v/. 4 .Vs. ' vV * * WSsm n -mwrn: r'%. ^wr* r^? fi^ S®S8#i Plaindealer Herald photo by Anthony Oliver Spring stroll What does one do on a balmy spring day? Well, in the Fox Ridge area, Wednesday afternoon was perfect for getting the young ones out for a walk as one toddler found out. Groups urged to jump onto Fiesta bandwagon 'Now is the time to make your commitment for participation in Fiesta Days," states Sue Low, co-chairman. "All civic and service organizations can be as active as they would like to be. There are many opportunities to participate," stated Low. In vitations are being sent this week to presidents and chair men of local organizations. Trey Covalt, Fiesta Days co- chairman and parade chairman, also encourages organizations to enter the parade, which has the theme "Let Us Entertain You". Music is encouraged as a part of all entries. "We are striving for a much improved 1985 parade," said Covalt. Concessions chairmen Rick Jaeger and Jerry Lazalde invite service organizations to sponsor a concessions booth for the Fiesta Days events. The group will be responsible for products, service, set-up, and financial responsibility. Food Fiesta Chairman Keith Leathers, announces, "The family-type events that were offered on the first Saturday of last year, will this year be in cluded as part of the activities of Food Fiesta Day, July 21. A separate section will be set aside for booths and games that can be sponsored by any service or civic organization. Participation request forms must be filled out and returned to the Chamber office for all activities. A letter of con firmation will be sent when the group has been accepted as part of the events of Fiesta Days. Peterson Park was chosen as the location of most Fiesta events, due to the ample space it provides for many concurrent activities. Should any organization not receive a copy of the mailing, additional copies are available at the Chamber of Commerce office, 1257 N. Green St. AIRCRAFT ENTHUSIASTS The Experimental Aircraft Association, Chapter 790, will meet from 7:30 to 10 p.m., Tuesday, March 26, at Skokie Federal Savings in Barrington. Speaker will be Ed Yost, who will discuss the "Glass Air" he built and is now flying. Persons interested in the field of aviation may call Ron Romer, (312) 639- 6227 for information. MCHENRY MOOSE LODGE \ : 3535N. RICHMOND RD. McHENRY 815-385-9770 FRIDAY NIGHT "PROFESSIONALLY CATERED" FISH FRY & ADDITIONAL MENU SERVED FROM5:30PM-9PM * MUSIC GUESTSMU^T BE ACCOMPANIED BY MEMBERS 9 PM-11:30 PM --VALUABLE COUPONS ! ALL BEDS HAVE I NEW BULBS! n FIIV M T C "11 MID-DAY wi *4 ssl| «" *3" II With purchase of 8 sessions I u Limit One Per Person > Limit One Per Person IB Mon-Thurs 11:30 AM 2:30 PM A GOLDEN TAN - DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT! | TANFASTIC SUNTAN PARLOR l i n n I I ' I I M / V M M . M . U I M D V ^ 111 ll.m-i ii M.iriin 3100 W LINCOLN*McHKNRY (815)344-5006 GOOD TIME BAR & GRILL NEW! WED. NIGHT SPAGHETTI DINNEI I ALL YOU |<J QQ •AT ObW ROLL&BUTTTER I WITH SALAD MEATSAUCE FRIDAY FISH FRY ALL"U"CAN EAT •• •• SERVED ALL DAY <>.99 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT THURS. THRU SUN. THURSDAY « SUNDAY FRIDAY ft SATURDAY "RONTREEND" "SAVANNAH ROAD BAND'* 2314 W. Rt. 120-McHenry <y O p DIRECTLY BEHIND J09*99if SPORTSMAN'S-LIQUORMART SUN.-THUR. 11a.m.-1a.m. FRI. fc SAT. 11a.m.-2a.m. Crime of the Week Pa£t* 7-PLAINDEALEK-HEKALI). FRIDAY . MARCH 22. 19«5» Easter Seal to start \ back care program - This week Crime Stoppers is seeking information on three burglaries to the First Baptist Church of Marengo. Three times in three months someone entered the First Baptist Church, located at 320 E. Washington St. in Marengo. In December, January, and for the last time on Feb. 17., a burglar has stolen money collected 459-4800 during evening services. All the burglaries occured on Sunday evenings after a special service. Entry to the church was made between 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. The last Burglary was foiled when the suspect was surprised by church members who in terrupted the crime. The of fender, described only as a male, was last seen on foot, westbound on Washington Street, running towards Taylor Street. Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards of up to $1,000 for in formation leading to the arrest and filing of criminal charges, against offenders. If you have any information on these burglaries to the First Baptist Church of Marengo, or in formation on any other crimes, call Crime Stoppers at (815) 459- 4800. • All callers remain anonymous-one never needs to give a name. Crime Stoppers, which is sponsored by the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce, assigns secret numbers to anonymous callers who provide in formation. Callers are in structed to call back at regular intervals to find out if any suspects have been arrested as a result of confidential in formation given. If there are arrests, the Crime Stoppers board of directors then meets to determine an ap propriate reward. A second meeting is arranged to make the cash reward payments. Anonymous callers to Crime Stoppers do not have to appear in court. A new session of classes for the Easter Seal back care program will begin Tuesday, April 2 at 7 p.m. The program teaches methods of preventing or reducing back pain and teaches participants how to recognize and work within their own physical limitations. Anatomy of the spine, com mon spinal disorders, ana misconceptions about back pain are several areas that will be addressed. Exercise, correct; posture, relaxation and proper* body mechanics will be taughtI as methods for prevention of back pain. The program will consist of four one hour sessions of in struction and discussion led by a qualified physical therapist. Classes will be held at the Easter Seal Therapy Center, 708 Washington, Woodstock. For more information, call Easter Seals at (815 ) 338-1707. - I HAPPY H OUR MON.-F Rl. 4-6PM TRY OUR FABULOUS BEEF ON A WICK [ OR PORK TENDERLOIN ON A WICK YOUR $1 QQEVERY CHOICE DAY YOUR FAVORITE! BUTTSTEAK SANDWICH WITH FRIES QQ DAY TRY OUR FABULOUS ICC CREAM DRINKS MADE WITH OUR REAL ICECREAM IN OUR MAGNIFICENT ICE CREAM MACHINE THE Siictat Cottage AND boutique LTD. • BRIDESMAIDS •TUXEDORENTAL • ACCESSORIES • LINGERIE "Your Special Occasion Experts" • BRIDAL GOWNS • MOTHERSOF THE WEDDING INVITATIONS PROMDRESSES • AFTER 5 DRESSES Hours: Mon. & Thurs. 12-8:30 Tues.-Wed.-Fri. 10 6 Sat. 10-4 Brides Please Call For ^Appointment FRONT STREET (RT. 31 SOUTH) McHENRY (815)385-5588 toRO RH>EK \Nrt«6*£. The TORO 56145 Rear Engine Rider comes with 8 horses, 5 speeds and a 32" floating deck, key-lectric start, & automotive style steering. Four- in-one deck lets you rear bag. Side discharge, mulch or vacuum leaves. Makes lawn work fun. NOW AT THESE TORO SALES & SERViCE PROFESSIONALS NO MONEY DOWN INSTANT T0R0CREDIT AVAILABLE T0QUALIFIE0 BUYERS •ASK FOR DETAILS GEO. P. FREUND, INC. 4102 W. Crystal LakeRd. McHenry, III. 385-0420 M-F 8-5 Sat. 8-3 FL0WERW00D, INC. Rt. 14 8.176 Crystal Lake, III. 459-6200 M-F 10-5:30 Sat. 9-5 Sun. 10-5 JOIN OUR EASTER IV PARADE OF BEAUTY 1 EASTER BONNETS ARE OUT...SPRING FRESH HAIRSHAPES ARE IN. THESE PROFESSIONAL STYLISTS WILL COLOR, CUT, CURL OR PERM YOUR HAIR TOENHNACE THE NATURAL YOU! '/ S,S-385-T^° EASTER BEAUTY STARTS HERE! rati, ma* sr. . tumr.iu • PERM SPECIAL $27°° Rif. '32- FROSTING $27°° Rtl'B" .... V^L HOURS: MON. 9-6 *THES 9-fl •WED. 9-12 *7111111$ M •FRI. 9-5 •$»!. 9-2 HOURS: MON. 8-5 TUES. & WED. 8-1 THURS. & FRI. 8-5 SAT. 8-2 (IN SALON) SAT. 2 ? (HOSPITAL HAIR CARE) FRAN KEDZIE 15YEARS EXPERIENCE AS YOUR PROFESSIONAL STYLIST OWNER OF FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL FOR 11 YEARS OFFERING BLOW-DRY STYLING, SHAMPOO & SETTING, PERMS, COLOR & HAIRCUTTING, SR. CITIZEN DAYS & CHILDREN'S HAIRCUTTING. FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL 1212 N. GREEN ST. (OFC. 8) McHENRY-344-1019 ATTENTION PARENTS! HAVE YOUR CHILDREN'S PHOTO TAKEN WITH THE EASTER BUNNY TO TREASURE FOR YEARS TO COME EASTER BUNNY WIU BE HERE TUES. THRU SAT. APR II 2-APRIl 6 (1 PHOTO PER FAMILY) CHILDREN'S CUTS *0W (AGES I -7) (OfFER VALID 4/7-4/6/15) MISTER'S COIFFURE'S 3701 W. ELM • McHENRY 385-7550 Cy ffoAotdb, J/nc 2350 E. RTE. 120 • McHENRY *385-2290 EASTER WEEK SPECIAL / SHAMPOO SCUT 5400 TUES. APRIL 2-FRI. APRIL 5 HAVEJ BEAUTIFUL EASTER WELCOME MARILYN LEHR! THE PIN CURL WOULD LIKE TO ANNOUNCE THE ADDITION OF MARILYN LEHR TO ITS STAFF OF PROFESSIONAL STYLISTS. MARILYN, A RECENT GRADUATE OF DON ROBERTS SCHOOL OF BEAUTY, IS WELL-VERSED IN ALL THE MOST UP-TO- DATE HAIR FASHIONS AND IS LOOKING FORWARD TO HELPING YOU LOOK YOUR BEST. MARILYN'S SPECIAL 120% OFF ANY SERVICE I (FOR FIRST APPOINTMENT ONLY) OFFER GOOD THRU 4/30/85 '1 I I I I I -J f t Thofixt 9 Cor\ * B6AUTV SHOP 1330 N. RIVERSIDE DR McHENRY •385-712 IT'S BEEN THREE YEARS! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUP PORT FOR MAKING THE PAST 3 YEARS A SUCCESS. I LOOK FORWARD TO ANOTHER YEAR OF HELPING YOU LOOK YOUR BFST KIM SCHMITT . 2»« OFF CUT & STYLE *5°° OFF PERM & CUT (OFFER VALID THRU 4/30/85) Cut*. cN 'Cu\[\ Gy D(lm 1 400 S RT 31 ( In Tonyan Building) McHENRY II 385 6160