) r I'agr 2- l*I.AIM)KAl KB-HKRALD, FK1DAV. MAY 10. 1985 Opinion/Politics The need for township gov't is questioned It's long overdue 7 Dear Editor: John C. Regner, McHenry Township highway" com missioner, must nave drawn the short straw when the township officials d decided to respond to my earlier letter of "outrage" over the recent salary in creases. And he used a lot of ink defending the position of high way commissioner. Too bad, it really wasn't under attack. The functions of both the highway commissioner and assessor must continue, under law, until that svstem is changed by the state legislature. Realistically, however, both of these functions could readily be performed at the county level, or at least under county supervision. And even today, any appeals made against assessing errors or decisions must be made through the county Board of Review. And, incidentally, all township assessing is reviewed at county level where complete duplicate records are maintained. All other township functions, in my view, are superfluous. The steep increases in some salaries voted in be the board of trustees and the supervisor cannot really be justified in relation to the jobs' duties and responsibilities. And if the in cumbent electees felt un derpaid, they could have left office without being missed. I'm sure others would have eagerly sought the vacated positions. School board positions with far greater fiscal and systemic control responsibilities are completely unpaid and there are always people waiting in the wings to fill the spots. But anyway, I was not ac tually enraged. That was just a "grabber." The tirade was directed at the township's failure t@ announce the salary changes before the election process began, an inadvertant omission, I hope. And I would not want to give up my lavish social security pension to commit myself to a four-year position. But some younger people, girded by a sixth grade education, might have been interested enough by the larger salaries to have tried for the offices. The only qualification is to get elected. As for contacting local of ficials about dissatisfaction or outrage, after an election is no time to complain. Anyway, letters or no letters, nothing will change. People prefer to believe that all the rascals are in D.C. or Springfield or Chicago. In the bucolic backwaters of rural Illinois all is pure and unsullied. Since no one else is interested in this situation, this will be my last one on the subject. And my wife says that's already two too many. Lloyd Burger McHenry Township support Dear Editor: * Iiust received fny 1985 tax bill and What an increase over last year. After the newsprint about the McHenry Township Supervisor and trustees' salaries, I believe a great compliment is in order. McHenry Township is the only taxing district on my tax bill that has a lower tax this year than last year. This is the third year in a row that McHenry Township has lowered their tax rate, which is approximately 30 percent over the last three years. The McHenry Township Dinner held to honor postmaster The North Central Post masters of McHenry and Boone Counties, will have a retirement dinner in honor of Lorraine W. Murphy, retired postmaster of Wonder Lake. The event will be held at Septembers in Crystal Lake on Wednesday, May 15. Cocktails will begin at 6:30 p.irix and dinner will be served at 7 Reservations may be ma_. calling Postmaster Mari Heckmann at Spring Grove, (815) 675-2161. The Best Little F100RH00SE In Town!..^\: Happy Birthday Grandpa Happy Birthday Happy 4'; SARA Buddy & Karen & family Jeanne & Bill wJU- oo*« - FOWLER'S Carpet In McHenry 4507 W. E lm-am Plaindealer HERALD (USPS 335-200) Established 1075 38) 2 West Elm Street Phort* 815-365-0) 70 Circulation 385-0)78 McHenry. Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday ft Friday at McHenry. Illinois Second Class Postage PAID at McHenry, Illinois by SHAW FREE PRESS NEWSPAPER GROUP POSTMASTER Send address changes to McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W ,Elm St., McHenry. Illinois 60050 Subscribers are requested to provide immediate notice of thocqe of address to the McHenry Plaindealer 38)2 W. Elm St., McHenry III 60050 A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subst ription will be made where a change of addres£ is provided through Hie Post Office department. Thomas C. Miller-Associate Publisher Donna Santi-Editor ^Id.uU Winning ilftoapaprr MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES In McHenry County By Comer 50 Week ) Y«»ar by Moil $19 00 Wh«ie carrier ^etvice not available only McMwry Ceeity I Year by Mail $27 00 4' New Hearing Aid Lets You Hear In Noisy Situations LOUISE C0NL0N, M.A. AUDI0L0GIST FREE Hearing tests Set For McHenry Area WEDNESDAYS 10-5 P.M. ANYONE WHO HEARS BUT