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Has excellent color retention Cleans up with soap and water. IMOmUH/UttALWArS WELCOME GLASS AND WALLPAPER (DIJIfV The Oifts BEAUTIFUL ioGive! TO PRACTICAL PARTY GOODS (Special Orders Welcome) PATIO& POOL SUPPLIES Complete line of Nautical Items Country Accessories Located In JIM HUMPHREY'S MAWNE 32S Kenoehe St. (Hwy. 67) Wahworth, Wit. 414-275-5708 Monday - Saturday 9-5; Sunday 9-4 House does an about-face on Nicaragua Hey! What happened on that vote on Nicaragua in the House of Representatives the other day? Did anyone get the number of that truck? I thought the House had settled the issue two months ago when it voted to refuse $14 million in "humanitarian" aid to the anti-government rebels, the "Contras." They were un worthy, it was said. The aid was illegal. We didn't want to get involved. Then-blooey! - on Wednesday that self-same House voted $27 million in aid to those same Contras. What hap pened? Did the rebels get more moral in the past two months? Did the House sober up? More the latter, I'll wager. I think the House scared itself with its April vote to cut on aid to the Contras. They stood up to the President on a foreign police issue and found that they lacked the convictions of their courage. My goodness gracious me, what if they were wrong? What if the Sandinistas, the Marxist gang that governs Nicaragua, were to take over caragua, Central America? Wouldn't people blame those who failed to support their President? Best go with him and share the responsibility^ •, Tne Sandinista honcho, Daniel Ortega, didn't help matters any. Congress had hardly tallied its vote when he was off to Moscow to cuddle up to the thugs in the Kremlin. VQio's his public relations adviser, George Steinbrenner? Americans will forgive their congresspersons many things, but being made to look ridiculous by a banana republic Bolshevik isn't one of them. Ortega couldn't have given the Contras a bigger boost if he'd held a fund-raiser for them. The man must be fairly dim. It's not easy to know what to think about Nicaragua. President Reagan tells us that the Contras are freedom ot unuki fighters, not :e George Washington and Sam Adams, and for justice must be that their struggle for justice must be supported. One can be forgiven for rolling one's eyes heavenward at statements like that. If we are in favor of freedom and justice in Central America now, it's the first time in 125 years. From the days before the Civil War, when William Walker, the Yankee adventurer, attempted to make Nicaragua his personal kingdom through the country by our Marines, to our suj of Anastasio Somoza, our recoi exploitation and political subjugation. And that was true whether the administration in Washington was conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat. Why should believe that a jingo like Reagan, of all people, has been converted to the cause of freedom and justice fa Americans? On the other hand, the evil of the Sandinista regime is not to be minimized. And, oddly enough, it is evil for the very reason President Reagan says it is: It is a Communist dictatorship. When then-U.N. Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick made the distinction between South American-style, "authoritarian" and Soviet-style "totalitarian" regimes a while back, a lot of liberals ridiculed her. As a matter of fact, I ridiculed her. |t was a distinction, we said, without a difference. We were wrong. Authoritarian regimes-Somoza, Franco, Peron, Batista - come and go. Totalitarian regimes only come. You never, ever have a Successful revolution against a Communist government. It is not permitted. « ; The great Czech novelist, Milan Kundfera, now living in Paris, puts it this way: "When it comes to the misfortune of nations, we must not forget the dimension of time. In a fascist, dictatorial state,* everyone knows that it will end one day. Everyone looks to the. end of the tunnel, in the empire to the east, the tunnel is* without end. Without end, at least, from the point of view of a human life. This is why I don't like it when people Compare Poland with, say, Chile. Yes, the torture, the suffering are the same. But the tunnels are of very different lengths. And this changes everything." So maybe it is worth peeling of $27 mill for the Contras. The yea ' What's $27 mill anyway? _ Pentagon? But money isn't the real The real problem is that every allowance for the problem. A lent that can be uised to _ O justify sending in our troops, should the money prove inadequate. If you're really serious about fighting for freedom and justice and trying to hold back an Evil Empire, surely you must be ready to commit more than your pocketbook. The House of Representatives did more than give some rebels a little loose change the other day; it took a small but significant step toward sending American troops into Central America. Which might be the thing to do* but I'd feel better if I was sure it did it on purpose. Donald Katti (Tribune Media Services, Inc.) A.E.A. MEMBER IEA [mm) DO SOMETHING GOOD FOR YOURSELFi Your skin deserves the best care available, Electrolysis/the only _ medically approved method of ? permanent hair removal, will help you look and feel your best this spring. SfecfiuUyAt* tot l*r Stt/NfUT HMD »»«!