SECTION 2 • PAGE 6 - PLAl.NDEAI.ER-HF.WALP, WKD.NLSDAV, MARCH 27,1985 Church Interfaith Passover seder meal set People of all faiths will sit down together to share in the ritual dinner of Passover, the Seder meal, as Mundelein College, 6363 N. Sheridan Rd., hosts its sixth annual Interfaith Passover Seder Tuesday, April 2, at 7:30 p.m. in Mundelein's Coffey Hall Sponsored by the Anti- Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, B'nai B'rith Women Land of Lakes Region, and Mundelein College through the funding of the Lee Schooler fund, the Seder meal is designed to promote an understanding of Passover. With its special foods, candle lighting, and ceremonies, the Seder meal provides cultural and spiritual edification and sharing for people of all faiths. The holiday of Passover is the oldest in the Hebrew liturgical calendar and has been observed by Jewish people for 3,000 years. It commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. The Seder recounts the story of oppression of the Israelites, and ritual foods are eaten during the Seder meal to symbolize certain events in the Passover story. The interfaith Seder meal and service are open to the public at no charge. Reservations are mandatory and are limited to 250 persons. For further in formation call 262-8100, Ex tension 566 and for reservations caU 782-5060. Assemblies of God growing BIBLE | VERSE-r* Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 1. Who made the above state ment? 2. Upon what occasion? 3. What is a necessary basis for fulfillment of the promise? 4. Where may it be found? Answers tb Bible Verse 1. Jesus. 2. During the Sermon on the Mount. 3. Faith in God. 4. Matthew 7:7. Ploindealer Herald •WHITE HEN PANTRY •BOL LIQUORS •B0LGERS DRUGSTORE •0SC0 DRUGS •JEWEL • KAREN A GINNY'S •LIQUOR MART •MCHENRY HOSPITAL •FOOD MART • NORTHWEST TRAIN •ISLAND FOODS •CONVENIENT FOOD •COUNTRY CUPBOARD •SULLIVAN FOODS •UNION 76 •COLE PHARMACY •COAST TO COAST •SUNNYSIDE GAS ft QUICK MART Available At The Following Locations: ' - 8 •J&LGAS •ACE HARDWARE •LAKEVIEW FOODS •SUNNYSIDE FOODS •LITTLE STORE •SUNRISE GROCERY •DEBBIE'S GENERAL STORE •VILLAGE MARKET •MCHENRY DRUG •JFTRFOOFRTTART Continuing a growth pattern of the past two decades, the Assemblies of God experienced an increase in its number of churches and ministers in the United States during 1964. According to figures released by Joseph R. Flower, general secretary of the Assemblies of God, the denomination had 10,582 churches on Dec. 31,1964, an increase of 196 over the 10,386 churches reported Dec. 31,1983. During the same period, the denomination had an increase of 606 ministers for a new total of 9,399. Making up this total body are 16,562 ordained ministers, 8,962 licensed ministers, 472 specialised licensed ministers, and 3,413 Christian workers. Included in the total number of ministers are 3,601 women who hold credentials. Locally, the denomination is represented by Maranatha Assembly of God. They meet at 1309 Court St. in McHenry. Further information can be obtained by calling Pastor Larry Thompson at 344-0557. February knight Each mouth the Knights of the Altar of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Johnsburg, choose one of their Knights to be the Knight of the Month. The Knight of the Month for February, 1985 was Mark Berlin, son of Don and Diane Berlin, a seventh grader at St. John The Baptist Catholic School. He received his gift for outstanding service at the altar and willingness to always serve. Hie Knights of the Altar is a parish organization which offers the boys an opportunity for spiritual growth, learning more about their faith, as well as entering into fellowship. Good Friday is nostalgic and sad For Christians, Good Friday is an especially nostalgic or sad day. It is the day Jesus was crucified. Even for those who doubt all the miracles, the life of Jesus is greatly admired, his teachings generally respected. For those millions of faithful, Good Friday, or Holy Friday (which a better name for it), is a ul day of faithful ob- servance It is shortly followed by the glorious Christrian Easter, of course, when Jesus, according to St. Matthew's gospel, rose from his grave. That gives Good Friday (the Anglo-Saxons called it Long Friday) a happy outcome, one upon which the world of Christians has long based its faith. The worry-free auto policy from Country Companies With The Keeper,*4 if accident repair costs during "v the first four model years surpass the price of a new car, we'll buy you a brand-new car. So relax. And call a Country Companies agent today. DON & LU'S AND MORE OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Healthtex & Oshkosh 20% OFF ALL STYLES! ALLSIZES! 20% OFF ENTIRE STOCK! BOYS&GIRLS NEW SPRING JACKETS 20% OFF SELECTED BOYS INFANTS,TODDLER EASTER OUTFITS OUR ENTIRE STOCK NEW SPRING DRESSES! SKIRTS! SWEATERS! SELECTED BOYS SUITS AND MVS "MKE" MCKNABS deftly. I ' II SUM *314-391 KITH SMICKER HLM-rm COUNTRYCONRANBS. |A Farm Bureau fervice brsurjnce and Investment ServirM I You are cordially invited to the Woodstock Rotary Club's annual Saturday, March 30,1985 Building D, McHenry County Fairgrounds Rt. 47 & Country Club Rd., Woodstock Magnificently framed works of art...oils, watercolors, graphics, sculpture and other art forms by artists of world fame. 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