DOES NOT UNDERSTAND SHOULD COME IN FOR A FREE TEST! REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU'VE BEEN TOLD WE CAN HELP MOST CASES OF NERVE DEAFNESS! HEARING AID REPAIR & SALES CENTER FREE HEARING TESTS WEDNESDAY 10T05 McHENRY HEARING AID / CENTER / 3937 W. MAIN McHENRY 4 815-3857661 HOUSE CALLS FREELOANERS/RENTALS SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS ROBERT STENSLAND MGR. * "25 YEARS EXPERIENCE" McHENRY COUNTY REALTY, INC. "GALLERY OF HOMES" PROUDLYANNOUNCES OUR SALES ASSOCIATE OF THE MONTH HI f t GAIL HALLEN MONTH OF APRIL' Gail has been working hard and long busy hours to keep the needs of her cli ents on top. Her success is proven daily through her dedication to being a true professional. Stop in or^call Gail with any of your needs in real estate. OF ^HOMES MCHENRY COUNTY REALTY, INC. 4104 W. 6LM ST. (RT. 120) MCHENRY, ILLINOIS 815-385-6990 Supervisor. Albert Adams, and board of trustees in this same term have given more services and lasting programs to the taxpayers than before and yet lowered the the tax. Some of these programs and services are: township hall and office complex, Dial-A-Ride, 50-acre park land, mosquito abatement and efficient administration. Supervisor Albie Adams and the trustees have voted them selves a raise after four years of service, but I, for one, definitely believe that any government unit that can lower taxes and increase service is entitled to a raise in salary. At election time, the first part of April, the Highway Com missioner, John Regner, boosted a four percent reduction of township highway spending, yet the township road district taxes went up. The only salary that I believe is too high is that of part-time highway commissioner John Regner, who is also receiving a part-time salary from the U.S. government. Daniel C. Felix The sign on a firetruck belonging to the City of New York read, "FDNY salutes you. It's time." Well, it's long since time and it is a time we never should have had to wait for. The sign echoed the thoughts of hundreds of thousands of people who watched as tens of thousands of Vietnam veterans walked a series of streets and New York city* blocks that has been named, "The Route of Heroes." This was the same path that bore such heroes from American history as Charles Lindbergh and ,the Iranian hostages. The marching veterans, some of them in wheelchairs, and the spectators were inundated by tons of ticker tape that turned the streets white. The parade was led' by wheelchair-bound John feeehon, holder of the Congressional Medal of Honor, who lost both legs in Vietnam, and Mayor 'Edward Koch, pushing his wheelchair. Shrouded in secrecy, deception and. myth, America's participation in the Vietnam War resulted in a national rift the likes of which had not been seen since the Civil War. It was America's longest war and one of the costliest; costly in terms of the sacrifice of young men and costly in terms of America's conscience. The 20-20 vision of history will show the Vietnam War as one in which our participation from the outset was questionable at best, and in which our military waging of war did not fit the circumstances. . Returning veterans, par ticularly in the late '60s and early '70s, faced an American public that had been deceived by the government and was fed Up with our involvement in Viet nam. That American public took out its fury and frustration on the returning vet-a man who, in many instances, was torn apart physically* and mentally by this war. However misguided our participation was, no one can fault the men who fought and died in Vietnam. Their courage and honor,4 particularly in tne face of a hostile public, has finally been recognized as they take their rightful place among America's heroes. Indeed, it's time. (A Plaindealer editorial) ' .. . v ' -- • . \ FREE REMEMBER... MOM'S BREAKFAST ENTREE IS... when the kids bring her to MCDONALD'S on MOTHER'S DA Y (The Children Purchase Breakfast and Mom's Breakfast entree is compliments of McDonalds) BREAKKASOOURS ONLY! CRYSTALLAKE McHfNRY (2 LOCATIONS) FOX LAKE WOODSTOCK HARVARD m |McDonams HAVE YOU CHICKED W YOU'LL BE PLEASANTLY SURPRISED! Our Service Charges For Personal & Business Checking Accounts Are The LOWEST! 'We're Here For You" Mc IJRNI tY SAVINGS A I OAN A^SOCIA HON » •»!) I 0»N * norm t ,ox W w~r V09 North Green Street, McHenry 815-385 3000 10520 Main Street, Richmond 815-671 2061 10402 North Vine Street (Huntley Center on Route 47) Hunttoy 312*69-3333 9A00amLHB°00 orn £ °°am *0^°Pm Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9^00am to^OOpm Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm Saturday, Rirhmonni MCe Wind0ws°Pen Wednesday 8:00am to 5:30 pm'. Richmond & Huntley Drive in Windows open Wednesday 8:00 am to it00 pm. |100 000 fcy | t leti j r\