Page • - PLAI1NDEALKR-HERALD, FRIDAY, APRIL 12.1985 s . Book readership is on the rise Sting does it! Bill Cosby, too! Bette Midler and Baryshnikow even do it! They all read! This year celebrities have stepped down from center stage and into America's libraries to lead a nationwide celebration demonstrating that we truly are "a Nation of Readers". Yes, people still read. "The pundits of every age have been quick with premature obituaries," wrote Daniel J. Boorstin, from the Library of Congress. "The obvious example in our time is the common prediction that television and the computer Will displace the book, that action of watchers will cease to be a Nation of Readers f But, in fact, computers and television have probably in creased the number of readers. How many computer books were there five years ago? Today, you need a computer to keep track of all the titles. While millions may have been glued to the television for presentations of "Shogun" and "Thornbirds", the next day those same millions went to the libraries and bookstores in search of the books. Mrs. June Stuart, director of the McHenry Public Library, says, "We are a Nation of Readers". Public library usage is on the rise, magazine readership is up. In the last five years the number of readers, heavy readers (26 or more books per six month time period) has doubled. Our library in March circulated better then 10,000 items. "I think that the illiteracy rate and the alarming conclusions of the National Commission on Excellence in Education are cause for concern," Mrs. Stuart continues. But she belifeves that. libraries will lead the un-, dereducated and the illiterate in an exodus from a nation of risk to a Nation of Readers. April 14 to 20,1985, is National Library Week, sponsored by the American Library Association. It's the perfect time to learn, more and enjoy more by reading and using the library. Take the time to reaffirm your citizenship in the Nation of Readers. 24 hours of love Jewel, Charlaine Tiffany of McHenry, center, tells the girls about "24 Hours of Lovin' " in a song from the Woodstock Musical Theatre Company's production of "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas." The girls include: front, from left, Amy Datton of Crystal Lake, Denise Siragusa of Hnntlev, Robin Irwin of McHenry and Patty Hiscott of Crystal Lake; back, from left, Sue Parks, Sharon Meisel, Ellen Jania of Woodstock, Carol Nesbit of Elgin, and Lisa Wilson of Wood stock. The musical will be performed weekends April 12 through April 27 at the Woodstock Opera House. For ticket information call (815) 338-5300, Tuesday through Sunday after noon. CHICAGO'S PUMP ROOM PROUDLY PRESENTS WEEKENDS AT AMBASSADOR EAST For a romantic get-away, indulge in Chicago's classic tradition of fine dining, theater, museums and shopping at the celebrated Ambassador East 'iw i and Pump Room. - This $49.50* package features many Chicago star attractions including the John Hancock Observatory, Museum of Contemporary Art, Bonwit Teller and a horse- drawn carriage ride. Call Ann, 312/787-7200 for details on this exciting weekend package. * - [ht (HTMin |H-r mulit. Jo'iiMi- up.iin v Thi-. offer is sublet, t to ;»v;«ilitv through St.iv j'WS T.ivi's ,ind tr.uumes not iih Killed r r r t f i - f f r r r » ( r " » r f r r r r f f r f r > A§ Ambassador East, an Omni Classic Hotel B01 North State Parkway Chicago, Illinois 60610 1/ GLASSES MADE WHILE YOU WAIT! (SINGLE VISION PLASTIC ONLY) OVER 1,000 FIRST QUALITY METAL OR PLASTIC FRAMES *20 KIDS FRAMES METAL OR $1 C00 PLASTIC A9 FREE FRAMES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS WITH LENSE PURCHASE EMERGENCY FRAME REPAIR or REPLACEMENT (815)385-9240 DAILY 8:30-5:30 SAT. 8:30-2 WED. 8:30-1 McHENRY OPTICIANS 1301 RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY, ILL ACROSS FROM THE FOX HOLE- 8lS 385 9240 REPORT OF CONDITION Consolidating domestic and foreign subsidiaries of The First National Bank of McHenry in the state of Illinois, at the close of business on March 30, 1985, published in res ponse to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under title 12, United States Code, Section 161. Charter Number 15765 Comptroller of the Currency Twelfth District. ASSETS Thousands of dollars Cash and balances due from depository institutions Noninterest-bearing balances and currency and coin 2,750 Interest-bearing balances 3,000 Securities [ .20,446 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell in do mestic offices of the bank and of its Edge and Agreement subsidiaries, and in IBFs .750 Loans and lease financing receivables: Loans and leases, net of unearned income 12,453 LESS: Allowance for loan and lease losses 142 Loans and leases, net of unearned income, allowance, and reserve •. 12,511 Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases) 532 Other assets 809 Total assets 40,818 LIABILITIES Deposits: In domestic offices 37,507 Noninterest-bearing 5,828 Interest-bearing 31,479 Other liabilities 397 Total liabilities 37,904 EQUITY CAPITAL Common stock 670 Surplus ......885 Undivided profits and capital reserves 1,359 Total equity capital 2,914 Total liabilities, limited-life preferred stock, and equity capital 40,818 I, William J.Busse, Executive Vice President of the above-named bank, do hereby declare that this Report of Condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. William J.Busse April?, 1985 We, the undersigned directors, attest to the correctness of this statement ef resources and liabilities. We declare that it has been examined by us, and to the best of our knowledge and belief has beert prepared in conformance with the instructions and is true and correct. Ronald L. Graves Marian H. Busse Harry P. Stinespring, 111 Published in the Plaindealer-Herald, April 12,1985 No. M4239 BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! STRATOLOUNGER*RECLINER SALE Buy this genuine Stratolounger rediner, get a matching Stratolounger free I Both for only STYLE 3122 In Selected Fabrics $ STYLE 6100 In Selected Fabrics Buy this genuine Stratolounger recliner, get a matching StratoGlide or rocker recliner free! Both for only STYLE 7586 orSTYLE 7546 In Selected Fabrics 90 DAYS SAMES AS CASH • SPECIAL LAY AWAY PLAN - DELIVERY AVAILABLE • LOW COST FINANCING 4612 W. Rl. 176 ••• Crystal Lake, tmm Illinois , , „ ... I.ornlrtl on Mir. 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