seeing Stars © Cor dials j p © Cm tin on Campus © MOV* Forced Venge­ ance' 'V ©(39 Jerry FolweM © Btoarre (CQ ' © EPCOT Magazine © @9 Nat. Greek TV Show © Joseph Seminar © 3D Chicago Gospel Hour © Sky at Drury Lane © Coors Sportt Poge © Meet the Mayors 9:15PM © Masterpiece Theatre (CQ Jewel in the Crown: A Division of the Spoils ' Tension between the Hindus ond Moslems mounts on the eve ol Indian independence (60 iron ) © (18) San ford and Son BUSINESS DIRECTORY 4:45 PM €0 Portrait of America: Massachusetts 5:00PM © @9 News ©ABC News (CQ o MOV*: -Fred Attaee Salutes the Fes Muiircdi' Fred A staire is host to a presentation of ?0th Century-fox's musicals of the past. Fred A slow e Frank Sm- atro. Borbra Streisand 1974 © Chicago Sunday Evening Oub * Hitchcock Hour CE) Championthip Fithirsg © Cardiology © MOVIE Sahara © Good Fishing © 39 Taking Advantage © MOVIE The Sting II © 26 Bob lewondowski © Meet the Piets * •© SVar Search* CLEARANCE 40-70% OFF ^Suiecdo^ 1245 ft QR66TI St. ̂ mchenpy'V ̂ 385-6172 INtANI S. GIRt S&BOV S WtA ACE D O I T Y O U R S E 1 1 H E A D Q U A R T E R S 3729 W ELM. McHENRY (015)305-3460 LEE & RAY ELECTRIC Featuring A Full Line Of Frigidaire. Whirlpool. Hotpoint. Appliances & Eureka Vacuums 1005 N. Front, McHenry 385-0882 SALES S SERVICE IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE CALL 385-0170 • HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT • EXERCISE EQUIPMENT • STEAMEX 904 From Street 5407 F Terro Cotto Ave I R < 3 1 ) ( « t 1 7 6 ) McHenry Illinois Crystal lake III («IS)JU.MtS ((l!)4U-1211 SAVE BIO • STORE FOR MEN 1214 N. Green St. McHenry 3t 5-00 If WE'RE RS CL05E RS YOUR PHONE!

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