•» "IVAC 4302 W. CRYSTAL LAKE R0„ SUITE C WHISPERING POlFlf • McHENRY. H. (815) 344-3640 or (312) 653-3696 . *0 DAYS SAME AS CASH WITH APPROVED CREDIT IV«- 2 - I'l.AINDEAl.KR-HKRALD, WEDNESDAY, Jl >K 19.1985 Opinion/Politics ~ Located xk Mile North Of Route 176 Off Route 31 4507 RAY ST. CRYSTAL LAKE (815) 459-8111 HOURS: M, W, F10-6; T, TH, 10-8; SAT 9-5 A call for more coverage of the courts Three years ago, I was awakened by a phone call at 6:45 a.m. from a man with a pronounced British accent. He said his name was Claus von Bulow and that he had just been found guilty of twice trying to murder his wife. Woula I prepare and argue his appeal, he asked. I hadn't following the soap opera first trial of Claus von Bulow very closely, but I did remember that he was Danish by- background, I concluded, therefore, that my early- morning British caller was an imposter-one of many cranks who manage to get through to mj^Thefgilgj^^as AprdLlg* than usual r»«onfinn«Ml-> my suspicion. And so I told this Mr. "von Bulow^what I thought of his pre-dawn sense of humor. But it was Claus von Bulow and I did argue the appeal that led to his retrial, and I consulted on the second trial that led to his acquittal. My involvement over the past three years in one of the most highly publicized criminal cases in American history has prompted me to reflect on the interaction between the U.S. criminal justice system and the U.S. media. The media-television, radio, daily newspapers, magazines- have a profound impact on criminal justice. Everyone within the system understands that fact of life and attempts to manipulate the media to serve the interests of his of her side of the case. (The media, of course, also try to use the case to serve their interests). Yet, nearly all of the participants in a criminal case go through the charade of )retending they aren't playing von Bulow case^ach fought harflf to convince the Fourth Estate *of y the righteousness of its cause. The prosecution convened press conferences, leaked stories and timed its news for maximum coverage. The defense also, of course, tried to generate a media at mosphere favorable to Von Bulow. Trial by press is, of course, no substitute for trial by jury. The jury eventually hears m the relevant and admissible evidence and is instructed to decide the case on that basis alone. But students of psychology understand that people-even people who take the solemn oath of jurors- perceive evidence in light of their predispositions. A juror who is predisposed against a defendant will near and see the very same evidence differently from a juror who is predisposed in favor of that defendant. That's why no vigoffous' defence lawyer can afford to ignore the prqa ecutor's efforts to fiafipulate la light of recent media cadk-von Bulow, DeLoreah and some others-critics have proposed that the United States adopt the English rule which prohibits the press from reporting about ongoing criminal cases. However, such a rule wouldn't suit our national style-ror out Constitution. An English-style press ban would have made Watergate and other triumphs of U.S. investigative reporting impossible, or at least far more dimcnlt. The press performs a critical function in monitoring and exposing all three branches of government; And the criminal justice system is an important, and frequently abused, part of our government In fact, the judiciary is the government's ' hly examine^ and „ branch. *We need more, rather than less, repor ting about criminal 4fcses. . Alan Dershowitz ^^ttJnited Feature Syndicate) GET MONEY ANDPOWER Air Conditioning Dealer. .. .: v v . . • '*'/• • f: •- » v •' > - ' Shopping for a central air conditioning system or heat pump? Then get a .written bid on a deluxe Bryant 545, 544 heat pump, 569, 568 or 567 air conditioner. After you buy any equivalent unit (even a competitive brand), Bryatit will give you a $50 savings bond. Free! If you do buy the Bryant system and have it installed by August 15th, you'll get the bond plus free electricity. 50% of your highest monthly electric bill will be reimbursed by Bryant. Offer expires August 15,1985. lb be Paid, send highest monthly utility bill after installation to Bryants redemption center before December31,1985. -Call us for complete details. four |fQvWlCipWiM^ OwWICi 15# ^ - , WMTKItN SMtVICBCO HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING UK** • SAt€£*SeRVlGE • INSTALLATION kv.i" • • V " > 5 yn. FINANCING AVAILABLE «HinlMi 11 SPECIAL ORDER GALLERY STYLES AND OYER TO CHOOSE WITH 30 DAY DELIVERY OH MOST YOU CAN SAVE 25% ON ALL FURNITURE 190LAKE AVE., WOODSTOCK, IL. V (•15) 33S-0404 DAILY 9 to 5:30 -MON & FRI9 to 9 CLOSED SUNDAY Now until June 2ft is the ideal time to insist on Moore's long-lasting protection and natural beauty.* 3411 W. ELM-1V4 BLKS WEST OF FOX RIVER ON RTE. 110 " Complete Decanting Service- Im Home Glee* Replacement DAILY FRI.TILL8PM SAT. 8-S ^WELCOME8 TREAT YOURSELF TO A SUMMER OF FUN IN THE SUN! THE KAWASAKI JET SKI SPECIAL JUNE SALE * LIQUID COOLED ELECTRIC START 3.5 GAL. 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